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ITG General Controls / IT Risk Assessment –

Taking it to the Next Level

June 7, 2016

John A. Gatto, CISA, CRISC

JAG Associates
Port Charlotte, FL

IT General Controls 1


1. Audit Structure

2. IT General Overview

3. IT General Controls

4. IT Risk Assessment & Audit Planning

IT General Controls 2

IT General Controls 1
Core Principles of IA 2016
For an internal audit function to be effective, all Principles should be
present and operating effectively. How IA activity demonstrates this may
be quite different from organization to organization, but failure to achieve
any of the Principles would imply that an internal audit activity was not as
effective as it could be in achieving internal audit’s mission.
Aligns with the
Demonstrates Is objective and
Demonstrates competence and free from undue
objectives, and
integrity due professional influence
risks of the
care (independent)

Is appropriately Demonstrates
positioned and quality and Communicates Provides risk-
adequately continuous effectively based assurance
resourced improvement

Is insightful, Promotes
proactive, and organizational
future-focused improvement

IT General Controls 3

Audit departments are still structured into
Finance and IT
Teams rely on their counterparts without
understanding their scope
Automation of common activities / tests
isn’t always leveraged
Teams don’t know what their
counterparts are doing

Teams don’t communicate well

Teams blindly trust in some “controls”

Teams don’t know what IT General

Controls are protecting

IT General Controls 4

IT General Controls 2
Current State
Financial What’s
IT Audit
Audit Needed
Focuses on Directing non-IT
Focuses on end-
application controls Auditors to ask
user and manual
and general IT questions that will
controls improve scope

Increasing the
knowledge of IT

Bridging the
knowledge gaps to
cover more risk

IT General Controls 5


Financial and operational

controls now supported by We need to:
IT systems and system • Recognize what our systems can and
generated reports. cannot do
• Realize that some system controls can
be overridden or circumvented
• Understand the separation of
business/operational activities and IT

IT General Controls 6

IT General Controls 3
Finance and IT rely on reports to validate the effectiveness of controls
Reports are generated based on query criteria or SQL; inaccuracies
in filter criteria may exist

Reports are pulled from various databases; the incorrect source of

record may be used:

Where is data being reported from?

Are the queries used appropriate?

At what intervals is data being propagated?

Review reconciliations between front-end and back-end systems

Review account reconciliations to identify discrepant processes

IT General Controls 7


1. Audit Structure

1. IT General Overview

3. IT General Controls

4. IT Risk Assessment & Audit Planning

IT General Controls 8

IT General Controls 4
IT General Overview

Major IT Challenges

Control Frameworks

IT Auditor

IT General Controls 9

Major IT Challenges

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Regulatory Compliance
Keeping up with the ever evolving
legislative and regulatory
requirements is time consuming
and expensive as IT must design
and maintain systems to comply
with these legislative and
regulatory requirements.

*ISACA: Top Business/Technology Issues Survey Results 2011

IT General Controls 10

IT General Controls 5
Major IT Challenges

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

IT Management & IT Governance

Considerations for security, shared
services, IT resource maximization
and governance concerns have
contributed to a growing focus on
enterprise-based IT management
and IT governance.

IT General Controls 11

Major IT Challenges

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Information Security Management

After many spectacular data
breaches and losses, and
enormous spending in state-of-the-
art security technologies,
organizations are finally realizing
that information security is all about
being able to manage it adequately.

IT General Controls 12

IT General Controls 6
Major IT Challenges

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

DR and BCP
Business continuity management
(BCM) proactively improves the
enterprise’s resilience against
operational disruptions and
provides the capability to
adequately react to these.

IT General Controls 13

Major IT Challenges

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Challenges of Managing IT Risks

IT’s pervasiveness and ubiquity
also bring about (sometimes
inconspicuously) significant risks
that, if realized, might jeopardize
the viability and success of the

IT General Controls 14

IT General Controls 7
Major IT Challenges

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

y Management
The process of vulnerability
management allows enterprises to
enhance the security of their
systems as well as meet their
regulatory requirements by
assessing and mitigating
vulnerabilities in their IT systems.

