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Network Brilliance every time I start one of these courses I feel like I need to do

some kind of intro and not just jump straight into it but I don't know what the
[ __ ] you want me to do and do a dance or some [ __ ] so we're going to get
straight to it I have met Hollywood actors Idris Elba I've met Donald Trump Jr the
son of the president um I've met basically every big person in politics on the
right from Twitter uh I've met here in Romania absolutely everybody who's anybody
actors singers
etc etc and I've done this very very deliberately and it's one of those things very
similar to let's say girls where once you get started once you begin the process it
becomes easier once you start and you start getting a few girls you end up with
lots and lots of girls once you start meeting important and influential people
you'll meet lots and lots of important influential people but there are lots of
mistakes that most people make when it comes to networking themselves to the top
and that's what this course is going to
be about it's gonna be a long list of mistakes not to make and it's also going to
explain the psychology of networking what most people don't understand is as
follows there's huge psychology involved in networking and there's three elements
the first element is you don't know who I know so if you go to meet somebody let's
say you're at an event and you meet someone and that person happens to know the
president unless they are obviously overtly in the white house unless they're
overtly a
member of the White House staff or they're a loudmouth you may have no idea they
know the president if I didn't advertise the fact just now or put the picture on
Instagram nobody would have a clue that Donald Trump Jr and I speak to each other
no one would have a clue so firstly a lot of people don't overtly advertise who
they know secondly most people when they do get a connection of influence that's
important they don't want to give that away so most people don't want to give that
away for a variety of reasons one
because they're afraid of getting sidetracked or cut out and two because people are
Petty and jealous so some people are so if I have a very important connection and I
know that introducing you to that connection is going to improve your life what's
my motivation to do that why would I want to do that that's the first thing uh and
the second thing is if I do do that and it works out particularly well on YouTube
become best buddies then I've just been cut out the picture perhaps and that
important person has one more
friend he's doing business with you I'm not getting anything so what's what's the
advantage to it so you have to understand that people are very secretive about who
they know and even if they do tell you who they know they're very guarding of it
and thirdly and it's the largest reason is it's impossible to refer someone without
also referring your reputation so if I were to go to someone who I know is
important and say ah this guy can do this and I refer you and you [ __ ] up that
impacts me even if I say oh I don't know the guy that well but you know I've heard
he's okay even if I try and disassociate myself if you do a [ __ ] job that impacts
me so when people are referring you and you're trying to network what's really
happening is people are recommending you but they're really recommend they're
they're putting their trust on the line to recommend you so once again they need a
motivator to do that the whole networking scene is down to motivators and what most
make a mistake of doing is they run around trying to talk to everybody without
motivating anybody ever to refer them and that's the biggest mistake so we have two
ways we can look at this everybody you meet it doesn't matter if you meet the
president or you meet somebody at the bottom of the chain you need to do the same
things with so if you're very lucky and you walk into the room and you see the
president there that's fantastic but most likely you're going to see somebody far
less important
and if you do a very good job you can Network your way to the top when I met Idris
and I was put on that TV show I didn't meet him first I knew a lot of people knew a
lot of people and I ended up there so it's going to be very unlikely you're going
to meet the person you want to meet straight away by assuming that's the case
there's a few very basic rules and these are super basic and these are things I
shouldn't have to say introduce yourself be confident body language is all
in the body language course be sure of yourself don't be arrogant and third and one
of the most important things important people especially super important people
they're not really that interested in you you have to understand that it's a very
fine balance people think oh I'm going to meet this guy I need to prove to this guy
I'm worth something but also you don't want to sit there and tell the president
about what you do for a job he doesn't give a [ __ ] he's depressive compared to
him you're a nobody so you
have to really understand the balance of asking them questions while also
validating yourself so instead of say if I were to be an important person and not
say that important person was in banking for example if I sit there go I'm a
millionaire I did this I did that and I made money and he ain't gonna give a [ __ ]
the dude could be getting a million pound a week as far as I know so instead I'd
say ah yeah I'm actually looking for a banking solution when I'm trying to move
large sums of money I'm struggling to get it
done what is the best banking solution what would you recommend for someone living
in Europe so what I've done there is validate me as a person I've explained that I
make large sums of money but I've also stroked his ego by asking him a question and
engaging him in the conversation that is completely different from me sitting there
and talking [ __ ] and it's completed him from only asking him questions so you
have to find a way to validate yourself while also engaging him and asking
and stroking his ego important people are arrogant you're never going to meet an
important person who's not arrogant all of them are so stroking their ego is always
a good idea not a no not in a pathetic way because I'm not going to respect you but
just respecting their position and their intelligence and their knowledge and
asking for some of it that's that's it there's a whole bunch of [ __ ] these people
know that you don't know that's the whole reason you want to network with them in
the first
place so that's an important point next and this is very key and this could be a
whole section on itself but we'll start now networking is expensive the key to
networking is having money and I say this all the time if you meet someone who's
more important than you you're paying for everything it doesn't matter how
expensive the drinks are how expensive the dinner is you need to pay for it you
need to absolutely insist no please no it was a pleasure to meet you it's on me
it's on me they don't give a [ __ ] about money but
it just proves a point it allows you to have some kind of dominance and hold your
own as a man if you go to dinner with a really important person and that person
pays for the dinner do you think that same person is going to trust you with
thousands and thousands of dollars when you're sitting there taking a free dinner
with a little dork no so you have to pay for dinner that's the first thing you
gotta look good when you turn up you gotta turn up in these very expensive places
like you've been there a thousand times before you cannot
be impressed by anything you can't be like oh wow this food's great oh this wine oh
yeah this is a really nice restaurant it's just a [ __ ] restaurant it doesn't
matter if you end up on a private jet for the first time in your life you don't say
a word you're completely unimpressed like you've done it a thousand times these are
the basic things if you're gonna sit there and go wow wow wow then he's going to
show that you're much lower down than him people at the top they don't really want
