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Lesson 1: Organic and Inorganic Compound, and Biomolecules

Compound - are chemical substances made up of two or more elements that are chemically bound together
in a fixed ratio

Types of Compounds

Organic Compounds - do contain bonded HYDROGEN and CARBON atoms and produce by nature and
living organism.

John Jacob Berzelius - Vital Force Theory, according to this theory, organic compound can be only obtained
from nature and living organism and it cannot be synthesized or made artificially

Friedrich Wohler – refuted the Vital Force Theory after he when accidentally made urea, or carbamide
carbonyl diamide in his experiment in the laboratory. Wohler’s initial goal was to create ammonium cyanate
which he had expected to be made by adding silver cyanate to ammonium chloride. But it ends up creating
Urea, an organic compound that normally found in Urine.

Inorganic Compounds - are compounds which do not contain bonded HYDROGEN and CARBON. This
compound can be obtained from Earth’s Crust

Organic Compounds are always associated with biomolecules since it was produced by cell and living

Biomolecules - also known as biological molecules are compounds that contains essential element to maintain
life, what are these elements? such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur

Types of Biomolecules

1. Carbohydrates are compounds that soluble in water (Hydrophilic) and the main source of energy. It is
also known as saccharides and it consist of Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen. Sugar and Starch are example of

Classification of Carbohydrates

Monosaccharides - Mono means one. It is the simplest, basic unit and the building blocks of carbohydrates.
It is white, solid in room temperature and soluble in water.

a. Glucose (C6H12O6) also known as dextrose or blood sugar and the main source of energy for the cells.
b. Galactose (C6H12O6) can be from dairies and milk.
c. Fructose (C6H12O6) can be obtained from fruits and vegetable and the sweetest sugar.”

Disaccharides - Di means two. It is formed by the union of two monosaccharides

a. Sucrose (C12H22O11) also known as table sugar, result of combination of glucose and fructose
b. Lactose (C12H22O11) also known as milk sugar, result of combination of glucose and galactose
c. Maltose (C12H22O11) found in raw materials in beer production, result of combination of two glucose

Polysaccharides - Poly means many. It is defined as chain of more than two monosaccharides.

a. Starches which is storage carbohydrates in plants.

b. Glycogen which is storage carbohydrates in animals.
c. Cellulose which is found in outer walls of plants

2. Lipids - compound that is insoluble in water (Hydrophobic) and known as a stored energy. Just like the
carbohydrates, it composed of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. It is also made up of cell membrane and
macromolecules made of fatty acids.

Fatty acids refer to one or more long-chain of carboxylic acids.

Two Types of Fatty Acids

a. Saturated fatty acids were linked to “Bad Fats”, solid at room temperature and lack a double bond.

b. Unsaturated fatty acids were linked to “Good Fats”, liquid at room temperature and have the presence
of double bound.

Types of Lipids

a. Phospholipids - It is a compound that is composed of fatty acids, glycerol and a phosphate group
b. Triglycerides - It is a compound that is composed of three fatty acids and glycerol.
 Fats are solid at room temperature and was produced by animals.
 Oils are liquid at room temperature and produced by plants.
c. Steroids - are compounds wherein the molecules are composed of fused ring of atoms.
d. Waxes - It is a fatty acid that composed of long-chained of monohydric alcohol.

3. Proteins - is made up of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur commonly found in foods such as meat,
eggs, fish, cheese, nuts and beans. It is also composed of one or more long chain of amino acids joined
together by a strong peptide bond.

Amino Acids - refer to the simplest form and the building blocks of proteins

Types of Protein Based on Function

a. Structure Protein which provides and support the cell to respond the body for movement. Example
include Keratin, Collagen and actin.
b. Messenger Protein which transmits chemical messages in our body. Example include Hormones,
Neuropeptide and Pheromones.
c. Disease Defense Proteins which protect our body from foreign particles such as viruses and bacteria.
Example include antibodies.
4. Nucleic Acids - It is a very large molecule that stores genetic information. It is made up of sugar,
phosphate and nitrogen bases also known as nucleotides

Nucleotides - are the building blocks of DNA and RNA.

Types of Nucleic Acids

a. DNA or Deoxyribonucleic acid are double-helix or double-stranded sugar phosphate. It is a long-term

storage and transmission of genetic information in our cell. Its nitrogen base pair is composed of Adenine-
Thymine and Guanine-Cytosine.
b. RNA on the other hand is single-stranded sugar phosphate. It transfers genetic information for the
creation of proteins from the nucleus to the ribosome in a process called DNA replication.

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