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San Nicolás de los Garza,
Cuidad Universitaria a 11/11/2022.
Introduction ....................................................................................................................................... 4
Credits ................................................................................................................................................ 5
Article 1........................................................................................................................................... 5
Infographic ...................................................................................................................................... 7
Article 2........................................................................................................................................... 8
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 10
Article 3......................................................................................................................................... 11
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 13
Financial analysis ............................................................................................................................ 14
Article 1......................................................................................................................................... 14
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 16
Article 2......................................................................................................................................... 17
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 19
Article 3......................................................................................................................................... 20
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 22
Accounting ....................................................................................................................................... 23
Article 1......................................................................................................................................... 23
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 25
Article 2......................................................................................................................................... 26
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 28
Article 3......................................................................................................................................... 29
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 31
Audit ................................................................................................................................................. 32
Article 1......................................................................................................................................... 32
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 35
Article 2......................................................................................................................................... 36
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 39
Article 3......................................................................................................................................... 40
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 43
Taxation............................................................................................................................................ 44
Article 1......................................................................................................................................... 44
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 47
Article 2......................................................................................................................................... 48
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 51
Article 3......................................................................................................................................... 52
Infographic .................................................................................................................................... 55

In our PIA (integrative learning product) all the topics that were dealt with on
accounting seem very important to us because it explains in broad strokes everything
about how accounting is handled for companies, and we can learn about tax issues
and the technology that we can use in all our races. So that when we can exercise this
profession, we do not have accounting problems. It is very interesting how the
companies work on everything related to accounting and administration throughout
the semester. We were able to observe that each one of the areas that the company
needs to carry out its activities has a special function because they are all established
with a hierarchy and depend on one another because it is known that they are all
together, but accounting is what matters most. financial situation of the company with
this it is avoided that companies go bankrupt or do not have economic problems in
the future and in case of suffering a crisis like the one that happened a few years ago
with covid 19, this can be avoided with a great financial organization.

Article 1

TITLE: Public Administration Policy and Public Management

AREA: Department of Economics, Finance Accounting, Ovidius University, Constanta, Romania
CITATION: Madalina B (2022) Public Administration Policy and Public Management. Int J Account Res. 10:268.

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) -I learned about a very interesting topic such as public policy, I think it
is a very important topic because I am studying a business career which
▪ What did you learn from the study? teaches me about issues related to the government of the country, it also
▪ How might you apply the information in y helps me to have a better knowledge about all those issues related to my
our academic training? career, because in accounting it is extremely important to take into
▪ How this study relate to your field of account all these important concepts that help us in a certain way to be a
preparation? much better professional in a job for an important institution.
-I think I can implement it within all accounting fields because it is also
necessary to know about administration in order to have a correct order
in terms of being able to know about financial and tax analysis issues that
all jobs require us to have. knowledge about these kinds of topics.
-This topic is mainly related to everything related to the laws, this is very
important for an accountant within a fiscal area because in order to file
taxes it is necessary to have a good knowledge of the laws that a country
establishes when they are presented Tax payments in this way companies
and individuals will avoid legal problems with government institutions
such as the SAT.
SUMMARY -The study is carried out with the purpose of bringing together great
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) leaders who, based on all their experiences, form a better community, in
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necess addition to the great principles of administration that we must mention,
ary it is something important because it mentions professionals who studied
background to the study and state its pu the career and things related to it that I study.
rpose. -It is about being able to let people know more about how government
▪ Why was the study conducted? leaders through communication and strategic plans achieve a better
▪ What was it about? society in general.
-They mentioned great entrepreneurial minds in addition to people such
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) as administrative leaders.
▪ describe the specifics of what this s -They measured how public policy is very necessary in order to
tudy involved improve social conditions for the communities of a society and public
▪ Who were the subjects? administration.
▪ What was measured? -The main comparisons about this study are based on all those things
▪ What was being compared? that a society needs to achieve an excellent social condition, and for this
it is necessary that great leaders manage to propose ideas and strategies
to always have a balance.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) -The result of this study is very important because public policies, I think
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. it is a very important issue because I am studying a business career which
▪ How useful or significant is this? teaches me about issues related to the government of the country, it also
▪ What did the author say about it? helps me to have a better understanding of everyone those topics related
to my career.
-It is something very important because it deals with accounting issues
and we all must take all of this into account to improve at work.
-Implement it within all accounting fields, these strategies are also
necessary to know about administration to have a correct order in terms
of being able to know about financial and tax analysis issues that all jobs
require us to have.

CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) -In a few words we can say that the author of this article tries to make
▪ Summarize the researcher’s people understand how important it is to have this type of issues correctly
conclusions. interpreted because in accounting you cannot make mistakes that cost
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu money.
dy? -The main result of the study tells us how important public policies are
and how we as accountants must understand and implement them.

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Business (negocio): Occupation, activity or work that is carried
out to obtain a profit, especially that which consists of carrying
out commercial operations, buying and selling merchandise or
2. Strategies (Estrategias): It is a general plan to achieve one or
more long-term or general objectives under conditions of
3. Understanding (Comprension): Faculty of the human being or
facility to perceive things and have a clear idea of them.
4. Sat (Servicio de Administración Tributaria): It is a decentralized
administrative body of the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit.
5. Administration (Administracion): It is one of the most
important human activities, in charge of organizing and directing
effective individual and collective work in terms of objectives.
6. Tax (Impuesto): It is a kind of tax governed by public law,
which is characterized by not requiring a direct or determined
consideration by the tax administration.
7. Financial (Financiero): They are a branch of economic science
and administration that studies the exchange of capital between
individuals, companies, or States and with the uncertainty and
risk that these activities entail.
8. Mistakes (Errores): Idea, opinion or expression that a person
considers correct but that is actually false or misguided.
9. Terms (Terminos): Conditions, rules or arguments that enter
into a debate, an argument, etc., or that are established for a
contract or relationship.
10. Fiscal (Fiscal): Is the official, a member of the Public Ministry,
who materially leads the criminal investigation.

Student’s name: Mejia Diaz Luis Fernando ARTICLE Nº:1

Article 2
TITLE: Digital Infrastructure Management and IT Services
AREA: Department of Digital Infrastructure and IT Services, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway
CITATION: Eli H (2022) Digital Infrastructure Management & It Services. Int J Account Res. 10:270.

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) -This study seemed very interesting to me since it deals with topics such
as technology, I think it is something very important because today
▪ What did you learn from the study? everything is very up-to-date and inclined towards the technology side
▪ How might you apply the information in y and more in my career that it is very important to stay up to date with
our academic training? all kinds of software that is added to an accounting system, this will
▪ How this study relate to your field help to have better control in all the departments of a company, which
of preparation? is very important because most companies look for people who can
solve problems and have a good knowledge about technology.
-As I mentioned before, it is very important because people and
companies that request people in accounting areas usually require
professionals with certain knowledge and correct handling of
accounting software for the correct performance of administration,
taxes and internal control of companies.
-They are related in great aspects because accounting was previously
done with paper and pencil but with the evolution of technology many
ideas have been created which help companies to have much better
control in their financial activities in order to complement all the
Activities carried out by accountants and administrators in their work,
this allows them to make sales projections which are very important to
know if a company really has progress and generates profits with its
SUMMARY -The study was carried out with a very important purpose, I think it was
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) carried out because of the technology in the world of accounting and,
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necess above all, in companies, because what is sought is to minimize the work
ary and efforts of company personnel.
background to the study and state its pu -The purpose of this study is to show everyone how good it is to
rpose. implement technology in our business career because it shows us the
▪ Why was the study conducted? great progress it has had over the years.
▪ What was it about? -It deals mainly with technology and how accounting has implemented
it for the good because it is no longer common to do it on paper and
pencil, now everything has evolved, and many things have changed
with the arrival of electronic accounting.
-The subjects of the study are about the technological programs that
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) companies use for the elaboration of projections that they will use for
▪ describe the specifics of what this their sales and accounting that are very necessary for accountants.
study involved -The importance of everything related to the software that is handled in
▪ Who were the subjects? the accounting areas is measured.
▪ What was measured? -What mainly tries to compare how activities are currently with
▪ What was being compared? software technology and that is very important because it tries to show
us how good it is to belong to a technological era in which. accounting
activities are very important due to the use of technology technology
and electronic accounting.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) -One of the most important findings found in this study mentions
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. technology, which is something very important that we have in our lives
▪ How useful or significant is this? and that we can now implement in accounting, which helps us to better
▪ What did the author say about it? understand our career and facilitate the tasks of an accountant.
-This article is very useful because it is important to know how
accounting has adapted to this evolution and how we implement it with
the other functional areas of a company.
-The author mentions how important accounting is through electronic
means because it is something that is already implemented everywhere
in the world for a better organization.
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) -What we can mention about the conclusions of our author of the article
▪ Summarize the researcher’s is that thanks to technology and how it has been implemented in
conclusions. accounting today, everything is much easier to use and understand,
▪ What was the major outcome of the which motivates us to learn.
study? -The author makes a very interesting emphasis on everything that
encompasses technology and the benefits it brings to accountants to
understand it better.

