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phd course part two more knowledge for you [ __ ] i don't have a whiteboard this

time well i do it's there but i'm not moving it so this is as i said at the end the
first phd if you have any questions you want to ask me if there's any information
you feel like you need that i didn't portray just drop me some emails i've had some
really interesting emails with some interesting questions so i'm going to answer
them here i'm going to keep all the names and everything anonymous so no one knows
asked what and i'm going to obviously just email somebody everyone who bought the
course uh the reason i'm not answering specifically to each person who asked me the
question is because maybe some of the points i'm going to mention in these
questions are valid for people who didn't particularly ask the questions so i think
there's knowledge in here from everybody so let's get started first things first
first email i had hi andrew amazing course of course of course of course anyway
i've been learning a lot from
your content of course there are some questions online so one aside from instagram
or social media what your recommendation recommended alternatives for getting girls
social media can be distracting and that everyone wants to expose their lifestyle
valid point if you don't use social media you have a few choices you have in person
which is obviously the old school way very doable but i'd say it's a harder it's
much harder for me to teach it's difficult for me to teach a course only a week ago
i was in new york with
myself christian mcqueen and goldman unleashed we were all together in the club
with one guy who was trying to learn from us and he learned from all three of us at
once that lucky [ __ ] but going up to girls and approaching them really and i know
there's a sound cliche it's about confidence it's about not being creepy it's about
a few basic tips and tricks i'll give you some basic tips and tricks but it's real
it's hard for me to put it into a course if you really want to know how to approach
girls on the street or approach girls in a club and have the best possible chance
of them speaking to you that's fine email me separately we'll put together some
training look i'm a real person i'm not some dude on the internet if you say look
tate i really want to learn how to do this i'll say okay look get a flight to paris
or get a flight here get flight whatever whatever let's meet up and let's hit the
club and i'll show you how i do it so tips and tricks for approaching girls
first things first is you have to get their attention now i've seen the biggest
mistake i've probably seen guys make is that they don't get a girl's attention
before they try and talk to her they go up to her and they say oh excuse me you're
really pretty excuse me my name's kevin or whatever women are women are female
females are female i mean their mindsets females they're distracted they're
thinking about [ __ ] [ __ ] and gossip girls and sex in the city and their brains
are a mess they're women
well they're thinking about me because i [ __ ] them two years ago they can't get
over it so you have to get a hundred percent of their attention you can't go up to
a girl in a bar while she's on her phone or while she's talking to her friends and
say excuse me my name's kevin she's gonna be like whoa her saying what or i don't
understand you or i can't hear you is a bad first response to your approach it's
just a negative start what what what it's just negative so you have to get their
and the way i do that is by being supremely confident with the fact that i want to
talk to them so i'll go up to a girl i'll say excuse me i'll tap her on the
shoulder excuse me she'll stop she'll look at me and i will literally delay for a
second or two i'll wait for her to give me her full attention and fully look at me
before i say something so this is the most important thing i've seen too many
people [ __ ] that up you have to get the girl's attention this is in the club it's
one thing but on the
street or somewhere else it's even more important if you go up to a girl while
she's walking oh beautiful she's like what the [ __ ] what it's going to be an
annoyance to her if you say excuse me excuse me and you make her stop and say sorry
i didn't i didn't want to stop you but and then you start to talk when she has when
you have 100 of her attention she's devoting attention to you the compliment you're
gonna give her because that's what it effectively is has a lot more weight and a
lot more
value as opposed to just throwing at her while she walks down the street first
things first is get their attention make them pay attention to you personally i get
i cut straight to the point i say to a girl i say you're absolutely beautiful and
they're usually and if you say that there's very little bad or wrong they can say i
mean if they're a complete [ __ ] or if they have a boyfriend they might go okay
thanks and turn around that's a fine interaction nothing bad's happened you haven't
been insulted you
haven't been shot down really so this will give you the confidence to approach any
girl you want if you get her attention tell her she's beautiful even if she goes oh
okay thanks and turns around then you can just walk off what bads happen nothing
but if she goes oh thank you thank you and she continues to look at you then you
know she wants you to keep talking to her so that's my opener people have different
openers that's my personality i've seen a lot of guys who go oh my name's kevin or
whatever the reason i
don't do that is because i don't think she gives a [ __ ] what your name is bro she
doesn't even know you excuse me yeah my name's andrew so who the [ __ ] are you
like that that internally that's what she's thinking whereas if you see saying my
name's andrew means all the it's all about me the attention's on me here's who i am
she doesn't care who you are she doesn't know saying you are beautiful means the
attention is all about her and she's more likely to respond positively to a
compliment which is all about her but an introduction from some dude who she
doesn't [ __ ] know she doesn't care about who you are so i see you're absolutely
beautiful to say thanks to say uh social citizen i'll say what's your name and
she'll tell me and now i'll start talking [ __ ] so what do i say when i start
talking [ __ ] i don't know i'll talk absolute garbage it depends where i am
depends on the situation but like i said in the first stage of the first uh lesson
in the phd
course we're always aiming for progression so if we're in a bar i'll go up and say
excuse me you're absolutely beautiful oh thanks i said i've got good news see i use
little things like that i'll say if i say if if i say i've got good news blah blah
blah blah she doesn't respond as much i'll say i have good news i just said good
news well i'll start getting her to respond and i'll do that with little breaks so
i have good news for you i said me and you were drinking
and if she's with other girls they'll say all of us are drinking we're all drinking
we're all drinking vodka and i'll just point them and say vodka bar and i'll start
ordering [ __ ] with the vodka shots well i don't drink fog you do with me start
being assertive drinks told her she's beautiful who's this dude whoa vodka's coming
oh vodka okay cheers everyone cheers bang and your friends one the simple another
little trick i'll give if you've been talking to a girl
for three or four minutes before you've introduced yourself a good trick i'll give
is if you ask her her name and she says it's katy whatever leave it a second and
wait to see if she asks you your name back so let's say you've been talking to a
girl you meet her in a coffee shop you're talking [ __ ] oh the line in this coffee
shop is always so long yeah i know it's too long that uh if i owned a coffee shop
i'd make sure my staff had to run everywhere always they'd all get fired because
the king well you should open a coffee shop then i will are you going to come in
you know i'll always buy coffee from you typical [ __ ] conversation i have of
those that i mean in coffee shops talk to her a few minutes i'm saying so what's
your name katie after she tells me her name i'll pause for a second i don't
introduce myself i pause and i wait to see if she asks me my name this is a huge
tale and i've heard this somewhere else before and i can't remember where but it's
something i observed and something
i used before i heard it somewhere else and it's true you say what's your name
katie and then you wait she goes and you i'll say oh my name's andrew then she's
interested in you you say what's your name she loves ke and she doesn't give a [ __
] who you are i have to talk to you for a few minutes that it's probably not going
to go anywhere it doesn't mean you have to abandon the whole procedure it just
means be aware that it's probably not going to go anywhere so that's a few tricks
tip trick
tips [ __ ] hell no edits tips and tricks for picking up girls in person but a lot
