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[Music] welcome to the tate bhd course if you've bought this course which you

obviously have congratulations you're gonna change your life for the better i know
exactly what i'm talking about i'm [ __ ] certified i know i don't look like a pimp
right now i look like a [ __ ] but i just finished training i don't owe you [ __ ]
nice clothes so whatever i actually went out of my way and bought a whiteboard
that's some genuine effort but the only pen i have is green which is gonna be
for you to see so we're not gonna use the whiteboard we're gonna put graphics in
the video instead which is more effort should charge double for this [ __ ] anyway
so me i'm gonna teach you from the ground up how to get it done i was thinking if i
was gonna do like modular videos like little modules on on each thing of how to do
it or just do one long video it's actually quite difficult it's almost like imagine
you're the best baker in the world and someone comes to you and says teach me how
to bake
well the first thing you're going to do is go okay we'll bake what bake a cake bake
bread in an oven or on a fire or how long do i have what are the ingredients like
the first thing the master baker's gonna do masturbator master baker is going to
ask you loads of questions because baking is such an all-encompassing art it's very
difficult to just explain everything and pimping is very much the same it's very
difficult for me to just explain absolutely everything the whole 360 degrees but
i'm going to try anyway and for that
reason i'm not going to do modules i'm not going to break it down to little videos
what i'm just going to do is i'm just going to [ __ ] lay down some knowledge for
the next long time and you're asking is to get a pen and a [ __ ] paper and pay
attention if you have to watch this video over and over and over again fine if you
have to watch this video and understand that there's certain parts of it that you
need to tweak to fit your particular style fine i'm not saying that this is going
to be absolutely not really rigid
but it is going to be a fail a fail-proof system that's what it's absolutely going
to be because there are some rules which are iron clad can't be broken and some
rules there's exceptions too so there's gonna be a whole bunch of talking here so
if you haven't gone pissed go piss get some [ __ ] popcorn buckle up this is lesson
one in your pimpano's degree all right let's start with the basics the basics are
as follows and like i said when you're watching this video there's gonna be some
rules which i tell
you which are iron clad and can't be broken and sometimes there's exceptions to the
rules i've read a lot of a lot of the manosphere [ __ ] and sometimes they say if
you [ __ ] her on the first date she ain't worth [ __ ] that's not true i've had
girls who are [ __ ] on the first date who weren't worth [ __ ] and i've had girls
who [ __ ] on the first date i was with for two or three years and they were
fiercely loyal to me and they were fantastic girlfriends so that is a rule which
has exceptions but
there are some rules with no exceptions like oh my girl has male friends they're
just her friend no not allowed that is a rule that can never ever ever that cannot
be broken if you've got your chip on lock and she's in love with you she ain't
interested in talking to no other [ __ ] dude about game of thrones or some dumb
[ __ ] she's interested in talking to you and you only so like i said i'm gonna do
a lot of talking here and what i want you to do is pay a lot of attention and
pause this video if i'm giving you examples i'm talking about things try and apply
them to your own life or why you well where you've tried things in your own life or
your own current situation and see how they fit i'm very open for questions
comments if you have any particular questions or comments you want to come at me
with drop me an email there's no problem at all so we're gonna start at the very
very beginning which is the overview of the central marketplace that we currently
live in
we currently live in a sexual marketplace which is extremely difficult for men and
it is getting harder and harder it is not getting easier it's getting harder and
harder because women biologically are programmed to share an alpha male now i say
this and this is what's actually interesting to me a lot of the manosphere stuff
the 21 convention stuff all this [ __ ] is talking about how women are wrong and
women need to be fixed i don't necessarily think that's the case if you can
position yourself in the
correct place you'll have more than enough women so by the way the sexual
marketplace works is if you're in the wrong place you don't have enough women but
if you're in the right place you have too many women i have more women than i can
see i by the time i [ __ ] all the girls i need to [ __ ] to keep my normal
rotation going i don't have time to go on a date every night is planned every night
i'm looking at my phone and i've got four choices i'm like where am i going to stay
and that's not just because i've got
money because it's been like this before i had money i've had money for six seven
years it was exactly the same before i had money i've always had too many women
because i understand where to position myself so the first thing i want you guys to
do is a lot of this red pill stuff is anti-women the way that women are hyper
gamers and they don't like the way the world works and women only want this and
that it's really negative you are not going to be successful with girls if you hate
you need to get that [ __ ] out of your head and you gotta change your mindset
where you don't like how women think i don't like how women think women do this
women do that women think a particular way and that's fine if you know the rules to
the game if you can bend the rules or you can put yourself in the right position so
that the rules of the game favor you then you should be very happy women think a
particular way so a lot like i said a lot of this red pill stuff is trying to
change the way
women think trying to say that women think a certain way and this is wrong and like
there's a new convention coming out 22 convention make women great again about how
to make women great if women were completely fair like men and every woman just got
one guy then where's the fun in being a g where's the fun in having all these
chicks well how come i have so many i only have so many because there's a whole
bunch of dudes out there with none that's the way the world works so i'm going to
teach you to be in my position
so you need to get rid of any hate or resentment you have towards women get rid of
that [ __ ] that's the first thing you all do when you understand women better
you'll understand why they do what they do and you'll understand how to position
yourself so it suits you so the sexual marketplace is very difficult for men and
the reason it's difficult for men is because men have one weapon in the battle for
sex and that is attention all you can give a female is attention right i'm gonna
take my jacket off quickly
before i take my jacket off let me just uh remind you this watch calls 30 grand
that upsets you get your money up um so all you have is your attention so the
basics of the sexual marketplace are as follows you give your attention to a woman
to get sex and the woman gives you her sex to keep getting your attention attention
into sex sex into attention that's how it works men give their attention to get sex
women give sex to get attention that's how it should work but the reason the sexual
marketplace is so [ __ ]
because there's too many women out there who get attention without giving sex so
previously not too long ago men didn't give a [ __ ] about girl they weren't
banging they didn't care why would you care about girl you don't [ __ ] she ain't
nothing to you you don't see her but now with instagram you've got girls with
millions of follower followers millions of men are giving her validation millions
of men are liking her comments and comment and and liking her post and commenting
on her [ __ ] and
telling her she's beautiful and she [ __ ] zero of them so that skewed up the whole
thing now it's all [ __ ] because you've got chicks getting unlimited male
attention without having to give their sex out and that's why the sexual
marketplace is getting difficult because it's the whole [ __ ] the whole [ __ ]
game the fair equation has been completely skewed male attention is suffering from
hyperinflation whereas male attention isn't worth [ __ ] anymore 50 60 years ago if
you were talking to a
girl or you took her on a date when you bought her flowers it meant something buy [
__ ] flowers now she doesn't give a [ __ ] what the [ __ ] does she care she gives
unlimited inboxes in her [ __ ] instagram she can get flowers anytime she wants she
doesn't [ __ ] care none of that means anything so that's the sexual marketplace so
the number one game as a man is you need to attach some value to your attention
your attention has to become more valuable because you have two choices i'm
assuming you [ __ ] are smart
i don't know all of you who've bought this i know some of you have bought this some
of you might be dumb but if something hyper inflates choices are as follows imagine
a currency if a currency hyperinflates you either do something to restore the value
of that currency or you give a lot more currency to get what you want so my
question to you is if mail attention is in hyperinflation do you want to give loads
loads loads loads more attention to try and get laid or do you want to attach a
value to your attention so that you don't have to give
very much at all but you get what you want the problem with giving loads loads
loads loads more is you might not get laid and then guess where you end up the [ __
] friend zone it's complicated every time she called me i was there every time she
felt sad i was there and this [ __ ] is sitting there going well he's there any
time i want him and i don't have to [ __ ] him so why would i [ __ ] and jen's a
[ __ ] some guy who doesn't give a [ __ ] about her and you're sitting there going
would she [ __ ] the guy who clearly doesn't like her because the guy who doesn't
like her his attention has a value because she can't get it very easily just like a
currency the only attention anything only has a value through scarcity so when you
want to attach a value to your attention you have to limit the attention you give a
female you cannot be running through the earth throw in attention everywhere for
[ __ ] free and expect a girl to give a [ __ ] that she's getting in it if she
knows you give attention to every hoe
that walks she doesn't give a [ __ ] about your attention that's the reality this
is why girls like bad boys it's not because bad boys are [ __ ] well partially it's
because bad boys are [ __ ] but it's not actually the fact they're [ __ ] it's the
fact that they'll tell the girl to [ __ ] off or they'll say to a girl i don't want
to talk to you anymore or they know that getting attention from this particular man
isn't free and easy this guy will get rid of he's giving me
attention and he told he got rid of that other girl or he ignores that girl but he
talks to me that is value so the number one thing you want to do in the current
sexual marketplace is attach value to your attention so how do you do that now this
is where we're going to get into internal factors factors you can do as a person
and external factors there are a lot of factors you can't control i don't want to [
__ ] what's the shitty expression teach grandmother suck eggs or some dumb [ __ ] i
don't want to state the obvious
but obviously if you have a profile as a high value mail your attention is
instinctively more valuable so we're talking about attaching value to your
attention and we're going to do that by limiting your attention but you can also
attach value to your attention with the obvious things you already know go to the
gym get in shape dress well have money all these basic things but i'm not here to
tell you that because that doesn't help you you bought this course on how to get
girls i can't sit
here and go get a lambo because i ain't a [ __ ] answer that's stupid but i'm
saying if you do those things it will absolutely help you because it makes you a
higher value person it means and a girl is more interested in you saying well a lot
of the time it just sparks their curiosity my experience with money is that girls
don't care about money but they care about how you've made it girls don't care
about money but they're like where does he get this money from they're curious
about it so it's some
intrigue there and with entry your attention once again increases so those are all
the things you already know if you don't know to go to the gym get some money that
uh well then you're an idiot you know all these things we're not gonna talk about
them we're gonna talk about the things you can do without increasing your bank
balance so increasing the value of your attention so as follows i don't know your
current situation but i guarantee there's a bunch of girls in your phone who you're
talking to or attempting to talk to who you've never [ __ ] and you never stand a
chance of [ __ ] why are you talking to her why are you giving your attention away
for free why are you devaluing yourself and that's a mistake so for this reason
anytime we're giving our attention to a woman we need to aim for progression
progression towards the end goal if you find a woman sexually attractive i know the
[ __ ] modern world tells you that's a bad thing but it's not a bad thing there's
nothing wrong with
finding a woman attractive and there's nothing wrong with wanting to stick with a
woman there's nothing wrong with that that is your end goal and every move you make
