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Random Paragraph Generator
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It was going to rain. The weather forecast didn't say that, but the steel plate
in his hip did. He had learned over the years to trust his hip over the weatherman.
It was going to rain, so he better get outside and prepare.
It was a simple tip of the hat. Grace didn't think that anyone else besides her
had even noticed it. It wasn't anything that the average person would notice, let
alone remember at the end of the day. That's why it seemed so unbelievable that
this little gesture would ultimately change the course of the world.
They told her that this was her once chance to show the world what she was made
of. She believed them at the time. It was the big stage and she knew the world
would be there to see. The only one who had disagreed with this sentiment was her
brother. He had told her that you don't show the world what you're made of when
they are all watching, you show that in your actions when nobody was looking. It
was looking more and more like her brother was correct.
He watched as the young man tried to impress everyone in the room with his
intelligence. There was no doubt that he was smart. The fact that he was more
intelligent than anyone else in the room could have been easily deduced, but nobody
was really paying any attention due to the fact that it was also obvious that the
young man only cared about his intelligence.
It was a concerning development that he couldn't get out of his mind. He'd had
many friends throughout his early years and had fond memories of playing with them,
but he couldn't understand how it had all stopped. There was some point as he grew
up that he played with each of his friends for the very last time, and he had no
idea that it would be the last.
He took a sip of the drink. He wasn't sure whether he liked it or not, but at
this moment it didn't matter. She had made it especially for him so he would have
forced it down even if he had absolutely hated it. That's simply the way things
worked. She made him a new-fangled drink each day and he took a sip of it and
smiled, saying it was excellent.
The piano sat silently in the corner of the room. Nobody could remember the
last time it had been played. The little girl walked up to it and hit a few of the
keys. The sound of the piano rang throughout the house for the first time in years.
In the upstairs room, confined to her bed, the owner of the house had tears in her
Matt told her to reach for the stars, but Veronica thought it was the most
ridiculous advice she'd ever received. Sure, it had been well-meaning when he said
it, but she didn't understand why anyone would want to suggest something that would
literally kill you if you actually managed to achieve it.
She asked the question even though she didn't really want to hear the answer.
It was a no-win situation since she already knew. If he told the truth, she'd get
confirmation of her worst fears. If he lied, she'd know that he wasn't who she
thought he was which would be almost as bad. Yet she asked the question anyway and
waited for his answer.
I'm heading back to Colorado tomorrow after being down in Santa Barbara over
the weekend for the festival there. I will be making October plans once there and
will try to arrange so I'm back here for the birthday if possible. I'll let you
know as soon as I know the doctor's appointment schedule and my flight plans.
He sat across from her trying to imagine it was the first time. It wasn't. Had
it been a hundred? It quite possibly could have been. Two hundred? Probably not.
His mind wandered until he caught himself and again tried to imagine it was the
first time.
There was a time in his life when her rudeness would have set him over the
edge. He would have raised his voice and demanded to speak to the manager. That was
no longer the case. He barely reacted at all, letting the rudeness melt away
without saying a word back to her. He had been around long enough to know where
rudeness came from and how unhappy the person must be to act in that way. All he
could do was feel pity and be happy that he didn't feel the way she did to lash out
like that.
The light was out on the front porch of the house. This was strange. Judy
couldn't remember a time when she had ever seen it out. She hopped out of her car
and walked to the door. It was slightly ajar and she knew this meant something
terrible. She gently pushed the door open and hall her fears were realized.
"Surprise! Happy Birthday!" everyone shouted.
One can cook on and with an open fire. These are some of the ways to cook with
fire outside. Cooking meat using a spit is a great way to evenly cook meat. In
order to keep meat from burning, it's best to slowly rotate it. Hot stones can be
used to toast bread. Coals are hot and can bring things to a boil quickly. If one
is very adventurous, one can make a hole in the ground, fill it with coals and
place foil-covered meat, veggies, and potatoes into the coals, and cover all of it
with dirt. In a short period of time, the food will be baked. Campfire cooking can
be done in many ways.
She had been told time and time again that the most important steps were the
first and the last. It was something that she carried within her in everything she
did, but then he showed up and disrupted everything. He told her that she had it
wrong. The first step wasn't the most important. The last step wasn't the most
important. It was the next step that was the most important.
She had come to the conclusion that you could tell a lot about a person by
their ears. The way they stuck out and the size of the earlobes could give you
wonderful insights into the person. Of course, she couldn't scientifically prove
any of this, but that didn't matter to her. Before anything else, she would size up
the ears of the person she was talking to.
The house was located at the top of the hill at the end of a winding road. It
wasn't obvious that the house was there, but everyone in town knew that it existed.
They were just all too afraid to ever go and see it in person.
Breastfeeding is good for babies and moms. Infants that are breastfed get
antibodies from their mothers against common illnesses. Breastfed babies have less
chance of being obese as an adult. Breastfeeding a baby lets the infant-mother pair
bond in a very unique way. Mother’s who breastfeed lower their chances of
developing breast cancer. Usually, mothers who breastfeed lose their pregnancy
weight more quickly and easily. The benefits of breastfeeding are numerous.
She looked at her little girl who was about to become a teen. She tried to
think back to when the girl had been younger but failed to pinpoint the exact
moment when she had become a little too big to pick up and carry. It hit her all at
once. She was no longer a little girl and she stood there speechless with fear,
sadness, and pride all running through her at the same time.
The amber droplet hung from the branch, reaching fullness and ready to drop. It
waited. While many of the other droplets were satisfied to form as big as they
could and release, this droplet had other plans. It wanted to be part of history.
It wanted to be remembered long after all the other droplets had dissolved into
history. So it waited for the perfect specimen to fly by to trap and capture that
it hoped would eventually be discovered hundreds of years in the future.
What was beyond the bend in the stream was unknown. Both were curious, but only
one was brave enough to want to explore. That was the problem. There was always one
that let fear rule her life.
They needed to find a place to eat. The kids were beginning to get grumpy in
the back seat and if they didn't find them food soon, it was just a matter of time
before they were faced with a complete meltdown. Even knowing this, the solution
wasn't easy. Everyone in the car had a different opinion on where the best place to
eat would be with nobody agreeing with the suggestions of the others. It seemed to
be an impossible no-win situation where not everyone would be happy no matter where
they decided to eat which in itself would lead to a meltdown. Yet a decision needed
to be made and it needed to be made quickly.