of that [ __ ] and that charisma and stuff that's just down to practice i think
i've talked about luke the man in the first video did i talk about luke the man the
first phd video i can't remember i'm gonna talk about luke the man again so when my
brother worked at a coffee shop there was a black guy from the ivory coast republic
called luke and he was broke he worked at the coffee shop he was african black ugly
skinny no money
and he used to try on every girl who came in that shop if you want him to buy a
coffee he just gives a cop say hey baby you're so beautiful this is before that
whole this is about this is when tristan worked in prayer so tristan wasn't about
18. about 10 11 years ago before this me too she would be fired by now for [ __ ]
sexual misconduct hey you're so beautiful you're so beautiful you saved every
single girl and he always just completely said what's your name and go luke like
james vaughn james james bond luke
luke the man he used to call himself he was a g anyway so he's trying every single
girl and he was so ugly and had no money that he used to get shot down 99 times out
of 100 and my brother being young used to say why do you do that they all say no to
he goes yes but some say yes and one day uh luke came in with pictures of a
hungarian girl must have been like some racist hungarian girl whose father is a
strict christian she has some fantasy about [ __ ] a black dude or something i
don't know but she was a [ __ ] nine
and luke is as ugly and as poor as you can get he's in a worse position than any of
you and he [ __ ] his [ __ ] hungarian supermodel he had pictures of her naked my
brother's like how the [ __ ] did you do that he goes out because i'm luke the man
luke the man keeps trying and this is an important lesson you haven't really gotta
have anything if you're prepared to do the numbers if you're really that militant
about it and you don't give a [ __ ] about getting shot down then you're never
gonna fail that's
the truth if you're that militant with your numbers but if you're like me i'm
selective i'm not one of them dudes who's like day game run around the mall all day
going up to every girl i see i'm not like that that's not me i'm calm cool and
collected i'll approach a [ __ ] once a week maybe and she's gotta be hot fine i
i'm going to know basics sevens and [ __ ] i have enough girls so if i go to a girl
it's like if i see a 10 then i'll approach a girl but in
reality i don't often do it but if i do do it that's how it's done well another way
you can do is tinder everyone uses tinder tinder is perfectly doable you can meet
good girls on tinder there's nothing wrong with tinder so tinder short answer
tinder but whether you're on tinder or in person progression so if i meet a girl in
person i still get the instagram and i get instagram within three to four minutes i
still do that or i still get the whatsapp exactly the same and if i'm talking to
them on tinder you want to
get them off tinder asap if i'm talking to a girl in the club i'll talk to her
after we've had the shots so what's your instagram i bet you have loads of men
following you oh not that many 25 000 dudes follow her follow her and stuff i get
the instagram early on so i have her content details to hit her up later so i get
that [ __ ] early same with tinder if you talk to her on tinder then she's talking
to loads of dudes on tinder talk to her a little bit just like the lessons in the
first phd course talk a little bit [ __ ]
four or five minutes bang try and get her instagram or whatsapp get her off tinder
get her into a pro a platform to reduce the numbers you're always looking to reduce
the numbers you're talking to her in real life everyone can talk to her reduce it
to her instagram twenty five thousand review set today one guy always looking to
reduce the numbers so whether it's tinder or in person progression you're not
looking to just talk [ __ ] get contact details and progress next big daddy tay you
mentioned that your girl cannot have
male friends and she'd be interested in talking to you and you only correct how can
this be achieved without behaving like an insecure beta who is mate guarding
attractive women often have multiple guys texting her even when she's not
interested at all what actions would you take very good question and also the
person who said this is perspicacious enough to know that you don't want to look
exactly like he said an insecure beta mate guarding so make guarding is when you're
like oh like just super protective pathetically
protective of your girl that's not alpha quality so how do you approach this from
alpha stands well it depends if it's a girl who you're just seeing and dating
there's not much you can do about it you don't have the authority yet if it's a
girl you've been with for a while there's a lot you can do about it so if i'm if
i'm just dating a girl and i know she's dating dudes or talking to dudes whatever i
do nothing i don't give a [ __ ] i'll [ __ ] her i'll progress towards
banging her i'll let her do what she's going to do i'll bang her and i'll and i'll
do the test we talked about in the first episode the cut attention test bang cut
the attention off and then we'll see how she reacts from there if i [ __ ] her and
she chases me badly then i'm going to know the other dudes she's talking to shane
are interested in because she's chasing me for my attention after having sex with
him if i have sex with her and i don't hear from her and she's a bit annoyed
and valued by it but she starts chasing her other dudes and she ain't worth [ __ ]
anyway once again for that test i'm not saying stop talking to the girl completely
i'm not saying that i'm saying reduce your attention reduce your attention it has
to be it's a fine line you have to reduce your attention enough so that she can
feel something's changed but not too much so she can call you out on it you've got
to be just in that line and you can play innocent you should say oh you [ __ ] me
you're not talking to
me anymore don't want to be able to say that you've got to reduce it enough so she
doesn't feel comfortable i don't feel comfortable i don't feel like he likes me
that's how it's that fine line i'm not saying never talk to her i'm saying reduce
the attention that's what i said if it's a girl you've been with for a while you
don't [ __ ] lay it down bro but what the [ __ ] she doing if she if you say to her
we've been together a few months now i don't like these dudes texting you
if you had no legs and was fat and was in a wheelchair they wouldn't text you
they're not texting you for your personality they're texting you because you're
attractive i don't feel comfortable with that it's i'm your man if you want to talk
to a man you can talk to me stop replying to these guys and if you say that to her
she goes no i really like them they're my friends if she's going to choose them
over you that she's gonna cheat on you in the end anyway this is the harsh reality
of the game if
you lay it down and say it's me or then and she chooses them then what's the
possibility of her being loyalty in the long term it's zero it may be a time frame
but in the end it's zero if her texting these dudes who wanna [ __ ] her is more
important than keeping you happy then eventually she's gonna cheat so the question
is this what do you do well if she chooses them it's better to end the relationship
there and walk off as a hero and to upset her and destroy her heart then to let it
slowly fade
away while she slowly falls in love with some new dude so you end up catching her
cheating on you with some other guy and then when you're upset she doesn't give a [
__ ] because women are ruthless so we make that clear to you one more time you lay
it down and you say i don't like you telling another man i'm your man you don't
talk to other men if you talk to other men i'm not gonna take you seriously so
there's not gonna be a relationship if you're gonna do that she goes oh no well i i
wanna do that so
yeah all right cool all right that's all i've just told you i'm not comfortable
with it if you wanna keep talking to them then talk to them that's all you do and
then you reduce your attention right down reduce it completely are you are you all
i'm assuming tonight i'm busy reduce your attention right now oh fine if you're
gonna be upset i'm talking to guys fine [ __ ] you then you're never gonna control
me i like to have friends if that's the kind of person she is she's going to cheat
on you eventually
anyway so your choices are you leave her and she's upset or she cheats on you and
you're upset which one's better well i'll tell you the one that's better is
upsetting her not just because it avoids you discomfort but also because if you
upset her you're going to have an emotional hangover that allows you to get her
back later i've had this exact scenario girls exact scenario i said why you talking
to this guy odd number's in school so i don't care how much you belong you've known
him he still wants to [ __ ]
you so stop talking to him oh but i've known him forever you've only been together