every bit of attention you give has to be progressing towards that goal you cannot
just flounder in a sea of giving out your attention you end up in the [ __ ] friend
zone so like i said just like with the bakery example there's a million things i
need to teach you guys and teach you guys approaching [ __ ] on the street and
teach you guys how to do things in the
club and and teaching these things without experience is extremely difficult so to
keep this easy what i'm going to do is i'm going to give you some iron-clad steps
that you can do in the next two weeks so you can [ __ ] a [ __ ] brand new girl you
never [ __ ] so you know that i know what i'm talking about there's a lot of this
stuff i need to show you in person there's a lot of other modules but we're going
to keep this very simple we live in the world of the internet so first thing you
can do starting laid
today is your number one tool to get laid is instagram instagram is the new dating
[ __ ] app [ __ ] tinder i mean tinder's okay the problem with tinder is if you're
gonna do tinder enough you'll swipe you'll get some girls but every girl on tinder
has [ __ ] someone else tina's been around for four years now they've [ __ ] dudes
from tinder before you know only real ratchet [ __ ] are left on there really maybe
if they're newly single or something you might find something good on tinder i've
done it i found good
girls on tinder but in general what you want is instagram the reason instagram's so
fantastic is because women sit on instagram all [ __ ] day the only problem with
instagram is that they get unlimited inboxes from guys saying [ __ ] so how do you
make your inbox more appealing than anyone else's inbox so we're talking about some
inbox game if that's the thing first thing you need to do is start your instagram
page you can see on my instagram i have my particular angle and that is money
i play the fighter thing and also what i try and do with every single post is a
degree of intrigue intrigue is super important in the sexual marketplace because
intrigue it attaches a value to your attention because you instantly become
interesting so imagine you work in starbucks your jobs your starbucks if a girl
says what do you do you say i work at starbucks or you can say uh well say well i
was high level at starbucks i was high level management and now they put me in as a
mystery worker i'm making a shift off the top of my
[ __ ] head i'm telling you what i do i work at starbucks the girl be like what do
you mean it's like oh well i was high level management and then what they do is
they send me around the different starbucks stores to just work as a normal person
but what i do is report back to the high level management about how the store is
being run and if the manager is competent and did it all of a sudden you sound like
a [ __ ] spy you're now james bond of starbucks you were a barista loser now you're
james bond
that's how you got a spin on things really i've never heard of that so of course if
you've heard of it then it wouldn't work no one knows about it so i moved from
store to store now all of a sudden you're an interesting person bam you gotta put a
spin on things then you're sitting there thinking well if i say that maybe she can
expect me to have money no she doesn't oh so you get paid a lot oh yeah i get paid
good money but you know i'm looking after my cousin she had a car crash or
my cousin i'm putting my cousin through college make up some [ __ ] look we live in
a world where you cannot play fair anymore when you walk down the streets nowadays
and someone wants to mug you it can't be all right let's have a fair duel one-on-
one if you win you get there's no more fair people gonna run up from behind and
stab you you can't play fair anymore in with violence or in the sexual marketplace
you can't play fair if you work in starbucks and you are broke you now are high
level management
on a secret starbucks mission to find the worst starbucks employees as a spy and
the reason you have no money is because you're putting your sick cousin through
college that is how you have to play the game all of a sudden you're an interesting
person from a barista to james bond the philanthropist that's how you all be doing
things so whatever your job is now it may be a little bit interesting but i
guarantee you could put a spin on it and one of the most important things you can
do is never give away all the information
because there is nothing as interesting that you can say as what she can think of
herself so girls ask me all the time what i do i do loads of different things i
don't tell them i say oh yeah you know i'm just working why working doing what so
just making money that's that's that's the answer they sit there and think is he an
assassin is he a spy is he is he this how come he has this car let them go through
all the crazy ideas in their head because they'll settle on the one they like the
most no matter what i no
matter what i make up or what lie i tell it's not gonna be as interesting as what
they can imagine it could be so you need to have some intrigue there don't be
afraid to put a spin on your [ __ ] that's the first thing and your instagram page
needs to reflect that my instagram page very clearly makes me look like russian mob
millionaire pure gangster is that true yeah but still it's done in a very
particular way so that when girls look at my page they go who the [ __ ] is this
dude like where's he getting all these
where's he getting this why is he there i'm tagged in all these weird locations
what's he doing and also there's a very fine line here you've got to be careful but
i have girls on my instagram page because i'm telling you this no girl wants to
[ __ ] the guy that doesn't get girls they all want to [ __ ] the guy that other
girls want to [ __ ] because women are purely [ __ ] evil when it comes to taking a
guy off other dudes a guy a guy off of the chicks they love that [ __ ] so you
don't want to do too much you
don't want to try and be like a budget dan bilzerian but you do want to make it
clear that you roll with chicks especially hot ones even if she's your friend or
some [ __ ] put a picture on there ain't gonna hurt you who's she oh someone i know
once again intrigue your girlfriend i didn't say she's my girlfriend this is
someone i know oh okay lay it down let them know like i said this is a lot of
talking so you grab a pen and paper make some [ __ ] notes find a girl take a
picture get that [ __ ] done your
instagram page has to be interesting you have maybe half a second send an inbox to
a girl she's gonna look at your page you have maybe half a second to impress her
for me it's easy now about cars and [ __ ] but you know what girls don't even care
about cars bro girls don't give a [ __ ] they don't care about lambos and [ __ ]
the number of times i've had girls go lambo's uncomfortable come get me the bmw
they don't care i mean yeah it's good for an instagram page but in general
they don't care so you need to put together an instagram which is appealing to
females you're a full-grown [ __ ] man if you're a full-grown man you don't care
about likes and you don't care about keeping your instagram updated so if you only
have your five or six best pictures and that's all you have there do that don't
keep updating every day with new pictures of you and your friend drunk because no
one gives a [ __ ] bro no one cares and it's making you look a dick and it's
damaging your [ __ ] potential
construct an instagram front page because you ain't gonna scroll down the first
five or six pictures that make a girl be interested in you one way or another i
don't have to get professional professional photographer i don't care if you have
to rent a car i don't care if you have to [ __ ] i don't care what lie you have to
tell i don't give a [ __ ] you should know look at my instagram put something
together that is interesting i've used the money angle if you haven't got the money
angle you know what chicks
love travel do the travel angle [ __ ] right now book something go on holiday spend
two days taking loads of photos next to rocks and oceans and [ __ ] and do the
travel angle that's that's cheap and then bang you're a traveling guy or girls like
travel it's interesting to them because they all want to [ __ ] travel for free
because they're all scared so put an instagram page together that's interesting and
don't update it all the time with shitty photos do not update your instagram very
often if you haven't got amazing things to put on there that is your [ __ ] shop
window that's your portal to the chicks if you're gonna inbox a chick that's the
first thing to look at that's all you've got do not give a [ __ ] about keeping
people updated with your life because no one [ __ ] cares about your [ __ ] life
anyway this is the absolute hard reality another thing you don't want to do if you
look on my instagram there's a picture of me with four guys singing leather jackets
before we do some work
in london we're clearly russian mob so that's a laugh if you're clearly mafia or
you're looking like a g you're allowed but in general groups of pictures of men are
no i'm telling you some solid no-no's for instagram because living in the animal
kingdom it's always little shitty weak animals that are in huge groups prey like
[ __ ] buffalo whatever even though they're strong the prey the things that get
hunted are always in big groups the hunters are like one or two hunters are like
lone soldiers you don't
see [ __ ] 20 hundreds together if you think you and all your 20 friends are cool
with your beards 20 guys in a picture no one gives a [ __ ] and if a girl looks at
it she's not going to know which one is you and instinctively she's going to think
beta loser you on your own or you and someone else two guys three guys max bang i'm
a g you'd only be having [ __ ] big groups of things next thing do not put any
pictures of you with your mouth open that soy face [ __ ] is taking over the world
you know whenever when guys are
uncomfortable in their skin they take a picture and they go like or some [ __ ]
there's that's been scientifically proven in primates monkeys they they open their
mouth as a sign of submission primates that draw our closest cousin when the alpha
male monkey turns up he's got pissed off face and the other monkeys when they see
him they kind of go and show their t as saying like it's a submission thing like
don't hurt me and nowadays if you look at a [ __ ] uh a democrat or a liberal or
someone who
doesn't support trump all of their pictures they got their [ __ ] mouth open the
reason they do that is instinctually it's a submissive sign like please the world
don't hurt me and women detect that [ __ ] it's not closed it's not attractive in
any way get rid of that [ __ ] look about your business you're a full-grown [ __ ]
man you're going to look pissed off look at your business look like you know what
you're doing like you know where you're going like you're doing something
nobody is doing anything worthwhile going like this it's [ __ ] girls don't want to
see you [ __ ] happy having a great time laughing you're not five years old you're
a [ __ ] full-grown man looking for a man who's gonna take care of her looking for
a [ __ ] serious g so put that [ __ ] together build an instagram page even if you
can only get five good photos that's enough never update again because girls don't
check when the photo was posted do you think a girl sees a good picture and goes
oh that was posted six months ago they don't give a [ __ ] they look on your [ __ ]
page you go oh okay i'll reply to him done get a good couple good pictures that's
that next stage what do you inbox the woman that makes you different from everyone
else now everyone watching this i'm sure you've already inboxed loads of girls on
instagram i don't know what you particularly say i'll tell you what i will say and
i'll give you screenshot examples so a lot of men say hey how are you
hey how are you [ __ ] she doesn't even know who the [ __ ] you are why would she
give a [ __ ] about telling you how she is she knows you don't care you don't care
and she gets that 30 times a day so she doesn't care that's a bad idea your
beautiful isn't bad but it leaves you open for loads of [ __ ] testing it leaves
you open for i know or lol or some kind of sarcastic [ __ ] that they reply to you
that makes you look like a dick and you gotta instantly fight to prove your manhood
my message
ago you're beautiful and so go i've had like before lol as in laughing and they're
like what's funny and then they can ignore you then you look a [ __ ] you're a
beautiful lol what's what and then you get blanked you've got to be careful how you
set this [ __ ] up because women are looking to [ __ ] test you as soon as they can
women are looking to turn on you and give you some [ __ ] to see how you react to
them straight away so in my experience what i find raises intrigue it inspires them
to respond and also
makes it extremely difficult for them to [ __ ] test me is i ask where they are so
what i do and you're gonna see a screenshot in a second i live in bucharest romania
it doesn't matter if i'm in london bucharest moscow anywhere i am i just say book
arrest question mark or a moscow question mark or london question mark sometimes
because like i said intrigue i'll put a completely pointless emoji on the end some
cherries or an orange or a strawberry because it doesn't mean anything so the
girl's sitting there she's
scrolling through how are you you're sexy how are you you're sexy how are you sexy
book arrest strawberry yeah i am in bucharest then they start to think why does he
want to know where i am like does he want to [ __ ] me does he has he seen me does
