Tugas Pa Ari

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Pasang infus
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
electrolytes 99.18
- Classification of prosedures:
99.18 Injection or infusion of electrolyte

2. Injeksi amoxillin
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
antibiotic 99.21
- Classification of prosedures:
99.21 injection of antibiotic

3. Injeksi ranitidine
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
- therapeutic agent NEC 99.2
Classification of prosedures:
99.29 Injection or infusion of other therapeutic or prophylactic substance

4. Foto toraks
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
Radiography (diagnostic)
chest (routine) 87.44
- Classification of procedures:
87.44 Routine chest x-ray, so described
X- ray of chest NOS

5. MRI pada bagian faring

- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
Imaging (diagnostic)
magnetic resonance (nuclear) (proton)
specified site NEC 88.97
- Classification of prosedures:
88.97 Magnetic resonance imaging of other and unspecified sites
6. Terapi O2
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
oxygen 93.96
- Classification fo procedures:
93.96 Other oxygen enrichment
Oxygen therapy

7. Pemeriksaan lab. Fungsi creatinine

- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
blood vessel (any site) 38.21
- Classification of procedures:
38.21 Biopsy of blood vessel

8. Pemeriksaan hemoglobin
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
microscopic (of)
blood 90.5
- Classification of procedures:
90.5 Microscopic examination of blood
Ditambah karekter ke 4 yaitu 9 other microscopic examination

9. Rhinoplasty
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
Rhinoplasty (external) (internal) NEC 21.87
- Classification of procedures:
21.87 Other rhinoplasty
Rhinoplasty NOS

10. Bronchotomy
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
Bronchotomy 33.0
- Classification of procedures:
33.0 Incision of bronchus
11. Lobectomy
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
lung (complete) 32.49
- Classification of prosedures:
32.49 Other lobectomy of lung

12. Palatoplasty
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
Palatoplasty 27.69
- Classification of procedures:
27.69 Other plastic repair of palate

13. Stomatoplasty
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
Stomatoplasty 27.59
- Classification of procedures:
27.59 Other plastic repair of mouth

14. Antrotomy
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
Antrotomy (exploratory) (nasal sinus) 22.2
- Classification to procedures:
22.2 Intranasal antrotomy

15. Glossorrhapy
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
Glossorrhaphy 25.51
- Classification of procedures:
25.51 Suture of laceration of tongue

16. Gastrectomy
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
Gastrectomy (partial) (subtotal) NEC 43.89
- Classification of procedures:
43.8 Other partial gastrectomy
43.89 Other
17. Pyloroplasty
- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
not elsewhere classified 44.29
- Classification of procedures:
44.29 Other pyloroplasty
Pyloroplasty NOS

18. Pemeriksaan fisik (nadi, suhu, tekanan darah, pernapasan)

- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
Examination (for) ---Cont.
physical, general 89.7
- Classification of procedures:
89.7 General physical examination

19. Biopsy paru

- Pengertian:
- Index to procedures:
lung NEC 33.27
- Classification of procedures:
33.27 Closed endoscopic biopsy of lung

20. Ethmoidectomy
- Pengertian:
- Index to Procedures:
Ethmoidectomy 22.63
- Classification of procedures:
22.63 Ethmoidectomy

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