a few months tell him you have a boyfriend and that you know you're still friends
but you don't you can't really meet up with a new boyfriend and stop [ __ ] texting
simple oh but you know i just think you're trying to control me i said all right
[ __ ] forget it do you want well i'm not taking you seriously if you talk with a
bunch of guys i'm not taking that kind of girl seriously oh yeah well whatever
cut my attention right down she got fresh i dumped her now i'm telling you
something that girl this is a long time ago that girl once every four to five
months to this day likes a picture on my instagram or [ __ ] drops me some [ __ ]
meme in my facebook inbox still trying to this days was years ago because i'm the
guy who dumped her my attention is the most valuable remember the lessons from the
first one my attention is the most valuable because my attention's hard to get she
didn't do what i wanted she
didn't conform to be the way i want her to be so where's my piece of paper fdb [ __
] you bye i found another girl you're not in the basis of turning a hoe into a
housewife if someone's meant to a girl's mentality is i need to talk to lots of men
all the time it's not your job to fix her bro that's not your job lay it down make
it clear and make her make a choice it's really as simple as that but you have to
be prepared to walk away if you don't get what you want like trump said the art of
the deal and it may be it may upset you you may be annoyed you may lose a girl you
don't you you like you don't really want it but this is the truth you're looking
for a wife or you're looking for a girl you can be with forever she ain't that girl
so cut your attention right now find something else if she won't comply that's
that's how you handle that situation three you talked about dropping attention
after having sex with a woman will this increase the girls the risk of a false rape
eg the girl feeling used or manipulated very valid question and this is why i said
drop the attention to a very important fine line level where she can feel that the
attention's dropped but she cannot call you out on it it's that perfect level of i
don't want to say anything i can't say he is texting me back but it doesn't feel
the same it's just that perfect level so that's something you have to do with
experience you have to cut the attention down but she can't be able to call you out
it so that handles that very good question expanding on the approaching stage this
guy sorry next question will you be expanding on the approaching stage approaching
girls i'll give you some tips in the first question but it's really something you
have to see if i had to break that down to three things it would be get their
attention first it's absolutely not really a numbers game especially when you're
approaching girls if you're going up to girls at the club they might have done
drugs they don't want to pay attention
they might be too drunk they might have their boyfriend in the club or an ex-
boyfriend the club or it might be a bunch of people in the club they know and they
don't want to be seen talking to guys there's so many outside influences when
you're approaching girls that you really have to be prepared to do a complete
numbers game you have to be prepared to approach approach approach approach if you
want to pull same night especially in the modern world so it's a numbers game
absolutely get their attention first and whatever
you say the first thing you say after you get their attention should be a
compliment that's my advice right next question this is a very very long question
but it's about a guy who does his approaches um at colleges during the week and
aims to take the girls he meets during the week to bars of the weekend and close
the deal it's a very efficient system i agree with that but his question is very
basically is i can't seem to figure out the cold approaching during the day because
i feel it's totally different
vibe versus approaching in a club or a bar i get a few leads during the day but
sometimes there's something i'm missing in my day game that i can't seem to figure
out i'm not hitting the level of leads i should be get during the day versus the
leads i get at night i'll tell you what i'm and obviously i don't know the exact
scenario but i'll tell you what those things are i probably answered a lot of this
question in the previous question but the reason is easier at night is because one
is a
more relaxed vibe two girls are drinking and they're more sociable that's the
reason it's easier their music on they're happy they no one goes out no one really
goes out when they're depressed or busy or stressed they go out to be happy they're
happy they're drinking they're with their more on friends talking about more on
[ __ ] they're receptive so they're more receptive at night than they are during
the day so why are you doing better at night and during the day well i do think
it's easier at night
you're probably always to do a little bit better at night than you are during the
day however you're saying if your day game is seriously lacking the first thing is
like i said are you getting her attention before you talk to her are you doing that
properly second thing are you complimenting her and third thing is how are you
getting her contact details i find this is why i use instagram so much instagram is
so useful because even i find that a girl who doesn't really want to give you her
phone number
will happily give you her instagram so because instagram is public instagram's for
everyone so if you want leaves during the day instead of trying to get the phone
number which can be a little bit awkward and especially in the world we live in now
the me too era all these girls are sketchy as [ __ ] they're all living on edge
you're all nervous you talk to a girl for five minutes say oh what's your phone
number they can be a bit like they don't want to give an hour if you say i'll tell
you what it was really
nice talking to you you're beautiful i want to follow you on instagram not give me
your instagram i want to follow you on instagram a girl doesn't say no to that
because they let anyone follow them on instagram anyone can follow him on instagram
so i'll do this i'll say oh it's really nice to talk to you yeah you're really
beautiful i'll tell you what i want to see your face again i'm going to follow you
on instagram watch your instagram and i'll get i'll give them my phone
in fact i try to avoid doing that a couple times i've given them my phone and like
whatsapp's come up love you baby [ __ ] so um but i'll tell what's your instagram
today i'll type your instagram in but before you walk off they'll just go okay bye
follow them click message and then what i'll do is in fact let me see if i've got a
[ __ ] right here so i know you guys know i don't lie let me see if i can find one
right now example of what i do i did this like two days ago i've got so
many messages in my inbox i wonder where to find it that was new york from new york
no edits you guys are going to sit there and wait [ __ ] all right so anyway i got
her instagram and then i while she was watching me while she was paying attention i
sent her a message of cherries cherries in my head choose your own fruit so i get
her instagram and i click message and i send her something or you can send her a
selfie it's another good idea ask for her instagram she'll give it to you click
follow and go oh
you probably have loads of guys messaging you oh no i don't you must do because you
have loads of guys i don't need to forget about me here wait wait go camera and
like get and do a selfie a stupid picture and send it to her message and she'll
laugh and say now you know who i am i'm going to message you later i'll also say
i'm going to message you later to get some kind of verbal agreement oh okay and
what the reply is instinctively oh okay and then when you message them they feel
more compelled to
reply well i agreed to message it now if she messages you a little bit it doesn't
go anywhere whatever but i'm just talking about to make it easier to get the leads
so don't ask for numbers ask for instagrams message them while they are do a selfie
or send some fruit or some [ __ ] and say something like i'm going to message you
later i want to talk to you i'm super forward with what i do would say but i'm not
over the i'm not creepy with it i'm just very clear about my objectives
what's your instagram you're beautiful i'm going to follow you okay i'm going to
message you later i want to talk to you i'm going to talk to you later okay okay
i'm very clear about what i want to happen so that's probably the advice i'd give
you i'd have to see your approach to see if there's anything else missing but try
to ask for phone numbers for instagrams get your attention first and the first
thing you say needs to be a compliment if you do those three things you can't
really go
too wrong especially if you're confident with what you're saying and et cetera et
cetera that you can't really go too long from there so that's what i recommend