to do
business or network with people below them why would they they want to do business
with people on the same level of them as them or people may be slightly below but
they have a good motivator to elevate you as an individual if you're making it
super clear you've never lived this kind of Lifestyle then you're going to struggle
so you're not impressed by anything you're paying for everything when you're around
someone more important than you when Idris and I were in Thailand training for his
every time we go out I pay I was like I wouldn't even because I wouldn't even it
wouldn't be offering just to build with comments put the money down we'd walk off
now interest had more money than me but I just just whatever just it's a point of
dominance it's a point of yeah you're the Hollywood actor you're not the only
[ __ ] around here who has some money and at the time I didn't even have that much
money but I'm a little [ __ ] I'm not gonna let him pay for me because
he's the more important one than I am so that's a very important thing second thing
when it comes to money is super important because networking is about chances it is
super rare that someone's going to say to you come here this time and you're
guaranteed to meet X that's not how networking Works networking is about taking a
chance and Taking Chances is expensive when I met Donald Trump Jr he said if you're
around on these dates I might be free for half an hour and I was in Romania how
many people fly
from Romania to New York three thousand miles and sit there for a week for a maybe
on 30 minutes most people go ah I can't do that or they'll say oh uh can we
guarantee what about this one and they pressure the dude and then the dude's gonna
say well I can't guarantee I've got a very busy schedule how can I guarantee you
anything I'm the sum the president I've got a super busy schedule I've never met
you I don't know you meeting you is really not going to benefit me that much I
don't give a [ __ ]
about you I'm not going to guarantee you a thing if I tried to pressure him and
said okay what about this day this time this day this time to try and get my
guarantee he would have bathe so instead I said yeah okay I'm around and I flew
there and I spent x amount of thousands of dollars and it paid off there's been
times I've done similar things for other important people and it hasn't paid off
but this is the reality of networking networking is never going to be guaranteed so
because it's not
guaranteed you have to have the ability to take your chances and that is expensive
I'm not going to sit here and lie to you and pretend that networking is cheap it's
absolutely not cheap you have to be prepared to go somewhere I win turn up and see
if that person has time and maybe they don't but you have to be there right place
right time and be in the right place at the right time is certainly expensive to do
so that's the monetary element now we're talking about motivations and like all my
courses this is lots of
information just like a PhD course there's lots of information coming at you I
don't care how many times you have to watch this and I'm curious to take notes
break it down whatever I don't sit and do little chapters I speak what comes from
my mind through experience that's why it's so [ __ ] golden so you just have to pay
attention motivators there's only two in fact three genuine motivators that are
going to allow someone to refer you because that's all networking is it's referrals
if you meet someone for the first time who've just explained you have to pay for it
you have to introduce yourself don't waste the person's time make sure you stroke
their ego with your questions validate yourself while also allowing them to
validate themselves so they're happy being the dominant person being Mr important
those are the key things most networking is going to come from referrals someone is
going to recommend you so look at me here you know who I am I have access to the
president's son why
do I not recommend you to the president's son well the reason for that is one
because I'm putting my reputation on the line and two the other three motivators
have not been fulfilled so there's three motivators I'm only going to recommend you
to somebody else the president's son or anyone for a money B because I really like
you or C because it raises my status so these are the only three motivators that
are gonna take someone and make them put conscious effort into taking into taking
one of their relationships
and sharing it with you so talk about the first one money it's very easy to to go
through the world and think oh I've got the people and I promise them they'll make
lots of money and everyone's gonna network with me because I've got this great
business it's all [ __ ] because one your great business is not nearly as great as
you think it is two telling people about your great business most people don't give
a [ __ ] and most people aren't going to believe in you I mean the the thing
is about businesses none of them are really that sexy Starbucks is a coffee shop if
you were to walk around and say oh I'm gonna start this coffee shop people like oh
whatever now it's a super is successful it's a successful business but if you're if
before it started if you're walking around trying to pitch it to people try to
network and we're gonna have this coffee shop we're gonna sell carrot cake No One's
Gonna Give A [ __ ] No One's Gonna be interested so business ideas are really not
that sexy you're
talking about even though you think they are they're not and the ones that are are
usually complicated and different and you gotta have someone's attention and they
have to trust you and know who you are as a person to really take you seriously so
money is quite a difficult one because if you think who's going to go and email me
now and say Tay I have an idea if you introduced me to the president and he buys it
and I'll give you 25 percent I'm not gonna I'm not gonna recommend you so money is
is actually one of the
things that probably becomes later on they have people have to trust you first they
have to know you first they have to like you first and then you can add in a
monetary motivation if I've done business with you for four or five years and I
know you very well and I know you're competent I know you don't make mistakes you
don't [ __ ] up I know I can trust you I know that I recommend you you're not going
to embarrass me and then you say look do you know any people who could achieve X Y
and Z because that
would allow me to make x amount of money and you're gonna get a percent of it then
you can motivate me with money so that's the monetary motivation next is because I
really like you this can happen you can be liked by important people and if you're
liked by important people you're gonna be you're gonna be invited places by
important people and you'll be introduced to other important people being liked is
a skill within itself I've just basically explained to you how to be liked by
important people is as simple
as that you validate yourself while allowing them to talk about themselves because
important people love themselves because important people have spent a lot of time
and energy and effort in building themselves unless you're born important which a
few are morons in general important people have put in a lot of work to becoming
themselves and even if they haven't put in a law work they think they have look at
[ __ ] pit bull the worst singer in the world a loser basically but if you were to
ask him how he got there how did you become
a famous recording artist do you think he'd say luck or would he say oh I just
really worked at it people believe they work hard Everyone likes to believe that
their success is down to work and nothing to do with luck so everyone who's
important believes they're a hard worker so with this in mind they are egotistical
so you have to stroke that ego because it's about a long time building themselves
up but you have to do it in a way that you don't embarrass yourself this is Nuance
I can't teach you this this is something
that's going to take some skill get the body language course it's going to help