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Companies (Compañías): Those societies that, in addition to

having the human element, have the technical and material
means of production to carry out an economic activity.
2. Implement (Implementar): Put into operation or carry out a
certain thing.
3. Accounting (Contabilidad): System of control and registration
of expenses and income and other economic operations carried
out by a company or entity.
4. Credits (Creditos): It is a financial operation in which a person
makes a loan for a certain amount of money to another person.
5. Findings (Recomendaciones): Advice given to a person to be
considered advantageous or beneficial.
6. Author (Autor): Person who does something or is the
determining cause of it.
7. Emphasis (Énfasis): Force in the articulation or in the
intonation with which you want to highlight an aspect of what
is said.
8. Learn (Aprender): To acquire knowledge of something
through study, exercise, or experience.
9. Work (Trabajar): Carry out a physical or intellectual activity,
generally continuously, and receive a salary for it.
10. Minimize (Minimizar): Considerably reduce, or to a minimum,
a material or immaterial thing, especially the value or
importance of something or someone.
Student’s name: Mejia Diaz Luis Fernando ARTICLE Nº:2
Article 3

TITLE: Role of Chartered Accountants

AREA: Department of Economics, University of California, San Diego, USA
CITATION: Honore D (2022) Role of Chartered Accountants. Int J Account Res. 10:262.

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) -I learned how the financial aspects of a company are handled because
the study mentions to us how all the information is based on which
▪ What did you learn from the study? accountants, auditors, tax experts and administrators base this to have
▪ How might you apply the information in y control within the financial accounts of the company, I feel that
our academic training? knowledge of each of these areas within a company is important
▪ How this study relate to your field because each one carries out activities necessary for the development
of preparation? of all the functions that a company has, and all of them are established
within a hierarchy in which each of these areas it depends on the others.
-I think that when implementing it within my strategic plan for my
career it is very important to have experience in each of these areas
because in each one, they perform different functions and we all know
that in university careers that are inclined towards business it is
necessary that we can know how work is done in each area of the
-In order to implement it in my life during work, I think it may be
important to investigate each of the areas that the study mentions
because we can know the strategies and processes that are carried out
for financial and accounting activities that can help us as accountants.
SUMMARY -I believe that the study was carried out with the purpose of knowing
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) the importance of each one of the areas within a company, in order to
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necess have a good knowledge and do a good job when we graduate from the
ary university.
background to the study and state its pu -It was mainly about how financial aspects should be maintained within
rpose. a company so that in accounting it is easier for us to understand all the
▪ Why was the study conducted? activities carried out by companies and carry them out correctly.
▪ What was it about?

-The details that the study told us are mainly about the areas of the
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) company such as accounting, auditing, finance and administration
▪ describe the specifics of what this s -The subjects to whom it is addressed are mainly accountants, tax
tudy involved experts, administrators, and auditors, this to carry out their work in a
▪ Who were the subjects? good way.
▪ What was measured? -They try to compare how excellent work can be done with good
▪ What was being compared? economic planning.

FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) -One of the most important findings found in this research for me was
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. the importance given to the financial aspects of the company, since it
▪ How useful or significant is this? defines us perfectly how they should implement when being an
▪ What did the author say about it? accountant.
-Of course it is something very important to know about financial
aspects because many people do not know how to handle this type of
situation and someone who knows about this can give ideas to continue
-The author of the article is very specific in wanting to perfectly
understand how companies work with financial aspects and why they
are so important.
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) -Summarizing what the author tells us in his article, we can say that it
▪ Summarize the researcher’s is something very surprising to see and learn because we are people who
conclusions. study a business career and for this we must know how finances
▪ What was the major outcome of the influence companies and how they should be helped to continue
generating more income
-The main result of the study tells us that the concept of finances is very
important and that we be careful with how they work within a company
and how we can do to improve.

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Strategies (Estrategias): Art of planning and directing military
operations, especially those of war.
2. Article (Artículo): Part of a treaty, law or official document
that forms a numbered and ordered series with other equals.
3. Processes (Procesos): Set of successive phases of a complex
phenomenon or event.
4. Company (Empresa): action or task that involves effort and
5. Hierarchy (Jerarquía): Organization of people or things in an
orderly and subordinate scale according to a criterion of greater
or lesser importance or relevance within it.
6. Administration (Administración): action of administering
(governing, organizing an economy).
7. Business (Negocio): Occupation, activity or work that is
carried out to obtain a profit, especially that which consists of
carrying out commercial operations, buying and selling
merchandise or services.
8. Handle (Resolver): Find a solution or answer for a problem, a
difficulty or a question.
9. Auditors (Auditores): A person who does audits.
10. Influence (Influencia): Power of a person or thing to determine
or alter someone's way of thinking or acting.
Student’s name: Mejia Diaz Luis Fernando ARTICLE Nº:3

Financial analysis
Article 1
TITLE: The Impact of Big Data Analytics on Banking Sector
AREA: Department of Accounting, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia
CITATION: Alam N (2022) The Impact of Big Data Analytics on Banking Sector. Int J Account Res. 10:265

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 -Like the previous articles, I learned a lot about technology, because in
words) this university semester I have seen a lot about the topic of technology
and this study mentioned something called Big Data, which is a topic
▪ What did you learn from the study? that seems very important to me because what I have learned on this
▪ How might you apply the information subject is that it is a database where it stores large amounts of
▪ in your academic training? information that, like accounting software, helps the company to see
▪ How this study relate to your field each of its departments about what awaits the company in its sales
of preparation? projections that are made from time to time to analyze how they can
improve and continue selling and offering their products and services.
-I think this issue is very important for me as an accountant because
when I must work for a company, I know that it is a requirement that I
will always have to meet to do my job well. In addition, all accounting
today is done electronically, and I think it is something that can be very
useful for the proper management of data and information.
-It is related in all areas because accounting is elaborated by technology,
currently the creation of invoices and tax declarations is very inclusive
in all electronic methods.

SUMMARY -In this study what is mainly mentioned about technological issues
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) being more specific Big Data which is a database where companies
▪ give a brief introduction to give the nec store large amounts of information for the activities that are developed.
essary -These types of studies are carried out with the purpose of making
background to the study and state it companies understand that if they seek to have great results in their
activities and generate profits, they must have high-quality programs
s purpose. that encourage them to achieve these things and we must also say that
▪ Why was the study conducted? they must be innovative to distance themselves from the competition
▪ What was it about? and attract more people to consume their products or services.
-The study mostly tells us about technology and how it benefits

-If we describe the details that the article mentions to us, we mainly
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) manage to find all kinds of interesting things about companies and
▪ describe the specifics of what this technology that are important to us young people who will use this in
study involved the future.
-To whom all this information is directed is mainly software
▪ Who were the subjects?
programmers, accountants, systems engineers, and financial analysts.
▪ What was measured? -It measures the importance of how our way of seeing accounting today
▪ What was being compared? is so different from how it was seen perhaps 20 years in the past because
they did not do the same things as today.
-It was mainly compared what benefits to use this type of systems in
our work field and provide much more quick information to investors
and bosses.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) -What I managed to find most that stood out in the article was the topic
of Big Data, which surprises me to see that today everything a company
▪ Discuss the major findings and results.
▪ How useful or significant is this? produces is stored inside a computer in a gigantic database that helps us
▪ What did the author say about it? to work better.
-Knowledge of this is very useful because we all must know how this
type of system works because accounting is very advanced and to carry
out our work correctly we must use it well.
-The author tells us what we should appreciate correctly and how we
can understand that the use of this technology is essential for the
business world, especially for accountants.
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) -Summarizing broadly what the author mentions to us in the article is
▪ Summarize the researcher’s that we must have a better understanding of how those tools that we will
conclusions. use to carry out our work as accountants should be used.
▪ What was the major outcome of the -I think the main result of this study is based on technology, which is
very important for the opportunities we have as accountants. Learning
from companies that implement this technology helps a lot.

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Software (Software): Set of programs and routines that allow
the computer to perform certain tasks.
2. Database (Base de datos): Program capable of storing a large
amount of related and structured data, which can be quickly
consulted according to the desired selective characteristics.
3. Departments (Departamentos): Part in which an enclosure,
premises or other space is divided by walls or other separation.
4. Technology: (Tecnología): Set of knowledge of a technique.
5. Amounts (Montos): Final sum of several items or amounts.
6. Big data (Grandes datos): Data that contains a greater variety
and that is presented in increasing volumes and at a higher
7. Areas (Áreas): Groups the various occupations of the labor
8. Management (Administración): Set of functions that are
performed to manage.
9. Electronically (Electrónicamente): using electronic means,
especially to transmit information.
10. Innovative (Innovador): What innovates.
Student’s name: Mejia Diaz Luis Fernando ARTICLE Nº:1
Financial analysis
Article 2

TITLE: Promoting Country Inclusive Finance through Digital Financial Services

AREA: Department of Commerce and Business Management, HAN University of Applied Sciences,
Ruitenberglaan 31, 6826 CC Arnhem, Netherlands
CITATION: Moradi A (2022) Promoting Country Inclusive Finance through Digital Financial Services. Int J
Account Res. 10:261