right last question for today gentlemen but you didn't expect this free phd video
in your inbox did you [ __ ] they're all sitting there going okay that was a good
course bang more content more [ __ ] knowledge from tate best purchase you ever
made i'm too damn nice i'm too nice to do a video about how nice i am right i have
a question i've got this
chick on lock and she's loyal to me congratulations what do i say to her if i bang
another chick and the main one finds out how can i get away with having multiple
girls right sitting down with your girl and saying i want to [ __ ] other girls
ain't really a conversation that's going to go well it's just an awful conversation
truth of it is you have to be militant and i'm smiling because i'm laughing at how
i do it so i've got my chick who's loyal to me and she loves me so what do i do i [
__ ] other girls
sooner or later she's going to catch me and this is your chance so you don't have
the conversation with her women are not logical enough you can't approach a woman
and say this is what's going to happen let's do a deal and be logical and make a
deal they don't work that way you got hit with shock and awe of emotion so you're
gonna cheat as normal you're gonna do your thing you're gonna [ __ ] your hose and
maybe she won't find out for a year maybe she won't find out for two years
maybe she'll find after a week but when she finds out that's when the pimping
starts so when i get caught cheating i don't worry about it i'm like oh okay now we
get to hammer it out so the key things are this i have a girl who's loyal to me and
i [ __ ] know what i want and i do that by i did it as follows i was with her for
about a year and two or three months before i got caught cheating in fact [ __ ]
i've got some screenshots i need to find on facebook from my old phone i've gone
old phone working and i
had screenshots of that conversation when she first caught me cheating i put them
on facebook because it was so funny i'm going to find them and trying to certainly
this video if they're in this video in the following seconds i did a good job and i
found them for you so anyway keys are this you just caught your cheating bang rule
one is you never ever apologize you are not sorry they take that weakness and they
[ __ ] twist it and they use it against you and this is not just for cheating this
is relationships
in general you are never sorry because once you admit fault a woman doesn't sit and
go okay he admits he's wrong or he admits that this is not the best situation he
admits that i'll be nice to him we think oh he knows he's wrong let me just [ __ ]
let me squeeze as much uncomfortable inconvenience out of this as possible so don't
do that [ __ ] you're not sorry and another thing you don't do is you don't lie
because lying is cowardice so when i get caught cheating sit up when i get caught
cheating should be
like who the [ __ ] is this that was the girl i spot whoa it's a girl i slept with
but obviously you're my girlfriend i love you i don't care about her but why i'm a
full-grown man it's one of those things that happens but i don't care about her so
it doesn't matter i haven't apologized and i haven't lied now if she really loves
you and she's really loyal to you she ain't going nowhere now if she's going to
leave you for that for that small thing [ __ ] someone else then she's not on luck
so you're
telling me your girl's on law if your girl's on lock like my girl is unlocked and
all my girls are on lock then what i'm saying to you is gonna work and that is yeah
i [ __ ] her listen i'm a full grown man sometimes i sleep with sometimes i you
know i do what i do but i only love you and one other thing i say is i say this is
testament to how much i love you most dudes are out there [ __ ] other girls
falling in love with other girls i [ __ ] other girls i don't even care about them
only girl i care about is you i sleep
with girls and i don't even cross my mind anymore so this shows i love you more
than [ __ ] anything most these guys are out here and they [ __ ] someone else they
fall in love with someone else you know me i [ __ ] i [ __ ] 100 girls and i'm
still here with you you're the only girl i care about so what are you worried about
what's the problem and then eventually after this long conversation because she's
gonna cry and she's gonna complain and all this [ __ ] all you do is knock back
she's gonna come at you with things like oh is it gonna happen again so i don't
know probably not i don't maybe not it really upsets you we can talk about it but i
don't like you trying to control me and telling what to do like i do i'm going to
do what i feel like doing i'm telling you that i'm loyal to you because i only love
you so i'm loyal to you just the same what you have to do is you have to shift
their perception of loyalty a female's perception of loyalty is he only has sex
with me you have to
change that from he only has sex with me to he only loves me if they understand
that i'm the only one he loves but he has sex with lots of people then you can do
it so that's the real aim of the game and you cannot do that from a position of
weakness or apology that's done from a position of strength and never backing down
so the individual conversation you're going to have is going to be different than
individual conversations i've had but if you're not apologetic for cheating you
don't lie you should explain look it was
just sex you have a dildo you're a vibrator i'm not jealous i don't care do you
love your vibrator no you [ __ ] it or you use it and then you don't care anymore
that's what i did so what's the problem well how do i know you don't love her and
that's what's going to come in that's what's going to eventually that's what a
conversation is going to eventually lead how do i know i'm special that's the final
hurdle when you start hearing things like that you've won
because all you have to do is convince her she's so special you can do anything so
once you start saying things like i don't know especially look i only love you you
know i only love you or i only live with you or you're the only girl i've taken on
holiday or you're the only girl who whatever whatever you come up with you're the
only girl i do these things with yeah i [ __ ] some girl i was out i [ __ ]
somewhere without as low guys i [ __ ] some girl she's tried to see me since and i
didn't want to see
her because i don't care about her or she tried to see me since i saw her a few
times but she's boring i don't like any girl but you these girls are boring all you
have to do is convince her she's still special and that you're still loyal to her
because you love her and you do what you want my girl's not allowed to say i cheat
she used to say oh but you're always cheating oh you're going out and she's making
a joke of it oh you're going out and i put clothes on she goes oh you're
dressed up you're going cheating tonight i say don't tell me i cheat i don't like
that line she goes why so because i don't cheat because i love you i only love you
oh [ __ ] something it's not cheating because i'm loyal to you i got to the point
now she doesn't even think i cheat i'm a [ __ ] girl she didn't call it cheating
she go you're going out yeah you'll because he knows it's true but because my
loyalty is not defined by who i have sex with my loyalty is defined by
who i love so by convincing her she's special and she's the only one i love that
i'm allowed to do i want now if you're gonna try and have multiple girlfriends then
that's gonna be harder because she's gonna think oh you care about them and you
care about me if you're gonna try and have different girls living in the same house
in the same bed like i've done that's going to be harder that's a new level but the
basic level the base level is the girl you care about and you [ __ ] when you
want and as long as she's getting attention she feels like she's special and she
understands that she's she's the only one you love and that's where loyalty is
loyalty is through love it's not through sex then you're gonna be able to do it so
that's the main aim of the game i hope i've answered that question there's no very
specific formula but that's the basis of it have your girl unlocked do your thing
wait for her to catch you do not apologize do not back down change her perception
shift her
thinking to understand that love is about loyalty loyal loyalty is about love
loyalty is not about who you have sex with for the same reason she'll [ __ ] a toy
or whatever a little [ __ ] girl you don't care about and there's nothing more than
that she needs to get over it uh and usually you're gonna have questions like well
people girls are gonna laugh at me say these girls don't laugh at you these girls
are jealous of you this is the number one question i skipped well girls are gonna
laugh at me
they know you're [ __ ] other girls so no they're not every single girl i [ __ ] is
desperate to be in your position every girl i [ __ ] is desperate to be my
girlfriend they're all super jealous of you they all want to be you you're the only