with it's going to certainly help you but secondly is going to take some skill I
gave you one example earlier validate yourself while also asking them questions
make sure you look like you're paying attention try and be a little bit witty a
little bit funny and just validate yourself and use your own personality I can't
give you my personality but when I met important people the conversations were
always free-flowing they always went well I
always validated myself while allowing them to talk and allowing them to basically
stroke their own ego because they love themselves and there's nothing wrong with
them loving themselves there's nothing wrong with that at all two examples we'll
use amazing example I'm living that important anyway um if you were to email me and
say Tate teach me how to punch I'll give you and then I'm gonna fight and I'll give
you a percent I'm trying to motivate me with money it's [ __ ] if you were to
mention me and say hey
I've watched your videos and I genuinely believe you're the best Striker there's
ever been but then you have to validate yourself they would say I've been training
for 10 or 10 10 or 12 years and I really enjoy it but there's some things you do
that I can't quite do I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions that one
validates you two strokes my ego and you're far more likely to get reply than if
you just emailed me teach me how to punch or teach me how to punch for money
because it's making me like you this is
an important thing and thirdly Estates if in certain situations especially if
you're a cool enough dude as I am people who may have high level connections will
feel more comfortable or feel like it's going to raise their status if they
introduce you to their connections and this is going to happen as you elevate this
is not going to happen at the bottom but as you elevate this is going to happen so
with me for example now because I'm I've got some money because I've got some nice
cars because I'm always with hot girls
there's people who think ah this guy's in town and I'm gonna go meet him at the
club you know I'm going to bring tape because if I bring tape I roll up in a Lambo
and there's gonna be 10 chicks with us so he's using me for it to raise his statist
and just going on his own and that's fine because I'm using him to meet the dude so
if you become start becoming important yourself you're going to have people who use
you to raise their status and that happens so those are the three motivators status
money and because people like you now you're only going to be able to pull off any
of these three either statists people liking you or even money if you have genuine
relationships with people the idea of walking through a business conference with
your business card hi yeah Hi here's my card I do I do accounting I'm an accountant
I'm the best accountant I'm really good accountant I guarantee I'll save you money
yeah here's an account hi I'm a really good account yeah you might get
some it's basically cold going you might get some calls I'm not saying it's a
completely terrible idea it's better than doing nothing but that's not nearly as
effective as building a genuine relationship with somebody you already know this
you know that if you were to go around that conference take a little bit more time
with each individual person make them like you make them remember you that's the
key to it and once you have that connection once you have that connection then you
have to nurture it look at email
marketing email marketing does this perfectly you sign up to an email list to try
and sell you something you ignore it another email to try and sell you something
you ignore it if they keep trying to sell you things every day you unsubscribe if
they tell you things of value a long email a story something that made you laugh
something that's funny etc etc going on and on and then eventually try and sell you
something again you might buy it that's nurturing a relationship and it's exactly
the same with
networking so if I I have some very important friends and I'll message them now and
again these are not I say friends the wrong word I know some important people and I
may not speak to them for two or three months at a time but I will consciously I
have a list of people I know who are important a list of people I know who are high
value and I'll consciously contact them with things I believe might be relevant so
let's I'll give you I'm not gonna like we said earlier in the course most people
don't give away everyone they
know I've only told you about the people I have pictures with there's a whole bunch
of other people I know I'm not going to tell you about but let me give you an
example let's say I know somebody who's a multi-millionaire in England and they do
business in Europe so I will literally each month go through my list of people who
I know are high value and I want to stay in touch with and I'll see that person and
I'll I'll Google up something about brexit exports and I'll email him the link and
say Hey
you might find this interesting don't know this affects you uh I'll be back in in
the country in a few weeks maybe we should catch up back so I provided value it's
not just me trying to get something from him not just hey can we have a coffee I
provided him some value I sent him a link he's probably already seen the link he
probably doesn't care about the link but it's the gesture oh it's talking about
breaks out maybe that maybe that does affect it or even if it doesn't affect
them at all he'll reply ah no we've got all that handled actually thanks yeah
Andrew be good to see you that's a perfect example of how I'm adding value it's not
just a matter of hey can I talk to you hey can I talk to you hey can I talk to you
no one wants that because if you keep doing that hey can I talk to you you're not
adding any value at any point you become annoying important people are busy so you
have to add some value in your correspondence with them they're they're extremely
busy people so
that little that's a little example of what you'll do so I guarantee you sitting
here right now if I were to tell you to make a list of the five richest people you
know you probably know five people who are quite well off you probably know a few
millionaires but how often do you interact with them and when you interact with
them do you provide them any value in your interactions because if you start to do
that they're going to start to like you more and there's something going to start
to trust you more and it's going
to display competence and let's say it must have a completely random example let's
say you know a baker who has six or seven bakery shops and he had he's making some
good money it's a six seven Baker shops whatever and you send an article on the the
cake that won the cake of the year because all the shit's off the top of my head
say hey man you think you could hey I just saw this do you think you could even
bake something like this just got one cake of the year it was really good promotion
for that
maybe you should do it and do something like this and just send it to them straight
away when they reply to you oh yeah and they're gonna sit there and think oh this
dude's thinking about producing business for me this the guys think about raising
my profile he's asking questions he's doing things he's giving me some value he's
giving me some ideas so then let's say that Bakery Company decides it wants to up
its marketing you're gonna cross their mind oh that dude he emailed me about
cake of the year or trying to enter a cake of the year that guy yeah we want a
marketing strategy and he's been emailing me on and off every couple of months not
annoying me every couple of months for like six seven months now he had a few good
ideas let's bring him in for a meeting bam so you've gone from knowing a baker to
now going and sitting in a meeting with a baker and that Baker is looking to make
more money and you can sit there and go I can guarantee you I'll double your money
I guarantee you
I'll double your money as long as I get x amount of money or I have or I get I get