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) I learned in a great way about what is related to monetary policy and
how it is related to the economy and finances, as we all know,
▪ What did you learn from the study? throughout the world there are several institutions that are mainly
▪ How might you apply the information in y responsible for taking care of everything related to the economy for
our academic training? example In Mexico we find the Bank of Mexico which is an institution
▪ How this study relate to your field that is mainly in charge of taking care of everything related to the prices
of preparation? of the products and services that we consume in our daily lives because
when this institution acts, what it seeks is to prevent the inflation of
products. and services and continue generating jobs so that in this way
the economy remains stable.
-In my academic training I think that the subject of finances helps you
in a very good way because it teaches you how to manage money and
how you can keep your money working and generating more like
investing in businesses with shares.
-I feel that it is something that we must really think about very well
because in the world if you do not have the necessary resources, both
material and economic, you will never be recognized and of course it is
something that we must all take into account when we make a savings
and financing plan.
SUMMARY This article mainly tells us about finances and how we can implement
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) various strategies to improve all aspects of finances for the government
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necess and its various organizations that manage the finances of the country.
ary -This study is carried out in order to increase financial inclusion; this
background to the study and state its pu will help the economy a lot and allows us to create a better point of view
rpose. on finances throughout the country and the world in general.
▪ Why was the study conducted? -The study is mainly about finances and shows us what can be some
▪ What was it about? great ideas for us to take into account and we can acquire great learning
about financial inclusion.
-The main details that the study that we have just seen mentioned to us
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) is about the economy and finances.
▪ describe the specifics of what this s -Public officials and rulers of the country can improve the financial
tudy involved situation of a country or society.
▪ Who were the subjects? -It was measured how we can improve the economy and finances
▪ What was measured? through technological ideas and digital finances with innovative ideas.
▪ What was being compared? -It compares how we can use today's digital finance strategies as seen
previously with methods that are no longer efficient.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) Of the main findings that I have found in this article is about how the
economy and finances work in the world, I know that all this is very
▪ Discuss the major findings and results.
▪ How useful or significant is this? important if we want to take into account wanting to work in a foreign
▪ What did the author say about it? company that is looking for a way to earn money and not lose because
of exchange rates using foreign currencies.
-I think it is very important to learn about this topic of exchange rates,
finances and economics, this is important so that we can achieve better
economic results in accounting and financial statements.
-The author focused a lot on this topic on the economy and finances,
which I think are very important, his perspectives on how these 2
branches rotate so that everything is kept in balance.
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) Concluding with what the author mentions, I think we think the same
▪ Summarize the researcher’s about the aspect of the world economy, the way in which I deal with the
conclusions. issue of foreign companies and how they must support themselves with
▪ What was the major outcome of the various currencies is very interesting.
-The main result of the investigation I think is something very important
because it reveals all the important aspects of the issues and how we
can see them in a better perspective.

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Economy (Economía): Science that studies resources, the
creation of wealth and the production, distribution and
consumption of goods and services, to satisfy human needs.
2. Finances (Finanzas): Set of activities that are related to money.
3. Jobs (Trabajos): Action or activity of working.
4. Economic (Económico): Of the economy or related to this
5. Departments (Departamentos): Part in which an enclosure,
premises or other space is divided by walls or other separation.
6. Government (Gobierno): Group of people and organizations
that govern or direct a political-administrative division.
7. Country (País): Social community with a common political
organization and its own territory and government bodies that
is sovereign and politically independent from other
8. Society (Sociedad): Group of people who relate to each other,
according to certain rules of legal and customary organization,
and who share the same culture or civilization in a certain space
or time.
9. Strategies (Estrategias): Art of planning and directing military
operations, especially those of war.
10. Finance (Finanzas): Set of activities that are related to money.
Student’s name: Mejia Diaz Luis Fernando ARTICLE Nº:2
Financial analysis
Article 3

TITLE: International Finance Scope, Importance, Advantages and Disadvantages

AREA: Department of Finance, University of New York, New York, USA
CITATION: Macmillan G (2022) International Finance Scope, importance, Advantages and Disadvantages. Int J Account Res.

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 -I learned a lot about how finance encompasses large amounts of
words) information about what is related to other monetary policies in the
world, from what I understand in the world we all know that there are
▪ What did you learn from the study? different types of currencies, these are not the same in the whole world.
▪ How might you apply the information i We all know that they have a different value and while some people
believe that some can earn more money in other countries by taking
n your academic training? their companies to those countries, other people believe they lose
▪ How this study relate to your field money because of what worries them and this is when foreign
of preparation? investment is mentioned. that many companies position themselves in
this country to offer their products and services but not all of them
prosper with their proposed ideas and continue to lose money.
-I think that in my career I must be very clear about everything related
to monetary policies and finances because as we know in the accounting
career there are some occasions in which companies make purchases
abroad and must pay with a different currency and learn about of
currency exchange rates is very important.
-This prepares me too much for my future because I am interested in
everything related to finances and I want to be able to have businesses
in the future and I want to make sure that all this does not generate
losses and things for which I might regret investing the money.

SUMMARY -What this article tries to talk about is how finances and exchange rates
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) affect business done abroad due to the various activities and items that
• give a brief introduction to give the are acquired in order to be distributed by foreign institutions.
necessary -The study is carried out so that we are all aware of what can happen
within companies due to exchange rates and analyze when we pay an
background to the study and stat
invoice in dollars how we will record it in our accounting and determine
e its purpose. if we lose or win money.
• Why was the study conducted? -The study deals mainly with everything related to finances and
• What was it about? exchange rates for the business that we can do abroad for the activities
carried out by foreign companies.
The details that this study tells us about is that we observe very carefully
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) how finances are made up in our lives in companies and the economy.
• describe the specifics of what this -The people to whom this type of topic is addressed is for companies,
study involved individuals, tax experts, financiers, auditors, accountants.
-The study tries to measure the importance that we should give to
• Who were the subjects? finances and how they are seen in different ways by many other
• What was measured? countries with which we know that this country has relations.
• What was being compared? -They mainly compare how companies operate in this country if they
are foreigners and how they use finances in their favor so as not to lose
things that must always be considered so as not to lose money.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) -In the important findings that this article mentions to us, it is how each
• Discuss the major findings and resu
of us must take into account what the economies are like and how
lts. money is handled throughout the world, not only in the country. I think
it helps us to better understand the perspectives that we have.
• How useful or significant is this?
-This is very useful because as accountants we must know how to
• What did the author say about it?calculate the exchange rates of foreign currencies to correctly determine
the calculation of taxes.
-The author mentions how important each of the aspects that he
illustrates in the article is and the importance of finances with the
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) -Within what I believe the most important findings that I could observe
• Summarize the researcher’s in the article is the wisdom and determination of the author to
conclusions. understand and properly explain how each section of the economy and
finances works, something that few people understand
• What was the major outcome of the
-The main result of this article is to know how in macroeconomics and
study? microeconomics it explains all these aspects that are important and how
they influence to improve or worsen the economy.

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Business (Negocio): Occupation, activity or work that is

carried out to obtain a profit, especially that which consists of
carrying out commercial operations, buying and selling
merchandise or services.
2. Finance (Finanzas): Set of activities that are related to money.
3. Article (Artículo): Part of a treaty, law or official document
that forms with other equals a numbered and ordered series.
4. Determination (Determinación): Action of determining or
5. Author (Autor): Person who does something or is the
determining cause of it.
6. Taxes (Impuestos): Amount of money that must be paid to the
Administration to contribute to public finances.
7. Economies (Economías): Amount of money that must be paid
to the Administration to contribute to public finances.
8. Institutions (Instituciones): Creation or foundation of a thing,
especially an organization of a charitable, social or cultural
9. Money (Dinero): Set of coins and bills that are used as legal
means of payment.
10. Monetary (Monetario): Of currency or relating to currencies.
Student’s name: Mejia Diaz Luis Fernando ARTICLE Nº:3

Article 1
TITLE: Implications in Tax Accounting and its Contributions on Business Assets
AREA: Department of Finance, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
CITATION: Becker D (2022) Implications in Tax Accounting and its Contributions on Business Assets. Int J Account Res.

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 -In this study I learned about how tax accounting is handled, I think it
words) is one of the most important areas of the accounting career because we
live in a society where all people are obliged to pay taxes but within
▪ What did you learn from the study? companies we future accountants must have Keep in mind that the
▪ How might you apply the information i elaboration of taxes is the most important and irrelevant to be an
accountant, because all companies pay federal and state taxes, this
n your academic training? causes that we all must be very careful with the taxes that we include in
▪ How this study relate to your field accounting so that there are no reasons for them to have fines or
of preparation? omissions of obligations and this can harm the companies.
-This would apply in a great way in my career because it is what
interests me most in the area of accounting, the opportunity to learn
about tax laws, I think it will improve my development in my career.
-it is related to everything related to the career because we must study
and understand the tax laws of the country, it is very important to have
knowledge of all this because the company in which we work will ask
us for all these requirements to be able to enter to work.

SUMMARY -This study tells us mainly about taxes, which is a very important issue
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) for us as accountants, this helps us to realize how many taxes we must
▪ give a brief introduction to give the ne pay to the Treasury, which in this country charges us a tax rate of 16%
cessary and 30 % this is very important to know in order to determine them
background to the study and state it
-This study is carried out with the purpose that each person who studies
s purpose. a business career is well informed about the issues of taxes to work in a
▪ Why was the study conducted? company.
▪ What was it about? -Talks about taxes and how they should be paid by companies and
people every day.
-The details involved in this study refer mainly to how taxes are related
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) to laws and in accounting I think it is a good thing to know about this
▪ describe the specifics of what this because it is preferable to avoid tax evasion.
study involved -The subjects involved in this are companies, individuals and people
▪ Who were the subjects? who do not carry out a business activity.
-The importance of taxes is measured and how they help the growth and
▪ What was measured? development of a country through contributions
▪ What was being compared? -The various laws with which taxes are paid in many countries are
compared and how taxes are used for that
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) A very important finding in this article is how the author really
encompasses in a great way everything that individuals and legal
▪ Discuss the major findings and results.
▪ How useful or significant is this? entities need to do to pay their tax contributions because it is a subject
▪ What did the author say about it? that we all must be aware of to know how they are determined because
they take away our taxes from all of us
-For me, I think it is the most significant article we have talked about
because accountants must know a lot about taxes and determine them
-The author told us how we can pay taxes and why it is important to do
it well, especially when you are a company, to avoid problems with
government institutions.
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) -Concluding with what the author commented, I think that as
▪ Summarize the researcher’s accountants we must know the subject of taxes very well because it is
conclusions. something that will help us in our training as professionals and within
▪ What was the major outcome of the the companies that we manage.
-The main result of the article tells us that we must learn the laws of
federal taxes in order to pay taxes correctly, avoiding errors that could
become fines.