he have something of interest for me and they usually reply yeah why or yeah
because they're interested they're like what the [ __ ] what does he want to know
for so that that's how you get the instant response in my experience i've done a
lot like i said about phd you bought
this course for a [ __ ] reason i know what to do in my experience is the best
message to send of course not every girl is going to reply but the ones who do
you've already from the first question raise some kind of intrigue because they
want to know why you want to talk to them they're a bit like that's interesting so
we're going to play through an example here of a girl i'm going to look at my phone
remember the graphics up in the video because we're [ __ ] professionals me my boy
so here's a very perfect example jake a nine paw book arrest hey yes then i heard
my reply why do i never see you where are you hiding that's my reply because once
again it's it's some intrigue it's an easy women like easy conversation what women
don't want to do for a guy they don't know and have never met is think if a woman
has to sit there and go what do i reply they ain't gonna reply if a woman looks at
her phone and she hasn't got something instantly she wants to say she ain't gonna
say anything because she
has so many messages a day as a woman that if you don't get inspired to instantly
type something back you're not gonna type anything so if you just say something
boring they'll look at it and leave you on red you've got to write something that
makes them instantly reply so i said why do i never see you where are you hiding
and the reason i say that in a very particular way is because it's extremely easy
for them 99 of them say i'm not hiding that's what nearly every one of them says
i'm not hiding all of them
what did this [ __ ] say let me check i'm not hiding oh no she actually this [ __ ]
said she was hiding so there we go make myself look stupid i'm hiding in work right
now i don't have much free time also notice i put cherries on there when i said why
where are you hiding why did i put cherries who the [ __ ] knows your guess is as
good as mine friend just makes my messages different because no one gets messages
with cherries if you [ __ ] start putting cherries in your messages i'm gonna come
over and beat the [ __ ] at you it's my thing choose a different fruit anyway they
don't get messages with cherries so it's like the [ __ ] cherries when girls say to
me why do you put cherries on the messages i i always say who doesn't like cherries
and they're like lol true so that's how you get out the cherry thing so if you
choose strawberries and a [ __ ] gets fresh over the strawberries you can say well
who doesn't like strawberries [ __ ] what the [ __ ] strawberries are good calm
yourself down
so that's what that is i'm hiding in work right now don't have much time i said
what work do you do break hearts look how [ __ ] smooth i am how smooth i am so
what i'm doing there i need to sharpen the phone is giving her a compliment because
there ain't no ugly [ __ ] out there who are breaking hearts only hot girls break
hearts so what i'm basically saying is your heart but i'm saying in a smooth
operator kind of way because i'm a [ __ ] g so what do you do for work break hearts
i say that because it's a compliment she replies i do that in my free time smiley
face and i put for fun and then i would say good thing i'm strong i'm not afraid so
once again i'm establishing some dominance there i've given her a compliment but
i'm also letting her know i'm the [ __ ] g like i said everyone has to have their
own unique style i'm not saying to say exactly what i say what i'm trying to
explain to you is why i do it i put the cherries because it makes my messages
unique i ask where
they are that's the one thing i would recommend everyone start with if you want to
[ __ ] a girl and you're in [ __ ] grand rapids michigan go on instagram type in
grand rapids michigan see some [ __ ] hoes who have tagged themselves and message
them and say grand rapids question mark and go why just say oh i never see you
around where you're hiding it's a good opener that's the opener you can take but
the rest of it has to be you you can't pretend to be anyone other than yourself
someone else is not going to work in the long term however you've got to be
yourself you've got to be yourself in the right way you can't just you've got to
put things in the right angles i'm explaining why i do what i do and you need to
listen to that understand why i'm doing what i do and apply it to your own style
don't copy me word for [ __ ] word she says it good thing i'm strong i'm not afraid
she goes i'm just kidding i'm not that bad to break hearts then what did i say
then then i asked her how old she was i always ask how old they are i don't know
why something they always seem to reply to no matter what they say whether it's 30
or [ __ ] unless they're really young if they're above 20 between the age of 20 and
30 if they're a teenager i usually say oh you're young i'm an old man but if
they're like whatever her age was i don't know screenshot this properly i say
that's a good age you're old enough to have fun yet young enough to be smart
sorry young enough to have fun but old enough to be smart i always say that girls
like that line because it makes them sound like oh yeah i'm 23 i'm old enough to be
smart you don't have to have fun you ain't smart beat you down but still i say that
they like that [ __ ] and i say i'm a very old man i'm 30 because yes i would like
to stay forever at this age now remember what i said earlier about 20 minutes ago
in this video we are always aiming for progression this girl is now getting my
attention so
far this exchange that happened just about a minute minute and a half long because
once again with women they get bored quick if i don't reply to her quickly if i
leave her for a couple hours and then try and message her again she's gonna oh
she's forgot about me she looked at my instagram an hour and a half ago she was a
little bit intrigued now she's had six messages since from new guys and she's
forgotten all about me so progression what am i aiming to do from the what's the
instagram conversation
what's the progression the progression is because we're always giving our attention
in in in exchange to progress up the ladder and use my [ __ ] whiteboard even
though i don't have a green marker you can barely see i'm going to use it we're
progressing we're starting here with all the other shipments i think you can see
that here's where we want to be at the top because with the [ __ ] munchers there's
lots of people at the top with her titties there should be only one man you so you
want to get higher up as you get
higher up there's less and less [ __ ] munchers hope that makes sense so on her
instagram anyone can message her there's loads and loads and loads of guys so what
we're aiming to do out of the instagram conversation is get her whatsapp or get her
phone number now you're thinking what's the difference between messaging her on
instagram and messaging on her phone the big difference is everyone can message her
on instagram whereas only a few people can message her on our phone because not
everyone has her [ __ ]
phone number you dumb con so by getting her phone number we are progressing up and
slowly limiting it to the number one dude at the top which is you so when you move
from instagram to phone number you cut it down from the entire world being able to
message her down to about 100 people perhaps that's a big jump that is the aim of
the instagram conversation progression from the phone number we go on to the next
stage to the next stage till eventually you end up with titties that's how it works
so that's what we're trying to do in
this conversation here is get her phone number so where were we that's a good age
old enough uh to be smart and young enough to have fun i said i'm a very old man
i'm 30. women like age women like you to be older than them so do not be afraid to
say your age uh she goes yes i'd like to stay forever at this age time to make a
joke because i'm so funny i said i can make you immortal jesus is my friend i'll
love sex that's why i said she put loads of laughing faces she goes if he doesn't
respond i'll give
you his instagram because he likes all my posts and i put i bet he does because
you're beautiful and he's a pervert tongue face so that's the second compliment
i've given her so she already thinks i'm funny she's had a couple compliments she's
scrolled through my instagram page by now she's talking to me this is about two
minutes in two minutes that's all i've spent two minutes of time on this girl and
what do i do she goes after i said she's beautiful she goes well thank you
next thing i say what's that question mark straight to the point hello this is who
i am do you see my instagram you're beautiful hahaha i'm funny give me your number
we ain't [ __ ] around we ain't playing no three days of messaging can i have your
number please like some [ __ ] [ __ ] two minutes two minutes to talk you've seen
me you're replying to me you know the big g is give me your number if at this point
she goes oh i prefer to talk on instagram you know what you do i'll tell you what
you do and you're going to hear this a lot this is a very important pimping term to
write this down on my board in fact i'm writing this piece of paper so you
understand how important it is we're going to use this a lot f d b which means [ __
] that [ __ ] fdb if she wants to give you [ __ ] fdb what you do if she goes i
don't want to talk to you on whatsapp i'd rather talk to an instagram you don't
reply you leave her ass on scene ignore her fdb i've shown you who i am i've spoken
to you i've proved i'm
[ __ ] funny if you're giving me your [ __ ] phone number i'll talk to someone else
fdb message a different girl because by not giving you her phone number she's
[ __ ] testing you she's saying yeah i'll talk to you but you don't deserve my
number and what you're doing by not replying is saying i'll talk to someone else
and [ __ ] you you can't say that to her because if you say it then it shows you're
emotionally upset and you get upset that she wins because she's emotionally
affected you
men cannot be emotionally affected men are iron can't affect us you just don't
reply because you don't care you won't give your number okay i don't care do not
reply and about 70 of the time they'll still message you or say oh so you don't
want to talk to you go get my number or some [ __ ] they'll come back at you and
then you can play the game again just say well anyone can message you on instagram
i'm special so i won't do what's happening just be clear with your intention
if she can give you the number fdb because you're doing it remember when you're
talking to girls like this you're not messaging one girl at a time you can say book
arrest or grand rapids or texas houston or whatever to 100 girls you can go on
instagram right now and message 100 girls so you're going to be doing loads of
conversations at once so you're only interested in the ones we're going to play
ball they ain't going to play ball and give you their number fdb so in this
particular case
we all know what happened our phd what's that yep smiley face what's your number
i'll put some cherries on there because i'm in g bang i've blocked out the phone
number so now your [ __ ] will be thinking about messaging bang there's the number
progression we've moved from here to here this can happen many many different ways
i'll give you another example there's another screenshot example because this is
what i do listen i have too many girls but if i want some chicks i go on instagram
i may because because i've got quite a few followers about 30 000 i'll scroll
through girls who have already liked my pictures because it's easier then because
then i know they definitely won't dig then book or ask question mark i'll i'll
message 10 girls i'll get five whatsapps i'll [ __ ] two girls that's the average
math so any monday morning i can wake up and go you know what i want two new [ __ ]
this week booker s to copy and paste boom boom boom boom whatsapp whatsapp
especially around our girlfriends around
we say i gotta go cicero and we do that because i think it's in good fellows i
can't remember what message i can't remember what movie is one of the gangster
movies the guy called paul cicero and he said he doesn't move very fast because
paulie doesn't have to move from no one because he used to sit there and people
used to come and deal with him and then leave so me tristan call it pop call it
ciceroy so metrics and go we're going to assist the road today we'll go to a coffee
shop at three
o'clock we'll have a date at 3 30 a date at 4 30 the date at 5 30. we'll bring the
girl into 3 30 and then go oh yeah i've gotta go now i'm gonna go in a minute i'll
just pay the bill okay nice to see you send her away next next next i'll do three
dates in a [ __ ] day narrow down the one i want and then that's the one i take to
the club at the weekend banks game over so you can get on that level if you get as
professional with me you have a phd you literally just 10 questions on a monday
cicero on a
wednesday [ __ ] by friday gang over but let's just let you know where you're gonna
end up if you study hard though so next [ __ ] i'll give you a different example
book arrest question mark this girl tried to play a bit harder with the g he's
trying to play harder with the [ __ ] i feel walker i should let these [ __ ] know
i should put on my instagram profile phd so they know not to get too fresh booker s
her reply was a lot less friendly than the last girl yes yes like i said she
probably read it she probably has a
[ __ ] boyfriend or she's even if she hasn't got a boyfriend there is no female on