a company car or I get this percent whatever whatever I'm guaranteeing you I will
double your money that's how networking is done it's not about knowing the baker
it's about building a relationship with that Baker of value so that they trust you
and that they like you and that you prove yourself competent this is the same with
everything most people go through life never proving themselves competent at
and I mean this when I meet people I'm never late I'm early of course you have to
be early I make sure I pay like I said before I make sure I pay for the bill I make
sure I don't look tired I make sure I never complain about my problems hey Tate how
are you yeah I'm really good oh I'm fine yeah the traffic was a mess dude doesn't
give a [ __ ] guy doesn't care oh I'm tired I was out last night yeah I'm really
good because people want positivity in their lives if you're really good they want
to be
really good why are you really good maybe they want to know more about you this
person is really good well I want to be really good what the secret what they're so
good for you have to you have to display competence and you have to display the
attributes that people want to connect with and these are always positive
attributes you know what they are not just about being rich it's about being a
positive person living a happy life these are things that have to appear effortless
when you go and you sit down
at a table and you're happy and you're smiling you're positive and you have this
Aura of competence about you you're gonna have people who want to do business with
you and the baker example is a perfect example because I guarantee you all know
people right now let's say you work a normal job you work a normal job let's say
you're a [ __ ] truck driver I you know your boss you know the boss of the trucking
company there's nothing he's he's worth shitloads of money what's stopping you
googling up a whole
bunch of stuff about Trucking or Googling Googling not the biggest trucking
companies in the world how they advertise or Googling what they do and just
emailing them saying hey he was reading this last night you might find this
interesting and building a closer relationship with your boss or the richest person
you know nothing's stopping you dude man you need to build value they need to
believe you're competent I need to learn to trust you so action list make a list of
the most important people or most rich people you
know start finding a way to provide them value without annoying them get some money
together so that you can be at the right place at the right time that's the
beginning next A lot of people are only interested in networking up whereas you can
do a lot of networking down there's a whole bunch of people out there looking for a
chance and if you network that way correctly you can also do very very well I've
said this loads of times people say to me how do I get rich and I say find someone
who will pay
you ten dollars to do a job and find someone who do it for nine dollars because
that way you de-link your time to your money time is finite you only have certain
amount of hours in the day money is is infinite effectively so if you find a way to
make money without requiring your time then you can scale it infinitely there's no
reason why you can't scale it infinitely so if you know a whole bunch of people who
are looking for money or looking for a job or looking for a break what you have to
do is you have to vet and make sure they're
competent and that's what I mean by networking down so everything I've just told
you about networking up you have to reverse and do it the other way around so you
may have a younger brother you may have some kids in college you may know this guy
you may know dude who works in [ __ ] I was about to say Blockbusters Blockbusters
isn't even normal open for you Blockbusters he's the only guy I still watch
Blockbusters standing there on his own where's the Blockbusters and he wants a
chance if someone ever goes to you let's say
you're driving a half nice car or something and say oh they know you make money
online well how do you make money online say oh yeah well you know I've got a few
things I've got this business going maybe we could work together sometime but and
then you have to you have to get them to validate themselves you'd say yeah maybe
we might work together sometime have you heard about this have you heard about this
course or you heard about this kind of marketing or if you if you're looking to
shipping yeah send me an email about it and see how how much they apply themselves
and what you're going to find out is maybe nine out of ten are time wasters you're
gonna have the one guy who really wants it and now you have someone who's prepared
to basically work for free in many cases work for free in many cases just to have a
chance at life and that's the kind of thing that can be valuable networking up is
fantastic but networking down is just as good I had a I knew a guy who said you
friends in high places and you need Friends in Low Places and he was absolutely
correct we could go through in his town we go through any McDonald's drive-throughs
free go to any liquor store the Vodka was free he knew everyone at the Low Places
and he knew the mayor of the town so having people in Low Places is just as
important as high places so you're sitting here trying to make a list of all the
people you know who are important you now have an action list you have to provide
those guys value fine but you also have a
whole bunch of people looking for a chance and if you're a higher value than them
you're the value now you're the prize you gotta find a way to motivate them to work
for you and this is one of the biggest keys to networking because if you do this
effectively then you're going to be more and more you're going to push yourself
higher up the ladder you can find a whole bunch of college students let's say you
have I'll give an example you can go on Fiverr right now you could you could invent
a graphic
design company I own a graphic design company you can make a website you can lie on
the website and say you turn over millions of dollars you can go to a graphic
design college or know some kid to do graphic design you can go to them and say
you're going to give them all interviews they've designed three logos you can go on
Fiverr and say Your Design logos for 50 bucks each and when people pay you 50 bucks
you'll get them to do it for free and you keep your money that's just a very basic
idea but it's a
very basic example of how you can Network lower by just fainting when I say
fainting confidence it's not even fainting confidence you're competent enough to
make a website you're competent enough to get the jobs on Fiverr so by just being
competent and and just coming across as a more higher value person you can Network
down and get people lower than you to do work for you and that's another thing that
a lot of people don't do and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that because if
the people below you prove
themselves to be especially competent and prove themselves do a very good job then
you're going to elevate them if you have one guy who does fantastic logos he does
them in 20 minutes he gets them straight across to you and he's ready to work like
a dog well then you're gonna have a real company aren't you because you're gonna
hire it say okay you're the guy I'm gonna use you all the time I'm gonna put more
ads on Fiverr and get more jobs you're going to do them all I'll give you x amount
of money per logo
I'll keep the rest back done so networking down is a fantastic thing it doesn't
make you a bad person because if you find someone of competence you're going to
elevate them and that and that elevates you you now own a graphic design company
you didn't know [ __ ] and now you're on a graphic design company now you can be
emailing all the five important people I told you on your list the five important
ones and you can be saying hey uh just looked at your logo yeah it's really good
but I've got the
scrap design company and I just had my guys have a look here's a few proofs I don't
