Grammar Advanced#3-1-20-2021 PDF

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Sis sk rosa ct af seat “If you think you're good, there's only one way to really be good and (that's to) be around the best. And learn. You (need to) learn more.” GED® JOURNEYS Chris Rock hris Rock took pain and turned it into humor. Rock attended a mestly all-white public school while growing ‘up in Brooklyn, New York. He faced discrimination at an cay age. That discrimination, however, infuenced the comedic ‘material often on display in his act, on television, and in his movie ‘Asa young comedian, Rock decided to leave school to perfor fon the New York club circuit. In 1984, fellow comedian Eddie “Murphy-by then himself suecess on television and in movies caught Rock's act. Murphy cast Rockin a small role in Beverty “Hil; Cop Il, watking the teginning of an entertainment cazeer that continues to this day. Rock, then only 18, had caught his big break, From 1990 to 1993, Reck starred on Saturday Nighe Live. He later worked on films such as Dogma, Lethal Weapon #, Madagascar, and Grown Ups. Rock wrote a book called Rock This and created an produced the television series Everybody Hater Chris. ‘Te show was inspiced by Rock's childhood in Brooklyn. Rock's comedic talents resulted in Grammy awards and Emmy awards. Whatever the form of media, Rock uses his comedy to tackle topics such as race, politics, and parenting. Despite is successes, Rock always strives to improve his craft. As he notes, “Ifyou think yout good, there's only ore way to really be good and (that’s to) be ‘around the best. And lear. You (need to) learn more” + Rasen Brooiyn,New York + Actin dozens of fins a voiced «Traveled te NewYork comedy ——«tiaed characiers in several hb ort exesvely 252 ers teenager + Ceci te soniasebigrepial + Stared on the seh comedy stom, Everybody Hales Csi how Stuy Nght Lie 2005 : Editing Unit 4: Editing | Table of Contents ee LESSON pace ‘Good writing is not only engaging and persuasive, | NOUR 122-123 ‘putt also displays a command of standard English 2:Pronauns ‘2-125 conventions. The GED" Reasoning Through ‘3 Basic Verb Tenses 426-120 Langage Ar Tet ince neg portion ie Vaan ig Vets teas that assesses components of grammar, usage, capitalization, and punctuation. In Unie 4, you will ‘Apostophes ‘20-131 _practice these skills to improve your writing and test- Frequently Confused Words 2-133 taking silts een F a Like the GED" test, this unit asks you to edit the | Base sublec Vt Agreement Pee ‘types of tents that you encounter or produce in your Stand English ve-497 sly life, including workplace leters and memos, ‘9: Captaeation 188-100 ieee the eo ye ani desiionsof pice Sones Pages Coen uoedat ‘and activities. Beginning with lessons onthe building ‘blocks of usage, such as proper use of verb tenses and ed pad subjectverb agreement. you will move on to lssons 1 Sefence Combing “wens {requiring you to practice techniques that wil help 48: Run-on Serenee Comecion 146-167 ‘you build strong sentences. Most esters in this eae Seta “une appear as atematve writin drop-down menus, Simulating the editing experience you will have on the 15: vanced Pronoun Use 0-181 GED" test. 16: Advanced Subject-Verb Agreement 152-153 ‘Perales 154-185 1 Tarlions “66-157 49: Paragraph Orgaicabor 138-159 20% Ober Pintation 80-161 Unit 4 Review 162-469 Enna ral sep te wg proces. oot wes at preteen © Learn the skin MAUR are words that name people, places, deas, or things. Nouns may be singular (one person, pace, ea, or thing) or plural more nan one person, place, dea, oF tng). Proper nouns are names of spsene people, places, ttles, or hings. Proper nouns are always capitalized (Or Anna Jones, Arkansas, Bil of Rights). ColGEANVEBUMS are nouns tat rame groups, such as team or jury. They may be singular OF Plural, depending on whether the group acs a8 a unit or members of the group act as incviduals, @ Practice the Skill By practicing the skl of using nouns correct, you wil improve your writing and test-taking abs, especialy the relate othe GED® Reaconng Through Language Ars Test Stic the explanations and ‘examples below Then answer the question that folows. Use these rules to change nouns trom singular t pura Foreors nara ny eer aceon, gopher ae | ey, Body | tes bee Forronsendig ny ster even ae [oonaer oe ays aru ena te fe) a 888 | et ie tee ee COLLECTIVE NOUNS “The solers ite sy ot Memes oy dein ‘The company believes that ts employies work hard. Which Correction should be made tothe sentence? ‘A. Change employes to amoloyes. 88 Change compeny to companies. . Change amployi fo omployeas, Change comeany to companys. Lesson 1 | Nouns | t | (© Appi te sn | (SEE [DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. From the drop-down ist, choose the answer that best completes the sentence, ear NBA Commissioner im sure your office receives many cals and eters asking about the league's various regarding player ssares, | am hoping that you can provide some | Information that wil help explain how the league determines the | amount each player makes in a year and the amount each team Drop-Down Answer Options ‘can spend on payers For many fans tke me, the league's salary cap s very confusing. I seems as though some players’ salaros don't ‘match the contributions ttt they make other teams. The ‘3p also seems to limit urfarty the amount a team can spend ‘on plays. For example. why cant my home team, the spend what it wants on salaries ifithas the money to spend? "nave done some research on the salary cap, and! know that itis negotiated yearly as pat of the collective bargaining _agroement that provides team owners with rules about how ‘thay can negotiate member salaries. | algo understand that the ‘Salary cap is based on how much revenue the league took in ‘during the provious yea. Is team revenue factored in? Are there {for some tesms to spend more rT ‘money than others? ‘know thatthe [TT2_DRSESeWAT] many factors when ‘determining salary, includng how many years a player has been {nthe league. Can you provide me wit simple explanation of these other factors? | dont understand the complicated rules ‘Governing exceptions, restricted and non-resticted fee agent, the amnesty clause, andthe rules governing rookle salaries. ‘Any Information you could provide would be very elpfull Sinooraly Wayne Mack ni | ung us Lesson 2 @ Learn the Skill place of nouns. The nour tha the pronwur replaces se secede ‘means tha pronouns agree in gender (male, female, or route) an ‘or pura) wit he nouns (antecedents) they replace. Depending upon their usein the ‘Sentence, pronouns may be subjacts or objects or may inaicate possession, Q Practice the Skill By practicing the skil of using pronouns correctly, you wil improve your wing and test-taking abiltios, especialy 28 they relate to tha GED" Reasoning Thvough Language Arts Test, Rea the explanations and ‘examples below. Then answer the question that folows > The chart sts subject, object, and possessive pronouns. These can be singular or plural ed us, ae “+ + Chace and! are dating, ——> We are dating + Thats Zack's car, ——? Thats his car. + Janet, Chis, and Richard are fyieg home. ——» They are ‘ying home. +The Vclory was mine and Paul's. ——» The vetory was races the story, ——> Tall her the story + The car's tes are new, ———? Its thes are new. 4. dJonatnan ang Alison went to cinner after Jonatnan and alison ‘want tothe game, Which i the best way to rewrite ths sentence? | Jonathan and Alzon went o inner afar them wert tothe game. B. Jonathan ané Alison went to dinner afte they wen tothe game. C. They went to dinner after Jonathan an Alison wer othe game, . Thay went to dinner after she went othe game, a Lesson 2 | Pronouns © Apply the skin {SEE DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. From the drop-down list, choose the answer that best completes the sentence, Fst Natonal Bank 200 North Stroet ‘Chapel Hil, NC 27514 (919) 555-6237 Me, Paul Wierd 4132 Keppel Steet Drop-Down Answor Options: Dayton, OH 45414 Dear Mt ifort Fest tt me exoress [2 Brop-down 7 Jappreciaton aia nas toes onsen von cia Sa cece oe arenes ea acs eer ar ee a Sr pS teres clone aces|— 2 Droem 2——) acer eee nectar cree ecng scr topo ane eran ett Seton bread remor Ta Wumay be est or you to vt our small-business experts at the Banko ensure a smooth Wansiion fr your accounts. Your ‘vos Me Jamie Park, who s located a the Ein Street twanen [Drop-down] secretary wi a to set pan appointment, I posable, our president, Emly Rider, and woul ket take you to hnch, Please acept he gesture a sgn of ur southern hospaly Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have other questions. We look forward to serving you and Wilford Motors Sincerely, Jean Broadmoor ‘Accounts Manager ‘uma | eaung was _ Basic Verb Tenses @ Learn tho suit “Te BNWENSISLERES ar BAS, BRAN. 27 MI. Tres ose signa o readers hat events ‘occured in he past, are taking piace now, of will happen i he ulure. 