Doy Mission Strategy Draft

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Strategic Plan for 2021 – 2023 Draft Version 5

Enhancing Intentional Christian Discipleship

This Plan is the consolidated version of all ACOM diocesan, institutions and activity centres plans for
the period 2021 to 2023
Table of Contents
1. Introduction........................................................................................................................2
2. Context................................................................................................................................2
3. Vision...................................................................................................................................3
4. Mission Statement..............................................................................................................3
5. ACOM’s Core Values........................................................................................................4
6. The ACOM Strategic Goals..............................................................................................5
7. Mission and Ministry.........................................................................................................6
Strategic Goal I:................................................................................................................................6
Mission and Ministry structures and approaches.........................................................................6
Equipping clergy and laity for mission...........................................................................................7
7.2.2 Decade of Evangelism and Intentional Discipleship............................................7
Strategic Goal II...............................................................................................................................8
Links for mission and ministry structures.....................................................................................8
8. Social and Economic Development..................................................................................8
Strategic Goal III:.............................................................................................................................8
Primary health care and service delivery.......................................................................................8
Quality education and Christian distinctiveness...........................................................................9
Tertiary theological training...........................................................................................................9
Strategic Goal IV..............................................................................................................................9
Community resources utilization capacity...................................................................................10
Strategic Goal V..............................................................................................................................10
Partnerships 10
9 Cross Cutting Issues........................................................................................................11
Strategic Goal VI:..........................................................................................................................11
Objective 1. Gender Equity...........................................................................................................11
10 Governance and Institutional Stewardship Capacity Building...............................11
Strategic Goal VII:.........................................................................................................................11
Corporate management and administration of the ACoM..........................................11
Strategic Goal VIII:........................................................................................................................12
Stewardship and resources sustainability......................................................................13
11 Delivering the Plan – Mitigating the Challenge.........................................................14
12 Monitoring, Evaluation and Review...........................................................................14
Monitoring and reporting progress against agreed targets........................................................14
Reviewing and Refining the Strategic Plan..................................................................................14

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1. Introduction
This strategic plan is made possible with the inputs from dioceses, institutions and activity
centres to the General Secretary’s request. It is a blueprint developed charting the broad
strategic goals, objectives and initiatives that ACOM intends to use in going about the
achievement of its short-term, medium and long term goals.

The strategic plan process used in the approach to this plan is twofold; (i) a review of the
previous plan and (ii) the submissions made by dioceses, institutions and activity centres as
their priorities for the next three years. The team analysed the submissions and established
key strategic goals, objectives and initiatives which are addressed in the strategic plan. The
strategic goals and objectives can be addressed by dioceses, activity centres and institutions
at the initiative level where they can be put into detailed programs and activities to undertake
at each level but still contribute to the broader strategic goals and objectives. The plan guides
in making short, medium and long term choices of where ACOM wants to be with chosen
project activities, resources and assets where their assignment to the needs are to be better
able to support the mission and ministry of ACOM.

The strategic plan extracts and builds on the strategic goals based on common key areas in
plans submitted by the departments, activity centres, dioceses and institutions. It is the belief
that the strategic goals and objectives reflect the different plans collectively. The document
captures the broad strategic goals, objectives and initiatives that is the basis for detailed
operational plans of actions that each diocese, institution and activity centre will develop on
an annual basis during the period of the plan.

This Strategic Plan covers all of ACoM and departments, activity centres, dioceses and
institutions in the Solomon Islands and in Vanuatu and New Caledonia. The plan period is
from 2021 to 2023. The Decade of Evangelism and Intentional Discipleship will feature
prominently during the period. Since 2020, the challenge of the impact of the COVID 19
pandemic has affected in many ways on the way the Church operates and carries out mission
and ministry work within Melanesia.

2. Context
To succeed and grow in the ACOM Mission, a plan is needed. This strategic plan recognises
certain deficiencies and constraints in the provision of services to the faithful and the
community at large. This was the very basis of previous ACOM Provincial Strategic Plan.