this planet who's truly single this is something that's one of the unbreakable
rules unbreakable rule and flashing red across the top unbreakable rule there is no
hall attractive woman on the planet who is completely single they are always at
least talking to someone they're always at least messaging someone or still kind of
talking to their ex or [ __ ] their ex there's no single woman so making a woman
like you is not about making them
like you it's about making them like you more than the other people they're already
talking to keep this in mind so the reason this girl gave me attitude the reason a
lot of girls give you attitude is because they're already [ __ ] someone else or
they're already talking to someone else so they're thinking well i already if
you're already full you've been for dinner and you're full some goes do you want
dessert i'm already full so that dessert has to look good for you to want
to take a bite from it so you have to look good for them to be interested in you
because they're already full they're full already all the women are walking around
with full stomachs you gotta look [ __ ] amazing don't wanna take a bite keep that
[ __ ] in mind so this [ __ ] i found out later date does have a boyfriend [ __ ]
her anyway but this is why she started off so fresh book arrest yes same thing why
do i never see you where are you hiding that's what i said she said i don't go out
too much i don't
like the men here i was living in other countries or between travels so no time or
wish to be popular here this is romania all right okay i'm gonna give you another
example this [ __ ] knows me she goes i just followed you because i saw you were
very funny in an interview and you have some funny things on insta what'd i say
about having your page on point so we've been messaging for 30 seconds and she's
messaged me saying i had some funny things on instagram i messaged her she looked
at my instagram and she saw
something that made her laugh or something that intrigued her that's why it's
important your five or six photos are interesting because that's your chance if my
photos were [ __ ] i never would have got that message from her never would have
come it would have been game over right then and there but she saw something she
liked so i said where are you living now because you talked about she's going to be
in book rest she was book rest at the moment i said good it's the best city i'm
here also which is important so we
can meet and take over the world i say that because women it's authoritarian it's
authoritarian you uh hi yeah you barely know me you mean you were gonna take over
the world it makes something who the [ __ ] this dude he thinks he can conquer the
world who is this guy to conquer the world well it's better for a woman it doesn't
matter what emotion you evoke as long as you evoke something even if they're a bit
like curious or a bit like well angry can work if you don't push you too far as
long as they don't read
it and think it's boring like i said if they read it and they don't feel instantly
compelled to reply they won't reply this is your only show so when you say like
we're gonna take over the world they're like they're either gonna be like what do
you mean take over the world or why take over the world or what like there's
something in they just go they just want to reply you've got to be careful what you
say i was thinking you already took over the world without me there's something
question mark and the reason she said that's to my instagram page so [ __ ] g with
all these cards and [ __ ] once again instagram page i said there's a tiny tiny bit
that i need you for there is one place i cannot go and she said what place and i
said the girls bathrooms how old are you always ask them how old they are they like
that [ __ ] childish joke with a laughing face but i didn't like that that pissed
me off a little bit 22 you 22 is probably a little bit too young to do the old
enough to be smart but you
could probably get away with it i just said i'm an old man 30. now when she said
childish joke with the laughing face that was the beginning of her trying to get a
little bit fresh and i could detect it and that's why i didn't reply with uh uh old
enough to be smart young enough to have fun because i thought i've been i've been
pretty funny to this girl i made some jokes and she i didn't like it now to you
you're sitting there going when she just said childish joke that's the problem i
have a phd i
can detect instantly how a woman's thinking so she looked she thought i was
interesting and the main reason she's probably being this way is because she's
insecure she knows i have shitloads of chicks she's seen my instagram she knows who
the g is and she's thinking i gotta give this guy a bit of [ __ ] because he thinks
he can get any girl he wants that i have this problem a lot so then she tries to
belittle me still a lot to learn and live for you a real life for a man starts
after 30 you'll see she's trying to tell me i'm
young and stupid i replied i know this what's that i am [ __ ] around with you tell
me about man life after 30 you're a 22 year old chick the [ __ ] you know about a
man's life after 30. i know this what's that because we are trying to progress i
ain't sitting here handing out attention you've already [ __ ] tested me to a
degree twice with your stupid-ass answers telling me that i don't know anything
about the world and telling that my jokes are childish give me your [ __ ] number
fdb because i'm perfectly prepared to never talk to you ever again i don't know you
don't give a [ __ ] it's a numbers game it's a lot it's a loss it's a loss so basis
of waste it's a waste of time for you to talk to me but then she gave me her number
here's my number text me when you're 35.
so she wanted to give me her number because she wants me but she's trying to [ __ ]
give me [ __ ] saying that's a waste of time i said you think 30 is too young she
goes i think you're into games and i don't like drama and complicate complications
so she's saying you see you can see now where i detected her [ __ ] way back at the
childish joke and i started to reply less nicely the reason i did that because if
she gave me a little bit of [ __ ] and i still replied super nice old enough to
fun young enough to be smart all this [ __ ] was and cherries and was a nice guy
all the time she would have instinctively thought i've given him some [ __ ] and
he's still being nice about it he's a [ __ ] when she gave me a bit of [ __ ] and i
cut my replies down i know this what's that that and start being a bit of a [ __ ]
back then she thought okay i can't push him too tough because she saw listen to me
carefully watch this part of the video again this is important dynamics she tried
to give me a bit of
[ __ ] i limited my attention that's the weapon we have that's what we do we give
attention to get sex you [ __ ] with us we take our attention away she got fresh i
limited my attention down i still replied i removed the friendliness straight to
the point teach her a lesson not to get too fresh and then when i said what's your
what's that even though she gave me [ __ ] she still gave me her number because she
knew if she didn't i would she knew that'd be the end of it but she still wants me
of course she does who
doesn't so she's like okay well i better give him my number i want to give him some
sarcastic [ __ ] at the same time she goes you'll lose just waste time if you talk
to me here's my number but text me when you're 35. she gave me the number but she [
__ ] attached a bunch of [ __ ] to it so do you think 30 is too young she said i
think they're into games and only drama complications so i said so you want to
judge someone who you've not even gotten to know one second so you want to judge
someone who you've
not even gotten to know i can tell you're only 22. that's why i said so she said
i'm young and stupid but i said oh you're judging something you don't even know i
can tell you're 22. i'm calling her young i'm stupid flip on the hook you think i'm
young stupid you're the one making judgments i judge you [ __ ] i don't know you
she replied i don't judge you i said well then you don't know if i'm drama or games
be nice i'll whatsapp you and she replied okay smiley face
that's the game she tried to get fresh to me two or three times i ended up with the
whatsapp the [ __ ] has been put in place she sent me a little smiley face at the
end she now knows that she can't judge me even though i've got girls all over my
instagram and i'm clearly a player she ain't allowed to say it anymore i put that [
__ ] in her [ __ ] place because i didn't take her [ __ ] when she called me
childish and i would have been like yeah i am children here's the heart game would
have been
over you [ __ ] with me i'll reduce my attention give me a pen this is the tower of
power attention this is a girl behaving i know you love my graphics there's a girl
being a [ __ ] dick this is the attention meter if they are a [ __ ] you reduce
your attention if they behave well you increase your attention if they reply nice
things to you you message them lots of nice things if they reply [ __ ] [ __ ]
stuff to you you cut your attention right down but remember stay emotionless never
insult a woman never get angry because if you if you
get angry or you insult them it shows they've emotionally affected you and then
they win it's just an attention scale there is no emotion there's no anger there's
no resentment there's nothing even the girl says you're [ __ ] up big never give my
number you're too ugly you just reduce your attention simple as that attention
scale they reply like [ __ ] you give them [ __ ] answers they reply nicely you
give them nice answers keep the [ __ ] in line to keep the [ __ ] in check that's
how it goes
so i can show you 200 examples of this in fact i could go on forever because this
is basically all i do but this is just a couple examples of how you can write here
and now after this phd course start talking to new girls you never spoke to before
fix your [ __ ] instagram and start messaging the city you live in and the girl now
if you've got a level of game like i've got you can do other cities so if i know
i'm going to be in kiev next week i'll do kiev kevin advance i can do that because
i'm a [ __ ] g
for you amateurs i'd recommend just wherever you are stick in your own city let's
ask them where they are start with there on to the next thing after i take a piss
right congratulations you've got the girl's phone number you have progressed from
every shipment in the world the exclusive club of people who have her phone number
everything we are doing is for progression you give attention for progression
getting her phone number is just one step closer you are now aiming for the next
goal which is a date with
the girl you are not getting her phone number to give the [ __ ] unlimited
attention for no reason you're not giving her getting her phone number just text
and text away for [ __ ] weeks on end and get nowhere you're not doing that [ __ ]
you're aiming to take on a date that's next stage on the tower of power day so
texting a chick you have to be yourself you can't be me there's only one me there's
only one you it's a motivation so you've got to be yourself but the basic rules
still apply you don't
take [ __ ] you're a nice guy but you're not a [ __ ] pushover little piece of [ __
] wimp in general generalization in fact it's not generalization is absolute truth
everybody loves to talk about themselves everybody loves to talk about themselves
so although you need to get some intrigue remember you work for starbucks you're a
[ __ ] starbucks spy who's putting your [ __ ] cousin through [ __ ] college or
some [ __ ] you need to ask her about herself what do you do do you work or study
oh did a
so work or study is what i use a law do you work or study oh i'm studying economics
ah you like money who doesn't or oh i'm studying law perfect you can get me out of
jail whatever they say add a little thing on it oh yeah i can get you out of jail
shut up still ask them a lot about themselves whatever you do every single thing
has to come from a position of dominance so for example i'm putting my cousin
through college thing you can't message your girl go oh i don't have much money
right now from putting a girl my cousin
through college that's not dominant that's [ __ ] [ __ ] if she were to mention
something about money you could say or let's go here say oh that's too expensive
for me i'm putting my cousin through college wait for her to mention something
first or say i'd rather put my color i'm putting my cousin to college it ain't easy
but i'd rather help family than spend money at the moment put it from a position of
dominance like yeah own it you're the [ __ ] man everything you do you're the
[ __ ] man the girls
say to me i see your instagram page you have all these girls yeah i'm a [ __ ] man
yeah i'm the man doesn't matter what it is i'm the man would you work at starbucks
yeah i'm [ __ ] i'm the head of starbucks spy operation am i six and james [ __ ]
bond with starbucks this is [ __ ] of course i'm sorry i'm the best i'm a [ __ ]
i'm like basically an undercover agent you gotta own that [ __ ] there's a fine
line between arrogance and owning it don't be too arrogant you
gotta own that [ __ ] most people think girls like arrogance they don't they're
just like men who own those things you can actually own who you are and be
confident in who you are without being arrogant that's how you get laid not being
aaron arrogan pisses him off it's just being confident with who you are and what
you do without being married so keep that [ __ ] in mind you're texting her rules
for texting her do not double text her if she ignores you once leave it maybe a day
day and a half then try again hey how
