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International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 15(X) (2017) 1-12 ISSN:1598-6446 eISSN:2005-4092

http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12555-015-0289-3 http://www.springer.com/12555

Trajectory Tracking Control of Multirotors from Modelling to Experi-

ments: A Survey
Hyeonbeom Lee and H. Jin Kim*

Abstract: Multirotors have received a great attention from researchers and the general public, as a platform on
which various ideas can be easily demonstrated. This paper aims to provide background materials by categorizing
various representations of multirotor dynamics and existing control approaches for multirotor control. First, many
ways of expressing the translation and the attitude dynamics of a quadrotor UAV are described. Second, linear and
nonlinear control laws are reviewed considerably. Finally, we show various types of flight test-beds configured for
validating the controller. In experiments, the performance of linear and nonlinear controller are described.

Keywords: Autonomous control, multirotor, quadrotor, review, trajectory tracking.


Multirotor research has been accelerated during the last

decade, although the first quadrotor concept, the Breguet-
Richet quadrotor helicopter Gyroplane No.1, was built
in 1907 [1]. Affordability and simple hardware struc-
ture combined with inexpensive, simple interaction sen-
sors and processors have promoted the rapidly growing
interests in multirotors as an easy-to-work-with platform
on which various ideas can be easily implemented. Many
researchers demonstrated various applications of multiro-
tors, such as surveillance, aerial photograph, grasping and
moving an object and acrobatic maneuvers for entertain-
ing, etc., as shown in Fig. 1 and Table. 1. Still, discussion Fig. 1. Various application of multirotors (clockwise) :
of the existing controllers will facilitate the utilization of aerial manipulation [15], entertainment [16], mil-
the full capability of multirotors in wider range of appli- itary purpose [17] and autonomous exploration
cations. [18].
Although multirotor is a nonlinear and under-actuated
system with highly coupled states, basic linear controllers ficiently, nonlinear controllers are proposed using feed-
such as a PID or LQR have been successful for au- back linearization, backstepping, geometric control tech-
tonomous multirotor flight to some degree. Due to their niques, etc. Feedback linearization approaches such as
simplicity in design and implementation, they have been input-output linearization and state-space linearization
widely used in many cases [2–8]. To improve robust- [19] were proposed for multirotors in [20, 21]. Backstep-
ness against disturbances or modeling error, linear robust ping control, which stabilizes dynamics naturally rather
controllers including H2 or H∞ were proposed in [9–14]. than cancelling the nonlinear dynamics as in feedback lin-
However, they were still derived based on linearized dy- earization [22], was applied to a multirotor in [23–27] us-
namics around some operation points. Their demonstra- ing sliding mode techniques and Lyapunov stability the-
tions were mostly limited to non-agile movements. ory. A dynamic inversion control law with feedback lin-
As control techniques to handle nonlinearity more ef- earization and backstepping control was addressed in [28]

Manuscript received July 27, 2015; revised December 13, 2015; accepted January 13, 2016. Recommended by Associate Editor DaeEun
Kim under the direction of Editor Euntai Kim. This work was supported by the Technology Innovation Program (10051673) funded by
the Ministry of Trade, industry and Energy(MI, Korea) and the program of Development of Space Core Technology through the National
Research Foundation of Korea funded by the Ministry of Science, ICT and Future Planning (NRF-2015M1A3A3A05027630).

Hyeonbeom Lee and H. Jin Kim are with the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Seoul National University, 1 Gwanack-ro,
Gwanack-gu, Seoul, Korea (e-mails: {koreaner33, hjinkim}@snu.ac.kr).
* Corresponding author.