The ACoM Strategic Plan contains the overarching one Vision, Mission and a set of Core
Values that under pin what ACOM does. It is a desire by ACOM to demonstrate a Spiritually
United Church. The plan also incorporates the Decade of Evangelism and Intentional
Discipleship with the vision of “an emerging church: building a new community of Gods
people in the Anglican Church of Melanesia (ACOM).

The concept spiritually united, underpins our whole approach, and it is critical that everything
in our new plan for the period is to be approached on the basis of meeting the diverse needs of
the dioceses, institutions and activity centres but are spiritually united through a shared and
united purpose. “Until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God
and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:

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13, NIV). This is the basic tenet for ACOM mission and ministry and guides the church
towards achieving all other aspects of the plan. If we work and remain spiritually united, our
plans will continue to grow and be successful when we have a plan that is spiritually inspired
and we work by the Spirit. The Strategic Plan is made with the recognition that there is a
diversity of needs, different environments and challenges within the dioceses, institutions and
activity centres. That recognition is what this plan intends to state from the start to have an
unity of purpose whilst allowing varying approaches to the work of the Church as expressed
in the various priorities set out by each individual diocese, institution and activity centre.

The strategic plan initiatives contain what is provided in the submissions by the dioceses,
institutions and activity centres. They are not necessarily the priorities to be pursued within
the plan period of this plan. For the implementation plans to be done by the dioceses,
institutions and activity centres, the initiatives can be used but needs to be prioritised or new
initiatives can be developed that reflect the strategic goals and objectives in the plan.

The plan is also set amidst already some huge and costly undertakings currently being
pursued as priorities. It is acknowledged that all of these have the potential to make
significant difference in the lives of our people. The current undertakings are; the roll out of
the Evangelism and Intentional Discipleship programme, the development of the new ACoM
office Complex, replacement of the Southern Cross, increasing access to quality education
and health, development of our human resources, promoting self- reliance, tackling the
scourge of gender based violence and promoting reconciliation and peace, and promoting
good governance across all levels of the Church. This demands that ACOM PHQ, dioceses,
institutions and activity centres must plan effectively for these programmes, activities and
projects. There is a risk that expending significant sums of money may result in little or
nothing to show for. The plan is made within the realisation of the resources and financial
limitations and this plan is a way of having the aspirations but being very conscious of the

3. Vision
ACOM will be a growing Province of the Anglican Communion in proclaiming and living out
the Gospel as a self-supporting and self-governing community and united in maximizing its
human and material resources to empower and build just and peaceful communities in
Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia.

4. Mission Statement
ACOM’s mission or purpose is guided by its Vision Statement and the teaching of Jesus
Christ and draws upon the five marks of Mission of the Anglican Communion.

 Witness to Christ’s saving, forgiving and reconciling love for all people
 Build welcoming, transforming communities of faith
 Stand in solidarity with the poor and needy
 Challenge injustice and oppression
 Protect, care for and renew life on our planet

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English Version

Our purpose or mission is to be a faithful part of Christ’s Body through exercising our
baptismal ministries of: spreading the Good News of God’s Love in Jesus Christ, being like
Christ in thought, word and action, worshiping God in spirit and truth; using wisely and
taking good care of the natural resources and environment as well as all things entrusted to us
for the extension of God’s kingdom in the world and demonstrating God’s love in responding
to human needs in loving service.

Pidgin Version

Aim blong iu mi hemi fo stap olsem strong part blong Bodi blong Christ for iusim lo oketa
ministri blong Baptism: olsem spredim Gud Nius blong lav blong God long Jesus Christ, fo
stap olsem Christ lo tingting, toktok an akson, for wosipim God long tru we and weitim hol
hart; usim lo gud we and fo luk afta oloketa resosis an evri samtin lo wol an fo som aot lav
blong God long waka fo helpim pipol.

