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espe ok forms exon ‘igunton Boroopne sama na GED" ‘odontal ond bezame total “really look at my childhood as being ‘one giant rusty tuna ‘can that | continue to recycle in many different shapes.” GED® JOURNEYS Augusten Burroughs ugusten Burroughs turned trauma into triumph, In his 2002 book Running with Scisors, Burroughs recounted his unconventional childhood. The book remained on Tbe [Now Yorg Timer best ele list fr four straight yeas and was made into «film in 2006, Burroughs leo has written five other memes that have been published in moce than 30 countries, As he nots," really lool at my childhood as being one gant ust tuna can that | continue to reyee in many different shapes.” ‘Although Burroughs had no formal education beyond clementity schooh he earned hie GED" certificate and began « more than 17-year cater in advertising. However, struggles with alooholisrn ney cost him hie fe, The ening point eame as Burroughs near completion of his frst novel, Selevisen. Burroughs wrote the book in just seven days, dung which time he stopped drinking. He bas remained sober since. ‘Tn addition to authoring books, Burroughs speaks regularly at colleges and universe. The range of topes he explores includes sexual abuse, alcoholism, writing, and uimor, He ives in westera “Massachusetts and New York City with his partner and their dogs. Peasant + Bom Ocobe 23,1965, Pisburgh,Pennsvania + Experienced uttdentchidhood + Honored twice by Entertainment tha provided te basis fori 2002 Wook as one of the 25 fumist book Running with Sisars people in Amerie Extended Response Table of Contents Lesson PAGE In the lst uit, you analyzed and evaluated 4 Compare Opposing Arguments 96-97 persuasive texts and compared and contrasted 2: Develop a Thesis 98-99 [pasages in various genres and formats. Yeu will now | Define Ponts and Gather Evidence 100-101 ‘ake what you have learned and apply it to writing an. Extended Response cxtended esponse to texts that you will rad. 4: Pan the Extended Response ‘e2-103 “The GED® Reasoning Through Language Wile Inteducion and Conclusion 104-105 Ans Testis one mite Draft the Extended Ressonse ‘6-100 response tht integrates eading and writing nto me z Y, tasks that require you to support your weitten ee eee oe analysis with evidence drawn fom texts, Unit 3 Unit 3 Review se will take you step-by-step through the process of ‘writing a response—from analyzing source texts, through developing a thesis, gathering evidence, planning ard developing you ideas, drafting the sesponse, and reviewing your writing. Practicing hese skills will help you write an effective and well-developed response on the GED" test. Prctg be ep of ewig process bop propre you te we your ‘ond espera te GED Lesson 1 Compare Opposing Arguments @ Learn the Skit! When wo authors wie about the same debatable topic, hey may present oprosing calms or points ‘ot view. ney also may use dierent evidence a nterpret evidence diferenty. Byanalyzng each author's ‘argument you wil be abla to determine which claim i Bett ‘supported and wriean extended responce ‘hal domanstrates your writen communication skile and your abiy to analyze tects ‘When identifying the similarities and differences between two arguments, fst cefine each _autho'sgurpose and main and supporting ciaims. Then analyze the reasons and evidence, rhetorical ‘Strategies and responses to counterarguments in each passage. Also note how te authors use sentences, [Paragrophe. and transitions o develop ther eas, @ Practice the Skill By fractcing the skil of comparing and contrasting opposing arguments, you wil improve your sucy wring. and test-taking abies, especialy as they relate fo the GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test. Road tho passages below. Thon answer the question that flows. PLL NEVER TEACH ONLINE AGAIN. trains for it Heed i, and never dot ‘again. hile online teaching may be the wave fof he future (although |... hope no) tis not forme. Perhaps Im tne od dog tat resists now ticks. Maybe | am a technophobe, It might be that Im plain old-fashioned This much I can say with certainty: Ihave years of experience successfully teaching lege} classrooms and enine teaching ossr't compare. ao rrr ih Ore eae omens ‘Seestan aan tag tito blr USI Logic. ‘Some seth fy Sfatenond by Sai inforvaton tat mae engin» elie, to weaken it Thnk aboot ‘the eft of the ntvosicon and the plese old dog ad old ‘Pshioned in CF clon ‘education, 1 How do the authors’ points of view ater? [A Atoacher and a student disagree about the demands f onine '. Cit 's opposed to online teaching, but Jones understands he Denefits for students, ©. Cit is opposed to teaching online, but Jones enjoys teaching 1D A teacher and a student view online teaching ciferenty ‘THE BENEFITS OF ONLINE EDUCATION Jalen Rolins, who earned his GED® credential two years ago, was employed by 8 popular restaurant chain. However, he wanted to increase his earnings to support hms and his family. Because he worked in the everings. he had several avalabie hours dung the say to begin an educational program and change his future He, ike many others, took advantaye of the benefits of an online degree program over @ tradiboralelassroom education Oa mecanan "isa hati aucianee ince se be praesent Lesson 1 | Compare Opposing Arguments oe Apply the Skill DIRECTIONS: Read the remainder ofthe passages, ead each question, and choose the best answer LL NEVER TEACH ONLINE AGAIN ‘So just chalk up my fst and only venture To experience and make my way back wo the traditional classroom, Among the reasons why are these, 2 "Virtual community isthe utimate contraction in tarms-ike saying one is “fresh trom the tonnis court” Whie some people find anonymity enabling and are able to bond with tha [onine group] and engage In true confessions, find it very] eifeut to ‘communicate with people for whom have no ace, .. no body language, no in-the-moment exchange 3 "The quality of education is compromised In one leaning, in online teaching, Iwas only able introduce students to a limited amount ‘of material ouside ofthe textbook readings: tis ‘simply impossibe to replicate a lecture online. Nor could | adequately help them develop better wring and erties thinking skis oo foster ‘orginal ideas because there simply wasnt ‘enough time ora proper [way to discuss i005. 4 Sho ma tha money | devo at east tree times as many hours and triple the energy to online teaching than was necessary for rational ‘courses. Bul | received no additonal pay] fr that tort 5 Tryto tak me down. Tellme I dint give it enough time, Call me old-fashioned and uot ate. Just don’ call me to teach onine, Peatisr wets iv ecceset 13, 2. Both authors mention tine as evidence, How do they interpret this evidence? ‘A. Both authors acknowledge that onine education. is time consuming B.C says that online education i exible about time, but Jones says that online education is time consuming ©. Both authors acknowledge that online education is loxble about tim. D. Gilt says online education i time consuming, but Jones says that online edueation js Nexble about time, LUnit3 | Extended Response ‘THE BENEFITS OF ONLINE EDUCATION One c the biggest apnasts of enti acication is a foxy thatthe standard classroom cannot match, Athough there are sill deadines, students may complete assignmens a preferred times. Aston who works during the evening may complete assignments during the day. Another ‘student may complete the same assignments ‘uring the evening. n addition, because students ‘access vitual classrooms alecvonical, they may- ‘attend classes in oler states or countries without leaving tome and diving to a specific lcaton, Online programs also may offer more course choices han a radtional campus, ‘Another appeal of online education Is sof. ‘management. Students can choose their own Certifeate or degree programs, plan the pace at hich they want fo complete these programs, and ‘access course materials at any time, Rebecca, an fnlinest.dent, cals, When | missed a class, [missed ine notes. Now fm abe to access the professors course notes whenever need thom.” Lasty.ontine education offers exciting options for stugonte with ferent tearing style. in pace ofthe tradtonal classroom lecture, many ‘Courses feature multimedia elements, Theso may range from vidoo and auto clips to live chats and e8sing forward to make roads) safer” Yet such elfors While stving ate useless, They focus any on 4 small par ofthe bigger issue of disracied ‘rivers, who are paying attention to everything but driving, While call phones may certainly capture a driver's atlonton there aremany ‘other distvactons that may iead to crashes, Until the government collec good data atout the relationship betwoon crashes and distractions, laws banning cell phone use, whethe eting talking, n cas will not work Ina study done by the Transportaton Departments National Highway Trafic Safety ‘Administration, researchers named 13 driving stations in aston to texting, These istractions included using a cal phone for 9 reason other than texting, looking at abject in the ear ana tlking wih a passenger In fac talking seemed to cause more crashes than alicall phone use combined. In aaestinn, auto ‘makers are adding features to new cers, such {88 navigation systoms and video serone, which ‘ay ad tothe number of distractions. Certainly, coll phone use inthe cats 2 popular media issue right now, But the research ‘doesnt suppor this focus. Jayne O'Donnel, 2 ‘consumer reporter, points out that the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found tha "using call phone white diving quadruples th rick of 2 ‘rash However, rosearch shows there was nO ‘concurrent increase in crashes ae the number ‘of cell phones increased throughout the 2000s" ‘©Donnel also notes that, “theres s hile reliable data on how distraction is cortibuting to crashes” ‘While Secretary Lattood may be correc in calling distracted driving an "epidemic," we wl Pot find @ cure unt we ean identity, at O'Donnel ple, which distraction fs response for a Siven accident” From USELESS EXT LAS y Sn gp 308 1. Whats Jackson's main claim or point of view? Texting Is the worst driving distraction, 8. Texting is na the only dangerous driving distraction C. Texting while driving involves taking one's eyes off the road. . Texting causes woree crashes than other distractions 2. Whatis Tapper's main claim or point of view? [A Texting isthe worst diving distraction. 8. Laws will help stop texting while driving and end toxing-eated rashes. CC. Laws to ban cell phone use in cars wil ot work. 1. Texting-elate crashes have not increased with col phone increases. 