IT General Controls 15

Major IT Challenges

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Continuous Process Improvement

Modern enterprises now recognize
that “business processes are the
business” and that enterprise
success is dependent on
establishing the capabilities and
infrastructures to continually
improve business processes and
rapidly implement change.

IT General Controls 16

IT General Controls 8
2015 CEB IT Audit Hot Spots

Information Governance

Decentralization of
Growth in digital Lack of governance
Information includes data ownership,
universe as businesses prevents effective
data on customer increasing reliance on
created and used > 4.4 management and
behaviors and social data for decisions
trillion gigabytes of protection of this
media posts. requires information
data. information.

Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs)

Increasingly sophisticated APTs
Seventy percent of CISOs Shortfalls in information security
target specific vulnerabilities in
believe it is likely their talent and inadequate detection
organizational networks (using
organizations will be hit by an and response processes
techniques such as spear
advanced attack in the near exacerbate vulnerability to
phishing) to install malware and
future APTs.
exfiltrate organizational data.

IT General Controls 17

2015 CEB IT Audit Hot Spots

Insecure Employee Behaviors

With information security The increased “datafication” of

breaches rising at an the work environment, plus
Last year, 48% of data
exponential rate, employee ineffective training and
breaches were caused by
error and misconduct have awareness programs,
human error.
been identified as the biggest undermine the value of the
root cause of control failures. employee security perimeter.

Business-Led IT

Risk is heightened by IT’s

Business leaders are
Businesses are reliant on limited visibility to these
increasingly procuring their own
increasingly powerful and often technologies and the 3rd party
IT solutions, but do not always
niche technology to increase relationships often have little
follow central security
productivity. regard for the appropriate

IT General Controls 18

IT General Controls 9
2015 CEB IT Audit Hot Spots

Legacy Systems

However, 93% of organizations These systems are often

Businesses’ reliance on
use older legacy systems, incompatible with up-to-date
technology requires continuous
which are not designed to cope security programs and can be
innovation and up-to-date,
with today’s complex digital costly to maintain while
increasingly advanced systems.
environment. hampering productivity.

IT General Controls 19

IT General Overview

Major IT Challenges

Control Frameworks

IT Auditor

IT General Controls 20

IT General Controls 10
Control Frameworks



IT General Controls 21


COmmittee of Sponsoring Organizations

of the Treadway Commission

§ “Business Control Model”

§ Originally formed to study causal factors
of fraudulent financial reporting



IT General Controls 22

IT General Controls 11
Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX)
Protect investors from
executive fraud
Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board (PCAOB)
External Auditor independence
Audit Committee independence
requirements and oversight



IT General Controls 23


Similar to Sox Issued by the For non- Requires Requires

but less National publicly traded controls to be assertion by
stringent than Association of insurance in place and Management
Sox Insurance companies tested ensuring
Commissioners financial
(NAIC) reporting
accuracy and



IT General Controls 24

IT General Controls 12
COBIT 5 Principles
Control Objectives for
Information and Related 1.
Technologies Meeting

Separating 2.
Governance Covering the
from Enterprise
Managemen end to end

4. Sarbanes-
Applying a COSO
Establishing Oxley
a Holistic Single
Approach Integrated
Framework NAIC /

IT General Controls 25

COBIT 5 Domains

Align, Plan and


Build, Acquire and


Deliver, Service and


Monitor, Evaluate
and Assess

IT General Controls 26

IT General Controls 13
COBIT 5 - Snapshot

IT General Controls 27

Align, Plan and Organize

IT General Controls 28

IT General Controls 14
Control Activities
Ensure Align business
Ensure IT
enterprise imperatives and
management and priorities with IT
contributes to:
key stakeholders: capabilities:
Are informed by IT on
the current
Business strategy To establish
environment, possible
planning and enterprise priorities
future trends and
value opportunities
for the business

