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Yesterday, on June 6th, 1944, a combined army of Der Gangsters and Inselaffen launched

a surprise invasion at Normandy, Frankreich in their effort to destroy the

Großgermanisches Reich. They travelled across the English Channel and landed on 5
beaches. In the battle, the Der Gangsters and Inselaffen suffered devastating casualties
and lost much of their equipment. The Reich men suffered minor casualties. The fighting
is currently ongoing in many areas, and it seems that the Der Gangsters soldiers will be
on the retreat shortly.

The Reich is standing strong and is holding on to their territory. Reichsministerium für
Volksaufklärung und Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels voiced in an official statement, “The
same people who spat on our face in World War 1 have returned to spit in our face once
more...The Reich kicked them out in 1940 and we will once more. We will push the
Inselaffen back to their island...The Reich has offered peace and they refused it and
continued to kill our Aryan men...There is no mercy for them.”

We managed to have the privilege of asking Propagandaministerium Sir Joseph Goebbels

a few questions. We first asked about the situation in Normandy and if we should be
alarmed. He stated, “The situation is under control. They have landed a few troops who
are either dead or hiding for their lives. We know they will retreat soon. Now about
panicking, the Aryans should not panic. Sub-humans should as they have conspired
against us and now death has come for them.” The Reich’s victory is within hands reach.

Der 6. Juni 1944

The Reich stands strong

against Allied invasion

The Juden Daily

The Deutschland have and continue to kill thousands of Der Allies soldiers in their
joke of an invasion.
The Berlin Times

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