1o fxm the past nse ot [Yetbs, adc ~d or-edto the end ofthe verb. Often o keep a short vowel sound, the nal consonant must be ‘Soubled. To form the future tense, ad the word will bofore the ver. Forming tenses can be more challenging with HFEQUIBEMBPDS. In some cases, you will need to change the speling ofthe verb. It is bes! fo memerize the iregular verb forms because they follow no specie rues Q Practice the Skill By practising the ski of using basic verb tenses correctly, you wil improve your writing and staking bites, especially as they relate to the GED* Reasoning Through Language Arts Test. Study the tables below. Then answer the question that follows. > These tables show how verbs appearin diferent tenses. Note that in the present tense, hiré-person. singular verbs ond in . AS in many cases with verbs, it sounds wrong, i probably is wrong. REGULAR VERBS IRREGULAR VERBS arte wante hey | ie wanted They wit art ese, nese he wa ee "gn Pam 7 | oy payed | ea ay = = [erst rem Seem wees | stems tea i [eset | ee copes | stewet | seat | tesa. | spa sd | Tey why armanes |eosore | swat rb | eye |eeyerte | ey eatwie 1._-Atwork yesterday, I drop a heavy box on my foot. Which ‘correction should be made tothe sentence? ‘A. Change drop to dropped. 8. Change dion to drooping. . Change drop to wil on. D. Change drop to dros. Lesson | Basic Verb Tenses © Apply the skill SE DIRECTIONS: ead the passage. From the drop-down lst, choose {he anor hat beet colts the serene [ABOUT YOUR CYTECH CELL PHONE “Thank you for purchasing your new Cytech cellar phone. ‘We beteve that as soon as you star using his phone, you aR oto 10 stern festa ‘discerning customers want, including a sal-ofthe-at digital ‘camera, video recording and chal, GPS, an high-speed Ieterne eapabity “The Cytech phone represents the culting eige of cell phone ‘wchnology today. Scientists and technicians in our San nciscoheadquarters|_ 2 Drop-down }two years creating the Innovative interface, Drawing upon the ‘successful operating systom of our popular tablot, we designed ‘the phone's interface to include many ofthe table's key ‘features and unparalleled functionality. The Gylech phone wil, Provide users with the same excoptional performance they have come to expect rom our tablet ang other oducts. Your new phone was designed and manufactured to meet all -calilar phone standards sel by the US. government. These “Guidelines were based on standards that were developed by soletsts, You can be confident that all Cytsch phones have been tested to ensure that they meet these guidelines and are ‘sae for our customers \ cu EBSA ro ntmaton ete new phone inthe mall within a few days eat “Tank you for your purchase! ‘unit¢ | tang, a Lesscn Verbs with Helping Verbs @ Learn the Skit combine with mein verbsto indicate the time ofan action. tf an action took place inthe pact betora another pact acon wae completed, ues the helping vorb hod with the past partiple frm of he ‘main ver. If an action began i the past an conliwes in the presen use the helping verb has or have with the past participle form ofthe main ver Ian action wil end ata specie point the ule, use the helping ver wif have with the past participle form e the main ver, Use a form af the helping ver fo be (ams, ae, was, or wer) with the present participle form (always ‘ending ining f the main ver to inciate action that e ongoing © Practice the Skill By practicing the skl of using vers with helping verbs to show tenses, you wll improve your wring and ‘wot ting abies, pecially 2 they reate to the GED" Roaconing Through Language Arts Test. Study ‘the explanations and examples below. Then answer the question that flows, > This information shows when and howto use the helping verb have. 1 ‘Anse oo are epee ayaa moe no ie Shand ar’ sneh ea ae 2 ese one we ae ds roe Veins tested ne repony ne > This information shows wen and how to use the helping verb be. Sema [aa me fects easing aha company. ‘An sctonwilbeongahg | They nLzecakag he move |. Rav plans to leave early inthe morning, 20 by lunch ‘was driving for five hours. Which isthe best way townie the Lndetined portion of his sentence? Ahad driven 8. wi have crven has been erivirg D. hehas driven Lesson 4 | Vorbs with Helping Vorbs | © Apply the skin | (EEC DIRECTIONS: Read the passago. From the drop-down list, choose {he answer that best completes the sentence. AR BUYING TIPS ‘Theresa simple way 1o get he best price on a new ea. you fellow tis tree-step system, you can save thousands of dollars ‘on your next car. Step 1 sfofing out what he dealer pa for the car before receiving any ‘ebates. Knowing what the dealer paid for acar allows you to know the markup thatthe dealer onthe car. Typically, more expensive ars have higher mark-ups. You can assume a markcup inthe range of 6-8 percent, although thisrango can vary by model and dealer. Do your research in advance to find aut as much as you can about the dealers cost, ‘Step 2s to find out about the dealer's hidden rebate forthe car By the end of tis year, dealers _allkinds of rebates from car makers, They wil ty to keep these rebates hidden from you during the dea, Although the dealer may not pass along the rebate to you, the existnce ofa rebate ight make the dealer more wiling to negotiate on the mark: up. You also should research what rebates the manufacturer consumers to make sure that you ‘ake advantage of al potential rebates currently available, step 31 aro payng eres ta you co ot want © naed Dealers make much ofthe money on ex he whee ard re ‘tection, exondod watraes, and ust rtecion. Before you ‘make your purchase, tick about the exes ta you need and wit use, After youl, 2.Cropsowna Jane extras SoU diay wank, be sre lock athe ot pice you al pay {or them, Many dealers shew aly a monty clean othe thus hing the atl cost om you rT unite | aug 1 Lesson 5 Apostrophes @ Leam tne sku Lesson 2, you tarnied one way to show possestion—to whom of whel something or someone ‘belongs —by using possessive pronouns. Anoiner way fo show possession i 0 use an aOStOBNE. ‘Apostrophes create BOSEREEIEB nouns. "You also can usean apostrophe when you combine two words to form a GBAKFAGHGR. The apostronhe ‘shows where the leller of one or Both words have Doen fet OU Conractons alow YoU 10 USe fewer WOros ‘when wring informal @ Practice the Skill By prooticng tho chil of using apostrophe to chew poceassion and contractions, you wil improve your ‘wrting and teat-taking abies, especially as they relat to the GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts “Test Study the explanations ard examples below. Then answer the question tht folows. > These examples wil help you understand possessives and cconacions. (CONTRACTIONS: they shave eye ous hve = nase 1. Not only is camping fun, but i's also a great way to spend time ‘with you're fiends or family. Which correction stoulé be made to the sentence? ‘A. Change its tits. 1B. Chango tniands otierds C. Change ifs toihwas. . Change youire to your © Apply the Skill [SE [DIRECTIONS: Road the passage. From the drop-down Ist, choose. ‘the answer that best completes the sentence. ‘THE MAPLE HOTEL, Me. Frank Thomas, CEO ‘Thomas Buling Supplies 864 Folows Steet Cincional, OH 45201 Dear Mr. Thomas | am wing to introduce mysetf to you and your associates, ‘My name is Niranda Snyder, and | am the new Sales ‘Account Manager at The Maple Holl. have assumed Pat [21 Brep-Bown 1 former position. Ms. Charles is ‘ow our Director of Sales ee omer eee ame Seats eae eaere arene ips as an ao ape aT ‘ite Tones usd [ = bpm nn Teccmpeiniandt tet a Satan sce teecars pooner ees een ee eens soess | 20psom3——|ny poe otros Steer roe nto esa ica eae ea pam ap cate Se eee aera and discounts on| fop-down 4 Jevents here at cat "ook forward fo meeting you in person on your next visit. 