The Mouse Family and The Helpful Frog

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The Mouse Family and the Helpful Frog

The story started with a heavy rain for two days where the mouse and his
family took a shelter under a shady tree beside a pond.
The Mouse and his family were starving as they had not been able to search
for food since the previous day. As the rain stopped Father and Mother Mouse
went looking for food.
They warn their children not to go out from their nest because it’s
dangerous outside. But the naughty children forgot what their father’s advice so
they left home and went to play in the pond. They used the fallen leaves as boats
to paddle over the water and they have fun.
While they play the rain suddenly came and the Frog who sees them that
they were struggling in the water immediately jump on the water when he heard
them asking for help. Quickly he rescued them and dragged the little mice nearest
to him. The Mousedeer also helped the Frog.
Since the three baby mice had fainted the Frog decided to bring them to his
house dragging one mice with the Mousedeer carrying the two mice. As the Father
Frog saw them dragging their children he taught that their chidren were stoled so
he hit the Frog until the Frog was unconscious.
The Mousedeer told Father Frog how ungrateful he is for hurting the Frog
who saved his children from drowning. Soon the little mice told his father frog that
they were rescued by the Frog. He then ask for forgiveness and invited the Frog
and the Mousedeer to eat with them to repay them for the goodness they done to
their children. They all ate happy together.

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