3. How doas Jackson's supporting claim ater rom ‘Trappers? ‘A. Jackson says laws banning cal phone use in cars wil not work, But Trapper believes texting isthe worst diving distraction 1B Jackson claims that laws in 30 states make texting white driving ilagal but Trapper says ‘automakers edd distracting devices to cars, 6. Jackson claims that laws will hap stop teranhes related to texting while driving, but Trapper argues that texting isnot the only dangerous distraction, . Jackson says laws in 31 states place Separate restictons on teen drivers, but Trapper points out that aking witha Passenger causos crashes, 4. Trapper acknowledges and refutes 9 counterclaim inher aticle by [A pointing out that col phone use inthe car {a popular issue inthe media, then cling research showing this focus is unwarrented. £8, mentioning that texting i often considered the main cause a erases, then quoting a expert who cisagrees. C. noting that lawmakers do not believe texting while driving isa problem, then citing stasis showing the relationship between texting and crashes. ©. acknowledging thal there are other driving Gistractions, than sharing an anecdote about ‘2 crash caused by texting, Jn strategies do Jackson and Trapper ‘A Both authors use action leads, B. Both authors use reaction toads . Jackson uses a quotation lead while Trapper ° Uses a reaction lea Jackson uses a reaction lead while Trapper uses an action lead How do Jackson and Trapper die in their Interpretations of data about cell phone use car crashes? nd ‘A. Jackson thinks cel phones donot affect the chances of being ina rash, but Tepper boleves that cel phones ar the main cause of increased crashes. B. Jackson states that crivers who do not text 'are safe from crashes, but Trapper beloves that increased coll phone ownership has led to mote serious crashes. C. Jackson argues that crashes involving texting iead to more serious injuries for passengers, but Trapper praises automakers for makong cars ser 1. Jackson sees a causo-and:offect relationship between cell phone use and te kelnood of erashing, but Trapper saye thatthe current ata about distractions that cause crashes ‘re unreliable, ‘What is one way that Jackson uses enumeration to. advance her point of view? [A Sho cites a series of anocdotes about people whe have cashed while texting, 8. Sho lite statistics showing the relationship between texting and nereased crashes, CC She gives the names of several experts who vain ofthe dangers of texting while diving. 1D She lists the ogal penalies for those caught lexting while érving In paragraph 3 of her atte, which transtton ‘word does Trapper use to signal he introduction Of an opposing idea? DIRECTIONS: Read the passages, and answer the question on the next page. CYBER BULLYING HAS A BROADER IMPACT ‘THAN TRADITIONAL BULLYING ‘Tho suicide ofa young git named Phoebe Prince January of 2010 recenved = great deal ‘of meds attention. Phoebe was the vicum of bullying. by classmates who posted [hurtful] remarie abou! ner on Facebook Afew months ‘290, digital bullying was again in the news when ‘Tyler Gemeni, an 18-year old college student, {Kiedis after nis roommate and fiend Posted [private] webcam video of Tyler. ‘Cyber bulying is defined as electronic behaviors among peers such a making fun Ff, teling os, spreading rumors, threats ano ‘Shang Piva information or pictures without permission ta do eo, One ofthe. ciferonces. between tradtional bullying and cyber buling is that icims can be buled anytime and tom anywnare because most chidren have access 1 digital devices outside of school As such. i is eft to escape this type of buying. in ‘dition, .. a bully can tormenta victim in front fa vitual audience of many people... The Internet also allows anonymity, and a bully can target a vitim while shielded behind a computer sereenor mobile phone. Final, ..a person wi bulias on a soreen rather than face to face ‘may net cleary understand how thei behavior tacts the victim, ‘Recent study. found thatthe cyber bullying vitims [showed] higher rates of preston... Another study of US. chilren ‘competed In 2008 found that 13% reported ‘ing eyberbulled mote than 4-6 tes inthe past year ‘Arecon study in Swedon .. separated the kinds of eyber bullying into tox mall an tox) ‘and visual (video and phone) Text based cyber bullying was perceived to have a less severe lmpactthan tacitona buying, but visual felt ‘mere severe than Yadtiona bullying ‘TRADITIONAL BULLYING STILL THE REAL PROBLEM ‘You may remember heating the unfortunate storie of eybar bullying vetims Panshs Prince land Tyler Clamenti en your local news station, Widespread media reports on events ike th tend to turn pubic atanton away from standard bullying, Unforunate, standard bulling i 3 more common problem in schools, homes, and Workplaces. People must, therefore, turnoff thelr televisions and computers and focus on the real problems To begin, research statistics do not support the mecia hype about cyber bullying, Susan Mt ‘Sweater, a professor of school psychology at the Universty of Nebraska, writes, 2s many as 25 percent of American schoolchildren conious to be Dulles in racitonal ways On the thor hand, as few as "10 percent claim fo have been cyber bled" The nary of bulying victims fare subject to