11 canbe of assistance in any way, please donot hesitate to call. | have included my business card for your convenisnce. Thank | you again for your continued businass. Atyour sevice, Miranda Snyder Sales Account Manager Unita | Editing cy LESSON fm Frequently Confused Words @ Learn tho sin ‘Words that sound siar but have diferent spelings and diferent meanings are called NOMBBYME. For ‘example, ate and eight are homonyms. es the past ionse ofthe verb fo eat and eights the number 8 ‘Sometimes, words may have the same speling and sound ale (reiffren) but have diferent meanings— for example the noun wind (mesning “a thats blowing’) ane the verb wind (meaning col around or curve’) Farinermore, come words that look smiar are often contused, such as lose ana loose, 1@ Practice the Skill By practicing the ski of using homonyms and trequenty confused words Corecty, you wil impreve your wring and test taking abies, expecially as thy relate to the GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts, Test, Study the explanations and examples Below. Then answer the question that follows > Those examples willholp you understand homonyms and frequenty_ | confused words ‘COMMON HOMONYMS: AND FREQUENTLY CONFUSED WORDS ‘Be two ap roon a you pax me a mapas? = ‘Tee cs woe tnt aa ow ae Boor Your gong he won a Soe tere mowed gases ba ‘Steve as agora ro tan sat 4 Cee 1. Did you see who ust past by driving a new sports car? which ‘correction should be made to the sentence? ‘A. Change see to sea B. Change pa to passed. . Change by to buy. 1. Change naw to knew Lesson 6 | Frequently Confused Words © Apply the sxir DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. From the drop-down list, choose the answor that best completes the sentence. Ms. Eve Nichols 112 Morton Lane Baltimore, MD 21210 Dear Ms, Nichol: “Thankyou for purchasing your pic with Dives! Ca Insurance. As a poleyhlder wih. Drop-down TI} types of everage—property damage and iniry¥abity—you ‘ene to many benefits. you Become invohied in an accident this poly wl help ay fr your medical il, egal fees, and one year's income. you cause the accident and cer people ar inured, his poy wihelpofet the costs medical treatment. Aso the oly wl help pay io rpair er vehicles or ote property tat was damaged in he accident (Our goa iso provide you withthe highest possible level of service. We want your insurance experience tobe a postive ‘one. Afterall the las thing you want when you've been involved In an accident iso struggle with insurance issues You can be ‘assured thal the response team at Drivers’ Car Insurance is to serve you ‘As a policyholder with Drivers’ Car Insurance, you are more just another customer. We value ‘ur policyholders and take pride in our products and service, \When you buy a policy with us, you haven't just purchased a policy, you have Bought the peace of mind that comes from ‘knowing thet when you need us, wl be there for you. We ook forward to being there when you need us! Sincerely, ‘Anthony Perita President Drop-Down Answer Options Unita ) Eating 133 nes uve st SSvETASEETE L127 8 ERB rust HGFEE—thet io, 0 singuiaroubjoct takes a cingular verb, and a poral abject takes a plural verb. Ths “ule always apples, oven when other words come between the subject and verb or ‘whan two subjects share the samo verb, Q Practice the Skill By practicing the sil fusing corectsubject-verb agreement, you wl improve your wring and test taking abies, especialy as they relate tothe GED* Reasoning Thvough Language Arts Test Study the ‘Slanations and examples below. Then answor the queston that flows. > These rules and examples will help you understand subject-verb agreement iftwo subjects are connected by and, the resulting compound subject lakes a plural ver. “Tom and Jan wit Think: They. wie. two subjects are connected by othe verb agrees with the subject closer to the verb: Tom or Jan writes, Think: He or sho we vero agreenen ic ‘agit kat oy. | Mor teat ost "Rg there ore ck sn aaa ‘Roh Fa me canta pin _tong Pan mo mest coi pte, ere var ars eat easton wooo ie ‘ang fin Sra opr brentot on wasn. er aes 20% Lael marr fam an ua Fess seer ‘tong Laeslmaras orn and eco ah at, Sng or paler depesing | 9 The dopa eatin hn. ensheneaeto cova te Wong The gear cat em ican 4. -Ana play on the company softball team. Which corection should ‘A. Change play to plays. B. Change play to playing . Change company 1 companies ©. Change team to leas. Lesson | Basic Sunject-Verb Agreement © Aopiy the stit Pe scsrsiesin pRoroonN 4 DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. From the drop-down tis, choose the answor that best completes the sentence. cee one eee ee eer ee eae ees ‘ee pom 2 Depew Jnl es Fle a Oe caer repteenaarr opine Leiria taeaieiessaeasy et cueataan repens Seecea ne ec eae eseeatee rare Seer eee traceroute dtetimrerar mrtg onc one carly 2 Drp-dom 2 ours ann some Satna eee ee mea Most merchasee con be returned within 20 days of purchase, although some products (such a8 opened stare) can be ‘exchanged for anther fhe same em, Business machines ‘nd frnture|__ 2. Drop-down Ja veturn within 4 ‘ays to ually fora rlund or oxange: Exped ik or toner ‘catiiges cant be returned. Unopened ad unexpied ik or toner cartldges may be returned at any tne for a fl efund. ‘office Supply associates or the slore manager availabe to help if you have ‘concern about your return. Our staff wil work with you to ‘e9olv the issue. Our goals fr you to leave our store sailed ‘and to return to shop with us. Fora detaled description of ou return policy, 28 wo 3s _answors lo Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), please go to our Wed site at now Orfice una comets. “Thank you for shopping with ust rs o Unité | Eating 135 LESSON 8 Standard English cue aE cers @ Learn the Skill ‘A good writer aves using nonatondard or inform language, including slang. excent for social purposes. Although the English language is always evolving at any one moment there exists a widely fecepted form of English thats witen by educated people and fs considered correct. This accepted form ' called SHARARGEAGIB. It includes rues for speling, grammer, pronunciation, and vocabulary. Some ‘words and constructions that you might hearin spoken language are nol considered Standard English. For ‘cxample,avord tw word arts formal speech ana wring, @ Prectice the skit By practicing the ski of using Standard Engi, you wil improve your wring and tes-isking bites, especialy as they relate tothe GED" Reasoning Through Language Arts Test. Study the examples and ‘explanations telow, Ther anower the question that fellows [Antisaninoropeconacion. Use amo at ak oar tos ae tculnave cone ete ‘tan ads She sos al neo She has2 er Doane uno sag sinew anata ‘no went ooo We My a ne Yr ‘When you mean shoud ia hauls wt goad awh d Oo ee ‘Seve suasedand speed These ware ae ey sana speech, [oso onetia ou sort ao soning, Yo an rma UNIT 4 veto eva, The i tn ota besaue i feo ain pach 4. You should try and get some sleep. Which correction should be made to the sentence? ‘A. Change get ogo B, Add of botore ty ©. Change and tof 1D. Add