If you're looking for random paragraphs, you've come to the right place. When a
random word or a random sentence isn't quite enough, the next logical step is to
find a random paragraph. We created the Random Paragraph Generator with you in
mind. The process is quite simple. Choose the number of random paragraphs you'd
like to see and click the button. Your chosen number of paragraphs will instantly

While it may not be obvious to everyone, there are a number of reasons creating
random paragraphs can be useful. A few examples of how some people use this
generator are listed in the following paragraphs.
Creative Writing

Generating random paragraphs can be an excellent way for writers to get their
creative flow going at the beginning of the day. The writer has no idea what topic
the random paragraph will be about when it appears. This forces the writer to use
creativity to complete one of three common writing challenges. The writer can use
the paragraph as the first one of a short story and build upon it. A second option
is to use the random paragraph somewhere in a short story they create. The third
option is to have the random paragraph be the ending paragraph in a short story. No
matter which of these challenges is undertaken, the writer is forced to use
creativity to incorporate the paragraph into their writing.
Tackle Writers' Block

A random paragraph can also be an excellent way for a writer to tackle writers'
block. Writing block can often happen due to being stuck with a current project
that the writer is trying to complete. By inserting a completely random paragraph
from which to begin, it can take down some of the issues that may have been causing
the writers' block in the first place.
Beginning Writing Routine

Another productive way to use this tool to begin a daily writing routine. One way
is to generate a random paragraph with the intention to try to rewrite it while
still keeping the original meaning. The purpose here is to just get the writing
started so that when the writer goes onto their day's writing projects, words are
already flowing from their fingers.
Writing Challenge

Another writing challenge can be to take the individual sentences in the random
paragraph and incorporate a single sentence from that into a new paragraph to
create a short story. Unlike the random sentence generator, the sentences from the
random paragraph will have some connection to one another so it will be a bit
different. You also won't know exactly how many sentences will appear in the random
It's not only writers who can benefit from this free online tool. If you're a
programmer who's working on a project where blocks of text are needed, this tool
can be a great way to get that. It's a good way to test your programming and that
the tool being created is working well.

Above are a few examples of how the random paragraph generator can be beneficial.
The best way to see if this random paragraph picker will be useful for your
intended purposes is to give it a try. Generate a number of paragraphs to see if
they are beneficial to your current project.

If you do find this paragraph tool useful, please do us a favor and let us know how
you're using it. It's greatly beneficial for us to know the different ways this
tool is being used so we can improve it with updates. This is especially true since
there are times when the generators we create get used in completely unanticipated
ways from when we initially created them. If you have the time, please send us a
quick note on what you'd like to see changed or added to make it better in the
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use these random paragraphs for my project?

Yes! All of the random paragraphs in our generator are free to use for your
Does a computer generate these paragraphs?

No! All of the paragraphs in the generator are written by humans, not computers.
When first building this generator we thought about using computers to generate the
paragraphs, but they weren't very good and many times didn't make any sense at all.
We therefore took the time to create paragraphs specifically for this generator to
make it the best that we could.
Can I contribute random paragraphs?

Yes. We're always interested in improving this generator and one of the best ways
to do that is to add new and interesting paragraphs to the generator. If you'd like
to contribute some random paragraphs, please contact us.
How many words are there in a paragraph?

There are usually about 200 words in a paragraph, but this can vary widely. Most
paragraphs focus on a single idea that's expressed with an introductory sentence,
then followed by two or more supporting sentences about the idea. A short paragraph
may not reach even 50 words while long paragraphs can be over 400 words long, but
generally speaking they tend to be approximately 200 words in length.
Other Random Generators

Here you can find all the other Random Generators:

Random Word Generator

Random Noun Generator
Random Synonym Generator
Random Verb Generator
Random Name Generator
Random Adjective Generator
Random Sentence Generator
Random Phrase Generator

Weird Words
Fake Words
Random Letter Generator
Random Number Generator
Cursive Letters
Random Password Generator
Random Bible Verses
Random Pictures
Wedding Hashtags Generator
Random List
Dinner Ideas Generator
Breakfast Ideas
Yes or No Oracle
Pictionary Generator
Motivational Quotes
Random Questions
Random Facts
Vocabulary Words
Writing Prompts
Coin Flip
Dice Roll
Never Have I Ever Questions
Would You Rather Questions
Truth or Dare Questions
Decision Maker
Hangman Words
Random Color Generator
Random Things to Draw New
Random Coloring Pages New
Tongue Twisters New

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