you been if she ignores you again game over forget about it in fact i want to
mention something quickly we're going to mention later i'm going to mention it now
the whole [ __ ] time you're starting with instagram texting the whole way through
something you have to keep in mind there's something called external factors that
you cannot control sometimes you just can't win i've had girls so i've i've tried
something on and it completely ignored me and then six months later i tried the
same thing and
it worked flawlessly why is that because the first time it didn't work has nothing
to do with me and my system is because there's external factors you cannot control
every girl you're messaging has a life if that girl is completely head over heels
in love with someone else she's not gonna reply to you if her granddad's just died
she ain't interested in going on a date with you if her dog's just died or she's
just [ __ ] or she's failing her homework maybe she's suicidal maybe she's
overdrawn who the [ __ ] knows there's a whole bunch of external [ __ ] you cannot
control so you have to keep in mind the reason it's a numbers game is because
there's too many external factors that can influence the end result thank you i'm
talking about [ __ ] girls great exactly there's too many external factors that you
cannot control that have an influence so when i say something like don't double
text her text her once she doesn't reply again don't text her again she doesn't
reply don't be one of
those guys oh you give me your number don't get upset don't be a [ __ ] little [ __
] don't start messaging her why'd you give me your number you're not gonna talk
don't be a little [ __ ] [ __ ] don't sit there and be like oh i'm upset
emotionality is not how men act you do not care if she replies or wrong do not be a
[ __ ] because it could be an external factor maybe your game is flawless and on
point maybe her granddad just died bro you don't know and i don't know nobody knows
if you just want to
text you it's fine start again with someone else do not be start messaging your
wife give me your number if you're not going to reply and being a little [ __ ]
loser because then she definitely ain't going to [ __ ] you then she'll reply and
call you a [ __ ] and then the game's over what's the point in that don't be a [ __
] idiot so don't do that [ __ ] so rules to texting girls don't double text told
you to double text them rules next only message women at night do not message
during the day
during the day they're busy they're working and they're certainly not thinking
about a relationship women are one tract women cannot do women can multitask no
they [ __ ] can't that's a lie men multitasking so if a woman's at work or she's
busy or she's she ain't sitting there thinking i really want boyfriend she's
thinking i really want a boyfriend at night at home on the couch in bed unless
she's with some other dude but she might be it's very often that she might hurt
another guy you want the
girl i guarantee right now you're texting a girl who you really like and she's
still banging someone else it's normal it's the world we live in now oh she's
texting me back yeah she's probably [ __ ] some other dude so that's the world we
live in anyway text girls at night they are more susceptible to flirtatious notions
at night because they're [ __ ] sitting around thinking about a relationship or
they're more at home they're comfy they're watching [ __ ] on tv they're more
to the kind of conversation you want to be having do not message girls during the
day it just doesn't work as well unless you know the girl really well or you've
already met her before or she's your girlfriend or some [ __ ] in general with the
new girls you want to message them at night i know you're thinking well if i get
her number and then i don't message her all the way till the night don't be a
little [ __ ] when you first get her number say hey it's me cherries strawberry
whatever oh hey how
are you so yeah i'm really good i'm just about to drive i'm going to message you in
a bit say something like that don't explain yourself don't say oh i'm just about to
do this and this and this is no i'm about to drive or i've got a bit of work to do
or i [ __ ] i'm going to shoot someone in the head i'll be right back keep it vague
and just [ __ ] her up at night that's when you text girls when you're texting the
[ __ ] you should be texting her for maximum two days
before you arrange a date maximum two days if you're texting a girl for [ __ ] a
week and a half and she still won't meet you fdb we do not have time to waste
gentlemen we have phds weighing out here giving away our attention for girls who
won't even meet us for a [ __ ] coffee because if you're texting her for a week and
she won't meet you she's getting attention and she ain't giving you anything back
she's not allowing you to progress at the tower of power and she's taking all your
attention for no reason which devalues your attention you're hyperinflating
yourself and the girl is sitting there thinking well he'll text me all the time
whether i [ __ ] meet him or not that's my super lovely brother hello hello filming
yeah no idea i'm filming my phd course leave that in there i like it anyway so you
ain't giving your attention for no reason because here's why we take a [ __ ]
amazing mind-boggling fact to most you [ __ ] if you've got a girl's number and you
play it right even if she ain't
replying sooner or later you might [ __ ] her anyway it's like bill it's like if
any of you ever worked in sales i used to work in sales you build up leads and
people go nah maybe next year maybe next year and then eventually you have all
these old leads you've been talking to varied for ages and ages and you start just
landing sales easily girls are the same but that won't happen if you [ __ ] it up
so if you're giving out all your attention too easily the girl you're hyper
reflecting your attention and the girl
will lose respect for you and she'll never [ __ ] you even if she continues to text
you you think you're getting somewhere we've been texting for three weeks and she's
replying to me every time who texts him for three weeks during those three weeks
she's [ __ ] someone else bro or she's definitely been on a date with someone else
she hasn't been at home she ain't that busy oh i'm just busy no one's that [ __ ]
busy don't believe that [ __ ] for a second she's probably met me sucked on
my big balls and replies to you when i don't text her because she's upset that's
what's happening don't [ __ ] fall for the tricks she's losing respect for you what
you need to do is keep the value on your attention because even if she if you're
texting her she'll want to meet you fine you can text her again in a few months oh
hey how you been she'll go oh yeah this is the guy i remember this guy yeah yeah
but he wouldn't he wouldn't just text me for a whole bunch of time for no
reason he wouldn't just text me for no reason because i wouldn't meet him then when
you say let's go for coffee she'll remember the last time i said no he stopped
texting me oh okay let's get a coffee because she knows you cannot have your
attention for free keep your attention valuable do not devalue yourself for any
female because you will definitely not get them you stand a better chance getting
them keeping your attention valuable and being patient patience gentlemen is how
you get to a
lot of these girls and if you're talking to enough girls you don't care i'm happy
to wait six months to [ __ ] a girl because i got something to [ __ ] today and
tomorrow and the day after and first of my [ __ ] life so i don't care about
begging you now or in six months it doesn't matter who cares patience so text her
at night you're aiming for the date one or two days then you say now you do not ask
girls to go on dates you tell girls to go on dates if you've ever asked a woman
you'll know that they're pretty [ __ ] at deciding would you like to maybe go have
some time some i've got a [ __ ] ass are you would you like to maybe [ __ ] losers
listen who gives a [ __ ] if she wants to or not and if you say sometime sometime
opens up the [ __ ] window for the friend zone like you sometime is a [ __ ] ticket
to the friend zone yeah we'll go out sometime well [ __ ] 2019 2025 sometime
sometimes we're all dead sometimes it'll be the end of the [ __ ] planet earth
there is no some
time you tell her when so you can either say when are we having coffee which is a
forceful ass or you can say we're going for coffee soon that's what i always say
talk talk talk talk talk talk yeah yeah blah blah blah blah you been dead like i
said don't text me during the day i text them one evening talk to them a bit of
that say good night don't over text them either don't over text them [ __ ] you
text them a little bit 20 minutes 30 minutes it's enough okay yeah all right i've
got something to do never say
you're going to bed not a thing like i told you with the bakery thing i've got so
much [ __ ] knowledge in my brilliant brain it's actually difficult to put it
linearly so you have to watch this video over and over again whatever never say you
go into bed going to bed is the masculine cowards need sleep oh i'm texting you you
beautiful girl but i'm tired so i'm tired i'm going to bed you know what i like to
say at [ __ ] court past one in the morning i'm going to work work at this time
money never sleeps baby i'm going to [ __ ] work then i go to bed it's fine but the
point is she's sitting there going where what do you do i'll tell you in person
that's why i say it's another little thing to add towards today so don't say you're
going to sleep so never over text a hoe text it for 30 minutes or so get it out and
then you've got something to do i've got go to work you work night shift i work 24
25 hours a day eight days a week [ __ ] i'm getting paid
so you got to say things so keep the intrigue here that's back to the intrigue so
two nights i've been texting a girl i'll say we're going for coffee soon they'll
usually reply 99 at the time yeah sure or yeah we are or something good if they
reply some dumb [ __ ] like are we and try and [ __ ] test you you know what you
say because you're a full-grown man with clear intentions you say yes we are and
she goes what if i don't want to you know you replied to that nothing you can't
play games you'll be talking
for two days you don't want to meet me for coffee your attention drops to zero [ __
] you let her sit there waiting for that reply doesn't come most these hot [ __ ]
don't get ignored hot girls do not get ignored it [ __ ] with their brain no one
ignores hot girls because hot girls are so valuable they've never been ignored let
them sit there and go to sleep and go oh he'll text me tomorrow next day [ __ ] you
still ain't texting me then you'll start to notice they start to like your
instagram pictures so like your pictures like every picture watch like a picture to
try and get your attention again because your attention is now valuable your
attention has gone down to zero it's scarce it's like gold it's hard to find
where's the attention going start liking your instagram pictures then maybe if they
start if they make that first move like liking your instagram pictures or they ask
how you are or something then you can talk to them again of course you're like oh
hey yeah sorry
been working or say hey sorry i've been busy i was out that coffee i like to say
that one because they're like will you invite me for coffee did you invite another
girl for coffee then they'll say what with another girl say of course not theater
sarcastic which means yes but i also said no so they can't complain about it
careful with your language so [ __ ] flip on the [ __ ] sorry i was out of coffee
talk to her again another couple days invite her she doesn't come the second time
that's the basic schools of the game
progression you are not texting her to be your [ __ ] friend or to make sure her
phone [ __ ] works some dumb [ __ ] aggression damn now you're on the dating stage
dating is hard for me to coach because really in reality this is something has to
happen in person if any of you guys out there have any kind of serious income
message me i want to put together a three-day thing where i bring you to me where i
come to you probably bring you to me we hit the streets we do the instagram thing
we get some dates we organize
those dates and you can see how i do it and you can see in real life then you're
gonna learn a next level game if you're interested in that email me but in general
on a date these are all things you would have heard before be confident not
overconfident be confident let her talk about herself pretend to give a [ __ ] keep
the intrigue there don't overstay this is the most important thing the last thing
you can do to a woman is borer it's better to cut a date short and her at the most
interesting point
than bore her imagine you have a movie and the end of the movie [ __ ] or the movie
okay imagine a movie it's an okay movie but it's five hours long but after an hour
and a half it's super interesting what's gonna happen if you cut the movie off
there the person really really wants to see the end of that movie if you let the
movie play to the end okay it was an okay movie but they know what happens no the
first date should be short and for that reason that's why i always organize a
date because coffee is short coffee's 15 20 minutes max all you're trying to do
with the first date is prove you're a real person you look like your pictures
you're not a [ __ ] psycho you're not going to stab her and to break the wall of
real person from guy online that's the only real goal of the first date you're not
trying to bang on the first day you can bang on the first date but that's a