nave Before fry Lasenn 8 | Standard Engish © Aoviy the skit (EEE [DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. From the drop-down list, choose ‘the answer that best completes the sentence. ACITYEYESORE ear Eoin {tis wel east time for he city to do something about he ‘partment bulking atthe comner of Cornel Steet and Third ‘Avenue, Or are people simply[__2. Drop-down) ‘such situations? This building has been nearly vacant forthe five yearsthat | have lived on Cornell Street. With each year that goes by, the condtion ofthe property gots worse. tis my Lunderstarding thatthe Montgomery County Bank ook aver the property in 2003 when the landird da not make the payments. ‘Since tha: ime, al but two ofthe tenants have lft. Paint is peeling of the ouside of the building, weeds are growing in the courtyard and many windows are broken or bearded up. The ‘robles [2 Drop=Gown 2 TTT] get fod without the y's intervening. any cfu inthe neighborhood nave ed to get the bank odo someting, but we have been ignored. This station i ahi thought tat he bank woul respond tthe dozens of eas and eters, bt no nether wl ake respons. The Bank oes rotate property and Bopsdown =n seling someone who wi Does anyone wih tect government care? The ack 10 fi ok in ry naightorood who dont manta the sdewsks in ot of the ome, takes no noice of ths decaying apartment bung. hen | contact hey, othe runaround Paso en me indemencng a he cy ike acon Daniel Geitman Drop-Down Arswer Options wer TT LESSON 9 lor yiclre lea) @ Lear ino sai Seaquiin nnten rons puna commas nwa Wis ocr lam ch ‘a8 Ite, Dr, oF dr), holidays, days ofthe week, ard months ofthe year. The pronoun Ji always capitalized. ‘Aso capitalize he fret eter ofthe fret word of sentence and the main weds in ties of newspapers, books, magazines, stores, aces, songs, poams, and pays. By practicing the ski of usng capitalization correct. you wllimorove your wring and test-taking _abilies, expecially as they reate fo the GED" Reasoning Through Language As Test. Study the ‘explanations and examples bslow. Then answer the question that flows. > These dettion capitalization examples wit help you understand Somecaw peace, pace, 2 | Nour Urs of rh Carina ‘oroperedetive'saaascroive | Mer Ean bead ‘Acommen nancrsctetve =| youn auymeratya Norn Carne > This chart provides examples of common nouns and related proper Cz! {cae ‘A. Capitalize recings and tha B. Copitalizecishes and noodles . Capitalize nal and article ©. Cepitalze ins and noodles. Lesson | Capitaizaton © Apply the Skit [EL [DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. From the drop-down list, choose ‘the answer that best completes the sentence. MEMO. ‘To: Al Agency Employees ‘Subject An Explanation of Feteral Holidays ‘As 8 government agency, we think itis important that our ‘employees understand the histor of our country's federal holidays. Below sa brit review. tn 87, conron pases stn at chy acon fasearaee jonny Indpennes Dayo tye Thoin oe Tray ctvorembw. ad Cratme an Domb 25 Overtime Canes en eco nen crlteay Tan oe Se ene bss {n 1879, Congress estabiished the nation’ fith federal holiday. This holiday is colebreted on the third Monday of February, and most people know it s Presidents’ Day. On this day, Americans honor all of he people who have served as ‘On Memorial Day, Americans nonor al of the US. soldiers who fought and die for thei county. This holiday is held on the ast Labor Day became the nation’s ‘seventh federal holiday in 1898. On this dy, Americans honor the workers ofthe nation, Labor Day Is held onthe fist Monday ‘of September. ‘Armistice Day was established in 1838. Congress later ‘changed the name to Votorans Day to honor all ofthe soleiors ‘who served inthe United States armed forcs. In 1988, Congress recognized Columbus Day to remember Christopher Columbus's voyage to North America. Columbus Day is held on the second Monday of Octobe: Finally, Congress passed a aw In 1983 to Sot asdo the thie Nonday of January to honor the ‘secomplishments of [SE Dap=down 4 nT] Lesson] fy §©Sentence Fragment Correction @ Learn the Skill Every complete sentence contains a subject and a verb and must xpress a complote idea, or make a complete statement. A group of words missing a subject, vero, or complete dea i a sentence fragme which is usually incorrect. A sentence fragment cannot standalone because itis incomplete. To GOMSGHS You can combine It with a complete sentence by using @ comma ora connecting word. You also can add the missing sentence component such ae a usject or ve, Complete sentences must begin with a capita liter and end wth punctuation, such asa period (ends statement), an exclamation point (emphasizes or expresses excitement), ora question mark (indicates a questo. @ Practice the Skill By practicing the skis of recognizing sentence companents and carecting sentanca fragments, you il improve your wring and test-taking bles, especialy as thoy relate tothe GED" Reasoning Trvough Language Ars Test. Study the explanations and examples below. Then answer the question tha follows > The stops will help you understand sentonce components Tate to crwtatine | settee De scion oreaarte a hole ete abo ty erst oa can stn one i a (peat | ome oer 3 ae shes 3 roten oan ‘Wha is your favorite athlete? | pee + st so 1. Went the gym on Thursday. Which correction should be ms to the sentence? |A. Replace the period wit a question mark Blaser a vor Cinsert a sunject. ©. Replace the period with an exclamation pont Lesson 10 | Sentence Fragment Correction © Apply the Skill q Px souesinn DROPDOWN [DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. From the drop-down ‘the answer that best completes the sentence. WHAT'S YOUR cREDIT ScoRE? Have you applied fra credit card ora bank oan [E2.epdoun-t ———_|inatitormaton rearing your cred core factored in he su Acre satis a number between 300 and 950 that assesses te ikeihood ha you wipay beck credto.Alow sore ea protiem. You ere Drop-Down Anewer Options onsidced 8 rad ik boca you ar ot aly pay your dots, your sori igh, os ae considered a good risk because you ae ely o py our db. (ERT ores cost ristary. Ti hisory inclugespayrent patterns, gory, and current dbl. your sre above 700, ou ar ely to get goo lending ates. your score below 600, youself got igh ending rte. Infact, many creditors vse 620 asthe determining number {or ret approval your seis extremely ow, you maybe rejected for cect Con's cre scores nota stave [TBrapsoan ST) '¥youmiss orm ant payment your cae wil go down. te posite rae a ow rc core by using te flowing tp. Pay ou bilson tine. Do not maintain high blancs on your cred cards. Do not open ced acount that you don plan tou. L choose “Tohave a good credit score, you must show thal you are able to manage your credit. Although you need some credit cards and loans, you must manage these account efecively. Final, you should know that a closed account does not your ert score tin Mt Unit 4 | Eating Lesson 1 Commas @ Learn the Skit ‘A SOMME separates 2 sentence ito meaningful unt. For example, use a comma to form a series oF toset ‘and interupting (or descriptive) phrases. Use a comma witha conjunction when you combine sentences and when you use two ot moce agjectves to describe the same noun, Also, use Commas win aiiogus to set ote fag ne (the words thal ently the speaker) from the dialogue, © Practice tne sa By practicing the skill of using commas correctly, you will improve your wring and test-taking abies, ‘especially a they relate to the GED* Reasoning Through Language Arts Test. Study the examples below. “Then answer the question that flows > These examples wil help you understand and use commas ‘COMMAS effectively. Imeruina Alr cr sadn sparing ot secrpevo ease See hye whois ting 00 et, ut wens Ye dove tee, te eingperwa oses emery, dary tones Sreaaones ‘Sop ne, gla nee 3 th pa” 1. My wo brothers Mike and Tom came with me tothe baseball ‘game last weekend. Which isthe best way fo write