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Air pollution occurs indoors as much as it does outdoors and can come from cook stoves that
produce black carbon, industry and agriculture which produce methane emissions and
smokers that smoke cigarettes. There are coal fired boilers produce electricity but they also
produce many CO2 emissions. CO2, or carbon dioxide, is a greenhouse gas that helps cause
Global Warming. Another major producer of CO2 is electrical generators which produce
2.423 billion tons of carbon dioxide to be exact. Some other sources of air pollution are
things like forest fires, quarrying operations and the evaporation of volatile substances. A
couple forms of fuel that cause pollution are oil and coal. There are a lot of effects that these
pollutants have against the environment. There is an increased chance of many diseases
including emphysema, bronchitis, cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease and even asthma.
Sulfur dioxide and oxygen that is washed out and evaporates into the air then pours down as
acid rain. Air pollution is also destroying the ozone layer which is extremely important to
human life on Earth. It also damages areas such as the Himalayan Glaciers and the Arctic.
This form of pollution is a big problem which is why people are focusing their efforts to try
and stop it.



In order to execute an efficient awareness-based presentation session, various aspects has

been planned out to provide maximum impact amongst the audience. Prior to executing such
task, the target outcome must be identified and studied to enable continuous improvement in
future. The target outcome I wish to achieve through this speech is to cultivate every
individual watching my speech to understand the basic science behind the occurrence of air
pollution, they are both harmful to human beings and plant life. Considering the issue, this
speech is targeted to all Malaysians, especially youths and young childrens. Focusing on
local audience, the sources of air pollution may be scattered all over the country.

However, Air pollution is known as the presence of toxic chemicals or compounds,including

those of biological origin in the air .they are at levels that pose a health risk.Air pollution
means the presence of chemicals or compounds in the air which are usually not present and
which lower the quality of the air or cause detrimental changes to the quality of the life such
as causing the damage of the ozone layer and cause global warming.

Once the target outcome is evaluated, I have planned out other several factors which
could enable me to achieve the target outcome. First and foremost, the medium of
communication has been readily defined which is to present the speech via video recording
with a set duration at 8 to 12 minutes. Therefore, I have quantified some specifications to
produce a quality video such as the frame rate and pixels which are 40 frames per second
(fps) and 1080 pixels, respectively, to optimise the focus on audience on the video. Based on
the specification demand, I have prioritised using my smartphone as a video camera.

Besides that, the location with adequate lighting, brightness and good amount of
black noise is also identified. In my case, my school meeting room has been considered to be
one of the best locations yet for video recording. But I was pregnant and delivery around the
corner.i cant record my speech on planned date.It is because I was in delivery pain on that
day.At midnight I was in delivery pain and was delivered a baby.I took rest for two three
days.I planned to record in my house with help with my sisters.Thirdly, the editing software I
have decided to use is called cut cap app due to my competency and ability to use it

Other preparations done before the recording of the video were drafting the script
for my speech, planning my attire to depict professionalism and ethics as well as to suit the
surrounding, estimating the day and time for the recording session and the need for props
and visual aids to be used during the speech for creativity purposes.

Immediately before the recording of the video, I have ensured several other
preparatory steps. Events which may distract my recording session such as phone calls, daily
routine tasks and official tasks were either solved, rescheduled or delegated to other
people. Besides that, the necessary devices to be used during the recording session were
charged fully. Once all are prepared, the speech script is divided into fragments to ease the
video recording should there be any repetitions as well as for editing. Based on the
fragmented scripts, short notes were prepared to be referred during the recording. A number
of pre-recordings were also conducted to ensure a good sound and lighting quality, speech
clarity and appropriate body language for optimum engagement with the audience.
During the recording of the video, I have enhanced some criteria which would leave
a better impact on the audience such as to understand the content perfectly, speak confidently,
keep the eyes focused into the camera lens and avoid reading the short notes frequently or
presenting the script directly out of it. I have also ensured the pronunciation, modulation,
intonation, speed and accent was clearly audible to avoid any sorts of distraction.

For the post-completion steps, I have reviewed the recording to observe for any
opportunity for improvement (OFI). The speech was cross-checked with the script to
ensure efficient obligation. While watching the video clips, I have also compared the impact I
perceived at that moment with my target perception of audience, and have repeated the
recording of several fragments. Once I was satisfied with the recording quality and
compliance with the requirements, I have compiled and backed up the video clips
immediately in the computer and a pendrive.

The video was then edited and rendered into a complete video. The assignment was
submitted on time following the date. A copy of the video generated, recorded video clips
and the editable file were all backed up in the pendrive.