different kind of date that's like if i have loads of girls and i've got to
the texting stage and me and tristan are going to the club one night i'll text all
of them hey i'm in the club tonight uh i know we've not met but comment's gonna be
really fun there's lots of people here i say there's lots of people so they don't
feel like it's creepy and we just and then you bring them to the table get them
drunk man you can bang them first state that way nutrition have a little saying
call the only thing better than double booking is triple booking and the reason we
have that
saying is because one time tristan text all those girls and two of them turned up
but we have phds so he [ __ ] both he [ __ ] won and then a couple weeks ago [ __ ]
the other one anyway so there's two girls who even text and turned up and i text
all my girls and three turned up and when i was drunk i tried to church and said
the only thing better than double booking is triple booking and we both laughed and
we both [ __ ] because we're geez so that's the club game but if you're just doing
a coffee thing you just want a
short date to introduce yourself short snappy i'm an interesting person i'm a real
person i'm not a creep and another thing you need to do is especially the modern
world is you need to [ __ ] check for these catfish bro there's girls i'm talking
to on instagram who are tens and i turn up on their sevens now i know that doesn't
bother you because all you do is [ __ ] sevens i [ __ ] tens so if i'm putting
energy into a ten and i turn she's a [ __ ] seven i get pissed off you guys are
probably [ __ ] happy as
hell ever since i am so you also gotta check that the girl the girl's gotta [ __ ]
prove herself too these girls live in catfish land sometimes you're sitting there
texting away with your hard dick thinking she's something special and she turns up
and she's basic anyway most of you guys are getting upset and worried about basic [
__ ] these chicks are basic so the first date is good because sometimes they might
be below your standard you might want to get rid of them quickly i've had dates
before where
they turned up and go i don't want to bang her coffee oh yeah coffee oh yeah what
do you do yeah work study okay yeah we'll see each other again okay bye if you
organize a big thing we'll go for dinner and coffee and then we'll go for dinner
and movies and all this [ __ ] how do you get rid of her maybe maybe you want to
get rid of her maybe she's annoying maybe she's a vegan who knows coffee is quick
to the point you can get rid of her quick within 15 minutes you can stay 45 minutes
if you
want make her interested in you build her intrigue make her want to see you again
do not overplay it do not sit there and talk for hours about your job and your pets
she doesn't [ __ ] care she only cares about herself because she's a woman ask her
questions about herself don't give her any real answers on you keep your [ __ ]
vague but be interesting be a little bit funny a little bit smart be confident 45
minutes okay yeah we'll have to meet again soon bang bang by that's the goal of the
first date
after the first date then the texting game goes into the next level now i'm not
saying you can message her i'm gonna [ __ ] you in your ass obviously you can't do
that but at this point she's met you she knows what you look like she knows you're
a real person if she's replying to you you can be quite when i say direct i don't
want you [ __ ] losers being creepy don't be creepy but you're adults there's now
no reason for you to be texting unless you're gonna [ __ ] why are you texting she
knows who you
are she's met you if she's replying to you she likes you so it has to be going
you're progressing you've done the date now you've got basically now you're
basically talking about adult things and there's no reason to be texting otherwise
if you if you text her and she doesn't want to talk about adult things then what
the [ __ ] you talking to her for she's met you she knows what you look like and
she doesn't want to talk about adult things and she doesn't want to [ __ ] you so
simple you're at that point now so i'll say things like after the first date i'll
say things like hey we got to i'm just in bed at a yeah uh yeah i've just finished
work did uh some [ __ ] um but you have to be careful i'm saying this because
mostly [ __ ] aren't smooth as me don't don't be creepy you gotta be to the point
with like why you're texting you should know where i'm coming from with that so
don't say anything creepy and weird but just be to the point to
say yeah i'm out working i'm gonna work all night tonight probably oh you're
working on life yeah i'm not gonna sleep till you're with me some [ __ ] like that
but just kind of smooth with it lol might be a long time then i'm superman i don't
need to sleep i don't give a [ __ ] i'll wait that can just be cool with it but
just make it clear start talking about adult themes if she's still replying
everything's good from there couple days organize second date and from there it's
game over you should know what to do from there then you organize a proper date at
night dinner is a bit formal movies is always a no because you can't talk movies
are an easy one because you don't have to talk to the girl but then also you don't
get to really get anywhere because you don't talk to the girl so movies are bad
dinners i don't really like dinners i like drinks and i actually like to keep it
super informal so i'm lucky i have my brother but formal situations make things
so if i'm gonna bring a girl out for drinks i'll say oh yeah we need some drinks my
brother and some people are there just come along if there's other people around
they feel it's less like you and me and sitting down and we're drinking or talking
you don't need that intimate [ __ ] you talk one-on-one on whatsapp all the time
you can just bring her into a fun environment now of all your friends or [ __ ] you
can't do that because your friends need to know the game as well your friends have
to make sure they
never hit on your girl they never interrupt or try and talk to your girl when it's
your job to be talking to her your friends need to participate towards getting you
laid if you have good quality friends it's easier so i'll give you a very quick
example like me and tristan are [ __ ] smooth so if i have a girl on a bang so i
have a 10. a marriage is a 10 bang 10.
i say come for some drinks i say tristan i want to close this one tonight all right
cool tristan will bring one of his girls so he's already [ __ ] and his girl knows
the game so not only do i have tristan as a wingman i got a female wingman so like
for example we go out girl turns up there the girls say oh yeah i've done andre
ages yeah these brothers are so fun she they took me here they took me there my
girls listened to this girl going well she gets to [ __ ] with these guys and she
went there and well her
life's great i want to be like i want these things and then was drinking drinking
and drinking and if i say oh come back to my place it's creepy if the girl goes
let's go back to your house your house is fun then the other girl be like oh okay
the girls want to go back it's so easy if you have a [ __ ] chick so this is what
i'm saying if your friends are [ __ ] it's hard i've got a [ __ ] support team
which are ironclad i know if i bring tristan and one of his female soldiers i do
fail getting back to the house is going to be guaranteed by the girl the girl's
going to say how to break her life it's just so [ __ ] i don't even do anything i
don't even do i sit there on twitter calling you all idiots i don't do [ __ ] and i
still get laid so if you have a good group of friends who aren't [ __ ] pricks and
what you have to understand is that most of you watching this are pricks yourselves
who loses yourselves which means your friends are losers but if you're gonna bring
a girl around
you've gotta be clear with your friends they can't be like the like banter for
example if my boy were to bring his friend a girl i would never like jokingly
insult him or something oh he [ __ ] he you know like all the dumb guy [ __ ] you
do calling a guy a loser or calling a guy there so that you can't do that if if a
guy's bringing a girl he's trying to get laid your friends shouldn't be insulting
you even as a joke your friends shouldn't be trying to talk to your girl your
friend should
just be there to make some noise to break down the monotony of a formal situation
say hi be polite offer a drink or whatever and that's it so if your friends aren't
[ __ ] i'd actually recommend on the last date to make it a group kind of thing if
your friends aren't [ __ ] if your friends are [ __ ] they'll be detrimental so you
have to sit here and look and think do i have good friends or idiot friends because
if you were to come out with your girl and me and my girl you'd be getting late so
if your friends are good
do that if not just juice you and her it's fine but if you've got friends around
make it informal yeah we'll have some drinks come out have some drinks have a laugh
kiss at the end of a date on the second date don't kiss her at the end because kid
kissing at the end then you want to [ __ ] her but it's the end of the day we've
just kissed it's a bit weird kiss her early on don't be a [ __ ] the day let's say
she turns up eight o'clock for drinks by 8 45 should have at least kissed her
that's what i do in terms of eight drink gin and tonic whatever blah talking [ __ ]
tristan's there talking [ __ ] everyone's laughing having fun give her a kiss 8 45.
then then she's got her hand on her leg by [ __ ] 9 30 then my time is [ __ ] 12 30
she wants dick because she's been comfortable with you she's kissed you she's hung
out with you a few hours since she's been touching you a bit now she's comfortable
enough to [ __ ] if you try and kiss her at 12 30 we're about to go home now
because want
to come to my place it's too romantic model movie ps i love you [ __ ] it ain't
real it's too formal don't do that kiss her in 45 minutes have a laugh keep
drinking have a joke keep putting hold her hand or put her hand on your leg talk
some [ __ ] kiss her again blah blah blah by the time it's time to go she'll want
to [ __ ] and you don't ask her you just take her just take her don't ask her if
she wants to come to yours ask her if she wants to go home so when the taxi turns
up i go we're
going to mine and unless she goes no i want to go home she goes okay you want to go
home no problem cool you wanna go home all right cool get you a taxi never take her
in the same taxi she doesn't get you don't ride with me if you're not coming to my
house i ain't getting my taxes out of my way to drop you off and i think okay cool
i'll get you a car uber bank yeah kiss all right i see you next time nothing wrong
with that maybe i'll [ __ ] up the day after some girls are like that's no problem
if you get my card coming to my house we're going to mine oh really yeah we're
going to get in okay women like to be led they don't like to be asked you ask woman
what she wants to eat she doesn't know oh they want to be told what to do come with
me if she says no that's perfectly fine remember you're not [ __ ] psycho i don't
want any of you [ __ ] getting rape charges and the police finding this video and
coming after me for it because i ain't done nothing [ __ ] wrong with anybody
just saying you're clear i'm going we're all going to mine or i'm going to mine
you're coming with me oh no i really want to go home no problem you do not ask
twice oh i really think you should come to mine that's submissive and pathetic no
you're not pathetic you're a [ __ ] full-grown man i want to go to mine no problem
and in fact a lot of the time they don't like that because sometimes women are
trying to play hard to get well maybe i should go home okay you want to go home no
problem we'll get
your car we'll get your car we'll get the taxi oh well i was just thinking i mean i
need my things then they'll try and back out of it i was just thinking so all right
well we're going to mine you don't need your things you want to come okay done but
as soon as they say they want to go go yeah give them what they want it's to take
away trump said know when to walk away from the table the art of the deal walk away
from the deal dealers go to my house oh you want to play games all right you're not
allowed to come okay we'll take you home we'll take you on we're gonna go party
we're gonna take you home they don't want to miss out oh okay i was just thinking i
don't have a phone charger i have a phone charger what phone you got samsung i've
got samsung charger no you don't no one has a samsung charger who cares yeah i'll
go in the house somewhere come on back done if she no i really want to go home cool
circle car bang all right maybe see you again kiss bye do another day maybe it
takes three or four days you [ __ ] aren't smooth as me by day two i'm [ __ ] i'm a
g you guys aren't smooth so you need some more time she wants to go home it's no
problem you have my fdb it's all good see her again keep texting her keep working
it you'll get there in the end when you're as smooth as me date two game over i
don't have girls saying no they might come to my house maybe so i've had girls come
to my house and not [ __ ] that happens but they always come to the
house so that's the basic progression so i told you in this video i'm not gonna
tell you anything about getting a lambo and getting in shape because you know all
that [ __ ] i'm telling you about things you can do right here right now to improve
your game so instagram progress geographic instagram progress whatsapp progress
coffee date more texting serious day aiming to close that is the system now tower
of power here wipe off my king cobra t-shirt [ __ ] it right now we're going to