know if you'd be interested something to take to think about let's catch up soon
back set a couple free logos to an important person let them sit there and go hmm
that's interesting so you've networked down and now you're providing value to
people hiring you the whole thing about networking is providing value walking
around in a suit and handing out your business card and saying your name isn't
providing value
to anybody you need to provide value and if you can't do that you need to at least
promise to provide value and if you promise to provide value it has to be a genuine
genuine promise because the world's full of promises nowadays and the world's full
of lies so if I was an accountant and I was doing a networking event everyone I
introduce myself to I would give them some ridiculous guarantee I have to say how
high yeah I'm I'm the accountant that get that guarantees a lower tax bill
guarantees yeah I guarantee a lower tax
bill if you there's no I've never had a single client who didn't lower the taxes
with me ever and it would be so Brash and sort of the tallest Sip and go really
really doesn't matter what company you're in doesn't matter who you use doesn't
matter if you use PWC or Deloitte or the best accounts in the world I guarantee you
with one thousand percent certainty any of my clients I lower their tax bill now
that person will probably talk to you because you're given you've you haven't
provided value but you've you've
assured them you've promised insane value now you have to predicament now you have
to fulfill it but a verbal contract isn't a contract if if this person emails you
and goes okay lower my tax bill and you look through his stuff and you work out you
can you say oh okay um uh we're really busy at the moment we'll be back in touch in
a couple weeks I'm sure we can work together and you just never email them again
he'll forget he ain't gonna go he's gonna go to court and say I met this guy in a
pub this guy
in a bar who promised to lower my tax bill and he didn't email me back and sue you
he's not gonna take what's gonna happen nothing but at least you had the chance
maybe you can lower his tax bill now you've got yourself a client so you need to be
providing value but if you're going to promise value which is what a lot of people
try and do but people do it like [ __ ] people walk around oh hi yeah hi I'm an
accountant yeah I'm certified accountant yeah I've got some big clients and yeah
I'm sure
we could take a look there might be something we can do what does that mean I've
already got an account and you're coming up to me saying you can take a look there
might be something you could do that sounds like it's going to take time I have to
get all my records all my files send them across to you maybe we can do something
I've already got an accountant who I've been with for five years it does a
perfectly fine job and now you want to [ __ ] around me I'm not going to bother if
you would have come up to me
and said I guarantee you Andrew you're paying too much tax you're getting ripped
off with me I guarantee you I'll lower it by minimum 10 minimum now I'm going to
talk to you that's how networking's done I'm certainly going to talk to you now if
I send you all my files and you look through it all and you realize that my
accountant is actually fantastic and you can't lower my tax bill at all then you
just black it off black is an English word for you Americans black means just like
it off okay yeah fantastic having a look here uh I'll be I'll be back in touch in a
few weeks if and you know what's going to happen because I'm a busy guy and I've
already got an accountant and I've probably forgot about it in a few weeks I'm not
even gonna chase you and if I do chase you hey if there's anything we can do yeah
but we'll have to do it at the beginning of the next financial Year I'll be in
touch a couple weeks in advance take care just just black it off delay it I'll
forget you'll move on no one's going to court nothing bad happened at least you had
a chance to get my business you had a chance to look through my accounts if you
would have come up to me and said oh hi yeah maybe we can do something I'm an
accredited accountant you wouldn't even go that far so you got either provide value
or promise value and this is the mistake that people make with networking you have
to promise value I said to Idris with me you'll win he goes oh really I said no no
with me you're guaranteed to
win so if you get other people I don't know but with me you're absolutely
guaranteed to win yeah there's a lot of good Fighters out there but I know how it
was as an amateur I know the mistakes you'll be making I know the mistakes he's
gonna make with me Idris with me you are guaranteed to win and you did win I pulled
it off but if I didn't say that I wouldn't have got the chance now imagine he lost
what's he gonna do we're going to sue me you got knocked out bro you can't sue me
it's not my fault you
should have blocked I told you to block that punch you didn't listen I gave you the
right instructions you didn't enact them correctly that's not my fault but I
networked myself to the talk with guarantees so you either need to show value which
is a guarantee because it's something you've already done or you need to promise
insane value and this is the mistake people make with networking when someone comes
to me and because I get this all the time I get emails all the time from people say
I'm going to
make you more money I'm gonna do this you're gonna do that blah blah blah pay me up
front I don't want to hear that [ __ ] I'm gonna say no okay do it if you come to
me and say tape I'm gonna sell 10 of your courses okay I'm gonna still tell your
courses if I sell 10 of your courses can we Skype and talk business yeah all right
and then just say okay every everyone every one of my courses I sell the reference
is going to be this and I get 10 course sales and in the Box it says this person's
name then I'm gonna be
like all right let's Skype [ __ ] does this dude know that's providing value if
you're gonna promise me you're gonna sell shitloads of my courses you better come
at me with some some convincing [ __ ] come at you go well maybe we could try maybe
this could have you thought of not interested because I've thought of it all yeah I
could try no you have to come to me with pow now I know all of you watching this is
probably going to try that exact thing that's a bad idea because I'm a hard guy
to sell to but to other people that's what people want especially important people
who are running businesses and making money you need to either show them you can
make the money or you need to promise them insanely you can make the money but
here's what's going to happen the smart people you'll get the audience who will
agree and pay you up front most smart people will want to see some work first
promise the value and then they'll say okay now show me the value and then I'll
give you what you want that's what's
going to happen and this is where the competence comes in but isn't it better to be
talking to Millionaires and then replying to your emails and and them going okay
we're gonna give you a chance and then you might be able to pull off a miracle
isn't that better than them never emailing you at all this is the key to networking
I promised interest he'd never lose and he didn't lose it worked out for me it
could have not worked out for me but isn't it better that I promised him and took
the chance
that never took the chance at all so the bakery example you want to start emailing
that Baker and saying you could sell double the cakes I guarantee you I can sell
double your cakes and he'll go if he's smart he'll go okay do it then and then
you're gonna sit there and go [ __ ] how do I sell double the cakes but at least
you have a chance now you have a chance imagine you pull off double cakes for a
[ __ ] two days imagine you get some hot chick to stand outside with a tray she's
your girlfriend so she's
free with a cake and you've given her a little bit of a script and she convinces
people that these are these cakes are made with some special flour or some [ __ ]