c KIEE and Springer 2016
2 Hyeonbeom Lee and H. Jin Kim

resulting in the controller that only requires the second Table 1. Application of a multirotor and controller type
derivative of the desired output and first derivative of they used
theerror. A geometric tracking controller was derived
based on the special Euclidean group SE(3) to avoid sin- Application Controller Literature
gularities and complexity which can happen in other con- PID [45]
trol laws [29–35]. Using the concept of a geometric con- Moving an object Geometric control [35]
troller for the multirotor, [36] proposed a backstepping Adaptive control [46, 47]
controller based on SE(3) for stable trajectory tracking PID [48]
and showed satisfactory experimental results. Backstepping [49, 50]
Besides linear and nonlinear control laws, learning with sliding mode
strategies for the multirotor are proposed in [27, 37–39]. PID [2, 51]
An online learning algorithm was implemented for acro- PD [38, 39, 52]
batic motions such as flip, perching as shown in [38, 39]. PID [53, 54]
In [27,37], they used the approximation ability of the neu- Surveillance LQR [6]
ral networks as same with [40] for learning the dynamics
Geometric control [30, 31, 55]
of the multirotor in combination with PD or backstepping
Searching PID [56, 57]
control. However, in the end, the baseline controllers are
and Mapping Inversion [58–60]
almost the same as PD, LQR or backstepping control.
In order to review these variety of control laws for mul-
tirotor, research summaries were given in [41–44]. In 2. MODELLING OF MULTIROTORS
[41–43], they provided an introduction to modeling, es-
timation and control of unmanned rotorcraft systems in- In this section, we present the equations of motion for
cluding a multirotor. Feedback control design for a family a multirotor. As shown in Fig. 2, the equations of motion
of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL) capabilities such with mass m and inertia tensor J are written as
as multirotors, ducted-fan and tail-sitters were described mẍ = −mge3 + f Re3 , (1)
in [44]. However, those papers did not provide a variety
of representations for the multirotor dynamics and prac- Ṙ = RΩ̂,
tical issues that arise in the trajectory tracking problem J Ω̇ = −Ω × JΩ + τ , (2)
including flight test-beds.
where f and τ = [τx , τy , τz ]T are applied force and torque
In this study, we describe several control laws for the
input, x=[x, y, z]T is the multirotor position in the inertial
trajectory tracking problem of a multirotor. Unlike afore-
frame, Ω=[pB , qB , rB ]T is the angular velocity in the body
mentioned research papers, we focus on discussing the
frame, g is gravitational force, e3 = [0; 0; 1]T and R is the
principle of many control techniques for the multirotor.
coordinate transformation matrix from the body frame to
The contribution of this paper can be summarized as fol-
the inertial frame. ∧ : R3 → so(3) is the hat map which
lows: First, we describe various representations of the
transforms a vector in R3 to a 3 × 3 skew-symmetric ma-
multirotor dynamics. Second, from the trajectory tracking
trix. In general, we will use bold letters (e.g., x) to indicate
point of view, the problem of computing desired roll and
vector quantities.
pitch angles is considered, which are virtual signals de-
The i-th rotor of the multirotor has angular velocity ωi
rived to achieve the desired position. Then, we review the
and produces force Fi :
control laws in two parts: 1) linear controllers, and 2) non-
linear controllers. PID, LQR and H∞ control laws are dealt Fi = k f ωi2 , (3)
with in the linear control section. Feedback linearization, where i = 1, ..., 4 denotes the number of rotors and k f is
backstepping, geometric control, dynamic inversion and thrust coefficient. The roll, pitch and yaw angles are ad-
backstepping on SE(3) are shown in the nonlinear con- justed by increasing or decreasing the angular velocity of
trol section. In addition, we present various types of flight motors. The motor control command aed on the configu-
test-beds to validate the controller. Through the discus- ration of the multirotor as shown in Fig. 2 can be obtained
sions on the dynamics, control and experimental test-beds, as
this paper aims to promote understanding on the process     
of multirotor control design and experiments. f 1 1 1 1 F1
 τx   0 d 0 −d   
This paper is structured as follows: in Section 2, we  =   F2  , (4)
 τy   −d 0 d 0   F3 
describe a variety of multirotor dynamic models. Linear
and nonlinear controllers are explained in Section 3 and
τz cm −cm cm −cm F4
Section 4, respectively. Section 5 describes hardware ex- where d is the arm length, i.e. the distance from the axis
periments, including flight test-beds. Concluding remarks of rotation of the rotors to the center of the quadrotor, and
are in Section 6. cm is km /k f and km is drag coefficient.
Trajectory Tracking Control of Multirotors from Modelling to Experiments: A Survey 3

F4 F3 We define the rotational inertia tensor Jη as

zb Jη = Tη T JTη , (9)