standard bullying, which includes physical abuse (ike nting or Kicking), verbal fuse (ike gossip o' trea), and ejection from Social groups. ‘Secondly, there ae no clear roles when itcomes to standardbulying. A ballin one ‘uation may be the victim in another. An international study om 2007 found that children \who are exposed to home viclence are more key to become butles or bullying vite in ‘uations ouside the home. “There i also no age lini on standarc bllng. The Journ of Management Studies claime that almost 5% of U.S. employees have been exposed to bulyng at work. Empoyens have reported instarces of physical, verbal, and sexual abuse. In most eases, workplace bulies hold positions of power over ther targets. Inthe end, stopping all types of bulying— cyber and standerd-—depends 08 ur wilingness to act. Bullying prevention programs fave proven unsucessstul However, 2 200s study published in tte Journal of Educational Psychology shows exdence that programs that focus on reporting bullying behavior and punishing offendershave Red mare postive resus From TRADMONAL OALNGIE STL THEREAL PROBLEM SShhetmer oa |DIRECTIONS: Reed ond respond to the prompt. Use separate sheets of pape for planning. then wile your sponse on the nes below. you require addtional space, you may continue your response on a separate sheet of paper. 2 | ‘While Unies article outlines He disturbing effects of eyber bullying, Farmers article wentiies the prevalence of radtionalbulhing In your response, analyze bot articles to determine which poston is better supported, Use relevant and specie vir ce fom bath sources to support your response, DIRECTIONS: Read the passages, end answer the question onthe next page. AMERICA NEEDS SPACE EXPLORATION TO [MAINTAIN ITS VISION OF ITSELF (ur nation find ts ona ead uring tales but nt exacty sure where iis ‘going. For cur rational health (iitng] the Par Faunding Flv eis US. as an idea. oftberty and reat combined, never fo bo [tad] by the status {u0. The vison of George Washington, Thomas ‘eterson, Borjemin Frankl, snd [other] vos ooted inthe fractal alters of daly ite nd cat nto the Doundes ron. ‘This exactly why tho US, must explore space. We need a program o eimagine a foniar that willow ust open up his ear} fxiatence The arguments spant are cody logical and sometimes al to ue. Kis too txpensive, there ie ite ivmedate bone The problem with howe eas) shat thy are bind {othe ruman need to adaress the [big questions fe: Who ar we? How ae we unique? Why fre we hare? How dda begin? “The USS has boon apace end should remain one—in whch these types of questions fro asked. Admit, tse "ig" questions may never be answored satsfaclorly but curing he Search, exploration teal beseres the ving forco-our nation in searchol the fronton TO makes happen, we need sense of place that Ineles whats Known and whats not hata Possible and what les beyond ool “The US. was founded or the ie of never accepting the staus quo and always exploring Turter ts our national hertag, and ts nat rie to fo! with anatots nature, NASA's manned space program . ean he remind ‘American what means to bok up an open up—to have an idea of"you that has a lie ‘ow rom, THE US GOVERNMENT SHOULO CUT (NASA FUNDING Forget giant leaps for mankind... While ‘most Americans have moved on, NASA i stuck inthe 1960s. That explains the dosio to goto Mars... Bush's projec, priced at $400 bilo, wae inepired by hls asia to stay shead othe Chinese inthe now space race. Just sin the 19603, the abity to make shallow gestures in spaco'is stl assumed tobe an indicator of 2 nation’s [power Expensive manned missions mean that practical, earth-based science sutfors, as does {he ganuinely valuable satelite research so ‘essential tothe way we ive today. Recently, Stephen Hawking has argued that we must colonise other planes io ensure mankind's longrterm survival. Much a¢ | admico Hawking that's nonsense. The Earths indeed doomed, bul whore might relugeos go? Mars ‘makes Antarctica seem tke paradise. “The time has come to pul the plug on meaningless gestures in space. An expansive Imission to te moon seems feazyl when [earthy ronters such as asease, starvation and drought ery out for cash, ‘Obama . would do wel to study what Nixon and Eisenhower had fo say about space. Nixon ‘was the frst president to catch onto NASAS trek of using past [expenses] justly future investment, As the agency argues, going to ‘Mars will make what was spent going fo the ‘Moon a good investment. That's 9 clever way of endlessly spending money without ever producing anything, But tho fal word goes to Eisenhower, who ‘once vetoed Apollo. He reminded Americans that “every rocket red signifies, nthe fn sense, a theft from those who hunger and are ot fed, those who are cold and are not clothed” DIRECTIONS: Read and recpond tothe prompt. Use separate shoot of paper fet planing. Then wre your response onthe lines below. If you require edatonal space, you may continue your response on a separate sheet of paper 10. mie Deutsche arco outinas the banat of epace exploration, DaGrocts ars ona ta drawbacks, In your response, analyze both articles to determine which position is better supported. Use relevant and specie evidence from Both sources to support your response. DIRECTIONS: Read the passage, and answor the question onthe nex! page. RAISING