one i'm going on holiday with you're the only one i'm in love with the only one i
put on my instagram page they're all completely jealous of you and girls like me
girls like girls being jealous so they they don't show at the time they
think about it either girls are jealous if you start shifting it like oh these
girls aren't hating on you these girls are super jealous you're the best you get to
be the [ __ ] queen who i treat nicely i treat these other girls like hoes and
they're jealous of you the only one i love because i'm loyal to you they're just
stupid you're not stupid they're stupid shift the thinking and then you'll get away
with it that sounds fun that's enough for this course i've got more questions
answered when i get this
video out there once again if you watch these answers and you have any more
questions email them to me this is the best [ __ ] money you guys ever spend look
at hours and hours of [ __ ] content you're probably another video at later dates
so if you have any further questions feel free to drop me an email and we might
have another video coming out for you guys [Music] right phd course gentlemen have
some questions here let me go through them question one tate how do you handle my
hand do you how do you no edit leave it how do you handle
multiple girlfriends do you explicitly tell them about others what's the process
and finding this out right you can't get a girl make her love you and then go out
for dinner and sit here there and go by the way i've got loads of girls because it
just makes you look like a dick so what you do is you do you hide it the best you
can basically you hide it until she finds out and then when she finds out you just
super downplay it so actually last night last night one of my girls arena found out
found she's dark-haired she found a
blonde hair on my bed she was who's been staying in this bed i said well me whose
hair is this i said i don't know i'm not always in the house people sit on beds
maybe they didn't sleep in the bed i don't know i'm not gonna it's one o'clock in
the morning i'm not sitting here and talking about hair in a bed well i don't know
you don't have other girls say don't just shut up you're being juvenile we're going
to sleep and we went to sleep so basically the
exchange was she knows i [ __ ] a girl i said it doesn't matter everything's fine
we're going to bed it's very it's about playing off as nothing so when she catches
you who's this other girl oh some girl i talk to well she says you're her boyfriend
oh yeah i [ __ ] her a few times but it's not a big deal you know i'm with you what
you're cheating on me i'm not cheating on you because i love you it's not cheating
if i only love you it's only cheating if it's emotional it's not emotional with
her just [ __ ] calm down if she says she wants to leave and she tries to leave you
fdb because what happens is when drama kicks off girls want attention the girls
just found out you're cheating she wants a big episode she wants you to apologize
she wants sorry she wants all this [ __ ] going on if you don't give a [ __ ] then
she's gonna be like well you don't even seem to care it's like well i don't care
because i don't feel bad because it wasn't a big deal i don't and she'll be
like well why don't you feel bad because i didn't have any emotion i don't feel bad
because i don't feel like i did anything wrong because to me it was nothing it's
like you're using a dildo who gives a [ __ ] just completely trivialize their
emotionality until they're juvenile to give a [ __ ] and eventually you'll get away
with having two now they might not be happy about it they might cry about it they
might moan about it they might be like oh you're always with that [ __ ]
but they ain't gonna leave and that's how you have two girlfriends that's how you
start with it a lot of his experience depends on the actual girl who you're talking
about who the first girl is who the second girl is like everything is experiences
let me tell you how to punch someone to face this experience depends who they are
how big they are if they move whatever but that's the basis of it you don't sit
down and just try and explain it with women you never just try and do a i say a
business deal a business deal you don't sit down and appeal to their logic if you
appeal to their logic you'll fail if you sit down and go hi i'm gonna have other
girls here's why here's why it doesn't bother you it's okay it ain't gonna work
ain't gonna work you cannot appeal to their common sense you just have to wait for
them to find out and handle the emotionality correctly limit your attention in the
correct way so that she understands that if she leaves you just go back to [ __ ]
the other
girl that's it you just say look i really like you i want to be together if you
leave then i'm just gonna you know i have to be single won't i but it's not a big
deal don't worry about it just don't piss me off and just be super just completely
trivialize her feelings that's what you have to do that's how you play it like i
did last night oh you found some hair in the bed it's two o'clock in the [ __ ]
morning we're going to sleep or what oh but you cheated it's 2 o'clock i'm going to
sleep it's hair who gives a [ __ ] you have hair i have hair it's hair that's in
it's not even a thing today she hasn't even mentioned it because she knows she [ __
] she ain't [ __ ] dumb she's seen me with blonde girls all over my instagram she
knows i'm [ __ ] one of them she ain't that stupid she just doesn't want to know so
now she's willfully ignorant which is fine by me how to play it properly when a
girl you like is a virgin well lucky gentlemen you have to play a lot slower same
principles attention blah blah blah play it slower let her get away with more take
your time you can't be expecting the bang averaging on a second date that's crazy
next can you elaborate more on compliance after she passed the test well she passes
the test then you're starting a relationship in a position of power aren't you
you're now in a position of power you [ __ ] her she's chased you which is good she
wants your attention she's actively shown that you're now starting to give her a
little bit of
attention but she [ __ ] up you cut the attention quick and she should cave quickly
because she knows this is not a guy who i can [ __ ] with because he'll take all
his attention away so after that it's just a matter of managing a relationship i
mean if she's completely honest and open i've had girls after they passed a test
say to me i really love you i'm completely i know i shouldn't say this i'm
completely in love with you if someone's gonna be that honest and open you know you
don't have to be a
[ __ ] to them you'll be like okay good i love you you love me everything's fine
obviously you don't take [ __ ] you haven't got me a [ __ ] anyway then you get the
girls who still want to play the games and they still want to play the games even
after they played the test then okay cool ftb it's just a repeating cycle it the
the phd system and relationships it never ends you never get to a point where it's
like okay she's now programmed as a robot slave i'm done i've been with my girl six
years and
still to this day i use gain otherwise she gets out of control if i'm too nice to
my girl now after six years she still gets out of control so it's a never-ending
philosophy sometimes hoes need to be ignored no matter how long you've been with
them sometimes you have to fd them sometimes you have to show them you don't take [
__ ] no matter how long you be with them that is a universal truth so you start a
relationship in a dominant position which of course is important from the position
of dominance you maintain it
very much like a poker game or chess game you have the advantage you just play your
advantage it's as simple as that next question how do you manage hierarchies let's
say with two girls does the first girl have seniority over the second girl no girls
won't take that if you have one girl who's clearly better than the other one you're
going to struggle massively the second girl is just not going to stick around for
very long i've had it where i've had girls who say oh i know you're with vivian i
know you've been
with her a long time i don't mind i'll stay out tonight you two stay alone all that
[ __ ] but it never lasts long because the ones who are really in love with you
won't do that so the only girls that do that aren't really in love with you you
have to be such an imposing dominating force that there's no room for hierarchy
underneath you you have to be like when i say i'm posing and dominating i'm not
talking about being a psycho i just mean your personality has to be so large that
you're in charge of everything
there is no hierarchy how can it be a hierarchy you said to be like okay i need a
coffee you make me a coffee and you cook me something if you send one to make the
coffee then there's a hierarchy either way if you send one to make the coffee it
can either be it can either be seen as you trust her more and want her more or