where Tη is the jacobian matrix to convert Ω to η̇ . The

zI yb
F1 F2
rotational kinetic energy is expressed as
1 1
ERot = ΩT JΩ = η̇ T Jη η̇ , (10)
2 2
Fig. 2. Common configuration of a quadrotor (The rotor 1
where η =[ϕ , θ , ψ ]T . The Lagrange rotational equations
and 3 rotate clockwise and the rotors 2 and 4 rotate
in terms of η can be written as
counter clockwise).
d 1 δ T
Jη η̈ + {Jη }η̇ − ( η̇ Jη η̇ ) = τ , (11)
dt 2 δη
The aerodynamic effects for a multirotor (discussed in
[4,5,61]), including blade flapping, inertia of rotor or drag or simply represented as
force, etc., are neglected for retaining our focus on the
Jη η̈ +C(η , η̇ )η̇ = τ . (12)
derivation of control techniques.
The reader can find more detail on Jη and C(η , η̇ ) in [10].
2.1. Translational dynamics
If the multirotor is near hover, or roll(ϕ ) and pitch (θ )
The translational dynamics of the multirotor are shown are small, we can represent the multirotor dynamics sim-
in (1) and also can be represented as pler. These simplified version of dynamics can help derive
f f f a controller more easily. The simplified dynamics are rep-
ẍ = ux , ÿ = uy , z̈ = (cθ cϕ ) − g, (5) resented as
m m m
τϕ τθ τψ
where ux = (cψ sθ cϕ +sψ sϕ ), uy = (sψ sθ cϕ -cψ sϕ ), s∗ is ϕ̈ ≈ Iyzx ψ̇ ϕ̇ + , θ̈ ≈ Izxy ϕ̇ ψ̇ + , ψ̈ ≈ Ixyz ϕ̇ θ̇ + ,
sin(∗) and c∗ is cos(∗). Ixx Iyy Izz
If yaw (ψ ) are small enough, i.e., |ψ | ≪ 1, we can sim- (13)
plify the translational dynamics using small angle approx-
where Ixyz = (Ixx − Iyy )/(Izz ).
imation as,
If the Euler angular rates are small, further simplified
f f f equations are
ẍ = sθ cϕ , ÿ = − sϕ , z̈ = cθ cϕ − g. (6)
m m m τϕ τθ τψ
If roll (ϕ ) and pitch (θ ) are also small, we can obtain ϕ̈ ≈ , θ̈ ≈ , ψ̈ ≈ . (14)
Ixx Iyy Izz
the linearized form, ẋ = Ax + Bu, (6) as
ẍ = gθ , ÿ = −gϕ , z̈ = δ f, (7)
In this section, we address how to design the controller
where δ f = f -mg [7]. for the multirotors. The controller can be divided into two
categories based on the modelling method: linear and non-
2.2. Attitude dynamics linear controllers. The common trajectory control struc-
The attitude dynamics shown in (2) have the states con- ture is shown in Fig. 3. Using the force input f and torque
sisting of the Euler angle in the inertial frame and the body input M, the desired motor speeds are calculated based on
angular velocity in the body frame. Equation (2) can be motor matrix for the multirotor.
replaced with dynamics which have all the states in the We present the first approach, linear controllers for the
inertial frame. This dynamics model can be obtained by multirotor such as PID, PID for aggressive maneuvers,
the Lagrangian method and has been shown in [10,27,62]. LQR and robust control. These types of controllers are
The detailed proof is in [63]. known as intuitive and easy to implement.
Recalling that the Lagrangian is the difference between
kinetic energy and potential energy i.e. L = T − V , the 3.1. Classic PID control
equation of motion is expressed as A PID controller is one of the most well-known con-
d δL δL trol laws and it is still widely used for many multirotor
Γi = ( )− , (8) projects. Linearized multirotor dynamics and PID con-
dt δ q̇i δ qi
trollers appeared in [3–5]. Complicated linearized multi-
where Γi = [ f Re3 T ; τη T ] is the generalized force and qi = rotor dynamics considering rotor flapping effects appeared
[x y z ϕ θ ψ ]T are generalized coordinates. in [5].
4 Hyeonbeom Lee and H. Jin Kim

f 1
θdes = (ẍcom cψdes + ÿcom sψdes ), (16)
xd Control g
θd Attitude M Multirotor
ψd here ẍcom and ÿcom are the acceleration command for the
x, v, ϕ, θ, ψ, Ω multi-copters in the x and y direction, respectively. De-
sired body angular rates are computed by numerical dif-
Fig. 3. Common structure of trajectory tracking control for a ferentiation of desired Euler angles. In order to improve
multirotor. the performance, the desired roll and pitch angles are mod-
ified by numerical optimization such as that shown in [2].

Designing a PID controller is based on the transfer 3.3. LQR control

function between the control signal and Euler angles. To There are several attempts to use LQR (Linear Quad-
obtain the simple transfer function, we linearize the mul- ratic Regulator) for a multirotor [6, 7], despite the limi-
tirotor dynamics. Assuming that the multirotor is near the tation that this controller offers an optimal solution only
hover states, or at small roll and pitch angles, the attitude when the multirotor is near the hover state or in some spe-
dynamics appear as in (14). cific region.
For example, the resulting attitude transfer function for Before designing the LQR controller, the state space
roll axis appears as model for the multirotors should be obtained. The sim-
plified linearized multirotor model with states as:
Φ(s) d
= 2 , (15)
Tϕ (s) s (µ s + 1)Ixx xl = [x, ẋ, y, ẏ, z, ż, ϕ , ϕ̇ , θ , θ̇ , ψ , ψ̇ ]T (17)
where µ is the thrust time delay and T∗ is the Laplace and control inputs ul = [δ f , τϕ , τθ , τψ ]T are obtained by
transform of the control input. Using (15), the control in- (7) and (14). It can be written in matrix form as
put τ∗ is computed based on proportional, derivative and
integral error signal. Control gains are chosen so that ẋl = Axl + Bul , (18)
closed-loop dynamics have negative poles.
To apply this control law to trajectory tracking, the where the matrices A ∈ R12×12 and B ∈ R12×4 are eas-
properties of an under-actuated system must be addressed. ily obtained by (7) and (14). The control gain Kl is de-
In other words, the desired roll and pitch angles should signed to minimize the user-defined cost function. There
be computed from the x − y position error. We deal with is an augmented LQR formulation which considers the in-
this problem in Section 3.2, since the approach for con- tegration of error between reference and output [8]. It
verting altitude and attitude control to trajectory control shows more robust performance than conventional LQR
is the same. Another method to compute the desired roll controller.
angle(ϕd ) and the desired pitch angle(θd ) is shown in [3] The LQR controller can be also applied to trajectory
for a way point tracking problem. tracking. If time dependent desired trajectory xdes (t) is
given, the LQR controller can be applied to minimize
3.2. PID control for aggressive maneuvers the error between the fully measured state x and refer-
A PID controller for aggressive maneuvers is different ence state xdes (t). The control input is designed based on
from aforementioned classic PID control, because it has the nominal control input to follow the desired trajectory
to be derived based on nonlinear dynamics in (2). This xdes (t).
means that the transfer function approach in (15) cannot Note that when the multirotor is in the trajectory follow-
be employed. ing mode, the stability of the closed-loop matrix A + BKl
Control for agile maneuvers of the multirotor was pro- can not be guaranteed. The stability region can be found
posed in [2, 38, 51, 64]. Aggressive maneuvers using clas- by a grid search algorithm for the condition
sic PID control techniques with analysis of blade flapping
Re(λ (A(ϕ , θ , f ) − Klqr B(ϕ , θ ))) < 0, fmin < f < fmax ,
and thrust variation appeared in [51]. Aggressive maneu-
vers based on a 2D multirotor model and optimization
techniques were in [38, 64] and trajectory generation and where λ (·) means eigenvalues and Re(·) means their real
tracking control for aggressive maneuvers appeared in [2]. parts. The stability region for trajectory tracking appears
In this control law, for trajectory tracking, desired roll as ϕ 2 + θ 2 < 48◦ (see [6]) and the generated trajectory
and pitch angle should be obtained, assuming that the mul- should also satisfy this condition to ensure stability.
tirotor is near the hover state. ϕdes and θdes can be calcu-
lated as 3.4. Robust control
1 Robust control is a technique to ensure that the perfor-
ϕdes = (ẍcom sψdes − ÿcom cψdes ), mance objective is satisfied for all possible operations in
Trajectory Tracking Control of Multirotors from Modelling to Experiments: A Survey 5