THE MINIMUM WAGE WILL REDUCE POVERTY Recent minimum wage rises ere sollte, so 10 fate hat even with the minimum wage increase ‘on July 24, 2003, to $7.25, workers wl sill make less tan they cd in 1888, adjusting forthe Increased cott of fiving. .. We cannot build @ sora ZIstcentury economy on 1950s wanes. ‘Workers nave taken many stops back for fever, stop forward since 1968. The minimum ‘wage reachod its peak value in 1968. wouls {ake $9.92 minimum wage today to match the buying power ofthe minimum wage in 1966, "The July 24, 2008, minimum wage of $725, coms to ust $18,080 a year. “Te feceral minimum wage was enacted In 1838 through the Fair Labor Standards ‘Act FLSA). designed 0 [get ri of] labor onctions (harmful to the maintonance ofthe ‘minum standard of living necessary fr heath, fefficeney and general well-being of works ‘When se o0 low, the minimum wage does the cpposite of wha the Fair Labor Standards ‘Act intended... People are continually juggling ‘which necessities to go without. * Acorn tothe National Low Income Housing Coaiton, there is no county in the courry whore a fllime worker making ‘minimum wage can afford @ one-bedroom ‘pariment (without spending more than 30% of theirincome on housing). * The 2008 Conference of Mayors’ Hunger ‘and domelessness Survey found that 42%. ‘of persons requesting emergency food assistance were employed, a8 were 19% ofthe homes Workers have not gotten afar day's pay for {fair day's work” “is the productivty of workers increases, one ‘would expect worker [pay] o experience similar ‘ans 2 2001 U.S. Department of Labor report ‘observed. Workers used o share in the ge (fring worker productviy In recent decades, ‘worker product went up, but workers’ wages ‘went down. Increasingly, the gains have gone to ‘wnars and top executives. Ces routinely oppose minimum wage increases In good tines and bad, claiming they il increase unemployment, no alter the rea ‘World recor to the contrary. The buying power ‘ofthe minimum wage reached its peak in 1968. ‘The unemployment ate went from 8.85% in 1987 {0 3.6% in 1968 10 38% in 1969. “The next time the unemployment rate came lose fo those levels was after the minimum ‘wage raises of 199 and 1997. Contrary to ‘what cries precited when the minimum wage was raised, our ecenomy had unusually low tnemployment, high growth, lw inflation, and the Drewous page oc ater of your choose You saul ove appreriai ad ogee text evidence fe each rc foreach pitted. Fr example, you ay cross hsim/Point of View, Reasons, and Tone four tee ports of conparsoricoirast Undor CllmiPont of View, ou ray noe hat ho Ci rl oeuses one sur’ Irosuaton wit her experences as an ole eater, wn tho donee ares Toeues on he postive experences ‘hore wth ninawaring. Unde: Ressona, you may note that Cit ges reasons suchas quay of motors ana insert pay. whl nos ives reasons suchas foxbity ‘ndastnanapement. Udet Tone, you may nl that be ‘it arco has ogste, fusrated no, whe the Jones Sel upbeat end opis LESSON 4, pp. 102-103 1.0: DOK Lovet: 2; Weng Assessment Targets: W's Wana pontty-pont exanzatonal suc, ‘tape aut house tone the CM passe should otoowed by acoresponang exame stout he we {tone inthe Jones passage, so answer Die covet. resolanaton of what one e would come bee the ope ona at lt. ca answer Bs neared The [rodscton of and wares about anober par such a0 pai fw, shuld nl ome url rte axles of fonotfom both pssoges, co aneworsAand © incorrect ‘char DOK Love & Wing Assassmont Targets: Wi W2'vou should compete ae fhe to plone crs by transtereng and sequencing the pls of comparison ff confat an txt vance fom he evidence chat you mpd in Lose 3. However I rawdoa, You may make tego! changes betwwon th two chars fer ne development your cast you are hevingVoube choosng a Structure, complete beh carts, ond Ben choose the one ‘at wors est Or your hes eatomont ‘Ar orarpo a te aajctby subject chart woud be ‘Subject ect Firat Point of Comparison/Contast: Clsn/Pont of View {ay require an axanaton of how an sthors ein fort ofiew makes up the cont argument) Cts pons ot ‘ow is tht ene eon ie tusaing and nl wort {or teachrs ike her Second Pol of Comparison {Contrast Reasons (nayrequre explanation haw case ‘aren arguments ven by each shorn suppor ot hs {rher ain can: CM gs reason such a gay ot ‘rateral and notice pay. Third Poin of Comparison! {Contrast Toro may rei an expanaton of wnat one Snd how can iuenoe the pesussvanes fan £220) tho Ct passogehas a nogave, raed fone, Subject Jonas First Point of Comparison/Contrast Cisn/Poin ot View poet ofan tat coe earn sere many erat Reason, Jones gs reasons such a exmity ‘gd softmanagorert Third Polnt of Comparison! erat Tot Jones age cisco ‘An exampie of te poi gon chat would be First Point of Comparison/Gontast Clam/Pot of View (ay fequre an explanation of how an authors elim or ‘on of iow con be used in porsusie essays tance ‘ders i's pon ot ww hat nine teaching = Frusraingana ot wort foreachrs ke hones Bom of ww ig hat oni leering fers mary advange forstudents. Second Point of Comparconi¢ontrast: Reasons nay raqure an explanation of ow veasone are {he argu gen by each autor supper of Nother ‘main amy Cif gues reasons such a aly of meters Sd reutiet pey cones gos reasons uae esty {nd satmanagemnt Third Pol of Comparaony {Contrast Tone may require an crane what one is row