Bislama Version

Oltaem yumi mas stanap strong blong soemaot we yumi haf blong bodi blong Kraes, folem ol
mining blong baptism we yumi kasem. Oltaem yumi mas rere blong talemaot Gud Nius blong
lav blong God we yumi luk long Jisas Kraes. Tingting blong yumi mo toktok blong yumi mo
ol wok blong yumi i mas olsem blong Kraes. I olsem we yumi stap wosipim God long spirit
mo long trutok we yumi stap soemaot lav blong God long fasin blong luksave ol man mo
woman we oli gat nid mo yumi helpem olgeta. Oltaem yumi mas iusim gud mo lukaot gud ol
gudgudfala samting we God i givim long yumi blong bildimap kingdom blong God long wol

5. ACOM’s Core Values

The following core values underpin all that the ACoM does. All these reflect our Love for
God and our neighbors, the two greatest commandments mentioned by our Lord himself.

i. Prayer

We are committed to prayer through the power of the Holy Spirit in order and
discipline as the foundation of all that we do. We seek to build praying communities at
individual and corporate levels so prayer becomes the centre of our daily lives.

ii. Inclusiveness

We recognize the differences that exist amongst the members of the church. We
respect and value such differences and shall seek to harness the strength that it brings
to our mission and ministry.

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iii. Discipleship

We are called to serve with a spirit of humility and self-sacrifice, responding to human
need in loving service.

iv. Excellence with Integrity in Ministry

We uphold high standards in our ministry, work and service delivery. We are honest,
reliable, and act in an ethical manner in everything we do.

v. Excellence in Academic and Training Pursuits

We strive to provide high standards of academic and training services producing

graduates of widely recognized qualifications and skills.

vi. Innovation, Creativity and Contextualization

We encourage new ideas that contribute towards enhancing our ministry while
exercising gifts and talents to challenge existing practices and strive to find ways that
are relevant to our context and to continuously improve our mission and ministry.

vii. Stewardship

We care for the resources and the world around us and will use these only in ways that
will safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew life on earth.

viii. Partnership and Ecumenism

We are committed to working in collaboration with our numerous stakeholders in

delivering services to our members and communities, recognizing that we serve one
and the same peoples.

6. The ACOM Strategic Goals

The Strategic Plan has eight (8) strategic goals that are summarised in the following table.

Strategic Goals What the strategic goals mean

Mission and Ministry
I. Making Disciples for God’s ACOM will promote activities that increase the
Kingdom number of people living and serving God’s Kingdom
in our communities.
II. Empower mission and ministry ACOM will develop new approaches by providing
structures training and resources including the use of
technology for clergy and laity for effective mission
and ministry.
Social and Economic Development
III. Increase access to quality health ACOM will work and collaborate with the
& education services for all government, mission partners and other stakeholders

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communities to provide quality health and education services to all
IV. Empower communities to ACoM will encourage indigenous communities to
manage natural resources manage and develop their resources effectively and
sustainably sustainably. This includes promoting and practicing
good stewardship of God’s creation
V. Collaborate with partners and ACOM to establish and maintain mutual relationship
stakeholders to improve with new and existing partners, stakeholders,
community life national and provincial governments to improve
standard of living in the communities.
Cross Cutting Issues
VI. Promote gender equity and To eliminate violence of all forms in our
peaceful communities communities and encourage gender equity in all
areas of responsibility & leadership by adhering to
existing government and ACOM policies and
Governance and Institutional Capacity
VII. Demonstrate good governance A caring, professional, visionary and accountable
& servant hood leadership management and leadership at all levels within the

VIII. Increase economic To promote good stewardship of resources and

empowerment and self-reliance increase greater participation in economic activities
for self-reliance at all levels within the Church.

7. Mission and Ministry

Strategic Goal I:

“Making Disciples for God’s Kingdom”

Mission and Ministry structures and approaches

Objective 1: Development of new creative and innovative

approaches and structures that are responsive effective
for mission and ministry.


