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Good morning everyone especially to our teacher/s….

I am tasked to discuss to you about

the Phonetic symbols and diphthong. We will first tackle about the Phonetic Symbol. Anyway,
when you heard about Phonetic symbol, what comes into your mind? (pause for a while… then
proceed) Phonetic symbols are written characters used in phonetic transcription to represent a
particular speech sound. In other words, the symbols use on transcribing a certain word on how
to read or pronounce it correctly. for example: the word BETWEEN. It is transcribed as “bɪ
ˈtwi:n”. the symbols I used in transcribing the word between to read correctly are called
PHONETIC SYMBOL. like HAT transcribed as “hæt”
There are vowels and consonants sounds in Phonetic Symbols and these are the following;

Vowel and Consonant Phonetic Symbols with example.

Now, let’s move to Diphthong. what is diphthong? Diphthong is a gliding monosyllabic speech
sound that starts at or near the articulatory position for one vowel and moves to or toward the
position of another. Diphthong comes from the Greek word diphthongos which means "having
two sounds."If you say the words hat and lip, you can hear that the vowel sound in each is
singular in nature; that is, each contains only one kind of sound. But if you say the words out,
bite, and toil, you will hear that the vowel sound of each, though restricted to one syllable, is
composed of two different kinds of sound. These dual vowels are called diphthongs (literally,
'two voices' or 'two sounds'),Examples of DIPHTHONG are The sounds of “ou” in “out” and of
“oy” in “boy” are diphthongs.

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