ean sunnce to prsusavanes of ae) 72 Cit passage has ngatve sated tne he Jones sssagols optic end postive, LESSON 5, pp. 104-105 1.0; DOK Level: 2 Weng Assessment Targets Wiz Anacton ead ga te atonton athe ousenes and ‘eoducos the lol ath a deserptin of someone doing, omethng. nts cos, angwer D's anc ioe Because ‘describe how a stdent choked ne Submit buton ‘swell an anne couse Anower Ais an exogle of ‘ect oad tht opens by dingo he ep ang ‘bout he growing wend of onine eevee, Answer 8 Sn example ofa eacve lead, h which stents wonder” ow they wi balance work and eaves, Aswet © {ramps ofa dalogelqutaon lead because opens wih nmogind gata rom Prolessa’ Cat ‘char; DOK Love: 3; wt WW Language Aesessment Trg Cortes the Iocneten chatty srg te esis $tbement you Sevlopd in Lesson 2 andthe iroduton ratagin Suctoed on he prowous pepe Answer Key Chart DOK Love: 3 Wing Assessment Targa: Wi, Wa. Ws, Language Assessment Target LS "Comhs the Corson ent yong te thei statement You doreopodin Lesson 2 and We concusonsateges, fiscussed on he previous page LESSON 6, pp. 108-109 4A: DOK Level 2, Reading Assessmont Target: 53 Wining Assessment Targts: Wiz, 3. Language [Assessment Targt: LS: Athough both ie te {Ste some pat (nis cave, facing tos the eas {homseives are contrasting, 20 the se fe Garston ‘though answer Aste most ial Arewers 8, {nd are ncorert because ho wanalions show siniarty Betwoon he wo eas, ae than conta. Frame; DOK Leva: 3; Writing Assessment Targets: WirW2, WS, Language Aaseesment Target Cis. Use {he GED* Reasoning Trough Language As Estondod Response Seorng Rumitor ra ereaton ot Argent tnd Ges of Evience) anda 2 (Osveopmont of Boos and Crganzatenal Seucure) orev you ara You con fod Trove rbien on page 102-183, You aso may const he sca samp vtended respon on ha olowing page LESSON 7, pp. 110-491 4,8; DOK Leva 2: Wing Assessment Targets: W2.W3 Language Assorsment Farge 5, Anowa ‘han people: the phrase fen shoter an the ‘tgial and coats parattam win the sanonce, Anew X2norect cause the worden the arawes cic lktnougn fewer are alse spec than bo odoptabe hanging ercumotances and change te meaning of he ‘Sentence, The pase oie cucu devaopas (ower Gjicincavrect because does rot incu other goupe ch boopl, sch oe stants an nach, ho aa ned 0 Eetieise hen dosing wis onine edveaton The phrase oopioi educton answer 0) noses brcause isnot ‘aah more speci han people andthe acto esses oo wore. Chart DOK Level: 2: Weng Assessment Target: W2.W3: Language Assesoment Targets, (19, Ui8,C22 Use te GeD® Roasoning Trough Langusne ‘as Extended Response Scotng bre er Tat 2 (Govelenmar of idea and Organizational Stu) Sa Tra 3 (Canty and Conan of Standard Engen onverton) to ssaesa your chat, You cons these ‘ose on pages 183-108, You may ssn conn he ‘notated sale extended response onthe folowing UNIT 3 (continuea) 0 Orem, ton (prec ons © Tewiretiee srr Soon the romp and anos Snmworrate te siden. © Teron ‘eonoprentat oan? Orman coe 208 ‘Qrimason ot erie nthe one Engin ours. Ts oplon wil alow Jaftresn core his ‘olege education ad Keep his fasimejob He ea ‘eka many tr sudo wo a6 asing aoeeange of the eduoalona options ofa techntogia age Hower, {he growing populnty of such online asso, shat, Eayne Cigna Ca ones are wo4ftng in wih ‘tiring opeions@) Whia Ct woces concer ako. {he imfatons cf nb education, Jones mor fecively ‘ocutes onthe posits of online education Cit noes fe len nts view pang ee a ete Cates ooh ‘Sparen snatch Se eats an ‘Saenger ie cana epost sce Sirens opens ate ung uocmnget at Sitcimenn say Howe Cites) sues Sinner Samet srt teaeriecelPoce eta Sothrel So eteNrd es ova cin on he sir an decere be Si atte cen ne Sniy t Imrapeer ats peo a ag is ‘Qe cit ar oes om tr non pg Porend tins taneebe ne fs es [San hour and pe he sary tore eating than was necessary fr wadional courses G3 Sho ‘ot adres wheter tates energy conmemerts {he median Onto er and, sons cea ety ‘teaneneng ence in adaion 0 desrpton of 2 ‘usin roma tasrt be ters snc a 2% of otoge aude ae tia ne crine css” ally, lt an Jones bo py Metical Faiogoso coro readers of at pares oe, bt ayn stamens wort aparat her GL She ‘Sars “Parag Im he ld dog el ois a Wess. jee ma tctneghobe Ir be ta fm la > teshonea ese siatanenscaiee readers agree {hater conor ut anne aston do nae sem trom odated tiki. Converse, onus enumerates th onan! vee “Tasty Hs sbaipeorwar approach s aan and een, ‘much ho a ectrology he corals In concson Jones's arguments focused an wo Wining Jones ascusses bones foie saueston fr ‘Sicerethrouph varies evence,ctuang eoctatone Sand statist, and oar orgauzaion Carle iniach, cits ate Incloss and onin. Tho purpose of education s not {© mah atschors jb say or quex, histo prepare ‘dents forte coments fen he gob age. Oran byamontatng Stipetror Eero set ete hel vr. Ome socom ‘ture ae anwton Sores ‘evn parry Seow neal ay ene © Tomer stows ‘ons. Tews sean pati, ‘Snduticen Seren ana pore, O nomanore UNITS REVIEW, pp. 192-199 1: DOK Level 2 Reading Axcessment Target: R68. inpararaph te lockson say, Whae tare te many ‘Sobvtes a can tract a ivr. sanding xt massages ‘maybe he wort: Har rain cam et toting he tort ring dvacon onower A). Are Be ncvrect [cause the asorton ta exting re theory ring ‘divans Trapper, nl decks’ Anower Cs incorrect tocause tha oa hat esting whe tvng mweles taking tenet ayes ff te road