Actividad Integradora 2

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Plan your holiday

Plan your holiday

Step 1: Choose a state you really want to visit, you can make up one if
you don’t want to visit any place.
Step 2: Plan the days of your holiday. How many days you will stay in this
place. (day 1, day 2, day 3 … day 7)
Step 3: Make a list of 5 places in the city you would like to go to.
(museum, library, cathedral, etc)
Step 4: Make another list of 15 activities you would like to do with your
travel companions. (On day 1, we visit the museum, eat in an Italian
restaurant and take a walk in the park)
Step 5: Share the information you see in the places you visit. (There are 7
Rembrandt paintings in the museum. There is a beautiful Virgen in the
Step 6: Draw a map of the city and the places you would like to visit.
Step 7: Write down the directions to go from your hotel to two different
places you chose.
Step 8: Complete your project in this order and write the step you are
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