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Finance (Finanzas): Set of activities that are related to money.
2. Taxes (Impuestos): Amount of money that must be paid to the
Administration to contribute to public finances.
3. Strategies (Estrategias): Art of planning and directing military
operations, especially those of war.
4. Accounting (Contabilidad): System of control and registration
of expenses and income and other economic operations carried
out by a company or entity.
5. Author (Autor): Person who does something or is the
determining cause of it.
6. Treasury (Tesorería): Office or office of the treasurer.
7. Country (País): Social community with a common political
organization and its own territory and government bodies that
is sovereign and politically independent from other
8. Charges (Cargos): Function for which a person has
responsibility in an organization, a body or a company.
9. Credits (Créditos): List of people and role played in the
production of a work, such as a movie, television show, or book
10. Fertilizers (Abonos): Payment of an account or money owed.
Student’s name: Lopez Perez Lorena Guadalupe ARTICLE Nº:1
Article 2
TITLE: Rules for Debits and Credits in Accounts
AREA: Department of Accounting, Finance and Institutions, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China
CITATION: Guo T (2022) Rules for Debits and Credits in Accounts. Int J Account Res. 10:282.

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 -This article is very interesting because it tells us mainly about how
words) accounting works and how many people are still confused about how
accounts should be ordered by their nature because some accounts such
▪ What did you learn from the study? as assets increase when we charge an amount in accounting and its
▪ How might you apply the information i balance decreases with installments when we put an amount on the right
side of our accounting entries, I believe and consider that all these
n your academic training? things are important because if an account is misaligned it will harm the
▪ How this study relate to your field other movements and it will be incorrect. And this means that you can
of preparation? have problems with the company for omitting any fiscal obligation or
the payment of a tax and it results in fines and a bad reputation in the
-In my accounting university career, it is one of the things that cost me
the most to understand at the beginning because the accounts confuse
you but it is something that everyone struggles with when they meet a
new account and personally, although I already have knowledge of this
career, there are accounts and accounting movements that I still do not
know but it is very annoying when you do not have this knowledge
because this can cause problems with the people you work with.
-I can involve this subject in a certain way in my career because
everything is related and in accounting it is very important to know the
accounts that we must use when working with companies or clients.
SUMMARY -What this topic tells us is about accounting accounts and how many
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) people who work on this career fail to understand them, especially
▪ give a brief introduction to give the nec accounting students.
essary -This study was carried out with the purpose of making known to all the
background to the study and state it people who practice accounting know the accounting accounts and
because it is important to know how to recognize when they should be
s purpose. charged and when they are paid in our accounting.
▪ Why was the study conducted? -The study deals mainly with how the issue of the nature of accounting
▪ What was it about? accounts can harm in future times because they will be things that will
be seen until periods later and can cause problems for the company.
-The details that this study implies are about accounting and the
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) accounts that are handled because they try to generalize how it can harm
▪ describe the specifics of what this a company or people by misplacing an account in accounting.
study involved -The subjects that this type of article involves is mainly accountants,
accounting assistants and accounting students because the incorrect use
▪ Who were the subjects?
of these can lead to consequences for the company and the accountants.
▪ What was measured? -It is measured how people use accounts such as students and it is
▪ What was being compared? constantly mentioned that it is very common to have errors
-Both sides of the accounts are compared and how they affect
accounting in both assets and liabilities, capital and results.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) -The fact of making this article is a very good finding because the
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. subject of accounts in accounting is rarely discussed because many
▪ How useful or significant is this? people confuse them, even especially students who do not intend to
▪ What did the author say about it? learn how they work.
-Very useful, we know that in this way we can easily do the accounting
without making mistakes that cost us something in the future
-The author tells us mainly that those who can make the most mistakes
on these issues are students and people who are just starting out in
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) -Concluding with what the author said, I think that we should all learn
▪ Summarize the researcher’s correctly the nature of the accounts, as accountants it is the most
conclusions. important thing because if we do not know how the accounts work we
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu will not progress
dy? -The main result of the author is that people understand how accounting
accounts work and how they can be used to achieve an easier and faster

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Students (Estudiantes): Person who studies in a teaching

2. Job (Trabajo): Action or activity of working.
3. Accounting (Contabilidad): System of control and registration
of expenses and income and other economic operations carried
out by a company or entity.
4. Balance sheet (Balance): Periodic examination of the accounts
of a company, comparing its income and expenses to establish
the level of profits or losses.
5. Account status (Estado de la cuenta): An account statement or
extract is a document that the bank or financial institution sends
you periodically quarterly or monthly- where all the
movements that the product has had -savings account, checking
account, or credit card- are indicated during said period.
6. Statement of income (Declaración de la renta): A tax return is
the completion of documentation that calculates the income
earned by an entity or individual with the amount of tax payable
to the government, government organizations
7. Customers (Clientes): Person who uses the services of a
professional or a company, especially one who does so
8. Providers (Proveedores): That provides or supplies another
person with what is necessary or convenient for a specific
9. Credit (Crédito): Possibility that a person has to borrow money
or buy something without having to pay it immediately or in
10. Knowledge (Conocimiento): The ability of the human being to
perceive physical stimuli through certain organs of the body
and to be aware of their existence and their surroundings.
Student’s name: Lopez Perez Lorena Guadalupe ARTICLE Nº:2
Article 3

TITLE: The Importance of an Accounting Information System: Advantages and Disadvantages

AREA: Department of Accounting and Business Law, Minnesota State University, Mankato, United States
CITATION: Kim B (2022) The Importance of an Accounting Information System: Advantages and Disadvantages. Int
J Account Res. 10:272.

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) -In this article I saw how accounting is currently handled because
everything is handled over the years, the use of accounting software such
▪ What did you learn from the study? as Contapaq I has been revolutionized, which is one of the best
▪ How might you apply the information in y accounting systems and most used regularly. These softwares give you
our academic training? the ease of being able to prepare sales projections, and give companies
▪ How this study relate to your field the income statements of the fiscal periods that had invoices in their
of preparation? movements and be able to do the accounting for every month where what
the company must pay is expressed. tax for their activities.
-It is very important that they use this in schools because they are tools
that we all have to learn to use, but there are not many academic
institutions that grant this to students.
-I consider that it was very important that I learned this when I had the
opportunity to see the accounting programs and systems because it gives
me many facilities when I work on accounting, it is one of the things that
can best give you with these tools, but there are many functions that not
all people or accountants who work with this type of system because they
give information in a fast and consistent way and without making
mistakes, this helps companies to be more accurate with their work.

SUMMARY -The study was carried out with a very important purpose, I think it was
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) carried out by technology in the world of accounting and especially in
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necess companies, because now they achieve better results with the effort that
ary accounting with paper and pencil means, this causes that is more accurate
background to the study and state its pu and do not have problems with the SAT to avoid fines and tax evasion.
rpose. -The purpose of this study is to show everyone how good it is to
▪ Why was the study conducted? implement technology in our business career because it shows us the
▪ What was it about? great progress it has had over the years and helps us to do a better job and
avoid problems.
-It deals mainly with technology and how accounting has implemented it
for the evolved good and many things have changed with the arrival of
electronic accounting, this helps accountants, auditors and the Treasury
so that sales omissions cannot be made, and acts avoided. of corruption.
-The article tells us mainly about all those accounting systems that help
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) us in accounting to carry out the activities of our work so that we can
▪ describe the specifics of what this s correctly represent all the financial statements to know the situation of
tudy involved the company.
▪ Who were the subjects? -The subjects to whom this type of software is directed is for accountants,
▪ What was measured? auditors, tax experts, and financial advisors to determine what to do in
▪ What was being compared? cases of financial crises.
-It is measured mainly from how we can use technology now to how we
did it a long time ago that the accountants worked everything on manual
calculations, and they were not always exact.
-The article tries to explain the advantages and disadvantages that we
present as accountants by having all these tools and implementing them
for our work.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) The best feats that I could observe in this article is to know and learn
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. more about accounting software, these will help us more to continue
▪ How useful or significant is this? understanding accounting better because thanks to technology everything
▪ What did the author say about it? seems to be easier and accountants do not have problems to do the tasks
of a company.
-It is something very significant to deal with because I think that all of us
who study this career should know how to manage these systems from
school so that when we get to a company we do not have difficulties.
-The author of this article invites us to learn more about all these systems
that will help us in the future for the areas of opportunity that we decide
to work on
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) -To conclude with what the author said, accounting software has come to
▪ Summarize the researcher’s help accountants solve problems that were seen years ago because
conclusions. accounting was never exact and these tools now do make it easier and
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu save problems.
dy? -The main result of this article is the comparison of how we saw
accounting before technology gave us help in the aspects of the work for
an accountant and how this has revolutionized each year that passes.
Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Company (Empresa): Action or task that involves effort and
2. Software (Software): Set of programs and routines that allow the
computer to perform certain tasks.
3. Accounting (Contabilidad): System of control and registration
of expenses and income and other economic operations carried
out by a company or entity.
4. Finance (Finanzas): Set of activities that are related to money.
5. Article (Artículo): Part of a treaty, law or official document that
forms with other equals a numbered and ordered series.
6. Companies (Compañías): Those societies that, in addition to
having the human element, have the technical and material
means of production to carry out an economic activity.
7. Disadvantages (Desventajas): Circumstance of being worse or
being in a worse situation one thing with respect to others of the
same nature with which it is compared.
8. Statements (Declaraciones): Declaration is, in law, the statement
that under oath communicates a situation that has been perceived
and that evokes facts that may constitute the basis for the
determination of the particular object of evidence.
9. Providers (Proveedores): That provides or supplies another
person with what is necessary or convenient for a specific
10. Credit (Crédito): Possibility that a person has to borrow money
or buy something without having to pay it immediately or in
Student’s name: Lopez Perez Lorena Guadalupe ARTICLE Nº:3