the uncertainty set [65]. When robust control is applied to 4.1. Feedback linearization control
a multirotor, usually linearization techniques are needed Feedback linearization (FL) approaches such as input-
as same with other linear control laws. One common type output linearization and state-space linearization [19]
of linearization techniques is feedback linearization which were proposed for multirotors in [20, 21]. In [20], feed-
is covered in Section 4.1 in more detail. back linearization was compared with an adaptive sliding
Using these linearizaton techniques, many researchers mode controller. A feedback linearization controller com-
proposed robust controllers for multirotors. A robust at- bined with Luenberger observer was presented in [21].
titude tracking controller is designed in [66] based on In general, these controllers involve high-order derivative
nonlinear DOB (disturbance observer) developed in [67]. terms which make the controller less reliable against sen-
The DOB-based attitude controller ensures that the trajec- sor noise.
tory of the uncertain plant stays arbitrarily close to that Although the noises and the disturbances including
of the linear nominal system. In [9], they designed a model uncertainty can cause performance degradation of
2−DOF linear H∞ controller using loop shaping for stabi- the controller because of high-order derivatives, feedback
lization, speed, throttle and yaw control based on a multi- linearization is a good method to obtain a linearized model
rotor model at the hover equilibrium point. Robust control of multirotors. A linear relationship between control in-
with a linearized model is proposed in [11–14]. In [11], put and system state can be obtained by differentiating (5)
they presented a robust feedback linearization controller and ψ equation in (14) until the control input terms ap-
and generalized H∞ controller as an outer-loop controller. pear. However, in this case, FL controller is designed in-
This control structure is designed to make the system in- volving complex computation and high-order derivatives.
ternally asymptotically stable and its output to follow a To make computation easy and reduce the occurrences of
desired trajectory in the presence of external disturbances. high-order derivatives, simplified dynamics as shown in
In [13, 14], they used multiple linearized models at op- (6) and (14) can be used [20]. Assuming that |ψ | ≪ 1, the
eration points of Euler angle rate and used LMIs (Linear dynamics can be written as
Matrix Inequalities) to design separate controllers subject
ẍ = u1 sθ cϕ , ÿ = −u1 sϕ , z̈ = u1 , cθ cϕ − g,
to stability and pole placement constraints. Feedback lin-
earization as an inner-loop controller makes linear multi- ϕ̈ = u2 d, θ̈ = u3 d, ψ̈ = u4 , (20)
rotor model around an operating point whereas robust con-
where u1 = f /m, u2 = τϕ /(Ixx d), u3 = τθ /(Iyy d) and u4 =
trol stabilizes the multirotor based on predefined operation
τψ /(Izz ).
points. An approximate feedback linearization controller
To derive the input of the position controller, (20) is dif-
using first order derivatives was presented in [12] and it
ferentiated until the input terms appear. The control input
showed satisfactory experimental results. Controller gains
terms appear in the 4-th order derivatives, x(4) , y(4) and
are synthesized giving suboptimal H2 and H∞ robust per-
z(4) . Attitude controller in roll and pitch angles can be de-
formances guarantees.
signed the same as the position controller. In addition, the
One of benefits of the robust controller with LMIs is PD controller can handle the linear relationship between
that the controller is not limited to the near hover condi- control input and yaw, which is expressed as
tion, unlike other linear controllers such as PID or LQR.
The controller with LMIs can be designed using lineariza- u4 = ψ̈d − kψ 1 (ψ̇ − ψ̇d ) − kψ (ψ − ψd ). (21)
tion technique and linear models is obtained at each op-
eration point of multirotors. In this case, an LMI method 4.2. Backstepping control with sliding mode tech-
can be used to synthesize gains with guaranteed perfor-
mance over the specified operating envelope for the mul- A backstepping controller is a one of powerful nonlin-
tirotors. The detailed procedure is in [12], to which we ear controller. It has different features from feedback lin-
direct the reader for details. In addition, robust control earization controllers. First, feedback linearization con-
with DOB can provide satisfactory tracking performance trollers need high order derivative terms while a backstep-
in noisy environments and time delay caused by actuator ping controller does not. Second is about global stability.
dynamics [66]. In windy sites such as sea coast, robust The nonlinearity of the system cannot be completely can-
control can be an appropriate solution for stable flight. celled when modelling error exists in feedback lineariza-
tion. Thus, global stability cannot always be guaranteed
using feedback linearization [22]. However, the backstep-
4. NONLINEAR CONTROLLER DESIGN ping approach does not suffer from these problems when
the controller is designed properly.
We present nonlinear controllers for multirotors such A backstepping controller is designed to stabilize the
as feedback linearization, backstepping, geometric control whole system using Lyapunov stability theory in the re-
and blended controllers including dynamic inversion and cursive structure. For controlling the multirotors, a back-
backstepping on SE(3). stepping controller with sliding mode techniques is used
6 Hyeonbeom Lee and H. Jin Kim