she's lower than the other one because she's a slave women will always just make up
a reason so it doesn't matter which one you choose they'll decide it's negative so
you have to send
them both go make me a coffee who both of you go you have to be like that you have
to be dominant to a point where there's no room for hierarchy it's just you and
everyone else now that's easy for my personality for other people can be slightly
harder but there's a whole bunch of stupid fiddly [ __ ] you need to learn to do if
you want to truly have two girls in the long term you gotta learn to sleep on your
back you can't sleep on your side if you sleep on your right side i'm telling you
now whichever girl you're
looking at when you're sleeping the other one's going to be pissed maybe not the
first night but by night 10 she will you're always facing her and you're hugging
her this is a little dumb [ __ ] you have to deal with but basically you have to be
big large enough personality that you handle it there is no hierarchy you can't
clearly have women below women they don't like that [ __ ] what you do when you're
in my situation when you have a girlfriend of six years and you're trying to bring
a new girl in
you actually have to downplay your relationship with a girl of six years which is
difficult and i only get away with that because the girl of six years plays along
so vivian's moving me six years she's completely head over heels loving me she
wants kids with me everything everything everything and we met and we fell whatever
we're in love but when a new girl comes she'll go oh yeah i started off working for
him and you know it's just how it worked out she'll super downplay us so that the
new girl feels like ah well
they're just kind of work and sex and now i'm here and he likes me and and she can
believe in her mind that she can be equal if you were on if vivian was completely
honest well he's been moved six years and we're gonna be together forever so here's
the side [ __ ] then it's not gonna ever work so it also depends how much control
you have over your bottom beach because you have to be able to have her on side
playing the game that's super important so the key is it's you and everyone else
there is no hierarchy below you can you break down your own situation so i got two
main [ __ ] i'm gonna deal with my fire gentlemen i got two main girls i've got
melissa and vivian now melissa and vivian started off together after two years of
slamming them every day together tensions were getting a bit crazy i mean i could
have held it together forever but it was just to a point where it's just like oh
shut up so everyone made a happy agreement that they'd be separate i'd still be
with both of them but they don't want to live
together anymore that's fine when i bring on new girls i usually pair them with
vivian because vivian's younger melissa's like 28 vivian's like 21. vivian's
younger she's more fun more outgoing melissa's really quite not in a bad way she's
more homey boring sits at home so it's if you're gonna pair a girl with a girl it's
much easier if the girl's fun let's all go to the club let's all drink champagne
let's all do this let's go here let's go here that's what it
does so since i've had vivian i've had five other girlfriends so i've shared with
vivian some last a couple weeks some last a couple months one lasted a year so i've
had jenny the dark-haired one i've had andrada the other one these are all my
instagrams or my twitter you would have seen them at some point i've had loads of
hot girls who come in vivian's already there they join like i said vivian downplays
it blah blah blah blah and for and for different reasons it breaks up like you've
seen some of my
threads about the dark haired girl tried to give me an ultimatum or jenny who went
to the festival against the rules sometimes they rebel i have to fd b him but
that's basically how it works i've got my main [ __ ] my bottom [ __ ] vivian i
could do with melissa too but she's you know i just do with vivian for some reason
how it's worked out my main [ __ ] vivian and i bring in new girlfriends and
they're temporary if i get one that sticks forever whatever good i had one recently
that stayed for a very long
time but um if they leave they leave who gives a [ __ ] i find a new one that's my
basic situation i'm a girl calling me right now i'm going to hang up on her because
i'm filming right so a description of your relationship process with vivian so yeah
that's how it started i met vivian in slovakia we had a long-term relationship
thing i was living in england it's a really long story i don't want to tell you the
whole story i moved her to england to be with me to start doing my webcam company
which i started if you
don't have a webcam company you need to look into it as soon as you have a couple
girls in love with you it's the [ __ ] easiest money in the world no take that back
it's not easy money you gotta build up but once you get girls built up then it's
free money like every other business you've got to build up by the start i don't
want i decided i want to start a webcam business vivian's beautiful i said look
stopping a waitress come here live with me she came everything was fine for a
couple weeks
melissa obviously lived in england they didn't know about each other they found out
they tried to have a big argument with me i did exactly as i said downplayed it
didn't give a [ __ ] everyone moved in together everyone started doing webcam i was
making loads of money then we agreed to the split like we said and that's basically
been it since then new girls have come along vivian understands that i'm [ __ ]
these hoes but i don't care about these hoes i've seen i've done it when i do it i
prove it to her
this is another important thing guys if you're gonna say to one girl like you're
the only one i care about and she's gonna see you [ __ ] these other girls when
those other girls eventually leave or you fdb them you gotta use that to your
advantage so i'll come home sometimes to vivian and say jenny's gone she go what
what do you mean jenny's going oh she annoyed me so i'll get rid of her what do you
mean she annoyed you ah she's just something small but she annoyed me so bye
and they like that she's like you got rid of her over nothing i was oh yeah she
annoyed me fdb and that makes her feel secure that these other girls he really
doesn't give a [ __ ] like he'll just get rid of him for no reason so use that to
your advantage as well and that's the basic dynamic of my relationship with vivian
she now knows what i do last night i just put in the war room telegram if you're
not in the war room as well [ __ ] you've got to get in on there there's too much [
__ ] happening
you're missing out on i just put in the war room telegram my text conversation with
her last night she goes are you coming home i said no she goes what girl are you
staying with vivian now is just nosy she isn't jealous just nosy she's curious so
i'm staying with ellen elena or eleanor whoever okay all right see you tomorrow so
there's no secrets no hiding she knows i'm [ __ ] all these girls she doesn't care
so if i want to [ __ ] her with a girl i'll say look we're going out i'll just
introduce booze so like the first time i threw some a lot of girls i'll say oh yeah
we're going out some other girls are coming what girls girls i know and viv will
turn up and they'll just be there i want to be drinking i'll just say i'll just
stay off the throne and [ __ ] you both no you're not so i'm gonna [ __ ] you both
and vivian will just like laugh just play off hahaha very funny all getting the
taxi at the end we're going my house just [ __ ] just own it i don't want to
see you both okay bye see you i'll [ __ ] vivian then what who's this i thought she
just worked for you who's this girl you're supposed to be my boyfriend look stop
being [ __ ] boring we're going to my house shut up let's see you just got to
[ __ ] own it say it calm sucked it right i'm not saying be a rapist i feel like i
always have to [ __ ] clarify myself because to me it's super obvious but there's
some weirdos out there that don't [ __ ] think you cannot force a
girl to do anything you just have to make it clear of your objective you're a train
a train stays on the track i'm a train on this track you either get on the train
and go to the destination or you get off the train and you don't trains don't go
off tracks it's that simple i'm [ __ ] viviane tonight you're coming with me and
you're helping me [ __ ] vivian or you're not but this is where the train's headed
that's how you have to be don't be a creepy weirdo please
right one more question i'm gonna do for this video i have a lot of questions i
need to handle but we'll do one more for this do i believe in nagging girls megan
girls is calling them names or saying something negative to them that's some pickup
artist [ __ ] that the red pill guys do no i don't believe in that i believe you
need to tease them have a joke with them like you know everyone knows how to tease