and doubles to cake sales when you go back in there now and say okay that's just
the beginning of what I can do I can triple this I can quadruple that I want x
amount of money now you're going to be having serious conversations and that's what
networking is show value or absolutely promised value stroke people's Egos and have
enough cash to be
in the right place at the right time the guy who owns that Bakery he might own
bakeries all over the world he might say okay yeah I'm interested in talking to you
come to our head office in Singapore now what you're gonna do oh sorry I can't
afford the ticket like a dick if you're so good at selling things and doubling
people's turnovers you've got to be able to afford the ticket you have to so money
is absolutely an element but the key to networking is you have to come across a
super high value
another great thing about this is this is also how you get referrals if you start
doing good jobs for people and you do a good job and you prove yourself trustworthy
or even if you're at least promising to do a good job and people see this that
they're going to be the ones who refer you because it raises their status so I'm
the bakery owner I own the bakery you've come to me and promised a double my sales
you managed to pull it off I'm out with my other friend who owns a [ __ ] car wash
we're sitting there having beers and I'm talking about this this person and I now I
get to say you know what I could double your turn over your car washes and the guy
goes okay he goes yeah I know a guy and this guy can double your car wash turn over
now I get to look cool for recommending you so remember I was talking earlier about
motivators now I am motivated to recommend you because it raises my status with the
car wash guy even if he's a good friend I won't ask him for money he's not a good
I might say I'll raise it give me this amount if I'm a particularly Savvy [ __ ]
I'll say I want to double your car wash turnover you give me 20 I'll send in a guy
who works for me who's really good you could they could do it for money but in
general people don't even work that way people just just like to feel important
especially important people the head of the bakery is going to sit there instead of
the car wash guy you know what you've got some good car washes you're washing some
but you could be making a lot more money I know a guy who would help you make a lot
more money yeah he works for me I I found him I trained him he'll talk he'll lie
but he's really good and you know what I'm thinking maybe you should talk to him
because now the car wash guy thinks the bakery guy is a hero oh wow okay so the
bakery guy's motivation for recommending you is raising a status and this is the
motivator for most people this is how networking is done you do a fantastic job for
one person they want
to share your business they want to tell others if someone came along to me and did
a fantastic job I'd want to tell other people I do this all the time the people who
wrapped my Lamborghini for example did a [ __ ] amazing job cheap quick beautiful
rainbow wrap psychedelic looks amazing I'm happy to tell everyone where'd you get
that done I got done here they're really good that's that's human nature so you'd
have to be providing the same value or promising insane value a lot of the
people you network with especially at a lower level they're going to want things
from you and because Mutual relationships we all understand what Mutual
relationships are and how they work people are going to want things from you so I
know that 99 of the emails I get are people who want things from me nobody's trying
to give me nothing no one's emailing me going hey Tate want our Ferrari everyone's
like oh hi do you want to invest in they want my money do you have the time to help
me with they want my knowledge
expertise or connections they want me to [ __ ] Network for them I'm on email today
from some dude hey uh my my girlfriend is struggling to get Schengen visa and I
know you can do these kind of things okay cool if you would have said hi Tate good
to see you I know you're really well connected I'm having a very particular problem
and I'm thinking maybe you can help with it in return I think maybe we could make
some money together make at least more interesting not just hey get my girlfriend a
even know you [ __ ] crazy anyway can I get his girlfriend yeah but am I motivated
to no but 99 of the time people want things from you and that's fine so what you
have to do is turn those walks into something Mutual so if someone comes to you and
says hey uh can I use your email list I want to promote my product that'll happen a
lot the correct reply is my email list you can't use but when you build your own
I'll teach you how to monetize yours correctly we'll work together on it he'll go
oh okay thanks he'll be happy
with that reply so what's happened what's he gained from you nothing what have you
gained from him a percent of his sales done he'll come back to you and go okay I
got my email let's say okay here's how we're gonna do it I'll send emails blah blah
blah blah x amount percent goes to me this might go to you and we're gonna sell a
whole bunch of products simple when people come to you and they want something from
you that's a fantastic chance to change it round to put it on its head and allow
you to take
something from them there's another key element from networking and also if you're
particularly Savvy especially with important people is this is how smart important
people think so you can be you can be aware it's happening but pretend you don't
know so it's like one of the one of the laws of power for Animals of power is never
outshine the master it's true so if you go meet with a really important person you
go oh you know what I'm gonna give you a chance if you double my sales for
a week I'm going to give you a chance you'll be like oh yeah okay fantastic and you
can sit there and pretend you don't realize this dude just about to make a bunch of
money off you okay great you don't want to be too smart you're smarter than the
dude it's going to piss him off I've had this a few times myself I've had people
come to me and say this and I say well let's do it this way to go no this this and
this I'm like bro you're the one approaching me I've got
more money than you you're trying to do business don't come at me and tell me how
things are you have to be super careful with that because people's egos an ego is
more than enough to stop someone doing business with you they'd rather lose money
than damage your ego people are in jail over their ego jail is full of egos you
insult someone they shoot you in the head that's how important a man's ego is to it
so you want to come along and start insulting people and go no this or no you're
be making lots of money off me then what am I gonna get that's not that's not how
you network you've got to play the food sometimes yeah great that's a really good
idea I'm happy to do that for you yeah great so be careful so very often people who
come to you they want something from you if they're lower down you have to change
that to your favor consciously think about how to do that if they're higher up
they're going to try and get when you're when you're offering something they're
going to try and exploit you to a degree and that's fine because you have to prove
competence being exploited to a comfortable degree to prove confident confidence
and make yourself likable is once again fine be very aware of that Dynamic everyone
is in everything from themselves every relationship is for themselves you're with
your girlfriend for yourself your love for her is nothing to do with her it's for
yourself it's for your own sexual needs so you're not listening you're not lonely
it's completely
selfish you're with her for selfish reasons she's with you for selfish reasons and
together you're both selfish and you're both mutually benefit the reason I talk to
the bus driver is because he'll drive me and I give money to the boss which keeps
the company running That Pays His wages Mutual benefit that's how interactions work