the underined Portion ofthe sntence? ‘A brothers, Mito, and Tom, B. brothers, Mite and Tor, CC. brothers Mike, and Tom 1. brothers, Mite and, Tom © Apply the Skit! _ EC DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. From the drop-down list, choose the answer that best completes the sentence. ‘To Wnom it May Concern ‘Asa frequent user ofthe Cy iseppointed withthe proposal to discontinue Bus Route 97, which provides direct service from Midtown tothe Warehouse | Distt. Te proposal does not take into account the needs | of Midtown’ ctizens. Like many people in Mictown, I depend ‘on Bus Route 97 to get to and from my jad he Warehouse District. this rout is discontinued, | wil ave to transfer four times jst to get to work The Cy Trans Systems proposal aso doesnot tak nto account Midtown’ let clizen, such 0 my mater: My rote ds not own a a and relies on Bus Roe 67 task | tothe city park, the supermarket, and the hospital. Itis the | (baba her rv to hase paces. | Ife proposals poroved. my mother wil have to walk several | mites each way to buy[ 2: Drop-down | see ner | ‘doctor. i} rece enn ee a = = somo Eee nt Stabe nar | ase = a Unité | Eating us Lesson 12 Sentence Combining ecu SESWENT GED: L1G LIQ 9L24 ‘@ Learn the Skil ‘tng ean sound choppy leone oo many shor sefences. On shor related senlence can be combined to make longer more kid sertences, You can GSMMBM@AREMS in sever ways: Use Connecting words, use connecting Words and commas, combine repealed elements by using compound Subject or verbs use a semicolon, use a semicolon wth a signal word and comma, or combine sentences io chow te relasonanip of one ea wo another. @ Practice the Skill By pracicing the ski of combining sentences correct, you wilimprove your wring and west-taKng 35 they relate fo the GED* Reasoning Through Language As Test. Study the fexplanaiions and exampias below. Then answer the question that flows > Use these techniques to combine sentences. | paste. improve ban become rection Tent othe sce and ne bank, shaw ‘When practi, improve ke doesnot ha ol. ake ae ‘bough dog, bought saath Tha was exhausted. She cou e ovat some dog rot ep “te Fa aan ane ‘Athough Jake does not the meat. = ‘ow a on slesh anssome | Tae nats none ane dog food. | could not fal acleep eal 1. We went to ainner. We went to the movies. We went out for ‘coffee, Which isthe most elective raisin of he sentences? A. We went o ginner and then to other places, B. We went 0 dinner and we went Io the movies and we went out for coffee My gint'end and | went out . We went o dinner, te the movies, and out for cote, LLosson 12 | Sentence Combining © Apply the shi 4 _SE DIRECTIONS: Road the passage. From tho drop-down st, choose the answer that best completes the sentence. NOTICE FOR EMERGENCY AWARENESS: Having a plan for what too in an emergency is important to censure the safety of your family. An emergency may include a '@ hurricane. Every family should he @fanily safely plow that oullnes what todo in ifrent types of emergencies ‘To croato a family safety plan follow these tips: «Raub an eco ue or sch fu ome, Cremona cte emiyruasurowtow' gate thotume wit mano ee ear eer [--2ip-tom 2 Jere sv ort, «Sennett octane fy ranber become Seal mn a os the ote shoul be ous yur reltberod You ght patho steno om sah rotoe shai eon vance + Choose a person outside the city to contact inthe event of ‘an emergency. Be sure tht every family member has the {wlephone number and e-mail address ofthis person. + Collect the phone numbers and addresses ofthe places _atwhich each family member spends the most ime, such ‘28 workplace or school. Eventually you wil share this ltoraton witha amy | 2 Brep-doun 3] ‘sale place. ‘+ Propare an emergency cara foreach family member to ‘arty with hr or her. The card should have information ‘about e dca conditions, Unita | Eating 4s nn Few Run-on Sentence Correction @ Learn the skit When you combine sentences without using the correct punctuation or sonnesting word the result may be a UNLOMONKNED. Run-on sentences are usually either comma splices oF fused sertences. A comma splice occurs wnen only a comma conngcls two sentences. A fused sentence occurs when no conjunction (oF proper punctuation is used to connect two sentences. Bepending onthe type of error, you can correct run-on Sentences by againg @ comma and comecting wots, adding a semicolon o creating separate sentences, © Practice the skill By pracizing the skil of correcting run-on aentoncee, you wil prove Your wing and testking ‘abilies, essecal as they relate fo the GED® Reaconing Through Language Arts Test. Study the ‘explanations and examples below. Then answer the question that olows, > This table wll help you identity and correct run-on sentences. Wing The rst angen fred Strrccing owner | eortam maton | Bate sbeha aren Sy Fok Tw tanopayed | i Lakers DY Mao donsnot sarge tom anata ve. Shear ew cr Sshoyeooung nove, | stm, bu ho sends emce aera | ata { > Sentence engi does not incleate whether oF WU rn ess. Even 2 short senlonce ean be a ru-on. _Weong | ate dinner, he read book. Fight ate dinner; ne ead a book. 1. Everyone had a great time at the show we're going to see the ‘band play again next month. Which cocrection should be made to the sentence? ‘A. Replace we're wih ad B, Insert comma after show. Insert. and afte show .Insort but after shaw, Lesson 13 | Run-on Santanea Cometion © Apply the skit! y Ec DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. From the drop-down Ist, choose the answor that best competes the sentence. EMPLOYEE MANUAL, WORK-RELATED INJURIES. MINOR INJURIES Tat nar ijuries to the department manager and the Human Resources Department. Drop-Down Answer Options + The Human Resources Departments responsible for the following actions: reporting the claim to the insurance, ‘company, refering the employee to an appropriate heath- ‘care provider, and working with a department manager to ‘secur any needed recovery time. + Employees must receive permission from their health-care provide before thay return to work. A that point they can ‘resume work-related or other ‘must restrict activity so that does nat endanger their recovery, oth MAJOR INJURIES + Without delay, pace cals o 911 andthe Security Department + The Secunty Department wil contact the _approptate employees inthe Human Resources Provide a copy ofthe injury ‘report, + Sook immediate medical treatment atthe nearest ‘emergency fact + As soon possibie, contact the Human Resources Department ta complete an incident wil provide further counsel, Unité | Ealing ur ee @ Learn the ski vce, ly, an sve more deta about another word or wad group, Adjectives and adverbs are examples of modifiers. An adjective is a word that modifies a noun (a large dog). An advert is vere nat meine a verte wake quay), en edctne gue buy o anaher ver (re nels very quickly). A prepositional phrase is another type of modifier. A prepositional phrase can modify a noun, {eos oroup of wore the oy with brown har “ iSPIRERAIMIINHrsloutsroader by desurbing th wrong tom in a sntence. A SGI (RBUIFIET describes a subject that is missing from a sentence or is in the wrong position. A modifier belongs SScone co poco tothe wot modes ‘@ Practice the Skill 8y practicing the ski of using modifiers correctly, you wil improve your wring nd test-taking abies, ‘especialy 28 wy relate tothe GED* Reasoning Through Language Ars Test, Study the explanetions and ‘examples below Then answer the question that folows, > This information will help you learn more about modifiers ty mane eo ec evn sarasrew og ies [Sofouerivaiemepcs and dd! wor purchases ‘Se now tomato} {ho proce he was, og? “Sinaeaty aon coesicect |e Hee stesarow plea [seen erent a am ‘Mag ne ace iin ido Aig wna eas ies 0 nz wma casi tr— yyay Bore ening Tess, Fide tay sign ge ents Sa emo ons Pr tT com gv sn “1. Although nearly over, we left the game early because the Colts ‘were lasing. Which is the ost affect | ‘A. Atthough we were