a girl like she's a kid sister have a joke but don't be negative don't be
aggressive i've seen
loads of dudes on dates just talking to a girl like [ __ ] like it's super like
they're the man and it's not cool you don't look cool you look like a [ __ ] if
you're deaf if you're genuinely an alpha you don't need to impose your superiority
by insulting her so what you're trying to do by insulting her is bring her down a
peg well if you're already above her you don't need to bring her down so i don't
think it's alpha to be out there insulting girls but obviously you
can tease her and make fun of her a little bit of course but once again this comes
to experience this is down to experience depends on the girl you're talking to you
have to engage the conversation gauge who she is and play accordingly so that's it
for this episode another video coming soon right questions i can't build a hi
senior phd course while you're the man blah blah blah i can't build a very
interesting instagram what should i do well you need to build an interesting one
but you don't need to have that many
pictures if you were to take one day out of your life and get a good camera and put
on some good clothes and take four or five good pictures that's enough put them at
the top and even if a girl ever says to you oh you don't have much on instagram
just say yeah i don't use social media very much it's not really my thing and if
she tries to [ __ ] test you she'll say well why'd you message me then so i thought
you were beautiful so i thought i'd message you but it doesn't mean i
have to post an instagram all the time just play it off like i'm a cool cat i'm not
an instagram dude you know i'm just mr normal dude i'm not [ __ ] mr show-off so
you haven't gotta do you haven't gotta have like me pages and pages of supercars
you seem to have four or five good pictures if you can't find four or five good
pictures well something wrong with you ain't that hard i'm sure you've been on
holiday once in your life take some good pictures on the beach done get a picture
of you in the gym
get it from far away so you look muscley or some [ __ ] it ain't that difficult
make it happen i shouldn't have explained this to you like this is common sense
stuff don't be stupid five or six good pictures you can make it happen next do you
answer texts whenever you want or do you have rules for when you respond i answer
text in real time i don't believe in making girls wait message me i message back if
they start making you wait well then it's different then you're gonna have to you
return the favor or fdb them or whatever but if a girl is messaging me yeah message
them the [ __ ] is normal a lot of these little dominance tricks that people are
taught make her wait and all this [ __ ] are just trying to feign dominance if you
have genuine dominance you don't need to do that you message me i message you
everything's fine yes go for coffee okay yeah i'll message you later everything's
normal there's no need for any of those things if i have a girl who ignores me
time i message her and that eventually decides to message me well then yeah i'm
gonna take my time on her if she does message me first i will reply but i'll
probably wait the same amount of time she made me wait but in general no do you
have a call to set up dates this is actually interesting what i do when i'm texting
girls on whatsapp is you okay tower power you're progressing so you met her on the
street or tinder or instagram wherever you go their whatsapp now you're whatsapping
them after a day or after a day or even an
hour depending how long you spoke to them of what's happening them i go on to voice
notes because voice notes are that a little bit more personal because they get to
hear your voice so i'll move from texting into voice notes it's that tiny bit
upgrade of personality i don't do phone calls if you see my tape speech videos i
don't like phone calls but i'll move into voice notes the good thing about voice
notes is well they don't have to answer it if you call her she might ignore the
call i'm busy or whatever i'm driving she'll ignore you if you give her a voice
note she'll listen to it so i actually do recommend after a little bit of texting
to upgrade to voice notes there's nothing wrong with at all smoke a cigar drink a
little bit whiskey get your voice deep sound like a g you send her some voice notes
because once again it's that tiny bit more personal and she might start sending
them back to you she starts sending you voice notes back 100 she wants to bang 100
so do i call the set updates no i use
voice notes or i don't know i sometimes i organize a date by text it doesn't really
matter but in general i use voice notes that's just something that came to my mind
i haven't mentioned before you can use voice notes it's really good um or send
pictures what you do and she'll be like oh hey how are you so just saying i'm fine
you i'll take a picture of my coffee picture dang yeah i'm good thanks how are you
just more here's where i am here's who i am just to break the ice that a little bit
more to try and get her to agree to me all about the tower power remember
progression at all times don't do it as soon as you get her number don't get her
number be like hey hey hi how are you talk to her a little bit first don't be a
weirdo after you spoke to her a little bit then you can hit her with it next
question tips for trying to close the deal once you've got the girl alone at your
place now this is actually a really interesting question because if the girls come
to your place alone she knows what's going down
like she's not stupid unless she's really stupid she knows what's going down so the
only reason it's not gonna happen is if she changes her mind which might happen she
might change her mind she'll be prepared for that but if a girl comes to my house
one second yo hello this is why i don't do phone calls i [ __ ] hate phone calls
hello i don't do phone calls anyway um if a girl comes to your house she wants to
bang so she might change her mind so the girl comes to my house my routine is very
simple what i do is i go up to
my cinema you might have a cinnamon tv i put on a movie i always put on a horror
movie don't put on music i've seen a lot of people go those part of music if you
play on music and the girl's drinking and drunk she wants to party she wants to
have fun yay she wants to stay up you don't want her to stay up you want her in bed
so after the club if we come home we've got girls and they come in they go let's
put music on i say no no no no music to put on a movie because i've noticed before
you start putting music on you
get volleyball cow it's another three hours of partying it's just like oh please
just i just want a bang this is boring so no music you can't buy an action movie
it's the wrong vibe you can't put in a rom-com you're not gay so it's gotta be a
horror movie horror movies you're quiet during you sit you're quiet horrible so we
come in upon a horror movie offer a drink get some wine whatever whatever pour a
couple glasses of wine usually i come downstairs to pour it i usually pour her wine
and i pour myself water
cause i don't like being i don't like having sex when i'm super drunk i've been
drinking all night in the club and then we go back i don't want to be like getting
really hammered and be sloppy so i'm by then i know what's gonna happen i just
start drinking water give them wine whatever whatever sit upstairs i'll watch the
movie for five to six minutes before i start to kiss her on the couch that's it
because she doesn't give a [ __ ] she can come to my house to watch in a movie
she ain't stupid five to six minutes we'll start kissing for a minute or so i'll
stand up get her hand and walk towards the bedroom and she either follows me or she
doesn't she comes with me she wants to bang she goes oh no i can't i can't sell
we're gonna watch the horror movie oh yeah so you're not gonna be scared i'll make
a joke out of it i'll play it down well not if you're here all right well i'll
watch it for a little bit sit down more wine kiss her again and
say look i'm going to bed you want to go home and you want to go to bed i'm going
to leave okay and i'll probably get taxied by i'm playing games the whole the whole
thing's about 20 minutes 30 minutes i'm very clear with my intention she ain't
stupid she's an adult she came to my house at four in the morning the [ __ ] we
dare to do play chess even though i enjoy that none of these [ __ ] are good enough
so no we're not there to play chess where the [ __ ] so that's basically it i mean
i don't
think it's difficult to close the deal if they come to your house thing you should
know what's going down unless you're in the friend zone if you're in the friend
zone or some [ __ ] then it's hard let me get some more wood for my fire but if
you're in the friend zone hold that if you're in the friend zone and you can't
close the deal and then you're out then you're asking me stupid questions because
if you're in the friend zone you [ __ ] up already you already haven't been doing