around the world there's no such thing as selflessness it doesn't exist so you have
to completely understand this and understand the mutual benefits nobody's
going to do anything with you if there's not a benefit for them so at the beginning
of someone's really high value sure let them exploit you to a degree make sure the
benefit is in their court but once you've proved competence that can change quickly
once you've proved yourself to be competent then they're going to want you then
things change if you're the dude who doubled sales they're going to want you around
absolutely going to want you around I prefer to stay in touch with my important
people via email I don't
really like to use LinkedIn because LinkedIn is a professional platform and that
means that relationships are professional that's fine for your professional
relationships but for your genuine networking referrals it's all about status and
whether they like you or not the money one money may be LinkedIn but in general if
you only speak to someone through Linkedin are they really going to be like this
guy's great they're gonna be like oh there's a guy on my LinkedIn Maybe so it's
it's very it's very clinical
it's kind of like Tinder you know like the girl you might want to banger but do you
like her you know you don't know her so it's very clinical so I don't even have a
LinkedIn page I don't even have one I don't really use it for networking and also
if someone's super important are they really on LinkedIn like I mean you're going
to meet some mid-level dudes on LinkedIn but if there's a multi-millionaire who has
his own company he has a coconut business in Greece and he has all these boats he's
making millions and millions he's [ __ ] all these models he's private jets is he
really gonna go oh let me just let me just quickly log into LinkedIn and oh I got
an email from Mr random yeah hi but anyway I mean that's my experience with
LinkedIn but yeah that's fine I use email try and get people's email addresses try
and have an interesting business card like mine don't copy it and like I said
provide value every couple of months don't flood them don't annoy them people are
next is protecting yourself from networking so what a lot you were going to be
thinking after watching this is well how do I make sure I don't get exploited how
do I know that the baker is not going to see my ideas I did to double sales take
the ideas and tell them to [ __ ] off and that is a genuine very real risk and to
be honest with you that risk is very hard to negate you negate that primarily
through making the dude like you and this is my completely honest experience
because I've been screwed this way
exactly the same if I've done work for someone and it's been work and I've done a
really good job and at the end of it I said look I want some money XYZ and they
don't particularly like me as a person they are far more likely to disappear than
if they go you know what this guy's all right and I know this sounds like [ __ ]
advice but it's the absolute truth this is why I do business without contracts
because if you need a contract with someone to try and stop them screwing you
they're going to screw you
if you need a piece of paper and a core to try and stop someone from screwing you
over they're going to do it eventually anyway and you're going to waste a whole
bunch of time in court with lawyers and even if you win the case they're going to
claim bankruptcy it's my chest connection claim bankruptcy and it's all over the
way it works is you have to make people like you you have friendships with people
and people don't want to [ __ ] over their friends because everyone has a
conscience there's very few people
out there who are truly sociopathic enough that they're going to screw over
somebody who they like for a few few for a few dollars I wouldn't do that people
who I know who could easily do that would never do that to me because if you like
people but there's a there's a few people on the planet you like and there's a
whole bunch of people you don't like so you don't want to really [ __ ] up the
relationships with the people you do like for money especially if you're making
good money it's very rare so
let's say the bakery example if you're gonna do that for five people one person's
gonna screw you out there you just have to eat that loss there's no other way to do
it but the other four will probably give you some kind of uh recuperation for your
efforts and on top of that especially if you have more to show so the bakery
example is perfect because you can say okay I doubled your cake sales but I've
shown you nothing yet I know X I know this I know that even if you don't know it
say you see the taste of what I can do
well now they definitely want to do business with you because they've seen your
efforts and validated yourself and you're saying you know a whole bunch more but
they're going to continue to work with you so if you're worried about safeguarding
yourself you're worried about being exploited I wouldn't worry about that worry
about getting the opportunities more opportunities you have the better it may take
three or four opportunities for one to pay off but one it will eventually pay off
it's better to have
tried at something I've had an opportunity and [ __ ] it up or tried at something
had an opportunity you did a fantastic job and then that person screw you over then
never had the opportunity at all that's my genuine view because I've been screwed
over I've enrolled for money I've been through all that [ __ ] that's happened to
everyone else but that never deterred me from making relationships and trying to
get to high value places and do high value work for high ticket numbers because
they pay off so you can't be too worried about it and this is what happens when I
was saying earlier about uh the people who are arrogant and insults people egos
I've had people email me going Tate your email strategy [ __ ] and they're right I
agree maybe my strategy probably is a bit [ __ ] it's discon jointed you need to do
this this this this and this and this if you do this you sell this much more I say
okay let's do it ten thousand dollars a month I say I'm not gonna pay you haven't
even done it yet yeah but
how do I know I'm not going to implement it and you're gonna rob me but it would
have been better for them to have implemented it start making me a whole bunch of
money and then there's two things that can happen I'm either gonna run off with the
ideas and and and skank them and they're not going to get any money and then my
reputation will be soured and they're going to go all over Twitter and all over
everywhere and say I'm a bad person or I'm going to say you know what I'm
making so much money from this person now and they want this I'm making 20 a month
I wasn't making before they want 10 okay cool cool there's two choices now if you
obviously you want them to pay most people are protective of their reputations most
people aren't that sociopathic and second thirdly if I actually kind of liked that
guy I wouldn't have done it so let me give an example let's say he agreed to do the
work first let's say you start doing the work I never really heard from him he just
the work and I sold products and the end he goes okay where's my money that's fine
if he did the work and he was he sent an email hey man I'm up really late but I've
got this idea and this idea also after this one week trial we can do this and this
uh I'm really excited about our partnership bang email me that or something else or
something else and something else to make me make himself more humanized then when
it comes to paying I'm going to be like okay when he's told me was more
ideas he was up working really late that night I'm not gonna [ __ ] this dude over
I'm not that guy so that's that's a key element to it and that's the same with all
networking is being likable likability and I can't teach you personalities I can't
teach you how to be likable but coming across as human and making it clear how much
you work much work you're doing for someone there's nothing wrong with that there's