based on nonlinear translational equation (1) and simpli- vector, the normalized b3d = Fd /∥ Fd ∥ is obtained, where
fied attitude equation (13) in [24–26]. The backstepping the denominator is assumed to be nonzero.
controller can also be designed based on Lagrangian for- The input for trajectory tracking as shown in Fig. 3
mulation (12) in [23, 27]. contains the desired yaw angle (ψd ), so b1d = [cos(ψd ),
The difference between (13) and (12) is the assumption sin(ψd ) , 0]T is defined. The direction of the second body-
that ϕ and θ are small. Due to this difference, the back- fixed axis is b2d = b3d × b1d /∥b3d × b1d ∥. From b2d and
stepping controller is more suitable than the conventional b3d , b1d is redefined as b2d × b3d to satisfy orthogonality
backstepping control [24–26] when roll and pitch angle with b3d and b[2d . The desired rotation
] matrix Rd is calcu-
are high, while the complexity of controller increases. lated as Rd = b2d × b3d b2d b3d .
In this control law, to handle under-actuation properties, Now, attitude control is considered. The attitude error
ϕd and θd is computed from udx (= cψd sθd cϕd + sψd sϕd ) and is defined as
udy (= sψd sθ cϕd − cψd sϕd ), which can be written as: 1
eR = (R̃ − R̃T )∨ , eΩ = Ω − R̃T Ωd , (23)
m m 2
udx = (ẍcom ), udy = (ÿcom ), (22)
f f where R̃ = Rd T R and ∨ : so(3) → R3 is the vee map which
transforms a 3 × 3 skew-symmetric matrix to a vector in
where ẍcom and ÿcom are the acceleration command which
R3 . In (23), R̃T pre-multiplies Ωd to make Ṙ = RΩ̂ and
is computed by backstepping controller. Using (22), the
Ṙd = Rd Ω̂d on the same tangential vector TR SO(3), i.e.
desired roll (ϕd ) and pitch (θd ) angles can be extracted by
TRd SO(3) → TR SO(3). In addition, Ωd in (23) is obtained
computing ux and uy . If the multirotor follows the linear
from the rotation dynamics in (2). Using these errors (23),
motion, a simpler way exists for obtaining the desired roll
the attitude control input is defined such as PD feedback
(ϕd ) and pitch (θd ) [25]. Another method is extracting ϕd
controller. Under the proper control law, eR and eΩ can
and θd from the desired rotation matrix Rd . This will be
converge exponentially to zero (See [29, 32]). Recently,
described in detail in Section 4.3.
due to the simplicity and exponential stability of the ge-
Recently, the backstepping control with sliding-mode ometric controller, researchers develop the controller for
technique is applied to aerial manipulation with multi- carrying a cable-suspended load [35, 73].
DOF robotic arm also [49,68–70]. It is mainly because an
additional torque due to the robotic arm can be compen- 4.4. Blended controller form I : Dynamic inversion
sated by the controller using Lypunov stability analysis in with FL and backstepping
recursive structure. In the previous section, nonlinear control techniques, such
as feedback linearization, backstepping, geometric con-
4.3. Geometric control trol, for multirotor trajectory tracking are considered.
A geometric controller for the multirotor is designed to Each controller has its own advantages, but has disadvan-
satisfy exponential convergence in SO(3) and uses a mea- tages as well, such as the existence of high-order terms or
sure of the error in rotations, given the desired attitude Rd the singularity problem in the attitude. In order to over-
[42]. The controller offers not only a solution for avoid- come the shortcomings by combining the advantages of
ing singularities in trajectory tracking but also simplicity each controller, blended controller forms are proposed in
of the controller form, whereas the quaternion-based con- many papers [12, 28, 36, 60]. The control law is designed
troller in [71] provides a solution for the singularity prob- as a mixture of two or more types of controllers to achieve
lem only. The simplicity of the controller and the absence some specific effects, e.g., for making the controller sim-
of singularity can be a benefit in real experiments. There ple or for the robustness, etc.
were many papers which showed experimental results us- The dynamic inversion with feedback linearization and
ing the geometric controller [30, 31, 35, 36, 55, 72]. A ro- backstepping approach for a multirotor was designed in
bust attitude controller for the multirotor using rotation [28]. The controller consists of two parts: 1) a dynamic in-
matrix was proposed in [32]. They considered an attitude version based on feedback linearization as the inner-loop,
controller with an anti-windup solution and semi-global and 2) an internal dynamics stabilizer based on backstep-
asymptotic stability is proven. ping as the outer-loop. The internal stabilizer loop is de-
The position controller in geometric control is designed rived to obtain ϕd and θd . This method for obtaining ϕd
by using position and velocity errors. The position con- and θd is similar to (22) based on the backstepping ap-
troller form is almost same with backstepping approach. proach. The detailed process is presented in [28].
However, attitude controller is different with backstepping
controller. 4.5. Blended controller form II : Backstepping control
In advance to the attitude controller, the desired rotation based on SE(3)
matrix Rd should be defined. Since the direction of the A backstepping controller based on SE(3) is designed in
third body-fixed axis, b3d , is defined by the desired force [36] to overcome the singularity problem in backstepping
Trajectory Tracking Control of Multirotors from Modelling to Experiments: A Survey 7