Discuss future Identifies capabilities

Include them in the IT
business directions available to support
strategic plan
and enterprise goal enterprise goals

IT General Controls 29

IT General Overview

Major IT Challenges

Control Frameworks

IT Auditor

IT General Controls 30

IT General Controls 15

Common sense

Knowledge of area to be audited

Knowledge of Policies & Procedures

Flowcharting techniques

Core Audit Skills

Project Management

IT General Controls 31

Management concepts

Auditing concepts

Negotiating skills

Communication skills

Audit tools (CAATs)

Sense of humor

IT General Controls 32

IT General Controls 16
IT Competencies

§ Understanding of IT risks
§ Corporate strategic / operational plan
§ Information Technology operational plan
§ IT Organizational charts
§ Corporate Policies and Procedures
§ IT Infrastructure
§ Hardware
§ Applications
§ Networks

IT General Controls 33

IT Risks

Information Data Leakage

Security and Privacy
Breaches Violations

Business Funding and IT

Human Resource
Enablement Governance
Challenges Deficiencies

Regulatory Lost productivity

Concerns from IT downtime

Inability to defend
lawsuits due to poor
record keeping

IT General Controls 34

IT General Controls 17

1. Audit Structure

2. IT General Overview

3. IT General Controls

4. IT Risk Assessment & Audit Planning

IT General Controls 35

IT Controls

Definition of Fundamental
Internal Concepts

Components of Control
Internal Classifications

IT General Controls 36

IT General Controls 18
Definition of Internal
Definition ControlControl
of Internal
According to COSO
Operations Reporting Compliance

A process affected by an
organization’s board of
directors, management Compliance
and other personnel, Efficiency and Reliability of with
designed to provide Effectiveness Financial Applicable
reasonable assurance of Operations Reporting Laws and
regarding the Regulations
achievements of objectives
in the these categories:

Safeguarding of assets

IT General Controls 37

Understanding IT Controls
IT control is a process that
provides assurance for information
and information services, and
helps to mitigate risks associated
with use of technology.

•Two components
•Automation of business controls
•Control of IT

IT General Controls 38

IT General Controls 19
Importance of IT Controls

IT controls are needed to:

• monitor and control cost
• remain competitive
• protect information assets
• comply with laws and regulation
Implementing effective IT controls will:
• improve efficiency
• increase reliability
• provide flexibility
• increase availability of assurance evidence

IT General Controls 39

Fundamental Concepts

Affected by
people - Impacts all
A means to Dynamic not just levels of
an end not static policies the
and Company
Internal Controls is a PROCESS

IT General Controls 40

IT General Controls 20
Fundamental Concepts

Internal control provides

reasonable assurance,
not absolute assurance
• Achieving absolute assurance
is not possible and costly
• Attempting to achieve absolute
assurance is cost-prohibitive
for most entities

IT General Controls 41

Components of Internal Control


Monitoring Risk Assessment

Information and
Control Activities

IT General Controls 42

IT General Controls 21
Risk Management
Employees at all levels use risk management. It applies to all
departments and environments across the entire organization.
Defined Principles
§ Risk management is the process of § Integrating risk management into
identifying, assessing, and controlling planning, preparation, and execution.
risks arising from operational factors § Making risk decisions at the
and making decisions that balance appropriate level in the organization.
risk costs with benefits.
§ Accepting no unnecessary risk.
§ The total process of identifying,
controlling, and minimizing
information system related risks to a
level commensurate with the value of
the assets protected

IT General Controls 43

Risk Appetite
In our dynamic world, risks are constantly changing…

The existing level

and distrbution of
Existing Risk levels of
risks across risk
Risk Tolerance variation an
categories (e.g.
Profile organization is
financial, market,
willing to accept
around specific
reputation, etc.)
of Risk

The maximum risk What is the

an organization desired
Risk Desired
may bear and risk/return
remain solvent Capacity Level of