 Find and adopt new models of formation and diversity of leadership relevant to the
Church in these changing times.
 Provide lay with ministry and leadership training in identified areas
 Develop and provide resources – financial and teaching where and when required
 Provide and encourage the use of technology (ICT) in mission and ministry
 Rebuilding an energetic church focused on strong Ministry and outward looking
Mission to the whole community
 Strengthen the Christian spiritual lives of our clergy, lay leaders and parishioners and
mission teams.

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Equipping clergy and laity for mission

Objective 2. To equip clergy and laity with theological knowledge,

skills and values for effective mission

 Have a well-established library within any current institutional establishments that can
be accessed by Diocesan Clergies & Laity, possible for future E-Library for the
Church where all can access.
 Provide and support the education, training and development of clergy and lay
leadership that is transformational and builds both skills and Christian character.
 Engage in the training and development for all in mission and ministry that will
strengthen and equip and increase the mission teams.
 Develop a policy and selection criteria for quality priesthood training.
 Engage if the talent identification for membership of the religious orders and
priesthood training within the community.
 Provide theological and teaching resources to all clergy and lay to support their
 Pursue the JCPU university project detail planning and relocation of BPTC to Kosu
 Growing and nurturing current leaders and identifying and nurturing future leaders.
 Make available and provide education and development practice of continuous
education and learning for clergy and lay leaders.
 Training and development of leaders both clergy and lay to lead the decade of
evangelism and intentional discipleship for all dioceses and institution.
 Training and awareness for Parishes to drive the desire for inclusivity of the
community so that there is community involvement in Parish activity.
 Training for all chaplains who are yet to be trained including MTS Chaplains to
improve on quality of services to the target areas.
 Increase Enrolments of Aspirants and Associates for mission and ministry of the
religious orders and communities in ACOM.
 Develop standardized curriculum and teaching resources lay ministry training and
religious orders in ACOM that encompasses emerging issues that needs to be
addressed in mission and ministry work
 Identify cross cutting issues and in the programs, activities and all we do in the
Mission and Ministry, we will continue to have an incorporated and strong focus on
issues around Domestic Violence, Environmental and Climate Change and
mainstream them in the Mission and Ministry work.

7.2.2 Decade of Evangelism and Intentional Discipleship.

Objective 3. Roll out the Decade of Evangelism and Intentional


 Ramp up and roll out the decade of Evangelism and Intentional Discipleship with
vigour with activities that enable Spiritual Growth through pastoral care, preaching,
teaching and healing.

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 Prominently engage the Dioceses and the ACOM Four (4) religious orders in moving
forward the evangelism and home discipleship training and outreach activities of the
decade programme.
 Encourage mission through outreach by developing connections, relationships and
partnerships with the wider community to fulfil our mission through sharing and
teaching the gospel, spiritual education and renewal
 The mission and ministry work will cover social needs on an inclusive basis, including
Health, Social Justice, Gender Equality, and Family Rights
 Taking leadership on social issues in our communities with strong mission

Strategic Goal II:

“Empower mission and ministry structures”

Links for mission and ministry structures

Objective 4. Strengthen the links for mission and ministries

structures and between clergy and laity

 Encourage networking and regular consultations between stake holders of the mission
and ministry structures
 Review structures and where appropriate make provisions to enhance the coordination
of mission and ministry
 Work in partnerships with other Religious Orders and other ministries in proclaiming
the Gospel of Jesus Christ directed towards faith and Spiritual formation and the
Decade of Evangelism and Intentional Discipleship.
 Encourage the desire and drive to be inclusive in community outreach and see to have
community involvement in Parish activity.
 In programs, activities and all that we do in ACOM is to be better informed and have a
strong focus on issues around Domestic Violence, Environmental and Climate Change
considerations and actions.
 Strengthening the spiritual life in the church and in communities

8. Social and Economic Development

Strategic Goal III:

“Increase access to quality health & education services for all


Primary health care and service delivery

Objective 1. To strengthen primary health care and improve service

delivery for all

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 Provide water supply and sanitation for all schools, clinics and institutions.
 Provide clinics or dispensaries for all schools and institutions
 Improve clinics & school dispensaries of ACOM to become fully functional and to
offer quality and accessible health services with the following:
o Improve to align health infrastructure with the MHMS Role Delineation Policy
(RDP) in the Solomon Islands and Health Standards in Vanuatu
o Align and develop institutional dispensaries of ACOM Provincial Institutions.
o Development of a strong, accountable and well-functioning Anglican Church
of Melanesia health ministry that is able to support the health service delivery
to the ACoM communities.
 Introduce and encourage mobile health clinics and health awareness with stakeholders
and partners
 Improve the current health facilities at St. Clare Taroniara, Fauabu and including
one establishment to be under JCPU at the Kosu site.

Quality education and Christian distinctiveness

Objective 2: To provide quality education based on the principles of

‘true religion, sound learning and useful industry’.

 Schools and institutions under the ACOM Education Authority to uphold the ACOM
education philosophy
 ACOM Education Authority to recruit and train qualified teachers and school leaders.
 Provide teaching on Anglican beliefs, ethos and practices.
 Provide supplementary teaching materials on Anglican beliefs and practices.

Tertiary theological training

Objective 3: To provide quality, theological and tertiary training’.


 Appoint qualified, committed and reputable lecturers and support staff for BPTC and
 Upgrade libraries and upgrade library staff for BPTC and STMS
 Work towards relocation of BPTC to the new site at Kosu – by reviewing and up-
grading of courses and programs development of new facilities and resources
 Introduce minor subjects/courses on financial management, administration and
development studies where possible for clergy training

Strategic Goal IV:

“Empower communities to manage resources sustainably”

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Community resources utilization capacity

Objective 1: To achieve self- sustaining communities with the

capacity to maximize use of their physical and natural

 Encourage the uptake of community savings schemes and endowment funds by

 Engage with stakeholders to assist communities with provision of required
infrastructure to support their livelihood.
 Encourage self-reliance through supporting developing income generating projects.
 Establish connections with key development partners for community development.

Strategic Goal V:

“Collaborate with partners and stakeholders to improve community life”.


Objective 1: To maintain, strengthen and improve partnerships with

national ministries of health, education and traditional
governance and ecclesiastical affairs to achieve and
maintain productive working relationships with
partners and external stakeholders

 Introduce team ministry comprising external and internal stakeholders to conduct

health promotions
 ACOM Education Department to hold regular consultation with the Ministry of
Education and Human Resources Development and other stakeholders to re-equip and
upgrade schools
 ACOM Education Department and DOM to continue to consult and work with the
Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development and other stakeholders to
develop a secondary school in the Diocese of Malaita.
 Strengthen the co-sharing of responsibilities in the provision and management of
health and education
 Collaborate with the Government and partners to ensure ACoM health facilities are
supported, resourced and accountable and strong partners of other stakeholder
 Develop and encourage community service schemes and activities to encourage
students participation in community service to nurture wholesome development.
 Increase our reach through partnership and advocating the unique role of ACoM
education and health services and how this can be usefully deployed to benefit the
 Develop models of partnerships with stakeholders suited to the schools operations but
complainant to Solomon Islands, Vanuatu and New Caledonia governments

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9 Cross Cutting Issues
Strategic Goal VI:

“Promote gender equity and peaceful communities”

Objective 1. Gender Equity

Objective 1. To achieve gender equity in all positions, areas of

responsibilities and decision making within ACoM and
its communities

 Incorporate and encourage gender equity in all areas of responsibility & leadership. In
so doing we will adhere to existing government and ACOM policies to eliminate all
forms of violence, injustice and discrimination.
 Strengthen the training and advocacy of the theology of HIVAID’s, and Gender
 Identify and promote cross cutting issues in programs design and activity planning and
 Encourage and utilised church approaches and teaching around male and female roles,
and responsibility.
 Identify and integrate cross cutting issues and in the programs, activities and all we do
in the Mission and Ministry.
 Provision of a safe, supportive and caring environment within ACoM and encourage
and support communities to be free from all forms of harassment, family violence and
 Provision of avenues for discussions of emerging issues such as same sex
relationships, ordination of women and others


OBJECTIVE 2- To promote and create a safe home of caring, teaching and

upbringing of children in a godly environment where peace and love must
be the basis of the growth of the church.