absolutely nothing wrong with that if you're doing a positive life don't
complain don't be like oh I have to work so hard because they're gonna be like well
[ __ ] move don't then but if you're doing a very positive light look I really
believe we can do XYZ we're gonna take over the world blah blah blah you're gonna
do fantastic one of my job last time I had a job was about seven years ago and
after I can tell you the story I started I went to a meeting saw a website our
market rate was 1500 pounds for the website I tried to sell it for three grand and
I did that because I'm a risk taker
and everyone told me all the salesmen in the company said that's too much he's not
going to buy it and I said well I believe that we can sell our websites for more
and they said okay whatever and the guy bought it within a week I was giving a
presentation to the other salesman because the [ __ ] managing director couldn't
believe I'd sold this for double sold for double and after I sold it I sent email
to managing director saying hey I know I'm new I know you don't know me I've just
pulled off this
sale for double I want to sell all the products for double is that okay let's see
if he's gonna say [ __ ] nut or just pull off I just pulled it off she's going to
say I was gonna say yeah that's fine why do you believe that and I'm and I gave my
reasons I said there's only so many people in the world who want a website if they
don't need a website they're not going to buy one if they do need one then they're
susceptible we need to get as much money as possible from them that's how we're
going to increase the turnover of this business and I believe that if we do a few
things to add some value small things another meeting halfway through the website
being made a few more updates fancier PDF updates small things that I believe we
can really increase our value and I mean to really increase our prices even though
we're providing the same product and I sent this back and forth to the managing
director one Monday night and Wednesday I was gonna be a presentation to all the
top all the salesmen who've been there for years and
everyone hated me but how was the G now the best thing about the story is at the
same time I was working this business I had my own business selling websites so I
was stealing missile stealing customers from this company and doing it myself with
my friend but what great was after I did this and I sold two or three more at
Double the price I had so much leniency in that business that even when for like
one month or one month and a half at the end when I sold nothing because I was
planning to leave no one questioned me
because I was the genius I was the guru pulled it off and I just saw all these
things myself kit on but that's an example but that's a short story if you want
people to like you no sorry that's a short story if you want to make sure you don't
get ripped off make sure people like you trying to get contracts involved trying to
get legality involved all that [ __ ] is not the way to go make people like you
make people respect the work you do for them and be a nice person and no one's
out to screw you someone might screw you I'm not saying is not going to happen I'm
saying that it's still better to take those chances than to not take the chances at
all now all of you watching this know people right now who you could contact and
make money with I don't say make money from I make money with you make them more
money you get a percentage all of you know people but you're just sitting there
going well how do I do it how do I approach it because if I email this person or I
say to this person I want to
make more money they might think I'm an idiot well maybe but what are you worried
about what's the worst it can say it's no who cares promise them something insane
and then find a way to deliver finding a way to deliver is the key I'm going to
finish this first video off because we've got two more videos coming for this
course but my business card which I think a lot of you have seen if not forget it
here my business card is a perfect example of this and people always laugh when
they see my business card because they think
it's a joke but it's zero percent of joke maybe we should we'll put a picture in
what my card is it's my card and it says on the back I specialize in the following
Wars Fall assassinations plot uprisings quelled whiskey Merchant helicopter hire
all this stuff I made a laugh and go oh you don't do those things wrong I do do
those things because I'm a promiser I will promise you these things and if I
believe that it's worth my while I will pull off if NASA come to me and say put a
probe on the moon I ain't
got a [ __ ] clue how to put a probe on the moon but if I believe if I do that I'm
going to get x amount of dollars 10 billion or if I believe it's worth my while I
believe it's going to save my life or it's going to give me superpowers whatever if
I'm motivated to do it I will do it I don't give a [ __ ] what I have to do I don't
care about to go and learn how to do it myself I don't care if I have to hire
someone else to do it I don't care if I have to go to the Chinese and defect and
and get and I
don't know what I'll do but I will get it done and that is the key to networking in
most spheres promising The Impossible finding a way to pull off when you have the
opportunity and doing so in a way that makes you come across likable come across as
someone people want to work with building up competence and value and then that's
going to spread and it's going to spread quickly another example I'll tell you the
best example of where this has happened for me personally is with girls this has
happened for me I can talk
about all the high net raw of high value people like that but the thing that
illustrates my point the best is with girls whenever I'm with people and they see
me go up to girl I get a girl or I turn up with hot girls there's always hot girls
around me people think I want to bring these people I want to introduce this person
to other people because he's the guy he's the one who raises the status he's the
guy who can do this he's the guy and that's networking all over just purely because
I've displayed competence or I promise things if people have seen me turn up with
two super hot girls I'm not trying to get on my own next time I say oh yeah I could
get us unlimited yeah we can go get chips any club in this town will go get girls
any they're like wow this guy I've shown value and I'm promising value if you do
one of those two things they want to invite you so the next time those two dudes go
out especially if those dudes are millionaires and they're going to a club or
they're going to Miami or a
different town they're going to start inviting me I've had that happen I've had
guys with me oh we're going to this we're going to Miami you want to come I'm a bit
busy oh we'll pay your flight bro because they're sitting there thinking this dude
gets [ __ ] I have something they want I can provide I've shown value and I've
shown competence or I've promised value your competition before you know you're
gonna invites before you know you're networking before you know it people
want to introduce you to other people that's all networking is whether it's money
whether it's girls whether it's anything else come across as competent either get
people richer make people like you or raise their status for them introducing you
and you're going to find yourself with a lot of friends very quickly and then you
need to be selective about who's worth your time and who isn't like I said there's
nothing wrong with networking down but that person you're networking
down with has to be motivated there's a whole bunch of time wasters especially
people at the ball people the ball most of them are there because they're lazy
because people were motivated they wouldn't be at the ball but there are a few gems
you can find but that's the those are the basic elements to networking watch this
video over and over again we've got two more videos coming feel free to email me
with any questions

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