I faced some challenges throughout this assignment which I have managed to solve it
successfully. All of us have a distinct perspective towards any aspect, including this video.
Therefore intending to convince the entire audience with a video is a primary challenge. I
have taken control over the challenge by prioritising a group of people as audience, namely
the children and youths. I refrained from using unnecessary science terminologies to engage
better with my audience. The script was reviewed multiple times and submitted for proof
reading by a selected group of people. Last but not the least, expecting a change in my
audience lifestyle is a tall order yet important. Therefore I have attempted to relate as much
as possible to the common experiences one would carry out in his or her daily life.

(919 words)


The planning process was challenging as many agendas flashed at once. Nevertheless,
with organised planning almost similar to the Gantt chart method, the task was pulled off
with much satisfaction.
First and foremost, the deadline is an important piece of information to understand the
limited duration available for any tasks. Understanding that the deadline is on 14th march
2021 whereas the assignment was introduced on 20th January there is about 34 days in
between which is the available period for planning, executing, compiling and submitting the

The number of days available has been broken down with convenience to coexist
harmoniously with other daily tasks and routines. It was made clear to spend about two week
on the video preparation and editing. In my opinion, two week is an optimum duration to
retain focus and commitment to this task, while extending the duration any longer could
result in lack of motivation and commitment as well as distraction by daily routines,
occupational tasks, family responsibilities and so forth.

The two week duration was further segmented into two parts, which are five days of
video preparation and two days of editing. Understanding my average competency in video
recording, the tenth day of the first segment has been primarily allocated for video recording
alongside other supplementary tasks. This quick planning has eased the process of scheduling
tasks in the remaining five days of the first segment.

The first day was allocated for content selection process with apparently consumed
about five hours, with intervals. The content was selected by filtering out several topics based
on personal interest and importance to the society. As soon as the content was selected, the
target outcome and the content was drafted out acutely to guide the speech throughout. There
is a lot to speak on pollution. Therefore it was seen vital to acutely identify what to speak on
within the limited time given. This process consumed about two hours with intervals as well.
Therefore about seven hours were allocated for the first day.

On the second day, based on the video quality demand, the video recording device,
editing software, location and attire were shortlisted and then selected. Choosing a location
with suitable natural lighting, sound quality and complementary to the speech content was
quite time-consuming despite not a tall order. Once they were done, I have proceeded with
drafting the script and planning suitable visual aids for optimum impact on the audience.
These two sets of tasks consumed about three and five hours with intervals, respectively.
The third day was allocated for memorising the script only which apparently
consumed about nine hours with intervals. It was intended so to avoid any sorts of distraction
throughout the task.

Whereas, the fourth day was allocated for rescheduling routines, occupational works
and family responsibilities since they are highly time-consuming in my daily life. Those tasks
were rescheduled, postponed or delegated to other people.

On the fifth day, the video recordings were done. Prior to that, several preparatory
steps were done such as location setup, charging the devices fully, lighting and sounds
adjustments, attire preparation and short notes preparation. Then, pre-recordings were done
before conducting the actual recording to assure a quality video in various terms including
camera angle, lighting, black noises, audibility, pronunciation and language proficiency and
methods of sharing visual aids. It consumed about one and a half hours. Finally, the recording
was done in about more segments and consumed about two days and repetitions. Last but not
least, the day was ended by backing up the video clips in a computer and pendrive for safety

As should be discussed, creativity and innovation are very important criteria as per
my opinion. Without portraying creativity and innovation, the mind will perceive any
information rigidly by memorising. Since this is an important topic to not just learn and
memorise but to cultivate it as a practice in daily life, we definitely need a creative and
innovative tool and approach to enhance the perception that methods to curb air pollution.
Besides creativity and innovation also prevents people from feeling lethargic while listening
to an informative speech. An informative speech is saturated with facts, historical data and
scientific facts which could be challenging to digest. As creativity and information is believed
to optimise the usage of both the cerebrum and cerebellum, it shall be seen vital. Creativity
and innovation also makes content more relatable with daily life activities. creativity and
innovation improves the reach to more people as they act as a point of attraction.

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It is a human’s nature to instinctively sense a space for improvement after reviewing
an effort a period of time later. Likewise, I have sensed some space of improvement
comprising of both significant and insignificant ones, nevertheless both for betterment.

As I watched the final video more than ten times I have managed to unveil some
spaces for improvement. The first and foremost criterion to improve on is the efficiency of
my speech. In any speeches attempting persuasion, the most powerful criterion is called
“power of pause” in colloquial language. Basically it refers to the significance of pausing
between words or sentences with the perfect duration to allow the audience to perceive the
content with maximum impact, regain focus amidst digesting any foreign information, recall
the contents mentioned previously to keep the information link active as well as to allow
some space for the audience to observe the surrounding environment should there be any
reference or visual aids.