control and give robustness to geometric control. Therein, Laser

- Guidance & Navigation
Scanner Base
the position controller is used to track the desired Carte- - SLAM
Small size computer
t Wifi
sian coordinates using position and velocity errors. The Camera
Serial link
attitude controller uses the rotation matrix error and body - Gyro sensors - Altitude control
- Magnetic compass - Attitude control Safety
angular velocity error to stabilize attitude dynamics ex- - Accelormeter IMU Pilot
GPS Microprocessor
pressed on SO(3) similar to geometric control. The con-
troller including the integral term makes it more robust Motor ESC MAV
than geometric control.
Position control is designed as same as the backstepping Fig. 4. Common structure for SLAM using autonmous
control. The attitude tracking error, eR , and angular veloc- multirotors.
ity tracking error, eΩ , are defined the same as Section 4.3.
The geometric controller uses the same error definition,
but uses the backstepping control approach for improved
researches. Although research platforms of Asctec is
robustness. We define the sliding mode error ra as
more expensive than AR drone or commercial OSP mul-
ra = ėR + Λ2 eR , (24) tirotors, users can take advantage of many electronics
and accessories such as vison camera or on-board com-
where Λ2 is a gain matrix. The control input can be puter. Quadrotor-type UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle),
obtained to make the derivative of Lypapunov candidate Hummingbird is a light-weight platform and usually used
function negative semi-definite. The stability proof and for algorithm verification as shown in [2, 38, 39, 52, 72].
experimental results were presented in our previous study Larger platforms such as Pelican or Firefly are often
[36]. used for SLAM (Simultaneous Localization And Map-
ping) [58,60] or aerial manipulation [69,70]. DJI recently
5. HARDWARE EXPERIMENTS released the research platform for multirotor, Matrice 100,
which have integrated visual cameras and ultrasonic sen-
In previous section, we designed the various controllers sors [80]. This platform is commercially available and
for the multirotors. These controllers can be validated in source codes are open, same as the Asctec multirotors.
the flight test-beds. In this section, we address the vari-
ous multirotors platform and flight setups. We also show
5.2. Experimental setup
the flight experiment using the PID and backstepping con-
trollers and the flight setups. In this subsection, we address various types of the ex-
perimental setup for flying multirotors. In this paper, we
5.1. Multirotor platforms review the experimental setups in two parts: 1) Position
Among many multirotors, we mention several types of estimation by On-board Camera including SLAM, 2) Po-
multirotors frequently utilized in research. More details sition updates by external sources such as Vicon [81] or
about sensors and filters used for multirotors can be found GPS (Global Positioning System).
in [74]. The first approach is to obtain the position data by vi-
Crazyflie 2.0 developed by Bitcraze is one of the small- sion information. For flying in unknown, GPS-denied en-
est multirotors among commercially available platforms. vironments, multirotors are required to solve SLAM prob-
It only weighs 27 grams and 10 grams payload. Using lem as well as precise state estimation using laser range
the small size of the platforms, it is easy to operate in scanners [82] or vision cameras [58, 60], etc. With SLAM
tightly constrained environments and closer swarm forma- and state estimation algorithm, multirotors can fly even
tions [75]. in an earthquake-damaged building [58]. However, for
Arducopter and Mikrokopter are well-known multiro- solving SLAM, a high performance computer is neces-
tors for hobby. Their source codes are publicly available sary. The common structure for autonomous multirotors
because they are based on OSPs (Open-Source Projects). for SLAM is shown in Fig. 4. The external computer com-
Since it is difficult to employ user-defined codes on on- putes pose estimation using SLAM and then transmits the
board processor in those multirotors, they are equipped estimated pose date to the microprocessor. The micropro-
with an extra computer to handle higher computation cessor computes the control input and transmit the motor
loads as shown in [12, 68, 76]. In addition, one of the fa- control input to ESC (Electronic Speed Control).
mous drones for hobby, AR drone, is also utilized in many Another configuration for flying multirotors is based on
studies [77–79]. AR drone is applicable for visual servo- external positioning system such as Vicon or GPS. Here,
ing or navigation because it has two cameras at front and since the GPS-based flight system is almost same with Fig.
down sides. 4 except camera, we focus on the configuration using Vi-
Research platforms provided by Ascending technolo- con system. There are three ways to establish the test-beds
gies (also known as Asctec) or DJI are also used in many in Vicon environments: 1) PCTx, 2) using open source in
8 Hyeonbeom Lee and H. Jin Kim

used the Zigbee communication system developed by As-

ctec and showed satisfactory flight performance.