Article 1

TITLE: Audit Firm Rotation and Audit Report Lag; Statistical Evidence from Suriname
AREA: Department of Economics, Anton de Kom University of Suriname, Leysweg 86, Tammenga, Suriname
CITATION: Ramdin VY (2022) Audit Firm Rotation and Audit Report Lag; Statistical Evidence from Suriname. Int
J Account Res. 10:276.

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) I think this issue is very important due to the magnitude of what it
covers, it is very important to be informed about what audits entail and
▪ What did you learn from the study? how they are carried out in companies as well as who are the entities or
▪ How might you apply the information in y organizations in charge of carrying them out in the different countries
our academic training? since this way we will know how to carry them in the best way in case
▪ How this study relate to your field of belonging or being interested in being part of the audits, this small
of preparation? study also tells us about what a person who is dedicated to the audit
does, I also think that this area is important in our training since it can
help us as accountants to keep better records of our financial areas and
thus have a better version of our work because there is a lot of
competition and only the best or those who serve best may be candidates
for the best paid or most reputable companies, just as I believe that the
hypotheses shown in this report of The work is well executed and very
consistent, just as the results have a great impact on it, since they follow
the same path at all times, just like the tables shown in it.
SUMMARY Over time, different relation has been performed and tested in the
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) research field of the audit profession. Some examples of the research in
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necess this profession, which are conducted in countries like China and USA
ary background to the study and state i is the research in auditor’s independence, audit quality. This research
ts purpose. studies the relationship between the audit firm rotation and the audit
▪ Why was the study conducted? report lag in Suriname.
▪ What was it about? Based on the results, the findings shows that there is a certain
relationship between the audit firm rotation and the audit report lag in
Suriname. The results showed statistical evidence that the
measurements, audit firm rotation, audit tenure and audit firm size
effects the audit report lag significantly in Suriname.
Suriname is located at the north coast of South America and its normally
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) characterized as a Dutch colony. Geographically this country is one of
▪ describe the specifics of what this s the smallest countries of South America and is part of the Caribbean
tudy involved region, more. Specifically, the Guiana Plateau.
▪ Who were the subjects? The regulatory body for monitoring those who are practicing the work
▪ What was measured? of the audit in Suriname is known as the Suriname Chartered
▪ What was being compared? Accountant Institute (SCAI), which is established by law in mid-2018.
To monitor the work of the auditors and to develop this profession in
Suriname in accordance with international standards and regulation,
this institute is in a continuous process of establishing good relationship
with the Netherlands Institute of Chartered Accountants (NBA) and is
also an active member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of the
Caribbean (ICAC).
Research testing the relationship between audit characteristics and audit
quality has mainly been conducted in regions such as Asia and
South/Latin America, with a focus on the relationship between audit
fees and audit quality.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) To conduct this study the sample will contain the companies that are
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. listed on the Suriname Stock Exchange (SSE) and those who are not
▪ How useful or significant is this? listed on the SSE, which produces an audited financial report for the
▪ What did the author say about it? period of 2013-2019.
To retrieve the needed data for the variables the audit report lag, audit
firm rotation, audit tenure, and the audit firm size. Each audit report will
be downloaded from the website of the company.

As mentioned by Lee et al. the Audit Report Lag (ARL) is describing

as the time it takes to complete the audit of the financial statements.
This indicates that the ARL can be defined as the number of days that
are between the actual date of end of the company’s fiscal year and the
date on the independent auditor’s report.
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) As mentioned earlier the aim of this study is to determine to what extent
▪ Summarize the researcher’s the audit firm rotation affects the audit report lag in Suriname.
conclusions. Suggested by the prior literature this study used some operational
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu factors as predictors for the relationship with the audit report lag, these
dy? factors were, audit firm rotation, audit tenure, and audit firm size.
Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Financial (Financiero): relating to money or
how money is managed.
2. Stakeholders (Partes interesadas):
a person or group of people who own a share in a business,
3. Audit (Auditoría): to make an official examination of
the accounts of a business and produce a report.
4. Entities (Entidades): something that exists apart from other
things, having its own independent existence.
5. Accountant (Contador):
who keeps or examines the records of money received, paid,
and owed by a company or person.
6. Proponents (Proponentes):
a person who speaks publicly in support of
a particular idea or plan of action.
7. Register (Registrarse): to
put information, especially your name, into
an official list or record.
8. Regulation (Regulación): an official rule or
the act of controlling something.
9. Objectivity (Objetividad): the quality of being objective.
10. Increase (Aumentar): to (make
something) become larger in amount or size.

Student’s name: Rojas Herrera Luis ARTICLE Nº: 1

Article 2
TITLE: The Determinants of Audit Fees: Evidence From Private Banks in Ethiopia
AREA: Lecturer in Accounting and Finance, Mekdela Amba University, box- Mekane Selam,Ethiopia
CITATION: Dilie W (2021) The Determinants of Audit Fees: Evidence from Private Banks in Ethiopia. Int J Account
Res 9:224. doi: 10.35248/2472-114X.21.9.224


PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) One of the main topics to talk about when choosing a profession is the
monetary issue (about how much we will earn) for this reason I think it
▪ What did you learn from the study? is important to know or at least have an idea of how much we could
▪ How might you apply the information in y earn in a profession that calls us the ontencion so for me this article is
our academic training? very well achieved, this study is important in the same way because it
▪ How this study relate to your field carries out a wide variety of surveys that we can use as references,
of preparation? likewise the tables and figures that are shown to us in it are very
understandable and easy to understand, the following article aims to
give us a brief but clear explanation about what can be or the varieties
of audit that we can obtain in the country that are the Private Audit and
the Fee Audit, which are types of It is that they will serve us depending
on our needs, one more than the other at the same time, this research
work helps us to understand why one could be more benefactor than the
other by opening or so a broader market of skills throughout the country
and the world in the same way obtaining better services as a result.
SUMMARY The main objective of this study was to investigate factors determining
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) audit fees in Ethiopian private banks, with specific emphasis on how
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necess the client size, client profitability, client complexity, audit risk, audit
ary background to the study and state i firm size, audit tenure and audit report lag impact on audit fee. This was
ts purpose. informed by the fact that most research on audit fee models has been
▪ Why was the study conducted? done in developed countries while little study is available in developing
▪ What was it about? countries like Ethiopia. The study was based on a sample of 10 private
banks covering a time period of nine years from 2009 to 2017 (90
observations). The data employed in this study was secondary data from
annual reports of the banks. Panel data regression analysis based on
fixed effects model was used in the analysis of the variables in this
Auditing as defined by the American Accounting Association, AAA
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) (1973) is a ‘systematic process of finding and evaluating evidence
▪ describe the specifics of what this s regarding statements about economic actions and events to establish the
tudy involved degree of correspondence between the statements and established
▪ Who were the subjects? criteria and communicating the results to interested users. It serves a
▪ What was measured? vital economic purpose and plays an important character in serving the
▪ What was being compared? public interest to strengthen accountability and reinforce trust and
confidence in financial information and reporting. Annual audit is
compulsory for companies, including insurance companies in Ethiopia.
However, in recent years, and in the light of massive corporate scandals,
there is ongoing global demand for improvements in audit quality.
The Ethiopian audit market environment has unique features unlike the
audit market in other developed as well as developing countries. First,
the audit market has two submarkets i.e. the external audit of state
owned enterprises and the market for private audit firms authorized by
The fall of high profile giant companies (Enron, WorldCom) at the
down of the century in the west raised significant criticism on the
auditing profession.

FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) According to the above table, AdFee measured by the natural logarithm
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. of audit fees paid by the sample insurers has a mean value of Birr
▪ How useful or significant is this? 91,656. This means that private banks in Ethiopia pay audit fees of Birr
▪ What did the author say about it? 91,656 on average during the study period. The minimum audit fee paid
by the sampled insurance companies during the study period was Birr
25,300 while the maximum audit fee paid during the study period was
Birr 414,016. The standard deviation of Birr 87,427.03 implies that the
audit fee deviates from its mean to both sides by Birr 87,427.03.

