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This sportsfest 2023 was the most amazing part, because of 3 years no f2f classes.

There for making new friends, because of the games that played. The Holy

Crossians despite a heavy rain, because of the heavy rain sometimes the game will

be pause. On the first day of Intramurals the field demo and cheers and yells

happened, there was a lot of mistakes. When the field demo was done all teams

was practicing the games. At the afternoon the games were played, our team was

listening to the games that was announced. The first day Intramurals was fun the

team was very happy when the team Vipers were won on each match. On every

game we learned about sportsmanship, teamwork and respect. These three are the

most important when you play. The main reason why I wanted to get involved with

intramurals sports originally was just to play my favorite sports, basketball and

volleyball. That feeling getting back on the court, it feels good of being back is the

best. One of the greatest things about intramurals (which got me playing every

sports) is the people you meet while playing. When you go play a game and get

together, it is so nice to meet with a group that shares common interest, especially

when it is sports.
My favorite part about Intramurals/ sportsfest is that the schedule has me looking

forward to being an active person. There are so many options and opportunities for

students to get involved, meet new people, and exercise. For someone, like my self

and stayed in shape through playing sports and being active, intramurals/ sportsfest

are huge part not only my physical health but also my mental well-being here at

Holy Cross College of Calinan. On day 2 of intramurals was the most challenging

part of the intramurals because of the games that we played. Higher levels were our

enemies. I have fun in attending intramurals 2023. Although it was very hot when

we played. We play rain or shine. The team Vipers have many championship

games what will be held on the last day of intramurals. When we have many

championship games, we are so happy for us, and the teachers. My friends were at

the circle of talents there were dance competition and singing competition. Gladly

we won the dance competition we were cheering for them. My hands were hurting

because of the drums I almost lost my voice of cheering. We all play for ou grade

and teams, so the points will be added to out team.

On every game I feel nervous and my hands were shaking, and feel cold. On

playing the games sometimes there are accidents happens when I play on

intramurals my first rule is safety. On day 3 intramurals it was the most nervous

and amazing part, because of the Mr. and Ms. sportsfest and the night party it was

just playing the song Jopay, and everybody was singing, just like a party. On that

night I fell sheeeeesh, the Holy Cross is like a concert. On the Mr. and Ms.

Sportsfest all was praying so that they can answer the question and answer. On the

morning I didn’t play too many games because my feet hurt. On every game I

learned was a friendly person so other people will respect you. So, you will have

more friends. And they will treat you as a friend. As every day practicing all the

sports is just very tiring. When lunch break time all my friends gather to eat. With

funny jokes. On that day it was very hot, so we buy some ice candy at the school.

When program almost started, we take time to look the basketball games at the

court. We cheer for our team every time.

On day 4 intramurals was the most nervous part because it’s the championship

games. And it was the most pressure part, because of our enemies was the higher

levels. All the games where our enemies were grade 10. The scores were just close.

But we didn’t win were just 2nd placer but although respect and sportsmanship.

on the afternoon is the awarding of the teams not all our trophies were 1st place

sometime there are 3rd and 2nd. And its time foe the picture taking of the teams we

are so many that we manage to win the games when we are just like 7th grade, we

have any championship games. By teamwork nothing is impossible. When it was

almost time to go home. It was the most memorable time because of the 3 years of

pandemic. And Intramurals is back again. On the games that we didn’t win we will

just manage to practice that game. Taking picture, because for the portfolio,

because its for our exams it needed to take picture at all games and all what

happened on that day.

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