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Divisional Model College, Faisalabad

Final Term Syllabus Break-Up 2022 -2023

Class : One, Section: Rose, Pansy Subject : Computer

Week Ending Syllabus to be Covered

Week: 1 Topic : I type a letter Task-1 : Start Typing (Unit-3)
Day – 1: Reading Page: 36, 37, 38
21st Nov – 25th Nov Day – 2: Reading Page : 39, 40
Week: 2 Topic : I type a letter Task-1 : Start Typing
Day – 1: Reading Page: 41, 42, 43
- Day – 2: Practical :Open WordPad and type on it
Week: 1 Topic : I type a letter Task-2 : Change the font
Day – 1: CW - Writing Q/A of unit -3
– Day – 2: Reading Page : 44, 45, 46, 47
Week: 1 Topic : I type a letter Task-2 : Change the font
Day – 1: CW - Writing Q/A of unit -3
21st Nov – 25th Nov Day – 2: Reading Page : 44, 45, 46, 47

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