The best way to evaluate how far the used data are normal is to look at
a graph and see if the distribution highly deviates from a bell-shaped
normal distribution. Therefore, graphical (histogram) and non-
graphical (skewness/ kurtosis) tests of normality were used to test
normality in this study.
Practically, in this study, p-value is found to be 0.3877 (greater than
0.05) from the above Skewness/Kurtosis test leading to the acceptance
of the null hypothesis that indicates the residual values are normally

CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) The main objective of this study was to examine or investigate the
▪ Summarize the researcher’s determinants of audit fees paid by insurance companies in Ethiopia.
conclusions. Accordingly, the study revealed certain basic facts about private banks
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu audit payment along with factors determining it. Basically, the
dy? following are the conclusions drawn:
It is well known that auditing serves a vital economic purpose and plays
an important role in serving the public interest to strengthen
accountability and reinforce trust and confidence in financial
information and reporting. Besides, an annual audit is compulsory for
companies, including private banks in Ethiopia. For that reason, there
is an ongoing global demand for improvements in audit quality.
Methodologically, the researcher adapted the ‘traditional’ model of
audit fees’ determinants, which has today become the standard,
introduced by Simunic and frequently adjusted since then to specific
contexts. The researcher did the same to fit the Ethiopian specific
feature of the audit market as carried out in insurance companies.
Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Association (Asociación): a group of people who work
together in a single organization for a particular purpose.
2. Investigate (Investigar): to examine a crime, problem,
statement, etc. carefully, especially to discover the truth.
3. Implying (Implicar): to communicate an idea or feeling
without saying it directly
4. Variation (Variación): to change in amount or level.
5. Developed (Desarrollado): A developed country has had
modern industry, transport, etc. for some time and now bases
much of its economy on services.
6. Financial (Financiero): relating to money or how money is
7. Institution (Institución): a large and important organization,
such as a university or bank.
8. Operating (Operativo): to (cause to) work, be in action or have
an effect.
9. Efficiency (Eficiencia): the good use of time and energy in a
way that does not waste any.
10. Profitability (Rentabilidad): the fact that something produces
or is likely to produce a profit.

Student’s name: Rojas Herrera Luis ARTICLE Nº: 2

Article 3

TITLE: The Role of Internal Auditing in Enhancing Good Corporate Governance Practice in an Organization
AREA: Department of Accounting, Federal University, Otuoke, Bayelstate, Nigeria
CITATION: Omolaye KE, Jacob RB (2017) The Role of Internal Auditing in Enhancing Good Corporate
Governance Practice in an Organization. Int J Account Res 6: 174. doi:10.4172/2472-114X.1000174

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) Considering the position banks occupy in the economy, regulatory
authorities in Nigeria (CBN, SEC, etc.) should always ensure strict
▪ What did you learn from the study? compliance with corporate governance guidelines and principles by
▪ How might you apply the information in y banks. Also, compliance tests should be carried out annually to ensure
our academic training? corporate governance principles are not circumvented.
▪ How this study relate to your field The concept of corporate governance is very broad. The
of preparation? researcher focused mainly on IAF and its impact on performance in
Nigerian banks; hence, it is recommended that further research on IAF
or other aspects of the corporate governance mosaic (audit committee,
external audit, public oversight, etc.) be carried out. Also, since the
research was limited to email questionnaires and literature review, it is
recommended that other researchers incorporate other sources of data
for an all-inclusive study The IAF should be continually supported by
management and the board audit committee in terms of adequate
staffing, training and compensation for effectiveness. The IAF has
assumed a more central position and as such, internal auditors should at
all times exercise their duties with professionalism, objectivity and fair
SUMMARY Corporate governance has been recognized as an indispensable factor
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) in ensuring sound financial reporting and deterring misappropriations
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necces of capital in an organization.
sary background to the study and state The growth of corporate governance has been of immense help to the
its purpose. internal audit function and has raised it to a professional status by
▪ Why was the study conducted? emphasizing the benefits of independent judgment and objectivity in
▪ What was it about? reporting. Internal auditing serves as a monitoring device, the
organizational policeman and watchdog, thus, an integral component of
corporate governance.
The aim of this research is to examine the role of internal auditing in
enhancing good corporate governance practice in the banking sector in
Nigeria with focus on performance and to possibly provide guidance on
strengthening the internal audit function in corporate governance.
Corporate governance involves a set of relationships and the network
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) between a company’s management, its board of directors, shareholders
▪ describe the specifics of what this s and stakeholders. It can be defined as ‘the system by which companies
tudy involved are directed and controlled’. Corporate governance is about the
▪ Who were the subjects? procedures and processes according to which an organization is directed
▪ What was measured? and controlled. Also, corporate governance deals with the ways in
▪ What was being compared? which suppliers of finance assure themselves of getting a return on their
The chartered Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) defined internal
auditing ‘as an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity
designed to add value and improve organization’s operations. It helps
an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic,
disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk
management, control, and governance process. The primary purpose of
internal auditing is to improve organizational efficiency and
effectiveness through constructive scrutiny of internal processes,
policies and procedures.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) The study adopted both quantitative and qualitative research
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. methodology to explore how internal auditing impacts organizational
▪ How useful or significant is this? performance and provide understanding to why internal auditing is
▪ What did the author say about it? relevant in an organization. Qualitative data were gathered via the use
of email questionnaires in order to achieve the research objectives and
provide answers to the research questions.
The questionnaires are designed in ‘open ended’ patterns which were
administered to the respondents (staff and professionals currently
engaged in internal audit practices and governance in selected banks in
Nigeria) who were ‘conveniently’ selected and constituted the sample
cases (21 respondents).
As aforementioned (framework for data analysis), the qualitative data
(email questionnaire) will be analysed under different themes (staff
support, reporting mechanism, performance, roles and barriers / drivers
of the IAF).

CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) Corporate governance of banks has gone through a significant
▪ Summarize the researcher’s revolution and has even received renewed emphasis in Nigeria since the
conclusions. introduction of the CBN corporate governance code for banks in 2006.
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu There is also a growing recognition of the role internal auditing in
dy? contributing to improved corporate governance and reporting, as banks
perceive and respond to risks associated with banking operations, thus,
an integral part of the corporate governance mosaic. The institution of
IAF in Nigerian banks is a desirable stride for the achievement of high
performance standard.
The findings of the research revealed that there exists a significant
positive relationship between IAF and performance of banks through
operational efficiency, organizational growth, higher profitability;
solvency and continuity in business. The IAF achieves this through the
provision of an independent assurance services and improved risk
management, control and governance processes.
This is generally attributed to recent developments in regulations,
increased awareness and changes in organizational culture as to the role
of the IAF.
Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Capital (Capital): a city where a country or
region’s main government is located,
2. Organization (Organización):
a group of people who work together in an organized way for
a shared purpose.
3. Corporate (Corporativo): relating to a large company.
4. Study (Estudio): to examine something very carefully.
5. Profitability (Rentabilidad): the fact that
something produces or is likely to produce a profit.
6. Stock (Stock): the total amount of goods or the amount of
a particular type of goods available in a shop.
7. Committed (Comprometido): loyal and willing to
give your time and energy to something that you believe in.
8. Governance (Gobernanza): the way
that organizations or countries are managed at
the highest level, and the systems for doing this.
9. Factors (Factores):
a fact or situation that influences the result of something.
10. Malfeasence (Malversación):
an example of dishonest and illegal behaviour, especially by
a person in authority.

Student’s name: Rojas Herrera Luis ARTICLE Nº: 3


Article 1
Assessment on Factors that Affect Tax Collection in Tepi Town Merchant’s Yeki Woreda, Sheka Zone,
TITLE: South West Ethiopia.
AREA: Department of Statistics, College of Natural and Computational Science, Mizan-Tepi University, Tepi,
CITATION: Eticha AB, Wendimu D (2021) Assessment on Factors that Affect Tax Collection in Tepi Town
Merchant’s Yeki Woreda, Sheka Zone, South West Ethiopia . Int J Account Res 9:220.

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) In most developing countries, it is a common phenomenon to

notice serious problems in developing adequate tax systems that
▪ What did you learn from the study? permits a government to sufficiently finance its expenditures.
▪ How might you apply the information in y Ethiopia, like any other developing countries, faces difficulty in
our academic training? raising revenue to the level required for the promotion of economic
▪ How this study relate to your field growth. Taxation has increased in importance not only as a tool of
of preparation? raising revenue for the traditional roles but also for accelerating
the economic growth and ensuring social justice. Along with the
growth in the overall Ethiopian economy, it observes that there
are an increasing government spending and deficit financing. The
major revenue of the government to do infrastructure is tax and
if the problem in tax collection was solved the life standard of the
people is improved.A tax is defined as a "a compulsory contribution
payable by aneconomic unit to a government without expectation of
and equivalent return from the government for the contribution
made”. Tax administration refers to the identification of
tax liability based on the existing tax law, the assessment of this
liability, and the collection, prosecution and penalties imposed A tax is
defined as a "a compulsory contribution payable by an
economic unit to a government without expectation of direct
and equivalent return from the government for the contribution
made”. Tax administration refers to the identification of
tax liability based on the existing tax law, the assessment of this
liability, and the collection, prosecution and penalties imposed.
SUMMARY The revenue of the Ethiopian government comes from different sources
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) such as tax public borrowing, sales of public assets, and transfer
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necces payments. The main purpose of generating revenue from these various
sary background to the study and state sources is to finance government expenditure. These public
its purpose. expenditures are meant for public goods and services that are very
▪ Why was the study conducted? essential for the development and wellbeing of the society. Ethiopian
▪ What was it about? Revenue and Customs Authority (ERCA) focuses on those people and
vehicles that may involve in the act of bringing into or taking out of
goods, which customs duty and taxes are not paid and whose
importation or exportation are prohibited by law. Taxes levied by
central and regional government consist of direct and indirect taxes.
Direct taxes are taxes including employment income taxes, business
income tax while indirect taxes are mainly composed of value added
tax (VAT) and excise taxes. The law has classified the business income
tax payers on business profit on to three major categories with respect
to their legal personality and annual turnover as category A, B and C.
Category "A", category "B" and category "C" taxpayers are classified
as follows. Category “A” taxpayers are composed of two groups. The
first group comprises of those taxpayers whose annual turnover for a
single tax year is 500,000 or more. In addition, any company
incorporated under the laws of Ethiopia is a category “A” taxpayer
irrespective of their annual turnover. Category “B” taxpayers are those
taxpayers with annual turnover greater than 100,000 but less than
500,000 Ethiopian. All taxpayers with annual turnover income less than
100,000 Ethiopian Birr are grouped as category C taxpayers Birr.