IT General Controls 44

IT General Controls 22
Components of Internal Controls

Risk Information and Control

Control Environment Monitoring
Assessment Communication Activities

Feedback on
Identify and Systems Ensure
strengths and
Tone of the analyze relevant supporting the management
weaknesses in
organization risks to achieve exchange of directives
system of internal
of objectives information are carried out

Form and time Approvals, Includes:

Foundation of all Basis for how frame enabling Authorizations, Performance
other components of the risks are people to carry Reconciliation, measured to detect
internal control managed out their Security, problems early
responsibilities Segregation of
Includes: Annual Includes regular Management
Includes: integrity, risk assessment, reporting, ensures that
ethics, role and mid-year update, Policies & internal controls are
involvement of Board on going risk Procedures, effective and
of Directors monitoring Intranet sites efficient

IT General Controls 45

Controls Life Cycle


Monitoring Implementation


IT General Controls 46

IT General Controls 23

1. Audit Structure

2. IT General Overview

3. IT General Controls

4. IT Risk Assessment & Audit Planning

IT General Controls 47

IT General Controls
Change &
Operations Management
Infrastructure /
Security Risk
& IT
Controls Incident

DR & Application
End Control
User Review

IT General Controls 48

IT General Controls 24
Policy Management

Define elements of an IT control environment aligned

with the enterprise’s management philosophy and
operating style

Develop and maintain a set of policies to support IT

strategy - relevance confirmed and approved

Deploy and enforce IT policies to all staff so they

become an integral part of enterprise operations

Disseminate awareness and understanding of business

and IT objectives and direction to appropriate
stakeholders and users throughout the enterprise

IT General Controls 49

Policy Life Cycle

Update Plan

Mo Design

Operate Implement

IT General Controls 50

IT General Controls 25
Policy Life Cycle - Plan
Establishes the foundation for a policy
framework by covering the stakeholders
and goals dimensions defined previously

Identifying gaps between the governance

principles and current, valid policies helps
to redesign and improve the policy
framework in use

Define a logical structure of

documentation that will support and clarify
policy principles

The goal is to improve clarity of policy

principles and support their

IT General Controls 51

Policy Life Cycle - Design

Policy Structure
Draft: Identify individuals responsible for
Identification of policies needed
researching and writing policies

Review: Identify individuals responsible

Risk-based approach is used that
for providing independent review of
addresses policy principles

Procedures to obtain final policy

Set deadlines and priorities for their approval from authorized individuals;
creation determine policy communication and
ng strategy
Define writing quality standards,
including document format, font,
Set deadlines for review and approval
language style, glossary and document

IT General Controls 52

IT General Controls 26
Policy Life Cycle – Implement / Operate

• Getting the policies active

• Enforcing them
Implement • Defining the activities to assist the
organization in transitioning from a
noncompliant to a compliant state

• An effective policy should be part of the

organization’s DNA
• Building an accountable culture and using
Operate policies in daily operations ensures that
the organization’s goals are met
• Organizations should “walk the talk” of
policy principles

IT General Controls 53

Policy Life Cycle – Evaluate / Update

• Confirms that policy requirements are

Evaluate / properly implemented
monitor • The organization is operating effectively

• Reviewed for updating or removal

• Adjusts the phases defined previously to
Update / maintain or improve the maturity of the
dispose policy framework
• Policies to be reviewed on a regular basis,
typically every 12 months

IT General Controls 54

IT General Controls 27
Things to Look For…..
Defining the role of IT

IT management (including goals and objectives)

Adequacy of policies and procedures

Compliance with policies and procedures

Policies defining levels of security and privacy required:

• Rights off access to
t specific
ific ttypes off info
atio (HIPAA
• Ownership of information
• Processes and procedures for employment in sensitive

IT General Controls 55

Things to Look For….