nearly ver, we lef eary because the Cots | ‘wore losing the game. BB. Although nesriy over the game, we left early because the Colts | were losing. . Although the Colts were Ising, we were nearly over and left the | ‘game early. . Although the game was nearty over, we left early because the Colts were losing | Lesson 14 | Mosifors © Apply the Skit Re scisiciinprorconn 4 DIRECTIONS: Road the passage. From the drop-down lit, choose the answer that best completes the sentence HOW TO MAKE LASAGNA Lasagna 9 pour pasta dh hats relly 085712 ‘nae athe, even ornexperncedcoks nfo isthe Pareto make when serving a crowd becase you can prepare lagna in aver, end jst about everyone ves Tepe sft hry er sens = Tater varatons For exam, ‘vcan ry ou dferetinrederso mote ether meat or vevetin anagne, Tomskebesaregn, you wit ee about ne pound citesogra roots tor 8°" pon Basilasaga aso include tive choses ct, mozzarala, aa Parmesan Forte na RGpoW'S ane ro est However you are etry adverovs suetue aed opin spinach, or te eptals forte met Now yo rent cok. [RIBERA ty tra bari elena A good tesa ai porto Sar cooking he oat sauce, mea and vepettes whe he reodes bo. You shold have Your cheeses ody seth you can proceed qucky when te meds and ing se remy. To prepare the larogn for ating, [IRSA aT] it to panne ftleving mane: nodes, see and inte ethe thee choses. Now he sap a rhe ven Place te pan in te ov, and bak 90 degrees or tsout mints, Yu itn ot hasan one whan you see b.0ng and owned Drop-Down Answer Options rity Units | Eating 19 SSSSSSSSS—S—_ LESSON 15 Advanced Pronoun Use @ Learn the Skit ‘As you learned in Lesson 2, UbJSBHBFGROURE (you, he, sho i, wo, thoy) perform an action or ara scribed. OBISGEBFOROUNE receive actions. For example, nthe sentence He saw if be performs the ‘action and itrecaives the action. Object pronouns me, you hi, hay, thom, us, and M usualy flow verbs or ‘words such a8 above, at, befor, between, from, near, of, and 10. Be carl when pronouns are compound, Each pronoun ina compound shouldbe in the corect case, “The pronoun wh indicates an unknown person or persons or introduces a part of a sentence that gives ‘more information about a person or individuals. Who changes to whom when itis an object. Remember. foo, that he pronouns this, thal, and which must have antecedents @ Practice the Skill ®8y practicing the ski of using pronouns correct, you wil improve your writing and test-taking abies, especialy as thoy relate to the GED” Reasoning Through Language Arts Test, Road the examples and explanations below. Then answer the question that follows. © Yate won, Tiremever wipro. |*P* setae wen er | vom ie Sona wing? tu ‘ec ad ee For __| soe i veng rat! | emenstonsnioe su | resiteapenane nceaosopen coe ‘Todos wh sot my anes recs ‘este non , —— em ‘Wess wide oo Te pans eye 5 For example, Choose chooses. ‘he soton of Ess ng, ‘wove wo Kay and net anata rat | spate bic he ince row wi 0 ood or a oa = ‘orTiwprowowneno | Lala tay and me a em | Mei part fe abc lat. retGrteeMn| | Ye hee conor, Thie stusten ea tte no recon Unig ie ena gus ne onan atcadent Aun Trews yonow | acon Weaacncnied Casa re nere cae wen fav awe | eons nova or erin | Ecce ie aur roa fl Hcomechimse geome! | Heard mia te sane porn. Ue pare ema | | rr {erat who he ecto obec ho ne TEST-TAKING TIPS 1, wonder whom is calling me again? Which correction shouldbe etree ‘made tothe sentence? if the pms A. change whom owoomees 8. Grange uo to wha ate areteclien Change wnom har eee ©: erarge when 6 Hae Ge eh er orstenio ae Shon try ctv aac owe 460 Lesson 18 | Advanced Pronogn Use © Apeiy the sui Pesesresien ononvowN [DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. From the drop-down list, choose ‘he answer that best completes the sentence. Dear Mr. Fak ‘1am weting to apply forthe Sovs-Chef postion at Taste, as ‘advertised in Chicago Restaurants Wok. | believe my training _and experience qualify me forthe postion. ‘My culinary terest began nigh schoo, where I took cursos Inthe skits wl revlnren argent a Ue i ‘un restaurant. Upon graduates [2 Drop-down 7] received a certiical of excellence forthe igh grades and commitment we demonstrated froushout the canary program. ‘After highschool, attended the Fried Culinary {nstitute, where {completed the Culinary Arts program. served a8 an intr fr tree mnths ina local restaurant (Dib isg HAT cave me experience in assisting the oil chet and various ine coks. From my entire graduating lass, the faculty selected fue for showing superior kitchen skis and knowledge. We received ‘ixemonth fellowships at upscals area restaurans. | served as @ line cook at Restaurant La Frarce. Tr ‘After my fellowship, | thought to broaden my experionce with ‘other cuisines, | worked for six months as the pantry chet at 2 ‘Vietnamese and French fusion estaurant. Then | was promoted to gil chet, poston I currenty hold. | would lve to take on more responsibilty ina kitchen, and “Taste iso restaurant whose innovative approach Ihave long admired. | believe my skils, entusiasm, and relabilty would ‘boa great match for your teachers and supervisors provide references upon request. “Thank you for your consideratien Emily Carston Unit | Editing 181 ee ———————— “16 Peery en ci ices @ Learn the skitt ‘As you learned in Lesson 7. SUBISEEVSRSNGRSEIAM Is usualy cloar when a verb immediately follows she subjoct. However, verbs do not always falow subjects. Mismatched subjects and verbs offen occur in ‘sentences with compound subjects, eubjects thal sound plural euch a8 everyone), subjects that include Indefinite pronauns that can be singular or ural (ike al), sentences beginning with there iso there are or ‘with othr constructions in which the verb does not flow the subject, compound subjacts separated by nor, and subjects that include prepositional phrases between the subject and verb. 1@ Practice the Skil ty practicing the ski of using advanced subjctverb agreement correc, you wilimprove your wring ‘and lest-aking ables, especially as they rlate to the GED* Reasoning Through Language At Test FRoed the explanations and examploe below. Then anewer the question that flows, ‘Acomoound abject eons wih anftake 8 pis! ‘ern mpseas oow fr apt heats cpa De ‘The moma oil raring do int ik inca e weno ental nar wating dow eset ‘ne sempourdsojecte avs ned nr vert | Nea nan gan esa 7 wae i eo jetta ose | Sri ‘Arie orto coe ween pet ander.Jebetr ion ae a #mowrg e ‘Sieatnahes onde wep ~— “ ‘Nee oreonional vas comes eter ate 24 | th sya eit ae sn ae Esch, on of eer ne sng var Canela nce erie ea Zz ‘Arunbor os lr vr: he number aes 9 singular | Amber of people ie he st werk 5 i ‘Tyananbe pais ne os dae Teenage be ante inethre are | rizan misorg wonbe en, Conanclons sre mus agfawih eck Cotecve none ey nd ny ake sau et od | Tac tests vere. 11 antis pocket was a pencil, api ‘Which correction should be made tothe sentence? ‘A. Change pocket to gockals. B. Change was to wero . Change was oi. D. Change a phone to two phones Lesson 16 | Advanced Subject Verb Agreement © Avply the Skill EE [DIRECTIONS: Read the passage. From the drop-down list, choose ‘the answer that best completes the sentence. ‘Waters Architectural Group 12h Avenue, Sut 420, Now York. NY 10612 “ToWhom it May Concer: Ihiswih grat pleasure tha | wnte this leter of recommendation fr ‘Ricardo Sanches. Mr Sanchez interned for Wales Archteckral Drop-Down Answer Options Greup forthe last two summers. He was an integral part of mC ‘ourteam. Neither his flow ifems nor his direct supervisor abet hin, ‘Me Sanchez’ work ec, is wiingness to putin ong hours when ‘necassay, and his can-do atte bimsuch a special employee. When a project was due ona ight deine, he ited into ensure that lhe work wes done on {ie and done wel, Whether a simple ask or high-level design _sigment with complex specications was given thi, he was. ‘always enthusiastic and conscletious and complete the ob, He was happy to lp oul and make copes or coflee when needed, and he was also able lo make significant contbutons to our sign work ‘Me Sanchez a qucktearer who needs very fle ‘suporvsion. Our now sito of dating softwar prams ro match for Mc. Sanchea’s {echnical skill Ho mastored the software in only a faw wooks, AL ‘ourfi, we encourage al employees to enhance ther technical ‘ls, but only afew have shown the itorest and aptitude spayed by Me Sanches. | stongly commend Ne Sanches well 3s my coleaques hom [T2sropedonn aT ]eonidentnat he wilboa finan your frm. Shrew, {ise Watars-Gupta, Snice Parner Unit | Editing 13 Parallelism © Loam the Seat \Whon 9 contonce reflects BARRA. 