ea simple fot nats clam. nave ‘i ncroct because Jackson ds 6 ca ta tenn. 2.6: DOK Love: 2: Reading Assessment Target Le‘. Attn end of pargraph 1 rap sites her main ‘am: “Ui he goverment cll god data abou te ‘elsionshp betwen cashes and dtacbon, ws aning ‘al phone use cars win wrt arswet€) Aer A ISincorfect because Tapper ocuses ov evidence showing ‘hat tentg i a the wort orhingGtncon. sw BF Ireorect because his Jackson rot Tapper whe baleves trata o sop oxing whe ing wit 6 xn fost erasha, Swe oorect ecause te fat hat toning tise eaches have not ncreted whee phone Uses evidence clad by Trappe fo suport he arms, 5. €: DOK Lava: 3: Reading Assossnent Targets: Ri, R92, R03, Answer Cr conc because Jacksons upporeng clam tat se op tx wil bop nd ose crashes, whereas Trepper suppating am it Tat texting fot the ony dangerous dacton. Jackson Supports her cacy by pong cu seal eco ts ‘hal show awmakers eking notice o nd reacting 0 he frobir foxing wh ving. Trapper onto ober hand, Supports her carn by dscusiy sever easvansoaing -Garacto ta ar ot elated cal heros. AnGwer A SStnocrect because tis Trapper who fosoves that so Beno bans wil net sop cashes, while Jechaon bles ‘etn isthe worst sieorton Aiswer 8 and D are Incorrect because they cotan ape peces of evince ‘hat support the autors cam. But eae ot Saar ‘erates. 4A; DOK Level: 2: Reading Assessment Target: R52. RAZ Anower his comect because Trappe ste he ‘Sie fate phone ue inthe eres poplar mes ite ight ow, bute research dove spor tfc” Sho clos resoreh showing Wat thre was no conan increase in crass a5 to rumber eel phones Ineabes {Hroughout te 2000s" Answer 8 menect because “Trappe ces an exper whe focuses oy on the ak of {lie cash dats aa Jove St arg Pat texting ot ‘emaln cause of rae. Anowa neat bacauae “appar does nl sist tat makers ono lave esting (Baprobiem. Aaiuooly iis Jackson at Trapper who ‘ies state showing th eatonshp betwen texting ar ‘Stoshen Anwar Oe ncoroct becuse his Jackson, pt "Trapper wholncudes an anecdote aba arash caused byte 5.A; DOK Love: 3; Reading Assessment Targot: 5.4 R83, Weltng AssesemantTergeter i V2 Jackson's ari ead wi a ty abn anna eon we was iyted watering a cet. appar rile ogi wha staement hat Oprah Win hae asks ease ton er Ne Toxteg Campaign Bath a ‘etna enh Aner 8 meets DeeautoJacaor's rile Jes oatlead wah o quan, aes aparsdvs ated tna recto, Arewer De R28, 89. anawor w cota been Elastics showing thal vers who ext and ute cal prone ‘emorelkaly oben crashes mpyng tat ne case ane flgionship Doles call prone {dhe hahood ofa crash. Trapper on the oer han teins that“Unil the goverment colocs good data {Sa banaing cel phone tse cars wit nt work: Sho also peas cuncanastareseen research. mpg tal she {fins current dats are eutcent and unease Anwor ‘is incorea because lckaon oes beeve col phones, Siete chances ofbong na rsh, whi Tapper doos ‘atti hat coll phones ae the man caus of neoared ‘Crnhes. Answer Bloor! becaubefactson does at rove evisonce ht drivers who do moi xt resale om shes, nr does Trapper provide wence tig cll ‘hone ue to cash saver Anawa Cs errect because [sstaon does nal provige donee king cel prone vee © ‘ech sovery wo Wapper acl reas automakers {Gracang cracing des cars tat make ras morta. 1.8: DOK Level 2: Reading Assessmont Target: 64 Jackson use the retocal eewiaue c enumersen to ist stats rom a staty shown how axing lated {othe nereased kelnoad of crashing (answer B). Answer Ris ncarect because she clos ony one anecte nou exingeated rah al he bograng ot he passogo.Arewer Ci caret because sta qt Oly Ene exon uno woers about he dangers of xing we trwng’Anewar Di ncoret because sthough se ety arene walag paras eing whe cing athe 5. DOK Leva: 2: Reading Assessment Target: R53 In paragraph 5, Trapper sos tho Wansion however {ogni te htroducto ofan opposing tea iyo Donnal, a consumer reporter pont ou a he Insurance Inst or gay Sey found that sing gia an ni ang nse 9 ach ‘Seoate in eraahes a he rombee of el pes mexeaeed {tvougtout he 20008" The Vanation show Be oppention Sotwoan te static abovt cet gone guadrping ek {fa rash andthe lack of evince Inking te risen co Bono uo to mereaseg caches, Answer Key UNIT 3 (continued) 9 Frame; DOK Level: 8 Writing Assessment Targets: Ws, W.2, WS; Language Assessment Targets: 12,161.19 self GED" Reasoning Through Language Arts Cxonded Response Sconng Feet Fat (roson of Arpumenis and Use of Evidence), Talt2 (Development ideas and Orearzaions! Sucre), and Tats (arty and Conan of Standard Erich Gonveritons) to onen your sah You can fd heae rics On Fae E2104 You so may consi he stmoaled sample extended response bow During te thirteen yous that Americas chien ae requces pond schoo. many, nat ost hove wanessad some’ (@)) Thaw shows fermet bulig. For xara ohn s oye sec eat fox 3 upset sata ea Mary ead abot weg te sre oes wots ttvee days na fom, Jana dose na come aha fe 3 Uranowonces ‘nook ater anembarasing pcre of er posted ono socal sectaley. Sen gece teresa ge ahnan ‘aoy seuton. @) Given tha aes Stuaton, Stephen Farmers ‘tile does a Seer than Yea Unis of pang Ie [Ssuce complony an oltering a sknon ts nd Famers iret sucess ie tines ge Un caer an coos "eon sig wean Ges cnaron ‘Sno uprated emenang wens hat orl ae ode mers hn can bang One ser fae, rats at iet eatery ses talaga atic pcicotoondfaleaee aatety Stn lets colony