talk about next talk about how you're going to get dates
we're going to talk about cold hard truth of these females truth is this there's no
such thing as a perfect woman if you want a woman who's perfect for you you must
build her to be perfect for you a woman who is understanding and kind and who
respects you does not exist unless you force her to be that way and when i say
forcefully in a horrible way i mean in a simple there's no other option like walter
always takes the easiest path through the rocks the woman must learn that her man
is [ __ ] an
iron mountain and the easiest path is to obey any other kind of resistance simply
doesn't work that's how you have to be but some women are more moldable than others
you have i call it blueprints you have good blueprints and bad blueprints so you
have i i with my skill level can make any female do as i say and i say that with
absolute conviction i've never met a woman who will not do the basics of what i say
bring me coffee turn up where i tell her to listen to me not talk to other men
basic things
but some are better blueprints than others so when you read these books these red
pill books and [ __ ] talk about bpd and all that bollocks firstly let's do a very
side subject on bpd like i said i'm talking about bakery masterclass my brain's
full of information bpd ain't [ __ ] real and the reason it ain't real is because
all these red pill guys talk about borderline personality disorder if the girl
doesn't listen to you or the girl acts this way she's got borderline personality
every single hot chick in the world has bpd how can you be 16 years old with a
hundred thousand followers on instagram and full-grown men giving you unlimited
attention for no reason all the way up until you're 25 for nearly 10 years men
going out of their way breaking down crying in voice notes being complete little
[ __ ] doing anything you tell them to do how can you live that life and not have
an ego or a borderline personality disorder every single hot chick and trust me i [
__ ] more than you to a degree has something [ __ ] up in
their head because the attention they're getting is off the [ __ ] scale men have
made women have bpd luckily there's men like me out here who puts them back in [ __
] chat so bpd ain't real so get that shot your head if a girl ain't listening to
you it's either because you're game [ __ ] or because of external factors maybe her
granddad just died she doesn't listen to you right now doesn't mean she has bpd get
that whole excuse out your head ain't a real thing so you have good blueprints and
blueprints some women are more susceptible to being molded some women have better
values than others i do agree with what the red pill books say that if a woman's
[ __ ] lots of men she's not as good a mold as a woman who's [ __ ] less men that's
true and the reason for that is because a woman's [ __ ] lots and lots and lots of
guys they don't have a stigma attached to getting a new dick so when times get hard
or you tell them to do something they don't want to do they think i'll
just [ __ ] someone else then they're more they're less loyal they're more likely
to run off and leave if they've slept with lots of men than if they don't accept a
few men if you're the second guy or first guy ever they don't want to give up on
you that easy so if you say stop texting this dude they're more likely to do that
and then a girl slept with 20 guys a lot of texas student find a new guy to [ __ ]
so that is true so you have good blueprints and black blueprints now i
could tell you just like i did with the how many men that sit with i can tell you
100 different reasons what makes a good blueprint what makes a bad blueprint that
uh i could waste loads of time or i could just give you the [ __ ] instant easy to
tell iron breakable test this test tells you concrete if a woman is good quality or
bad quality here's how the test happens after you sleep with her now if you're
sitting here thinking why do i have to sleep with a woman first to see if she's
good or not because that's how it really goes
because that's when you really know a girl until you sleep with a girl it's all
just front the games it's all just [ __ ] it's just who they want to be it's then
pretending because after you sleep with them you see the real men so you're gonna
have to [ __ ] a whole bunch of girls to get a good one if you're let's say it's
your job to find the best apple in the world and you have three apples and you say
this apple is the best apple in the world and another guy has a thousand
apples and he says this apple is the best apple in the world who knows more about
apples who's more likely to have chosen an exceptional apple the man who has more
apples the thousand apple guy knows more about apples than the three apple guy if
you want to understand women i know what i know because i [ __ ] so many women i've
had smart ones stupid ones hot ones hot ones no at least you know i've had them all
so i know i knew through experience so if you're sitting there going oh i have to [
__ ] a whole bunch of girls to find a
good one and you're worried about that then you're a [ __ ] yeah you're gonna
[ __ ] in the modern world for every five girls you [ __ ] one will be a good
quality so what go [ __ ] five girls and get one what's the problem you're afraid
to use your dick your little [ __ ] get it done so that's the reality sometimes you
get lucky you can [ __ ] one girl and you can tell she's a good girl right away it
happens but sometimes i [ __ ] three four girls in a row and they've all just
been trashos that's how it goes it's how it goes sometimes you [ __ ] three girls
in a row and they're all [ __ ] nice and i know that from this iron clad test
ironclad test tells me so i'm telling you you cannot tell i don't care when you're
texting some girl and you're sitting there with your little [ __ ] penis twitching
like a little [ __ ] sitting there late at night what stepping away oh she's so
beautiful you look at her instagram you're texting her she seems so nice and so
sweet she ain't [ __ ] she
ain't [ __ ] and you don't know if she's quality or not until you slept with her so
don't get emotionally attached to some girl you haven't [ __ ] because you don't
know anything about her until you sleep with her and here is how you tell after you
sleep with a girl your attention goes to nearly zero attention goes right down
here's why we give attention to get the sex like my perfect drawing we've had the
sex now we've had it we've had what we wanted so the attention has to drop
to set a standard for the relationship and the relationship standard is as follows
you better be nice to me you better [ __ ] me when i want you to you better do as
you're told to get my attention otherwise it's staying down here you have now won
the game until you sleep with the woman she's in charge she's the gate she's the
lock you're trying to break once you've slept with her you are now in charge and
what most men do after they [ __ ] a girl is instantly give away their position of
power you are finally
for the first time since you've messaged this girl on instagram in the position of
power you're above her now because you [ __ ] her and if you [ __ ] her and never
talk to her again then she's a stupid [ __ ] and she doesn't want that she wants
you to want her so she wants to keep you for the first up until now you wanted to [
__ ] her you want to get her this is the first time she wants to get you and most
men [ __ ] that up straight away by either saying something oh i really like you
good to see you again and just [ __ ]
being submissive to the woman's whims straight away and giving them attention you
can't do that you have to drop your attention down to absolute zero and here's why
one it sets the standard for the relationship i [ __ ] you now i'm in charge oh you
want to see me again do you all right cool yeah i'm waiting for a new bank card
let's go for coffee but you you know my my money's low just you have to buy them
i'll pay you back why ain't buying you coffee i'll [ __ ] you now i don't care you
buy me a coffee and [ __ ] you i'll go buy some other coffee i don't care all right
cool well i'm busy you you have banger you've won you've watched you ain't got
nothing to worry about who cares if you never talk to her again who cares keep that
in mind okay yeah no problem i don't mind paying this time turn up get yourself
some [ __ ] carrot cake and [ __ ] carrot cake when i'm [ __ ] i'm a millionaire i
still do this you want them [ __ ] yogurts from starbucks two cappuccinos sparkling
water maybe
the [ __ ] spent like 20 [ __ ] euro on me buy it for me setting a standard your
man told you to buy a coffee buy me a [ __ ] coffee because you [ __ ] the girl
fine but if you want a relationship a happy relationship you need to be in control
of that relationship if you [ __ ] it up at the beginning it is extremely difficult
to recover but if you set the standard right in the beginning it's much easier so
the standard from the second you [ __ ] now i'm not saying you become rude i'm not
saying you become an
[ __ ] don't do that i'm just saying your attention drops you're still nice but
your attention isn't there so we used to text her every night you barely text or
you text her one or two times and then you don't make it clear she has to clearly
see here's the fine line she has to clearly see that you get your attention's
dropped but not enough for her to call you out on it not enough where she can go oh
you [ __ ] me you don't talk anymore she can't say that what do you mean i'm
texting you i'm just i'm just busy so it's gotta be that fine line where she feels
uncomfortable because she knows something's up but she can't say anything about it
that's how you gotta do it make her buy you some [ __ ] coffee you [ __ ] her now
you are in charge and this is the test a quality woman after you sleep with her
when your attention drops will do anything it takes to get your attention back up
to retain you as a man so you've slept with her you've had sex with this girl
the next day you barely text her then you're too busy to meet her then you say then
when you say yeah okay yeah you have to pay probably my bank card whatever whatever
excuse or whatever a quality woman will go oh okay no problem no problem because
they know that [ __ ] a guy is a big deal and they don't want to [ __ ] you for no
reason and they don't want to be a hoe they don't be a number number another random
number on your [ __ ] book they want to get a relationship out of it they want to
build it into something so
a quality woman will bend her normal rules a girl who would perhaps never buy you
coffee is now prepared to do something for you will bend her normal rules to get
your attention back post sex that's what a quality woman will do a [ __ ] quality
woman a crack woman when you say these things like oh [ __ ] this guy and she'll go
[ __ ] someone else a girl who will rather go have a new dick than buy you a coffee
is not the kind of girl you need a relationship with guys because that's only going
to end bad
sooner or later one way or another there's going to be an argument or something
we're going to ask her to do something she doesn't want to do and she's gonna end
up [ __ ] someone else this is the test that proves good woman against batman after
you sleep with them literally the next day you conduct this test you drop your
attention if they work hard if they double text you if they text you first if they
ask to see you all of these are positive things hey maybe we can go out there
that's what you want to see that's a
woman who wants to work hard to keep her man interested you're not going to be able
to conduct this test if after you [ __ ] her you're like [Music] because you're too
busy flooding her with attention so there's no test involved if you [ __ ] her and
then you drop your attention and she doesn't really care or she doesn't really try
to see you again then she's trash do not fall into the trap of going okay i'll just
give your attention again a [ __ ] remarks on a [ __ ] that is gonna end bad
don't waste your time tell you man i was with cad club christian [ __ ] mcqueen
three months ago walked in the club i was [ __ ] in the zone walked to the club two
girls at the bar said yeah table bang bought table christian big bunny big money
christian stop playing start paying the table whatever before i even sat at the
table went up to the bar went to this girl hey you're beautiful that's why i say in
person i do a different person excuse me yeah and in person i make them pay
attention what most people
do they [ __ ] up in person is that they they talk to girls when they're not paying
attention you go through go go hey you're beautiful they're like what i go excuse
me excuse me can i make him yeah i can pay attention to what i'm saying i'm a
[ __ ] full-grown man talk with you pay attention so you're absolutely beautiful
you're staying with me tonight it's great anyway [ __ ] your same night even
christian who's a g that was smooth this is wrong so bangers say nudge a [ __ ] 10
a 10. all you [ __ ] if you [ __ ] this girl would fall head over heels in love
with her because of how she looks i [ __ ] her next day i didn't text her she
didn't text me next day didn't text her she didn't text me third day she likes one
of my instagram videos some basic pathetic attempt and i thought there you just
banged some dude you barely know and you and you're not even going to humble
yourself to text me first you think you're so special you're not gonna reduce
yourself to text me first
if you're not gonna humble yourself to text me first after you got [ __ ] in one
night then you're never gonna humble yourself for me you're always gonna have this
ego you're always gonna be so i don't want you i never spoke to that girl again no