The study was conducted in Tepi town which is located in the Yeki
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) Woreda, Sheka Zone, Southern Nation Nationality and People’s
▪ describe the specifics of what this s (SNNPR) Region at 611 km distance from Addis Ababa (the capital city
tudy involved of Ethiopia) toward south west direction of the country and this study
▪ Who were the subjects? will conduct to tax payer merchants in case of Tepi town. Study
▪ What was measured? population: In this study the target population is merchants those who
▪ What was being compared? have financial account in the in Tepi town revenue office. The total
populations are 1706 and the sample was selected from these taxpayers.
Sampling techniques: The cross-sectional study design conducted on
118 tax payer merchants that selected with simple random sampling
from 1706 sample frame. Because each individual is chosen entirely by
chance and each member of the populations have an equal chance of
being included in the sample.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) The main purpose of this section is to interpret the results on tax
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. collection problem of tax payers. The descriptive statistics was
▪ How useful or significant is this? employed to describe the tax collection problem of tax payers. From
▪ What did the author say about it? Table 1, out of 36 female respondent 5(4.2%) of them were reported
that they had no tax payment problem while 31(26.3%) of them were
had faced tax collection problem. Similarly, from the total 82 male
respondents 12 (10.2%) of them were said they had no faced tax
collection problem but 70(59.3%) of them were said they had faced tax
collection problem. Out of 8 total number age group less than 20
respondent 1(0.9%) of them were said they had not faced tax collection
problem and 7(5.9%) of them were said that they had faced tax
collection problem, from 15 total number of age group between 21-30
respondents 3(2.5%) of them were said that they had not faced tax
collection problem and 12(10.2%) of them were said that they had faced
tax collection problem, from 38 total number of age group between 31-
40 respondents 7(5.9%) of them were said that they had not faced tax
collection problem and 31(26.3%) of them were said that they had faced
tax collection problem, from 29 total number of age group between 41-
50 respondents 2(1.7%) of them were said they had not faced tax
collection problem and 27(22.9%) of them were said that they had faced
tax collection problem and out of the total 28 age group above 50
respondents 4(3.4%) of them were said they had not faced tax collection
problem and 24(20.3%)
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) The main objectives of this study have been to investigate factors that
▪ Summarize the researcher’s affect tax collection problems in respect to taxpayers found in Tepi
conclusions. town. About 85.6% of the tax payers in the town were had faced tax
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu collection problem and it is necessary to identify the sources of
dy? problems. The significant source of problems were: lower level
education in tax payer, cash machine use, service satisfaction of revenue
office, estimate large pay amount and time liability to pay tax are the
main factors that lead tax payment problem. Another variables such as
average annual income, gender, age, business type, get adequate
training about the cash register machine, signature to tax identification,
level of satisfaction, tax awareness and category of tax payers indicate
that they are not significant to tax collection problem. Thus this study
suggested Tepi town revenue office to facilitate its service and give
adequate time on payment of tax. Additionally the tax payer must
increase their education and knowledge on Cash register machine use.

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Background (Fondo): the things that can be seen behind the
main things or people in a picture.
2. Methods (Métodos): a particular way of doing something.
3. Results (Resultados): something
that happens or exists because of something else.
4. Developing (En desarrollo): A developing country or area of
the world is poorer and has
less advanced industries, especially in Africa, Latin America,
or Asia.
5. Assessment (Evaluación):
the act of judging or deciding the amount, value, quality,
or importance of something, or the judgment or decision that
is made.
6. Percentage (Porcentaje): an amount of something,
often expressed as a number out of 100.
7. Liability (Responsabilidad): the fact that someone
is legally responsible for something.
8. Respectibely (Respetuosamente): in a way
that relates or belongs to each of the separate people or things
you have just mentioned
9. Remaining (Restante): to stay in the same place or in the
same condition.
10. Regression (Regresión): a return to a previous and
less advanced or worse state, condition, or way of behaving.

Student’s name: Rojas Herrera Luis ARTICLE Nº: 1


Article 2
TITLE: Enterprise Risk Management and the Survival of Small Scale Businesses in Nigeria
AREA: Department of Accounting, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria
CITATION: Kehinde A, Opeyemi A, Benjamin A, Adedayo O, Abel OA (2017) Enterprise Risk Management and the
Survival of Small Scale Businesses in Nigeria. Int J Account Res 5: 165. doi:10.4172/2472-

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) Nigeria is also characterized with the challenge of economic policies
instability, security issues, poor infrastructure most especially road
▪ What did you learn from the study? network, transportation system and electricity and host of others. So,
▪ How might you apply the information in y would be investors or entrepreneur either domestic or international must
our academic training? take into cognizance the Nigeria ‘country risks’ into consideration with
▪ How this study relate to your field a view to leveraging on them for the benefits of their enterprises [9,10].
of preparation? Small scale businesses are fundamental and pivotal to the economic
development and transformation of any nation. The economy giants of
the world such as China and Japan leveraged on the small and medium
businesses to launch their economies to greatness . In Nigeria, the
global economic meltdown which started in 2007 of which the effect is
still biting hard, had led to the untimely collapsed of many businesses
with the attendant huge losses of jobs. Currently, the Nigerian economy
is in recession and businesses most especially small scale businesses are
finding it difficult to survive. The business gurus, professionals and
scholars opined that one of the difficult tasks to engage in is the
establishment of small scale businesses most especially in a harsh
environment like Nigeria and its survival in the first five years. They
therefore concluded that short and long term strategies should be
developed with a view to guiding against failures . In 2016, the Central
Bank of Nigeria (CBN) foreign exchange policy placed restrictions on
forty-one items which forced 272 firms, 50 manufacturing companies
inclusive, out of business.
SUMMARY Small scale enterprises are catalysts and engine room for economic
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) growth and development as demonstrated by the achievements recorded
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necces by Chinese industrialists and other developed nations. Over the years,
sary background to the study and state the rate at which small scale businesses are collapsing in Nigeria is quite
its purpose. alarming due to poor approach to risk management. The economic
▪ Why was the study conducted? development of any nation most especially developing economies is
▪ What was it about? instituted on the survival of small scale industries. Small scale
industries in Nigeria are fundamentally different from other nations of
the world in terms of nature and structure. Many researchers have
identified various risks such as financial, strategic, hazard etc. risks
militating against the growth of small scales industries which the
implementation of enterprise risk management has helped in addressing
without due consideration to risk oversight of an appointed risk expert.
This paper which employed secondary data sourced from various
journals and other publications and used Ordinary Least Square (OLS)
in the analysis and testing of hypotheses identified and advocated for
the implementation of risk oversight as panacea for enduring and
survival of small scale businesses in Nigeria.
It is fundamental in this 21st century for every business organization to
PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) embrace an integrated approach to risk management in order to reduce
▪ describe the specifics of what thiss or mitigate risk. This is based on the fact that risks increase as
tudy involved businesses evolve and promoters must be strategic in their approaches
▪ Who were the subjects? to leverage on the opportunities bring about by the risks for the benefits
▪ What was measured? of their enterprises.
▪ What was being compared? According to David and Desheng, Enterprise Risk Management
(ERM) was coined in the mid-1990s to provide solution for business
growth through effective risk management. The Casualty Actuarial
Society (CAS) maintained that Enterprise Risk Management is a
process through which risks can be measured, exploited, governed,
financed and monitored from all sources by business organizations
operating in any sector of the economy with a view to increasing the
value of shareholders or owners.
The Enterprise Risk Management views risks as opportunity
exemplified in the overall business strategy of an enterprise which must
be identified, measured, responded to, prevented and monitored. This
position is different from the traditional risk management which
considers risk as a threat.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) The results from the descriptive statistics as presented in Table 2
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. indicate a mean profitability of 0.43137 for the SMEs under
▪ How useful or significant is this? consideration. It represents an average percentage (%) distribution of
▪ What did the author say about it? approximately 43% for the period. On the other hand; effective risk
management, financial adequacy and good accounting system maintain
an average mean distribution value of 0.33465, 0.14945 and 0.28020
respectively for the sampled SMEs. Conversely, the review of empirical
results from the Pearson correlation analysis on the relationship
between survival (profitability) and enterprise risk management shows
that there is a positive correlation between effective risk management
(ERM) and profitability of SMEs and it is significant at 1% probability
level with a correlation coefficient (r) of approximately 0.44. Also, the
result shows that there is a positive correlation between financial
adequacy (FINA) and profitability which is also significant at 1%
probability level with a correlation coefficient (r) of about 0.589. Again,
findings from Table 3 further depicts that there is a significant positive
correlation between good accounting system (GAS) and survival of
SMEs. This is evident with a correlation coefficient of about (r) 0.815
and it is significant at 1% level.
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) This study basically looked at enterprise risk management and the
▪ Summarize the researcher’s survival of SMEs n Nigeria. Based on the first hypotheses, the study
conclusions. observed that effective risk management has a significant impact on
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu profitability of SMEs in Nigeria. That is, an increase in profitability will
dy? of necessity lead to increase in risk because the higher the returns the
higher the risk expected. Also, findings from the second hypothesis
assert that there is a significant positive relationship between financial
adequacy and profitability of SMEs. Finally, the result from the third
hypothesis authenticates the submissions of Onaolapo and Adegbite,
Ikechukwu, Oladejo, Ezejiofor et al. [56] where they suggested that
SMEs tend to make more profit due to their ability to maintain good
accounting system. Consequently, the paper concludes that while the
financial adequacy appears to have a visible and significant effect on
profitability of SMEs, equally, good accounting system tend to have a
significant positive impact on SMEs profitability. In addition, the
ability of SMEs to remain profitable and at the same time withstand the
test of time for survival depend on their responses to risk issues in view
of increased in business complexities, weak control in monitoring
operational activities, development in high technology and other vices
that are making SMEs susceptible to risks. This is very fundamental to
the success of SMEs in Nigeria.