the tower
power you already haven't been doing your progression and now you're asking me well
how are you going to [ __ ] your friends we can't that's why the friend zone's so
toxic that's why you cut off your attention if they don't want to bang but if you
meet a girl you get her numb you meet a girl on instagram you get her whatsapp you
start whatsapping her then you start voice knowing her you agree to go for coffee
you go for coffee you're greeting over dinner go for dinner you say come over
chill at mine she comes over to chill she knows what's going down now maybe she may
not want to [ __ ] you the first night she comes over to chill maybe the first
night she'll want to go home cool but the second night she will it's not a big rush
it's cool you haven't you don't want to come across needy you don't want to come
across desperate so if a girl ever says to you oh no not tonight the instant answer
is yeah all right cool you don't try do not be the guy like oh stay is super
unattractive it's super
desperate never do that if a girl goes to me oh i can't sleep with you tonight cool
and then they get pissed off that you don't care it's like it's a subtle form of
fdb what do you mean cool i thought you got coming in her head she's thinking i
came here thinking i was gonna bang and i wasn't sure and now i told him i don't
want to bang and he doesn't give a [ __ ] does he even like me i'll flip it on him
flip on him like i told you in the first the first course get a taxi come to mind
no i'm gonna go
home all right cool i'll get your taxi instantly bang flip it on them give them
what they want and watch them lose their minds so you don't try then maybe the
second time you'll [ __ ] or whatever but just be clear with your intention and
she's coming over for a reason so it ain't that difficult there hello my name is
tristan tate now you've purchased the andrew tate how to be a g course so i imagine
many of you know who i am i'm andrew's younger brother and a very good friend of
now there are very few things about game that you could teach a man like christian
mcqueen however when guys like us get together we talk we exchange tips and i hit
him with the genius way i organize the contacts in my phone he's now using the same
system and as people who have bought how to be a g-course he thought i should share
it with you the way i organize my phone is very complex because i'm a man who does
a lot of different approaches i use a lot of dating apps i meet a lot of women so i
need a way of filing them in a way
that i don't lose track i first developed the system some years ago what happened
was i had approached a beautiful girl i got her number and i was messaging her very
hard on whatsapp for a day or two i was then messaging too many other girls too
many other people and i lost track of her nine days later she hit me with a message
i guess you don't really want to meet up then no matter how i try to explain my way
out of it and say baby it's okay let's still go out she said you've been on
whatsapp for nine days online every day
and you haven't written me once you're obviously a player i'm tired of guys like
you and i never met her again the way i organize my phone is based on three
different elements one the priority of the girl in question how important she is to
me now this is either based on looks or her commitment level to you your main chick
and your girlfriends for example are more important than the girls you'll call late
night after the club the second element is the name now the name isn't just what
their name
is for example here in romania andrea is a very popular name my phone has seven
andreas in it so you need two way of knowing which andrea is which the third is the
location it's good to know where the girls in your phone are located for example if
you go to a city once every six months or once every three months it's good to know
who you have in that city that you could potentially meet up with if i were to
store a contact in my phone this is how it's done first a number between one and
three the number between one and three is the
girl's priority for example when i wake up every morning i press one in my phone
book and all the girls that appear with the number one next to their name are the
ones i message first thing the hey baby i was had a dream about you last night i
hope to see you real soon now these are your main chicks your girlfriends the girls
that you really love banging and you see three or four times a week these are your
ones your twos are the girls that you care about but not as much as your number
ones the girls who think you're busier than you
are but you see once every 10 days every two weeks there's something about her you
really appreciate and you really like but she's never going to be a main chick when
a two sends you a message you reply to it too immediately but you don't necessarily
have to message her every morning when you wake up you have to take care of your
twos because you don't want to lose them because they matter to you somewhat but
you don't have to maintain them constantly like you do with your most important
your threes are the kind of girls that you call after a night out it's five o'clock
you're in the club you're bored that's when you message your threes if they message
you at a time like that reply but a three is not so important that when she
messages you she can instantly demand your time you manage your threes on your own
terms when you get bored and you're sitting on your phone for three hours waiting
at the airport message your ones twos and threes keep all your girls entertained
keep all of them interested now this priority system would have stopped me from
making the mistake that i made with that girl i would have saved her as a one
because she was stunningly hot i was actively pursuing her and trying to bang her
so for those nine days i ignored her she would have got a good morning message
every single morning saving a girl's name is very important to do correctly and
there are many girls who have the same name if you do a lot of approaches and
you're trying to meet lots of
different women you're going to encounter some girls that you don't even remember
meeting especially when you're out in clubs drunk so when you save their contact
details make it as clear as you like what i like to do is her name followed by her
instagram handle so i can always check how hot she is and follow up on how good she
looks to make sure that my eyes weren't deceiving me after 20 bottles of vodka the
girl's name is andrea for example her instagram tag or andrea the blonde i met in
this club
that's the way to save your girls names that way you can't make a mistake and you
can't do what i've done christian has done and and you have done many times before
which is confuse a girl for somebody else you instantly lose them the third most
important thing to put when you're saving a contact in your phone is the city name
now this takes a very long time for it to actually become useful but as you slowly
build up your contacts list as a man who travels and does approaches worldwide like
me you
slowly accumulate a list of girls in various cities so there are cities you visit
once every six months or once every three months me marbella for example i can go
to marbella type marbella into my phone book and the six or seven numbers i have in
marbella will appear you can then hit that girl with a hey babe just came to
marbella you're the first person i thought of she'll reply oh my god i didn't know
you still remembered me doesn't matter if you remember her you know she lives in
marbella because the contact is saved as
marbella so to recap every time you save a girl's number in your phone if i'm in
new york city and i approach a beautiful brunette named samantha she's not that
good looking but i definitely want to see her if i'm there i'd save her as three
samantha her instagram handle and new york city when i'm in new york six months
down the line and i type new york city i can see samantha's number is there if
samantha was a 10 out of 10 gorgeous girl who lived here in my city of bucharest
i'd save her as one samantha
book arrest that way every day when i wake up i type number one in my phone
samantha appears along with my other priority girls the girls i have the girls i
badly want and she gets messaged every single day there's no chance i'll figure
disclaimer the one two and three depending on the operating system of your phone
you have to be careful with my phone the tanino lamborghini typing the number one
comes up with my contacts that start with one i do realize that with some phones if
you press one it will start to dial a number
one or show every number with a one in it in which case you simply save it as o-n-e
phonetically spell the number one two and three but it is the same system whether
you're new to the game of approaching and dating multiple women or it's something
you already do i hope you find this system useful thanks for listening

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