Yustika Ayu Ariyani - Yogyakarta State University - Paper - Revisi Ibnu

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Implementation of an SIS (Smart Integrated System) Web-

Based Information System in Improving the Quality of

Facilities and Infrastructure at SMTI Yogyakarta

Yustika Ayu Ariyani1,a)

Education Management, Yogyakarta State University, Jl. Colombo Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
55281, Indonesia

Corresponding Author. Email: yustikaayu.2020@student.uny.ac.id


Abstract. The development of information technology nowadays has grown very rapidly. Website-based technology is
one of the most useful technologies in conveying information in the 4.0 and 5.0-revolution eras. SMTI is one of the
vocational high schools that is currently developing web-based technology called the integrated system. This application
aims to make it easier for students and parents to access features such as academic scores as well as the teaching and
learning activities arranged at school that parents can get access to find out every student's development in achieving their
academic potential. Teachers, students, and parents can only access this system. Therefore, an adequate information
system is needed so that the application can help make the process of finding information easier. This is certainly a
challenge for schools to continue to develop and maintain good quality in the education information system. The research
method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative method. The use of website-based technology has a considerable
impact on users. It makes it easier for users to gather accurate information. In addition, developing a website becomes a
satisfaction for "stakeholders" in improving the school's infrastructure.


The information system is a man-made system consisting of components within the organization to present
information. The information system is an information-generating system, with integration between sub-systems;
the information system will be able to provide quality, precise, fast, and accurate information under the
management who needs it. Especially in the field of education where information systems are very important in
managing information. The design of information systems can be defined as a design that is made as an
information system in collecting, processing, storing, and implementing the information provided to arrange
information in an organized manner and facilitate the use of technology for easier implementation [1]. In the
current era of globalization, it has an identity attached to the era which is the increasingly fast development of
information and communication technology, which then also demands improvements in the education system, so
that improvements in education management will have a positive impact on users. On the other hand, advances
in science and information technology have changed the perspective and lifestyle of the Indonesian people in
completing their daily activities [2]. The use of management information systems in the field of education is
commonly referred to as SIMDIK, which is indispensable in the management of education services, including
teaching services, administration, school facilities, and student services. In addition, the management
information system at the educational institution supports the activities of the management function that include
planning, organizing, staffing, directing, evaluating, coordinating, and budgeting.
The advancement of management information systems in educational institutions is needed in order to face
the competition in this globalization era that requires educational institutions to be able to provide information
more quickly, accurately, and conveniently, which is part of the school's quality of service, so that it will become
a competitive advantage to educational institutions [3]. Based on Permendikbud No 34 of 2018 states that every
SMK/MAK, or vocational high school, requires management standards, one of which is the implementation of a
management information system [4]. With this management, it is expected to be able to provide good quality of
education and teaching and learning process to prepare the best graduates, which is in accordance with the goals
that have been set and meet the needs of the business world/industrial world in the future. Education is said to be
of high quality if the teaching and learning process runs well as planned and without any difficulties. Likewise,
the results obtained will also meet the desired expectation.
The learning process can run as planned if teachers and students can communicate well, have a comfortable
work environment, and are supported by facilities and infrastructure that can enhance the teaching and learning
process [5]. Management of educational facilities and infrastructure is an activity to create and maintain optimal
conditions for the learning process to occur. With the development of science and technology, teaching and
learning activities require management efforts in educational facilities and infrastructure. As an indicator of the
success or failure of the process of achieving an educational goal among others, influenced by the management
of school facilities and infrastructure [6]. Information is designed for educational administration, building
readiness in information and communication technology for educational institutions and educational institutions
under jurisdiction to study, and management according to strategies, indicators, relevant departments, and
implementation timeframes [7]. The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which the information
system developed in supporting the academics of students.

The method used in conducting this research is a descriptive qualitative method. The survey method used in
this study is a qualitative descriptive survey method. The descriptive qualitative approach is the study of data
collected and formulated in words or pictures. The descriptive qualitative approach describes and summarizes
different conditions, and different situations, or describes the data as a phenomenon of social reality that exists in
the society that is being studied. Characterizing this social reality is intended to be presented as one of the
models, signs, or descriptions of certain conditions, situations, or phenomena [8].


This article focuses on the development of a website-based information system used by SMTI Yogyakarta in
the effort to increase the quality of facilities and infrastructure for students and parents to obtain information, as
for the implementation of the SIS (Smart Integrated System) website-based information system as described in
detail in the following section below:
TABLE 1. SIS application steps

Open Google

Homepage Type
“SMTI Yogyakarta”

Username &
Login Password

FIGURE 1. Application steps.

TABLE 2. SIS Information System Implementation

The website's homepage contains menus that can be used to access the smart integrated system in the menu
as listed in order: home (beranda), contact us (kontak kami), guest book (buku tamu), sitemap, and log in.

FIGURE 2. Homepage

The login page contains a menu that can be used to access information related to the student's academic

FIGURE 3. Log in

The academic service page is a service that contains daily test and final term results, an option to download the
results, final term and midterm result inputs, test retake inputs, and test result recaps.

FIGURE 4. Academic service page

As one of the means of communication, the website is the best choice for implementing information
systems in schools. The website can be accessed by anyone, anywhere, and without limitations of time and
place. Accessing a website only requires a set of computers that has already connected to the internet. Owning a
website is necessary for schools. Through information media such as websites, institutions or schools can have
information forums to disseminate their profiles, possibilities, activities, and the general public [9]. Therefore,
the results of this study show that a website-based information system that has been developed by the school will
make it easier for users to access important academic information and improve the quality of the school's


With the benefits of a website-based information system as an alternative media provider of information, it
helps to find data about industrial engineering vocational high schools under the authority of the ministry of
industry in Indonesia. In a web-based information system, industrial engineering vocational high schools are
divided into several menus, namely the main menu, home menu, sitemap menu, homepage menu, public
relations menu, LSP, library, student menu, curriculum menu, profile, information menu, material menu, news
menu, gallery menu, guestbook menu and admin menu. The informational menus consist of the class data sub-
menu, teacher data information sub-menu, student data information sub-menu, value data information sub-menu,
alumni data information sub-menu, and lesson data information sub-menu .


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