that's not true i just beat her i saw her three weeks later at a different event
she ran up to me oh my god oh how you been no no i spoke to her a little bit did it
but i could just see and she she talked to me a little bit then she walked up and
tried to talk to another
guy in front of me to make me jealous where is the proof there that's the proof in
my lesson she's a trash hoe what kind of girl does that talk to another guy in
front of a guy trying to make him jealous [ __ ] that's horror [ __ ] she was a
[ __ ] hoe and i spotted it instantly because she didn't humble herself when she
was supposed to and i'm glad i didn't waste any more time on her because she's
never going to be doing like my other girls do living in my house letting me [ __ ]
other women
remaining loyal and [ __ ] bringing me coffees and doing as i say that's what
you're looking for gentlemen you're not looking for sex sex is easy you're looking
for a woman who is loyal to you fiercely you need a woman that you can sit and say
i'm going to jail for two years see you in two years and you're not worried about
her cheating while you're in the cell now this girl the whole who ran tried to make
me jealous and who wouldn't text me could i trust her for two years or could i
trust the girl who next day
was like i don't know who do that i really want to see you again i hope you don't
think bad at me please can i see you again that kind of humbling [ __ ] that's what
you want that's what you want i hope you understand the difference between those
two women there's a huge difference between those two females i do not waste my
time even with my phd trying to convert a hoe into a housewife there's a reason
that old saying exists don't waste your time with that [ __ ] now i [ __ ] girls on
the first night
and the next day they were so desperate for my attention that they were quality
women it doesn't matter if you [ __ ] the first day loves these red pill books for
you [ __ ] her first day she's trash not true i've had amazing women what [ __ ]
first day amazing because the next day they passed this test this test is extremely
important if you this is why you cannot get feelings for a girl before you [ __ ]
her because you guys are end up liking a chick and she's going to fail this test
you're going to stay with her anyway
because she's hot and you like her you end up in a [ __ ] [ __ ] relationship
reality of the world is this gentleman you're walking down the street with your
woman a man comes up and decides to rape her you punch the guy in the face he falls
over hits his head and dies very possible you go to jail for four years you're in a
[ __ ] jail to protect her and she's [ __ ] someone else that's what women will do
they'll do that to you they'll go [ __ ] someone well i'm lonely i'm lonely i'm in
jail yeah but i'm
lonely because they're selfish comes so do you want to be walking down the street
with a girl who will do that to you or do you only want to walk down the street
with a girl who you know will be crying her [ __ ] eyes out writing you letters day
after day at every single visitation uninterested in every inbox she gets on
instagram while you do that jail time and the only way you're gonna know that is
with this [ __ ] test do not waste your time with trash hoes it only ends up in one
place i [ __ ] a whole bunch of women and i
fought some beautiful women but if they fail this test i will not talk to them
again because i do not have time and energy to waste on a woman who will not be
loyal to me that is the most number one most important thing the most important
thing is this test people often say to me how tate how how do you how does your
girlfriend let you [ __ ] other girls she lets me [ __ ] other girls because she
cannot possibly leave me she leaves me because she loves me and i love her and she
loves me with all her heart and she cannot imagine her
world without me if i died she would commit suicide i am her everything it doesn't
matter if i [ __ ] someone else because i'm her everything she has nowhere else to
go because this test was implemented and she passed it and years have passed where
i haven't taken her [ __ ] and i've kept position of authority and i've just become
her idol in life it's like trying to take god away from a christian they're like
well if god doesn't exist have you ever argued a religious person look and they'll
after you prove them
wrong a bunch of times but well if god doesn't exist then what's the point they'll
eventually say what's the point being alive what's the point in doing good what's
the point doing bad without god that's how your woman has to think of you well
without him what's the point in doing anything when you get to that point you do
have the [ __ ] you want like a [ __ ] i want because she's gonna leave she's gonna
leave she doesn't even cry about it anymore so i know you're gonna
do what you do as long as you only love me of course i only love you they're just
stupid hoes okay done it ain't unachievable gentlemen it's very achievable if you
keep your [ __ ] in order remember all these lessons about what we're talking about
getting the girls the attention scale it's the same when you're in a relationship
if your chick's getting fresh i told you man this is the mistake the biggest
mistake i ever made in my phd life is when i was young and i was grinding i was
trying to
make money trying my money i'd get a girlfriend and i'd text her oh i'm really busy
today love you and then i wouldn't text her because i was busy working and then
she'd reply to me some [ __ ] rude [ __ ] and i then text her all day arguing and i
realized she gets the most attention from me when she's misbehaving she gets
constant messages when she misbehaves when she acts good i barely text her because
i'm busy making money so you're training her because females want the attention
it's what they want
it's all they want you're training her to misbehave for your attention reverse it
when your girl's being nice flutter jessica dick cut that [ __ ] off it's the only
way to do it so it's important that even the lessons learned by how to get girls is
the same in a relationship keep your attention rare even in a relationship tell you
something man i say this to people they don't believe it your girl should want sex
more than you give it i say this all the time i've never ever ever want sex with my
girlfriend and not
had it in six years ever she's wanted sex for me and not had it unlimited times
unlimited times your girl should want sex more than you give it because you have to
do all the [ __ ] work and you got a bunch of other side hoes anyway [ __ ] so
often on the side sometimes you just give me a massage and tired your girl that is
the sign of a healthy relationship when your girl wants sex and you don't really
want it that's a healthy relationship shouldn't be the other way around because
that's putting
her in a position of power you cannot let these women ever be in a position of
power because women are not evolutionarily designed for power and they don't want
power they think they want it but when they get it they just lose respect for you
and then they get harder and harder on you because they start to secretly resent
you that's what happens when a female has a position of power they start to resent
you you gotta [ __ ] lay it down and the biggest weapon you have as a man is i
don't care if you're with a girl for
six months and everything will go well but she gets too fresh you've gotta just get
back on instagram and get messaging new ones how it's gotta be so i have a guy who
i coach on girls he said i've been a girl i've been with her for five months but
she has male friends and she talks to these guys and did that i was like look
that's not acceptable how do i stop her i said bro you cannot have your woman
talking to other men those men are trying to [ __ ] your girl if you had a car
those men are trying to
[ __ ] a girl it's cut the [ __ ] they're friends no they're not if your girl was
fat with no legs in a wheelchair would they be her friend would they text her no
they [ __ ] wouldn't so let's cut the [ __ ] [ __ ] right here right now to try to
[ __ ] your chick if you had a [ __ ] car would you let car thiefs attempt to break
into your car no matter how good the locks are would you let them sit there and
just try and break in and just watch them do it or would you be like get the [ __ ]
away from my car it's the same as a chick bro you can't be letting these people
attempt because no matter how good the locks are maybe one day they'll find a
weakness and they'll get it maybe you're arguing with your girl you had an argument
this guy's in a particularly [ __ ] generous mood he decides to take her somewhere
or some [ __ ] problems you don't need it men should not be texting your woman's
phone ever so he's like well i agree with you how do i stop it there's only one
thing you
can do man tell her to [ __ ] stop texting them make her choose oh yeah what if she
chooses them you have to be prepared to walk away from a bad relationship from a
bad chick trump said it the art of the deal you have to be prepared to walk away
from the table here's some math for you if you tell the girl to choose between you
and her friends and she chooses her friends she's gonna [ __ ] one of them
eventually anyway don't you see how eventually she's gonna end up banging one if
she already chooses them above you
so why would you allow that dynamic to continue instead of walking away with honor
and reducing your attention to zero putting a super high value on your attention
and then maybe after a couple days of not hearing from you she might think okay now
your attention's high your attention is high value she might reverse her decision
go okay i'll stop you're right i've taken i thought about it then then you stand a
chance if you allow her to continue if she says she wants to choose them you go
okay and
stay with her anyway it's only going to end with her [ __ ] one now or later are
you such a big [ __ ] it's like ripping off a band-aid rip it off you're gonna do
it slowly she's gonna [ __ ] one she's gonna do it so you want to be with her those
extra few months and get cheated on or let wait for her to message you it just
isn't working some [ __ ] because she wants to [ __ ] someone else you know where
it's going to end so why are you allowing it to happen instead of walking away at a
point where you can make a difference by attaching super value to your attention
and laying it down with a [ __ ] man you can't have that [ __ ] as a man we have
one weapon attention reduction an fdb and you have to prepare to do that in a
relationship for important issues almost like a girl won't make you a coffee and
you know never talk to her again that's maybe a bit too much but with things like
talking to other dudes or things that are red lines you have to be prepared to walk
away if you've been with a girl for
three months and she won't do as you say ftb now obviously if you just get with a
girl shane negron of all her friends she just met you use your brain but you've
been with her a while she should [ __ ] know the score and if she doesn't like it
get back on instagram start by sending those messages again it's as simple as that
i've told you how to get laid that's what this course was about i said how to get
girls i've told you how to retain girls the most important thing is this test
and post test if they pass the test to always make sure that your attention is
within the correct parameters her behavior and your attention have to be explicitly
linked you cannot [ __ ] that up in any way you have to make sure there's no other
men or outside influences [ __ ] with her too much you don't want them enlisting
your girl forget the modern world they're just friends [ __ ] that is only gonna
lead to a bad relationship good relationships are one man one woman no sorry one
man ten women that's my relationship
it's not a chick a bunch of dudes messing her it's not acceptable it's not
acceptable in any way and if she chooses them over you then find someone else
because it's only going to end one way or another anyway i've tried to be all-
encompassing i know i've actually missed a whole bunch of things because like i
said i know so much [ __ ] there's a whole bunch more i i need to say so what i'm
going to do is this is the first video i'm going to release for all you guys who
purchased a
video i want you to go out there start your instagram messaging start your
whatsapping go on some dates do what you need to do in a week from now i'm
absolutely not really welcoming all your questions any questions you have a
specific conversation a screenshot or a scenario or any questions or anything i've
missed email them all to me and i'm gonna do another video in a week completely
free for you guys answering all your specific questions be another hour and a half
of knowledge and between this video which is the absolute
fundamental basics how attention works the easiest way to speak to girls how to
progression tower of power how to always progress progressive rest how to test a
girl after you've slept with her and how to retain the control with your attention
post sleeping with her with this one video your game will be ten times what it was
before plus you're gonna send me a whole bunch of questions i'm gonna do another
video with specifics another hour and a half and with these two videos plus a
shitload of experience because
that's what life is it doesn't matter how long you read about learning to play
piano until you get on that piano and start to play you don't know how to play
piano experience is extremely important with these three hours of videos plus
experience you should have everything you need to begin the long journey to a phd

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