os st el Atalay sho ons Sos ssc ses ay Seegange of iioe © Neva oa QW Us nd Famer bah te ewtece wo sgeertnee ae eps eta a rahe Sates Deiat an ra eu oa ren iy Koger ee ee ai SThaysalens Geen tina ayes Foner (eae aaa malechee thncomseccdounemescecttaing (tate Semen ona be serra ore Sse ne cree ee sen ae Fray, he scope of Farmar’ artes broader han Ui’ ne Unis fcases ony on chdren, Farmer xan ha Stparentio ats, tt ctyhom hve been epoved 6 buhog eae Inthe workplace. The nanber shows tat buying betavor tar Ierassos ator han decresses, wan age, This formation elon eecie, Soe ry cary wry ung sn 9 Scuba oo Perko refy wayegionuch ocricaoenetrts ont aaa aaa incoteaon, Farmer arc does ne beter gt ping ‘tts we (acoder oat yy QBS Pa ao ‘Sermo abandon won hee Doe gi SSeS aaa ey we ‘inten apse od tang oan bronien pose fp Ths cain rte oak Ieee nt paps SiPona acts Con eprtocs Sage buch mands Peckawrmeskeacercse, Dy oo Secs 10. Frame: DOK Level: 3; Writing Assessment Targets Wt, W.2, WS; Language Ass ‘Us he GED® Reasoning Trough Language fs Extended Response Scorng Rubs: for Tit 1 (Creat of Arguments ‘Sh Use of Euenco Tat 2 (Oaveopmant deat and Organaatonal Sustr), an rat (Clery ana Command of ‘StandaréEngish Convento) to review your crt You canna teas rue on pages 1 Ye4 You ay const he ‘cinta sunple etandodresponc Dow © Peters Theiler hows cerca Ses erpmert of Igoe coon sets tenons ‘Answer Koy poration aan unknawn Fonte, romans aon rogues ‘so denon ofthe erm Fondo Wen tsones fe exonng ‘nknown trtory space maybe the ial fone tts by ‘omeane a praca one, @4 na ime a ecotorsc sugges, ‘Gerard DoGroats atc ast space spending s amore rocleal and wol seasoned argument than Bos Deische oot support of such span. While both authors use he tora schnique of alin to ud momen in Areca istry to Supper ha argumenis, {hor lone vary. Dats ovreny cts ne vito fhe Founding Fata as berating, coal, and bounces te thor hana, Dutreote praca! lone dames the walk {nthe moon by sine saying, Forget get eas for mankd” Whe eadors ay wax nose ove Bausch down Memory Lane, BeGroots wee sfreason and prachesiy snaps thom beck othe prosent Beth authors respond ocourtrargumors, but DaGrest 5s ae electey Deiechacknowsadpes bu eee tneogz ong couerargumonts abou expares and the ack ‘beet, (9 vari tsponae tacks substance. essere, fe says, Farge age, focus on phlosophy @) DaGrost ‘etrowiodpes and ogrecs wih he guran of Haeng and tiers nat Ear ndsed doomed: However, hs response tore pracicatl Arcane oro unwling pepe Antares, ‘hat makes them hk they os vo on ee? Deron ecr are nd ooze pot Pin Gy ister Bassas acess ppp tants Decrot space vch pun at Racone Teapot ates, eee notes pects teats arc arta sath Beret ut examen ts ntone tw na oar ea ray ‘Spece tay tate ace ol poe os a, sion ssh oat Inconin 4D Oroat ots ashton te senna ‘ina cle pjcog spatenty Bie Si Mn reas a te SP an Soar at prion salen nasa ppecalip tie Maar mah con octng tr be non sahelerpacty Rass aetlemcentene © Te witerotioes Sone et ‘stntaes 9 urpose as romp an eros rawaronace oe = ae or © Mrman ats sone The wr tes ‘acon pai, Srauticae ‘done suport ‘hotest and ams ew donanestes Samples sorte. come teal UNIT 3 (continue) Use th GED* Reasoning Though Langu @Fycu work ft ie forth ager minimum wage of $725 $3 ur you wi ear $200 beter nuns ls woes Th wage ‘auate ia $15,000 dolls por yar bur area @) jou xamine your pur monthly expences, clungRous, fod Ieateare, and transportation, you gy wil cover as ‘sary not ny to support your amy. 1 moray te an ‘sonoma sound presse that U.S eizens can work fl ime ‘Sa we a poverty?) in bc ett Hy Sarasa ‘Stopors he poston nse minum wage eed Ba ae80 $10.00 pernaue Tobegin, Shar ces evidence hat ow minimum vage Rstos toda! law She sxplin al he Far Labor ‘Standard Act pase n 1858, qorartoos czas he ht © ‘terkand reanion a minum sonar of ting: She Cotes ‘Smnsmum standard ofving os one whch zane ae at ‘orcodtachocestatwoen nosesaties and are aie provce ‘hemsahes wih ood and shoe () Tha pants llezive boauso food, wat and chat se gonaraly rocognaeé by ‘Siegel nat utne wrk shoud provi for those min Next, Ska renfrcas he claim wit evidence hat geapty ‘at nate te prcblam wth heer miu wage She ates al 2 raen sty found at "thre ne county ‘Rive country wheres time worker making minenam wage {an aor a ene badroom aparimont oles than 50%! Ms OF ferincome, €} Th evdenta'sefsctne because new tht the pki prewin tvagghosthe couy and on Fal, Slat responds etectvety to a coutorargumast nat ‘asang the mimam wage wl race unempiyment () She ces “nomployment aos, economic export, ste specte satis. univers resoatch sus rafts ths coumarciam "he extent ae vary of evince oer whersgy ‘raters countrarguner ngecsion Si spit ata tong economy fe asedon er reconenendaten trang the mim wage per our en equate our salary of $2080, © fol exvovagnt Waa asthe agin ng odo 2 11. Frame; DOK Love: 3; Wing Assessment Targets Ws, 2, WS; Language Atsessment Targets: 16,119, L24 Ars Extended Response Scoring Rubi lr Trat 1 (Creation of Arguments ltd Use of Evigonce), Tal 2 (Development of Seas and Organizational Suche), ond Tat 3 (Clty and Command of ‘Standard English Converting) to rovew your ea You can fod anaes So page 182-104 You so may cana the lnvotated sample etendod responce blow == oy a= aS oe

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