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Formulated (Formulado): to develop all the details of

a plan for doing something.
2. Independent Variable (Variable independiente):
a number or amount whose value does not depend on
the value of another element in the
same mathematical expression (= group of symbols representi
ng an amount or idea)
3. Profitability (Rentabilidad): he fact that
something produces or is likely to produce a profit.
4. Regression (Regresión): a return to a previous and
less advanced or worse state, condition, or way of behaving.
5. Explanatory (Explicativo): giving an explanation about
6. Management (Gestión): the control and organization of
7. Implemented (Implementado): to start using
a plan or system.
8. Fundamental (Fundamental): forming the base, from which
everything else develops.
9. Industry (Industria): the companies and activities involved in
the process of producing goods for sale, especially in
a factory or special area.
10. Economy (Economía): the system of trade and industry by
which the wealth of a country is made and used.

Student’s name: Rojas Herrera Luis ARTICLE Nº: 2

Article 3

TITLE: Dynamics of Scaling Firms and their Contributions for Social and Economic Transformation
AREA: Hawassa University, College of Business and Economics, Hawassa, Ethiopia
CITATION: :Altasseb HG (2016) Dynamics of Scaling Firms and their Contributions for Social and Economic
Transformation. Int J Account Res 5: 142. doi:10.4172/2472- 114X.1000142

PERSONAL COMMENTS (200-250 words) The role of scaling firms for poverty reduction and pro-poor
growth is indisputable. Most scholars declared that those firms are
▪ What did you learn from the study? the veritable socio-economic engines for sustainable income,
▪ How might you apply the information in y employment-generation and social-transformation. The main
our academic training? objective of this study is therefore, to investigate the dynamics of
▪ How this study relate to your field scaling firms and their contributions for socio-economic
of preparation? transformation. To be specific, the study intends to verify whether
firms are consistently taking its critical part for improving the
living conditions of the poor, and driving employment growth and
social wellbeing, and if not, why, and also to identify the possible
remedial measures. By making use of the Binary logistic
regression analysis, OLS and fixed effect models, the study has
made thorough investigation of the determinant factors for firms’
entry, survival and growth. Besides, descriptive statistics was used
for analyzing the individual owners and firm level characteristics
and their relationship with the form and or nature of the business
firms and its sources of funding. Virtually, the study found that
scaling firms have played and continue to play significant roles in
improving the socio-economic lives of the poor. The firms, on
average, generated higher rate of annual employment growth (8.5
percent), capital accumulation (41.6 percent), ROI (7.8 birr) and
income and assets growth rate (26.8 percent). On the other hand,
firm operators were able to reduce the marginal cost of production
by 7.8 birr, by virtue of efficient utilization of resources and
effective production system.
SUMMARY Poverty in Ethiopia is both deep and widespread and remains to be
INTRODUCTION (1-3 sentences) a major economic hurdle. It is estimated that more than half of the
▪ give a brief introduction to give the necces population live in absolute poverty due to lack of economic
sary background to the study and state opportunities, governance crisis, inadequate household income,
its purpose. and poor means of survival. The per capita income of the country,
▪ Why was the study conducted? though it showed improvement in recent years, is only 210USD as
▪ What was it about? at the end of 2010. This is very little earnings to cover daily meal,
let alone health, education and other emergency expenses, which
make the poor highly vulnerable to unforeseen illness and others
chronic diseases. There is also high level of unemployment even
among the skilled labor force. Currently, 50% of the rural and
urban population of the country in the age group between 15 and
30 years are unemployed due to lack of opportunities.
Unemployment has been widely expanding for the reason that the
rate of population growth exceeds the growth rate of employment
in the country. Most of the urban settlers in Ethiopia earn an
income that barely enables them to survive. Considering the high
living costs, most urban residents resort to undertake scaling firms
to acquire additional income. Scaling firms1 , therefore, has been
an important source of supplementary income not only for the
unemployed and destitute but also for the urban wage earners who
found their salaries depressed as a result of the fall in real incomes.

The role of scaling firms for employment creation, economic

PROCEDURES (3-5 sentences) empowerment and poverty alleviation (as opposed to being viewed
▪ describe the specifics of what thiss as marginal and unproductive, tax evader, and with limited
tudy involved contribution to economic growth) has received due recognition as
▪ Who were the subjects? it deserves, as explicitly stated, in the firms Development Strategy
▪ What was measured? and the Federal Food Security Strategy. Hence, the Governments
▪ What was being compared? at Federal and Regional levels through budgetary allocations,
policies and pronouncements have vested signified interest and
acknowledgement of the crucial role of the scaling firms and hence
made policies for energizing the same. Besides, there have also
been fiscal incentives, grants, bilateral and multilateral agencies
and specialized institutions all geared towards making firms grow
more vibrantly. Despite this, however, countervailing evidences
reveal that scaling firms have not performed creditably well and
never - realized its vibrant role for economic growth and
development of the country. This situation has been of great
concern to the government body, and various development
agencies. Virtually, the dynamics of scaling firms have not yet
been adequately studied. Noticeably, relevant, sufficiently detailed
and timely empirical data help to underpin policy making as well
as designing appropriate strategy for interventions.
FINDINGS(3-5 sentences) Before stepping into discussing the regression results, it is quite
▪ Discuss the major findings and results. imperative to see the results of descriptive statistical analysis. As
▪ How useful or significant is this? shown in Table 1, the individual operators and firm level
▪ What did the author say about it? characteristics across each salient indicator do significantly vary in
between the deceased and performing firms. On the other hand, it
appears that there are significant variations in between the
characteristic and business nature of the already deceased and
performing firms across most of the indicators, except age and sex
of the entrepreneurs, the level of business risk and uncertainties,
government support, and amount of levied tax [24]. Apparently,
the average size of scaling firms, operators years of education and
household size, initial capital, credit access, average hours worked,
market access, return on investment, number of employees, age of
the firm do significantly vary in between the deceased and
operating firms. This shows us that the success and failure stories
do vividly vary between the two groups of firms.
CONCLUSIONS (3-5 sentences) The findings of this study proved that firms are key economic
▪ Summarize the researcher’s engines, through which substantial employment growth rate had
conclusions. been realized, which is 8.5 percent on average higher than the
▪ What was the major outcome of the stu overall national employment growth rate (2.9 percent). The
dy? average ROI earned amounts 15 birr, which is higher than the
opportunity cost of money. Hence, it may be concluded that firms
have got the most profitable investment opportunity. Virtually,
entrepreneurs could reduce the marginal cost of production by 7.8
birr due to efficient mobilization and or utilization of resources and
effective production function by taking advantage of the
economies of scale. The annual growth rate of income and wealth
accumulation of the firm operators reveal 26.8 percent and 41.6
percent on average respectively. It appears that, above and beyond
improving the economic life of the poor, firms would be able to
guarantee drastic business and economic transformation. Overall,
scaling firms can be considered as the veritable milestones to
steadily improve social wellbeing, reduce inequality, and improve
the level of resilience and vulnerability.

Lexicon: (10 words) 1. Scale (Escala): a set of numbers, amounts, etc., used
to measure or compare the level of something.
2. Generated (Generado): to cause something to exist.
3. Statistics (Estadísticas):
a collection of numerical facts or measurements, as
about people, business conditions, or weather.
4. Employment (Empleo): the fact of someone
being paid to work for a company or organization.
5. Marginal (Marginal): very small in amount or effect.
6. Dynamics (Dinámica): forces that produce movement.
7. Potential (Potencial): possible when
the necessary conditions exist.
8. Constraints (Restricciones): something
that controls what you do by keeping you
within particular limits.
9. Determinant (Determinante): something
that controls or affects what happens in
a particular situation.
10. Efficient (Eficiente):
working or operating quickly and effectively in
an organized way.

Student’s name: Rojas Herrera Luis ARTICLE Nº: 3


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