Policy Management

Evergreen Process – timing and approvals

Cross referencing

Standards and procedures aligned with policy

Policy Review Board

IT General Controls 56

IT General Controls 28
Policy Control Matrix
Control Objective ABC Control Activity
Process Long Description Description Risk
Communicate IT Policy and Define the elements of a control The Policy Management team has developed a framework that Lack of a policy for internal
Management Control environment for IT, aligned with the defines the requirements for creating, maintaining and reviewing ITG controls could result in the
Aims and Environment enterprise’s management philosophy policies. In addition, the framework defines the policy exception organization not being able to
Direction and operating style. process including when it is used and how it is executed. The Policy identify irregularities in a
Owner (VP or above) approves the framework as changes occur. timely manner.

Communicate IT Policies Develop and maintain a set of policies A process exists to manage policies and standards. The Policy Lack of a process for
Management Management to support IT strategy. Their relevance Management organization facilitates the review of all policies on a maintaining policies could
Aims and should be confirmed and approved rotating, at least once every 2 years or as needed with the applicable result in the business not
Direction regularly. process owners to ensure the policy's appropriateness. The Policy being prepared for changes
Owner reviews and approves his or her respective policy once the in the business environment.
review is complete.

A review of all Standards occurs at least once every 2 years or as

needed by the Standards Owner (Director or above). Evidence of the
review is documented and retained.
Communicate Policy, Standard Roll out and enforce IT policies to all Function / Process Owners develop an implementation approach in If appropriate resources are
Management and Procedures relevant staff, so they are built into and response to policy/standards modifications or creation of new not in place, excessive time
Aims and Rollout are an integral part of enterprise policies/standards. lags could occur between the
Direction operations. development, documentation,
The Policy Management organization facilitates the review and and
approval of all modified or new policies/standards with the applicable communication of policies,
stakeholders to ensure appropriateness. The Policy Owner (VP or standards, and procedures.
above) reviews and approves his or her respective policy one the
review is complete. The Standards Owner (Director or above) reviews
and approves his or her respective standard once the review is
Communicate IT Policies Develop and maintain a set of policies The Policy Management organization receives policy exception Lack of a process for
Management Management to support IT strategy. Their relevance requests. Each request is reviewed to assess the risks associated maintaining policies could
Aims and should be confirmed and approved with the exception. The stakeholders review the exception request result in the business not
Direction regularly. and the Policy Owner approves or rejects each policy exception being prepared for changes
request prior to the exception event occurring. in the business environment.

IT General Controls 57

Policy Test Matrix

Description Test
The Policy Management team has developed a 1.Obtain the current policy manual and
framework that defines the requirements for creating, TOC
maintaining and reviewing ITG policies. In addition, the 2.Obtain the exception process log and
framework defines the policy exception process select 25 exceptions and:
including when it is used and how it is executed. The a. Ensure the submission was timely
Policy Owner (VP or above) approves the framework b. Ensure the justification was
as changes occur. reasonable
c. Validate that approvals were
appropriate and timely
A process exists to manage policies and standards. 1. Obtain the evergreen procedures and
The Policy Management organization facilitates the perform the following:
review of all policies on a rotating, at least once every 2 a. Select 25 policies and determine when
years or as needed with the applicable process owners they were issued and last revised
to ensure the policy's appropriateness. The Policy b. Ensure the Policy Manual contains the
Owner reviews and approves his or her respective latest version of the policy
policy once the review is complete. c. Ensure appropriate signatures were
obtained and maintained
A review of all Standards occurs at least once every 2
years or as needed by the Standards Owner (Director
or above). Evidence of the review is documented and

IT General Controls 58

IT General Controls 29
IT Organization & Management
Why is the organization of the IT group
so important?

Ensures alignment with the


Defines lines of reporting and


Allows the implementation of

control systems

IT General Controls 59

Business Alignment - WHY

A winning business strategy requires

IT capabilities are an important
the assessment of market forces,
component of an organization’s
competitive challenges,
capabilities and business
organizational strengths and
expectations for IT are rising.
weaknesses, and customer needs.

Business processes are enabled by Process changes are virtually

computer systems, and there are no impossible without the corresponding
fall back paper processes. technology changes.

High levels of availability, reliability

and security are needed for key
business systems.

IT General Controls 60

IT General Controls 30

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