 Provide training for trainees

10 Governance and Institutional Stewardship Capacity Building

Strategic Goal VII:

“Demonstrate good governance & servant hood leadership”

Corporate management and administration of the ACoM

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Objective 1: To ensure that corporate management and
administration of the ACoM is characterized by
principles of servanthood, integrity, accountability,
transparency, efficiency and effectiveness

 All governance arrangements, and guidelines for operations, will be reviewed through
agreed channels to ensure they are fit for purpose

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 Head office administration, and interactions with dioceses and institutions, will be
reviewed to ensure the removal of bottlenecks and the most effective use of resources
 Address leadership training and development where all clergy and staff across ACoM
entrusted to be stewards of the ACOM resources will be offered training in
organization, finances and leadership issues. See to how this could be part of the
clergy training at BPTC and STMs.
 Develop new training materials in parish administration, and in assisting clergy to
widen their role in social development in their communities
 Identify and utilize opportunities for Mission and Ministry sustenance and growth;
through better income generation for self-sufficiency.
 We will continue to invest in the provision of IT tools and resources as widely as
possible including training for all users to support decision making processes and
 Undertake to make provisions to uphold safety and a supporting environment for all in
church activities.
 Improve the financial management systems and practices in all schools.
 ACOM will continue to develop identified codes of conduct, policies and operational
manuals to guide the operations of the ACOM mission and ministry and its activities ,
 Finance will continue to develop a reliable and timely financial reporting system
across the whole of ACoM, and will work to ensure that all centres are complying
with the appropriate guidelines
 Documentation of and streamlining of decision making processes within the various
ACOM dioceses, institutions and PHQ .
 Development of performance indicators and a reporting framework for reporting so
that decision making is informed by data and evidence.
 Effective communication, and transparent reporting of performance and current
situations, are to be seen as essential to a capable organization
 Being intentional about measuring and reporting our performance and position.
 HR will introduce Performance Appraisal systems and develop a Training Needs
analysis across the whole of ACoM
 HR will encourage the use of Key Performance Indicators as a management tool
 Development of identified core leadership talent for schools to form part school
continued development and growth cater for succession planning and sustainability of
best school management practises.
 Support the training of school leaders on Christian Values and ethics and ensure it
forms part of the school ethos
 Maximise potential of human resources and provide a safe and healthy workplace
 To achieve effective participation in the ACoM at all levels through inspirational
 To safeguard and maximise the value and usefulness of ACoM assets and information
 Increase effectiveness of ACoM through strengthened communication, coordination
and collaboration between provincial office and dioceses and church institutions

Strategic Goal VIII:

“Increase economic empowerment and self-reliance”

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Stewardship and resources sustainability

