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1) Identify three effectives (enablers) when working in interprofessional care
team and provide a detail example of each
Mutual Respect

 Mutual respect plays an essential role in successful interprofessional collaboration.

Respecting others professional decisions especially if we disagree with that decision is
important, it also shows trust in the other team members and their clinical judgment.
Nurse-Physician relationship

 The relationship effects the care of the patient. When the physician trusts the nurse’s
clinical judgment and skill and takes the nurses recommendation into consideration.

 Communication between the collaborative team. Communicating with the physician any
patient concerns.

2) Identify three ineffective (barriers) when working in interprofessional

care team and provide a detail example of each
Inequitable power relations

 Some doctors might not consider the recommendation of the nurse reporting “I’m the
doctor I decide”. Some doctors are unapproachable making it hard to continue to
communicate to provide care as newer nurse might avoid them. This also occurs among
nurses as well, for example when charges nurses intimidate newer nurses and thus the
nurse avoid asking for assistance.
Professional language differences

 The medical jargon used by medical professionals will not make sense to social workers
for example when it comes to patient care.
Perceived lack of organizational support

 Lack of organizational support such as inconsistencies in team huddles and team rounds
with physicians effect the interprofessional collaboration. It is also important for the
organization to provide support for the staff if any other barriers are present.

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