5.3. Flight test

In this section, we present two flight experiments to il-
lustrate the difference between the linear controller (i.e.,
the classic PID controller) and the nonlinear controller
(i.e., the backstepping controller with sliding mode tech-
(a) AR drones. (b) Firefly.
nique) based on the aforementioned flight setups. For
qualitative evaluation, we used the Vicon system. There
are two types of multirotors used in the experiments as
Fig. 5. Multirotors used in the experiments.
shown in Fig. 5, i.e., AR drone with ROS and Firefly
with Zigbee communication. The flight experiment using
PCTx can be found in our previous study [36].
ROS and 3) custom-made communication by Zigbee or First, we performed the experiment with AR drone and
Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity). ROS. We integrated the classic PID controller in Sec-
The first approach is using PCTx which sits in between tion 3.1. The position controller runs at 20Hz and the
your PC and transmitter. It allows a PC side application attitude controller runs at 200Hz. Fig. 6(a) shows the
to control a radio control vehicle or robot [83]. Users can flight performance at way-point tracking experiment and
design the controller on the ground computer and send a Figs. 6(b) and 6(c) shows the performance at fast trajec-
command to the R/C (Radio controlled) transmitter using tory tracking experiments.
PCTx. The transmitter gives R/C signal to the multirotor, Second experiment is performed with Firefly and Zig-
and then on-board attitude controller runs on the multiro- bee communication. We integrated the backstepping con-
tor based on received R/C signal. The flight configuration troller with the sliding mode technique in Section 4.2.
and experiments can be found in [7, 8, 36, 54]. Although The control inputs are transmitted and on-board data is
this configuration can be applied to any commercial mul- received at 20Hz, simultaneously. Fig. 6(d) shows the
tirotors such as Arducopter or Mikrokopter, frequency of flight performance at way-point tracking and Figs. 6(e)
transmission is limited to frequency of the transmitter (al- and 6(f) shows the performance at fast trajectory tracking.
most 50Hz). The desired trajectory at Fig. 6(b) and Fig. 6(e) is set to
The second approach is using ROS (Robot Operating be same.
System). It consists of a collection of tools, libraries, and In way-point tracking experiment, both controllers
conventions for a variety of robotic platforms [84] and is show satisfactory tracking performances. However, in the
open for everyone. AR drone is also supported by ROS fast trajectory tracking experiment shown in Fig. 6, the
driver [85]. User can send a control command includ- classic PID controller with AR drone shows worse perfor-
ing desired translational and angular velocities by Wi-Fi mance than the backstepping controller with Firefly. This
communication. By using ROS, users can run test-bed for is mainly because the classic PID controller is designed
flight of multiple multirotors. Multirotors made by Asctec based on the linearized dynamics and suitable for low-
are also supported by ROS driver [86]. In this platform, speed tracking, not fast tracking. In addition, blade flap-
a small size of computer is recommended to run ROS for ping also affects the flight performance. Since AR drone
transmitting and receiving the enough size of data. has more flexible propellers, nonlinearity becomes signif-
Third approach is using custom-made Zigbee or Wi- icant enough that the classic PID controller cannot handle
Fi communication. Using custom-made communication, the nonlinearity, effectively.
users can make their own flight setups as shown in [12,68].
In [12], they made custom-made quadrotor with commer- 6. CONCLUSION
cial cell phone and Wi-Fi communication. In [68], they
made the flight setup using Mikrocopter and Odroid com- In this paper, we have reviewed control laws for trajec-
puter [87]. The data and vision information are transmit- tory tracking of multirotors. Various forms of multirotor
ted and received by Wi-Fi communication on Odroid com- dynamics were explained. Linear controllers such as PID,
puter. Although Zigbee has slower transmission rate than LQR and H∞ control law for a multirotor were presented.
Wi-Fi, serial communication by Zigbee can be a good so- PID control is the most well-known control law and easy
lution for establishing the custom-made communication to implement, but it needs modifications for the aggressive
system. The range of the Zigbee communication is over 1 maneuvers. LQR controller can provide optimality but it
mile, while Wi-Fi is less than a few hundred meters even only holds near the hover states. H∞ control is more robust
in outdoor environments. In our previous study [70], we than other linear controllers, but it is still derived based on
Trajectory Tracking Control of Multirotors from Modelling to Experiments: A Survey 9

x(m) ?(deg)
1 5 1 20 1 40

x (m)

φ (deg)

φ̇ (deg/s)
ẋ (m/s)
0 0 0 0 0 0

-1 -5 -1 -20
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 -1 -40
y(m) 3(deg)
1 5 1 20 1 40

y (m)

θ̇ (deg/s)
θ (deg)

ẏ (m/s)
0 0 0 0 0 0

-1 -5 -1 -20
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 -1 -40
0 7.5 15
z(m) A(deg)
2 10 1 20 1 40