Objective 1: Better utilization of resources, ethical generation of

income for self-sustainability with responsible
stewardship of God’s resources

 PHQ to look into the use and redevelopment of surplus land and property to generate
income without excessive risk to ACOM
 Identify and connect with other agencies for exposer- development exchange with
other countries targeting youths.
 Work on a policy and strategy to ensure better use of assets, leading to improved
income generation and profitability
 Dioceses to assess, identify and pursue the potential to develop land and plantations
for income generation on a prudent basis.
 All parties, including dioceses, schools and institutions, to looking into the potential
for farming and food production on existing land for commercial sale as well as for
their own use.
 Actively encourage activities and initiatives by schools for self-reliance in schools and
 Investment in income generating projects should focus on the better use of existing
 Identify and build priority new infrastructure projects for staff housing to support the
mission and clergy
 Identify and ensure parishes and vestries are equipped with a good supply of relevant
resources for mission and ministry. In doing so, we will draw on our partners where
possible for support in this area.
 Develop supporting plans that identify maintenance and repair needs are ensure these
are developed across the whole of ACoM for Church physical infrastructure and
equipment. Preventative and rehabilitative maintenance are to be prioritized and
develop a culture that emphasizes a sense of ownership of our resources so as to
extend the life of these assets
 Collaborate with the Government and partners to ensure ACoM health facilities are
supported, resourced and ensure they are accountable and strong partners of other
 Develop and source funding for solar power projects to ensure sustainability and best
use of resources for clinics, schools and ACOM institutions and properties.
 Identification and development of new infrastructure projects for schools to allow for
more access by students who choose ACOM schools as they school of choice.
 Develop resources to guide and nurture children with Christian values and ethics.
 Development of an ACOM education standard policy on the development and
management of school facilities and equipment.
 Provide effective health service delivery through human resource capacity
 Identify and increase investment in shared healthcare facilities in the community

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11 Delivering the Plan – Mitigating the Challenge
The success of this strategic plan relies on the clear identification and execution of
deliverables relative to the broad strategic objectives under the relevant priority area and
pillar. It is critical that matrix of priorities, goals, objectives and deliverables are detailed in
each of the department, dioceses, institutions and religious order’s implementation plans.

The initiatives identified by each department and diocese, institution, religious orders level
should turn the broad strategic directions and objectives that can be delivered. Each diocese,
institution and religious order may have unique circumstances and require action specific to
their space in relation to a deliverable. As such a department, diocese, institution or religious
order may not require any action under the same deliverable, since the circumstance may not
be relevant to them. In such cases, a deliverable may be made unique to them but this must
still lead towards the attainment of first the objectives and subsequently the goals.

12 Monitoring, Evaluation and Review

Monitoring and reporting progress against agreed targets

The purpose of monitoring and evaluation is to ensure consistency between planned activities
and expected outcomes. The ACOM 2021-2023 Strategic Plan provides a focus for the
Anglican Church to plan for work/programs, allocate responsibility and ensure accountability
and measure performance. The ACOM PHQ Office, the nine Dioceses, church entities and the
ACOM Donors will all be required to develop annual work plans which collectively will
become the Annual Operational Plan for ACOM.

To ensure progress is being made, it will be necessary to monitor performance against agreed
targets within the Annual Work Plan (AWP), possibly on a monthly and/or quarterly basis.
Development of a Performance Management Framework to facilitate monitoring and review
will be considered a high priority in the coming year. The ACOM PHQ office will be
responsible for coordinating the development of this framework. In this our first Strategic
Plan we have chosen to limit the number of Performance Targets so that performance
monitoring is focused and achievable. This will give us the opportunity to trial our systems
and processes and improve internal monitoring and evaluation capacity over time.

The ACOM’s success in achieving the goals and objectives in this Strategic Plan will be
measured through monitoring and evaluation as mentioned previously above. The
achievements, progress and lessons learnt with the implementation of the Strategic Plan will
be reported in the ACOM Annual Report. Annual reports enable staff, managers,
development partners and stakeholders to track those activities and programs that are
complete and those still outstanding.

Reviewing and Refining the Strategic Plan

This ACOM Strategic Plan will be subject to annual reviews with a major review at the end of
the plan period in 2023. Minor reviews will focus on adjusting objectives and strategies to
reflect the operating circumstances in the environment and work practices. The more strategic
elements of the plan; vision, mission, values and goals will not be reviewed or altered in the
minor reviews. The major review after 2 years will include development of a new plan to take

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account of significant changes in political, social, economic and organizational direction. The
cycle of the reviews is as follows:

Calendar year Type of review

2022 Mid-term
2023 Major end of Plan Period Review

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