20 called paral sinictre, it uses the same pattern. oF ‘grammatical structure, to show that wo or more ideas have equal importance, Often, parallelism entends Beyond a single santerce, You can create a pattern by using the same word forms or sentence structures to ‘emphasize that ideas ae connected Wiiers deliberately use repetition when employing parallel stucture, The repetition of certain words ‘reales a pattern that sraws attention to important points, Parallel structure is a way to make wating clearer ‘a avoid wordiness c awkwardness Q Practice the Skill By practicing the ski of recognizing and wat parle, you wll improve your wring and tect. taking abies, especialy ax they relao tothe GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts Test. Study the ‘explanations and examples below. Then answer the question that flows > This information wil helo you understand parallstsm. Notice tht sitategic repetition creates emphasis Taeswmd eee penta tng on aaa © Meme nt sae Saveetonete min ieee Saverecume |: seers Unger | Unga ‘Usually, you eiminate SoC peeOeenan a To.err ig human, To forgive is dine. | Cera ae Set eae 3 Scone) wpm SST ees Wr loves you ystrey, today ov you, ssn wil Sconneerie tomoerow a0 wo 3 oy a ono. ‘ston eps ona bss Fgh loved you yeserda, ove you lata, sd willove you ‘ore a ve you td, Hv ay. an oe 4. Garage bands often write their own songs anc performing ‘them as well. Which is the most efoctive revision ofthe sentence? TESTAKING TIPS tne wri, mt ‘A. Garage bands olen writ and perfor their own songs ro is 8, Garage bands often wnt thei ovn songs, as well as often precise berorming tem en incg pec <. Gerage bands olin write theicown songs, a8 wel 9s perforin Seta, ed ep. Be tem. “ “em Gwe to present och ©. Often writing their own songs, garage bands perform ther own Poe ee 158 Lesson 17 | Parallelism ‘© Apply the Skill . DIRECTIONS: Read the passage, read the ‘questions, and choose the best answer. ‘TIPS FOR SAVING ENERGY “The trouble with asking people to save energy {s hat the task sounds daunting. Sure, mest _eople would ike saving energy and to have more ‘money in ther pockets. However, they're busy ‘working a wel as families. What people need to {et the bal rling ae afew simpla tips that hey ‘can use immodataly * Take a wak through your home right now. Tum off appliances and electrical gadgets that no fone is using, Be su thal you are tuning off Tights, computer equipment, tun off television sels, DVO players, and other items. Guess wnat? You just saved energy! To make this task simpler the next time you do it, add power spe to your ome so that you can tum of ‘multiple machines with single sviteh Wile youre taking an energy tour of your home, adjust he thermostat. You don't need to be uncomfortable, but choose a temperature that s moderate, Also, don forge to turn ‘down the thermostat on the water heater to ‘bout 120 degrees. You don't need to spend ‘money heating water tha’ foo hot for anyone ‘Showering can also be more effcient than taking abath. Showering uses less watar, Parbculary i you have 2 low-flow showerhead, Run your dishwasher only when ii fly loaded with dshes. I you have a small load of fishes, washing ther by hand is more ecient than to wash them inthe dishwasher When ‘you de run the dahwasher, use the ai dry {yo instead ofthe dishwashers drying eye Sinilary, consider air-drying clothes. A clothes ‘yor uses a great deal of energy. Hanging Clothes to dry saves energy and can reduce tunwanted heat in your nome curing summer months 2. Which s the best way to rewrite the underined portion ofthe sontance? Sure, most peopl ‘would like saving eneray and to have more ‘money in thelr pockets, |A. saving energy and have 8. saving energy and tking CC. saving energy and having 0. to save energy and Unit 4 | Eating Which i the best way to rewrite the sentence? However, they're busy working as well as families. |A. However, they busy working and fails. £8, However, they're busy with working as well as ‘busy with thet families. However, eye busy wth their work and busy fare, 1. However, theyre busy with their work and their fares, Which is the most effective revision of these senioncos? Turn off appliances and electrical ‘gadgets that no one is using. Be sure that you are turning off lights, computer equipment, turn off television sets, OVD players, and ‘other tems. [A Tum off appliances, electrical gadgets igh, computor equipmnt, television sets, OVD players, and other tems that no one ls using, 8, Turn off appliances and electrical gadgets. “Tum off ohs, tun off computer equipment. {Ucn off the television sets, turnoff the DVD players, and 0 on that no one is using CC. Turm off the appiances and the eloctrical gadgets that no one Is using. Tur off ight, Computer equipment, turning of television sets, DVD players, and other tems that no one isusing . Turn off the appliances that no one is using and the electrical gadgets, te lights, computer {equipment tum off tho oievision sets, tho DVD players, and so on ‘Which i the best way to write the underines portion ofthe sentance? If you have a small load of dishes, washing them by hand Is more ‘fficient than to wash them In the dishwash ‘A. to wash them by hand is @ more efficient way than the way 8, washing the dishes by hand s mo than to wash the dishes €. washing them by hand is more efficent than washing them D. washing th dishes by hand is more efficent than to wash the dishes scent 155 TT @ Learn the Skill ‘A good witer uses HaRMIR. or words and phrases that show connections between ideas. to create ‘a coherent work. Trasiions connect idees wihin paragraphs and also lead readers logically from one paragraph or eoationto the next ‘@ Practice the Skill By practicing the skil of using transitions, you wilimprove your writing and tes-aking abies, especialy 26 tay relat fo the GED* Reasoning Through Language Arts Test. Study the explanetions and cxamples below Then answer the question tha lows > These words and phrases often signal a transition ter | ntsaqsety| tense | tetera | snow |e vet fewier [aoa |_| Team [yn | wate moe | eunly | homer [et Study the sentences below for examples of hw o use transtons. First, | bought groceries. Then, | dé laundry and washed the car uNIT4 {called several times and got no answer. Finally, | wasabe to reach him. plano. Which revision should be ma {he Second sentence? to the underined portion of ‘A. Sintaty, hr twin sister Bln contrast, her twin sister . Therefore, her twin sister D. Later, her win sister Lesson 18 | Tanstions © Apply the sku | [Sic DIRECTIONS: Ras the passage. From the drop-down Ist, choose ‘the answer that best completes the sentence. DRESS FOR SUCCESS When you are gong on a job interview, your appearance ‘Matters. The saying is true: "You naver get a second chance to ‘make a fist impression The next ime you are unsure about wnat to weer, consider these tps: Drop-Down Answer Options + et dot hat oe ga an cata Yu Sane aes [72 ber-ewn Jw Be veeng sats hn errr ee es ieee eae ceatocmoeae See eee aoe = ‘Yur har ard fingernails shouldbe clan and neat. Choose 2 simple hasty that is tring o your face. Clean, wel- «roomed hands suggest tention to deta. Women should choose something simple and subtle that does not attract negative attention, [Ta Bropedownz TT) they ‘should avoid bright or unusual nai