ψ̇ (deg/s)
z (m)

ψ (deg)

ż (m/s)
1 0 0.5 0 0 0
desired real
0 -10 0 -20 -1 -40
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 7.5 15 0 7.5 15 0 7.5 15 0 7.5 15
time(s) time(s) times (s) times (s)
times (s) times (s)

(a) Waypoint tracking of AR drone. (b) Fast position tracking of AR drone. (c) Fast velocity tracking of AR drone.

x(m) ?(deg) 1 20 1 40
1 5

φ̇ (deg/s)
x (m)

φ (deg)

ẋ (m/s)
0 0 0 0
0 0

-1 -5 -1 -20 -1 -40
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60
y(m) 3(deg) 1 20 1 40
1 5

θ̇ (deg/s)
y (m)

ẏ (m/s)
θ (deg)

0 0 0 0 0 0

-1 -5 -1 -20 -1 -40
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 7.5 15
z(m) A(deg) 1 20 1 40
1 10

ψ̇ (deg/s)
z (m)

ż (m/s)
ψ (deg)

0.5 0 0.5 0 0 0

desired real
0 -10 0 -20 -1 -40
0 20 40 60 0 20 40 60 0 7.5 15 0 7.5 15 0 7.5 15 0 7.5 15
time(s) time(s) times (s) times (s) times (s) times (s)

(d) Waypoint tracking of Firefly. (e) Fast position tracking of Firefly. (f) Fast velocity tracking of Firefly.

Fig. 6. Performance comparison between lineaer PID controller with AR drone (a)-(c) and nonlinear backstepping con-
troller with Firefly (d)-(f).

linearized dynamics or some operation points, which has experimental results using the flight test-beds show the
limited its applications to non-agile maneuvers. performance difference between the linear and nonlinear
Nonlinear control laws for the multirotor such as feed-
back linearization, backstepping, geometric control, dy-
namic inversion and backstepping on SE(3) were ex- REFERENCES
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[86] “Asctec mav framework,” http://wiki.ros.org/asctec_mav_
tional Conference on Robotics and Automation, pp. 5503-
5508, 2015.
[87] “Odroid,” http://www.hardkernel.com.
[69] H. Lee, S. Kim, and H. J. Kim, “Control of an aerial manip-
ulator using on-line parameter estimator for an unknown
payload,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Au-
tomation Science and Engineering, pp. 316-321, 2015. Hyeonbeom Lee received the B.S. degree
in Mechanical and Control Engineering
[70] H. Lee, H. Kim, and H. J. Kim, “Path planning and con- from Handong Global University in 2011,
trol of multiple aerial manipulators for a cooperative trans- and the M.S. degree in Mechanical and
portation,” Proc. of IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Aerospace Engineering from Seoul Na-
Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp. 2386-2391, 2015. tional University in 2013. He is currently
[71] A. Tayebi and S. McGilvray, “Attitude stabilization of a pursuing the Ph.D. degree in the Depart-
VTOL quadrotor aircraft,” IEEE Transactions on Control ment of Mechanical and Ae-rospace Engi-
System Technology, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 562-571, 2006. neering at Seoul National University. His
[72] M. Turpin, N. Michael, and V. Kumar, “Trajectory design research interests include aerial manipulation and motion plan-
and control for aggressive formation flight with quadro- ning of aerial robots.
tors,” Autonomous Robots, vol. 33, no. 1, pp. 143-156,
2012. H. Jin Kim received the B.S. degree from
[73] K. Sreenath, T. Lee, and V. Kumar, “Geometric control and Korea Advanced Institute of Technology
differential flatness of a quadrotor UAV with a cablesus- (KAIST) in 1995, and the M.S. and Ph.D.
pended load,” Proc. of IEEE 52nd Annual Conference on degrees in Mechanical Engineering from
Decision and Control, pp. 2269-2274, 2013. University of California, Berkeley (UC
[74] H. Lim, J. Park, D. Lee, and H. J. Kim, “Build your own Berkeley), in 1999 and 2001, respectively.
quadrotor: Open-source projects on unmanned aerial vehi- From 2002 to 2004, she was a Postdoctoral
cles,” IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, vol. 19, no. Researcher in Electrical Engineering and
3, pp. 33-45, 2012. Computer Science (EECS), UC Berkeley.
In September 2004 she joined the Department of Mechanical and
[75] C. Lehnert and P. Corke, “µ AV-design and implementation
Aerospace Engineering at Seoul National University, Seoul, Ko-
of an open source micro quadrotor,” AC on Robotics and
rea, as an Assistant Professor where she is currently a Professor.
Automation, Eds, 2013.
Her research interests include intelligent control of robotic sys-
[76] M. Asadpour, B. Van den Bergh, D. Giustiniano, K. A. tems and motion planning.
Hummel, S. Pollin, and B. Plattner, “Micro aerial vehicle
networks: An experimental analysis of challenges and op-
portunities,” IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 52, no.
7, pp. 141-149, 2014.
[77] J. Engel, J. Sturm, and D. Cremers, “Camera-based navi-
gation of a low-cost quadrocopter,” Proc. of IEEE/RSJ In-
ternational Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems,
pp. 2815-2821, 2012.

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