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Paola Gonzalez Valverde

1900 Burns street, Unit 3 | 4582328401 |


Dr. Carlos Guevara

Ponderosa Middle School
2554 Main St

Dear Dr. Guevara

Comparing my professional profile with the requirements established for the

technology coordinator that they are looking for through InfoJobs, I considered
that I am the type of candidate that can fit in at the school.

I have developed a professional career carrying out tasks to ensure the operation
of the company's computers, networks, platforms, and systems, not only due to
my experience in the area but also due to my knowledge within this sector.

I would like to mention my most important qualifications:

-MCAS Certified in Microsoft Word, Excel, and Power Point.

-Master’s degree in Educational Technology.


Paola Gonzalez Valverde

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