polish colors then you croose accessories, understatement isthe Key. ‘Do not wear too much jewelry. cologne, or perfume. Too ‘much jewelry can look gaudy 2: Dropdown cologne or gerfume may cause discomfort to those around you. De not shew gum or suck on mints, but make sure thet your mouth clean and your breath fresh. A winning smile Wal atract hers to yo, [Athough you want to be yourself and dress ina way that suis ‘your personalityand style, remember that your goals to be ‘noticed for your skils and ables. Your appearance should ‘make a lc [Be Dr@p=BORN TTT] should nt dtact the interviewer. Unit 4 | Eating 17 @ Learn tho sui A paragraph features 0 A topic sentence may be implied or ‘stated. When state, itisoftn the frst or second sentence. Other sentences provide detals that support ‘he topic sentence. A paragraoh shouldbe organized so that the deals fotow or lead to the topic sentence ina logical and orderly fashion. © Practice the Skill By practcing he ski of organizing paragrephs, you willimprove your writing and test-taking ables, especialy as Iey flat to the GED" Reasoning Through Language rs Test. Study the abl, and ead ‘he paragraph below. Then answer the question tha flows. > Use tis information to help you organize a paragraph. > (Archeological evidence suggests that tattoos have existed since Drehistoric Imes. 2) Cultures throughout history have used tatoos ‘and other types of body markings fora varity of purposes. (3) Body markings were used to inaiate religious belts orto show ‘at a persen belonged to a particular group or tribe. 4) Overtime, {ation art developed among several ciferent cultures. (6) Sailors roturing trom other areas ofthe worl eventual brought tations {0 Europe.) For example the use of color in tattoo design rst ‘appeared Japan, UNIT 4 “1. Which the best place for sentence 6? For exanple, the use of ‘color in tattoo design first appeared in Japan. ‘A. Move sentence 6 o follow sentence 1 1B Move sentence 6 0 follow sentence 4 . Remove sentence 6, 'D. Move sentence 6 to follow sentence 3. Leteon 48 | Paragraph Organization © Apply the Skill DIRECTIONS: Read the passage, read the ‘questions, and choose the best answer, ‘TELEPHONE USE A (1) We often took to e-mail as bein the sist and fastest way to cornmunicat with others. 2) Butisit the best way? (3) For people in the business world, one ofthe mast important skis isthe abilty to communicate effectively with associates and clients. (2) While personal computers enable people to respond quicky and efficient through e-mail the telephone is Stila businessperson's most effective marking tool (6) A person's voice offers expression that ‘an e-mail cannot convey. (6) There's nothing thal compares tothe personal connection ‘that associates and clon got when they hear someone's voice atthe other end ofthe telephone 8 (7) The telephone allows family members to communicate infomation with each othe, ‘such as what time one wil arive at home, {@ it enabios relatives to shave stories, ask ‘quostons, or voice concerns when they are I Tot physically together (8) Telephones also ‘enhance communication among family members. | (10) However, cell phone use by hilren should | be closely monitored. (11) Cellphones ae ‘common, even for children. (12) Today's parents feel secure knowing thatthe children can ccontaet them from any location. c (13) Final, telephones enable instant access to emergency services. (14) n these ways, telephones make poople safer by gving them nmedhate acest help (15) Emergency Service providers, such as police offeers, freighters, and doctor, areal just a tleptone ‘number away, (16) Distressed calles can each these providers directly or contact ther trcugh the 911 system. (17) With new cell phone technology, some ofthese services can be reached By the simple touch ofa button ‘units | tang, Which i the best place for sentence 6? A person's voice offers expression that an) ‘mall cannot convey. |A. Move sentence § to follow sentence 1 8, Move sentence § to folow sentence 6 CC. Move sentence to folow sentence 2. 1. Move sentence Sto folow sentence 3 Which is the best pace for sentence 9? Telophones also enhance communication among family members. |. Move sentence 9to the beginning of paragraph 8 B, Move sentence 9 to follow sentence 11 C. Move sentence 90 folow sentanca 7. . Move sentence 910 folow sentence 12, Which isthe best place for sentonce 107 However, cell phone use by children should be closely monitored. ‘A. Move sentence 10 to follow sentence 11 B. Move sentence 10 follow sentence 12, C. Remove sentence 10 . Move sentence 10 to follow sentence 7 Which i the best place for sentence 147 In these ‘ways, telephones make people safer by giving aT [A Move sentence 14 tothe beghning of paragraph C 8, Remove sentence 14 CC. Move sentence 14 to follow sentence 16 1 Move sentance 14 follow sentence 17 159 Lesson 20 Other Punctuation @ Learn the Skill | makes wren text easier fo read, You areeay nave learned about ene marks snd commas, bt there are other types of punctuation important to reading and wring text. These marks include Inyphens, pareniewe,quuation inaths, clan, and semiesions. @ Practice the Skill By practicing the stil of using punctuation cerocty, you wil ‘especialy a they relate to the GED® Reasoning Through Lang ‘Gxamples below. Then anewer the quesbon that folows. rove your wriing and test-taking abaties, || ’Arte Test, Study the explanations and” | | > These guidlines wil help you understand diferent ypes of | punctuation. pan () eae |reeeeuereem ‘ees frie! 1. Janet and Manny were present at ie meeting Logan ana [Allison were out of town and could not attend. Which correction ‘should be made tothe sentence? |. Insert colon after Manny. B. Insert a semicolon after meeting. C. Insert parentheses around Logan and Alison, D. Insert a hyphen between soul ai us Lesson 20 | orner Punctuation PS DIRECTIONS: Road the passage. From the drop-down list, choose the answer that best completes the sentence Dear Me. Harvey: [ALEastr Airway, wo pride ourselves on being & ([T2ibropedaw |W tae te fecback of ur passengers very serous, and we make every eon 10 | improve ou service scoring fo ha feedback we reco, Our | Customer Satsfecton Deparment has received your lator (12) Acamera with fot of memory can hold more pictures at one time (13) Once the memory cardi al, transferring or he deletion Of pictures is necessary before you can take ‘more. (14) Note, however, that you can buy and ‘add memory cards to most cameras fo increase capaci. 10. Which word or phrase would be most effective ifinserted at the beginning of sentence &? We have compiled the following information to bring the task of purchasing a digital eamera into focus. ‘ A. Finally, b B. Simiary, ©. Theretore, 1 On the athar hand, Wich i the best place for sentence 8? Two megapixels are enough if you are ‘exchanging electronicaly |. Move seatenea 8 othe beginning of paragraph B. 8, Move sentence 8 to follow sentence 6. (. Combine sentence 8 with sentence 7 to climate wordiness. Remove sentance 8 When i the best place for sentence 10? Hf you ike to take close shots, you will want to got a ‘camera with an optical zoom. [A Move sentence 1010 the begining of paragraph C 8, Mave sentence 100 folow sentance 11 Remove sentence 10 1. Move sentance 1010 follow sentence 8 Which is the most effective revision of ‘sentonce 137 Ones the memory card i full, transferring ort ion of pictures is necessary before you ean take more. 'A. Once the memory ca is fl transferor the eleting of picture is necessary before you can take more pictures. 18 Once the memory cat is fu, you must lranster or deleting pictures betore you can take more {Once the memory cars full, itis necessary that you anster or necessary that you ela the pictures betore you can lake moce pictures. 1D. Once the memory cars ful, you must ‘wans(er oF delete pictures before you can {ake more

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