Besides that, the entire video would have been more interesting if the speech has
ended with some questions to imitate the question-and-answer session during a speech in a
physical classroom. Since this was a video presentation, it could have been better to at least
generate some sense of curiosity at the end of the speech despite performing it virtually. For
example, the reduction of air pollution is a major situation that people need to know about,on
how to reduce the pollution and make the environment much safer and healthier.

The speech would have also been better if the speaker and the audience shared the
same environment such as in the same classroom or hall. But I would prefer to conduct the
speech in an outdoor environment such as under the tree or in a wooden hut. Since the
content stresses on air pollution it would have been more efficient for people to sense the
implications caused by air pollution as the content is presented. This brings me to the next
point which is experiential learning. Referring to the commonly known VARK’s model
which is an abbreviation for different approaches of learning namely, visual, auditory,
reading and kinaesthetic, looking, hearing and feeling the warmth in the particular
environment enhances the learning process.

On the technical aspects, there are several techniques which can be improved as well
such as to include good background music to elevate mood and interest while watching,
including a short video clip of an interview with an expert in global warming, using
interesting cinematography techniques to sustain attention, to add subtitles for those with
reading (R) strength compared to others as in VARK’s model and to master editing skills for
an interesting presentation.

Speaking on familiarity, the content about air pollution is very familiar. More than
familiarity, it was something I have shown a lot of concern to understand even though my
field is not much related to it. In parts of the country where lakes and waterways have been
contaminated with mercury from electric power plants,fish are no longer safe to eat because
they, too are contaminated with heavy metal pollutants like people,animals,and plants,entire
ecosystems can suffer effects from air pollution.

Throughout the initial stage of this video where the planning process was done, I
invested great amount of time studying how the awareness on air pollution can be
propagated. As common as we know, we are aware of the causes, effects and methods to curb
air pollution through the essays done at school, awareness campaigns and certification
standards. Therefore, I took this assignment as an opportunity to polish our fundamental
knowledge on air pollution prior discussing the cause, effects and way to curb. It is vital to
know the simple science behind the life balance which is causing humans to manufacture or
cultivate the source of air pollution. Not everyone can avoid travelling one person per car to
work if public transport is still need improvement. Creating equilibrium for all other methods
with our lifestyle and understanding the simple science behind it, I have concluded that
planting tree is the most efficient method to curb air pollution. Hence, the content is made
sure to be excellent in my perspective therefore there could not have been better way to
improve the content apart from the room for improvement as discussed previously.

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For this criterion, the person I have picked is my neighbour who works as kindergarten
teacher , aged 42 years old. Her name is uma a/p Ramasamy I have chosen him as the
reviewer because of several reasons.

We shared the same environment in the housing area , therefore it would be more
transparent to hear opinions on the content, especially for her who is continuously being in
our environment today. According to Mrs.uma air pollution come mostly from coal –fired
power plants and motor vehicles.when acid rain falls to earth,it damages plants by changing
soil composition.Degrades water quality in rivers , lakes and streams, damages crops and can
cause buildings and monuments to decay.

He was very excited about the video and appreciated my effort so much for
attempting an awareness speech about air pollution. He affirmed the speech is indeed in the
form of explanation. According to her, the video briefs its audience about the air pollution in
a very intimate manner where most of them would at least think twice before burning fossil
fuels and emitting air pollution into the air. People will begin sacrificing a part of their
comfort zones to curb the environmental damage it may cause. Last but not least, she even
confessed that combustion of fossil fuels that drive the industrial process,resulting in
particulates,ozone and nitrogen oxides.

I grabbed the chance asking for several other suggestions too. She shared in a
similarly intimate way, that I found it much more intimate in our daily life that this realisation
would remind us much more profoundly about each and every activity we do, . This would
eventually leave us with no choice but to plant trees to compensate our guilt. In my opinion,
it was brilliant.

As I asked for other observations for improvement, Mrs.uma announced gladly that
the content was perfect, in her opinion. Meanwhile, I, as the speaker was told to master the
skill of pausing in order to create more impact amongst the audience, as had been discussed

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Overall, I feel more than just satisfied, because this video assignment has allowed me
to contribute directly or indirectly to the society and environment. It has enriched the
responsibility and care I have towards nature besides understanding how profoundly
interdependent are humans and the environment. Besides that, I have realised in the past few
days that I have become more enthusiastic about researching on air pollution and reduce
usage of electric despite completing this assignment. Instead of a momentary assignment, this
task has enabled me to feel the need and importance of sustainability to not only control
catastrophe such as flooding from happening, but to restore the resources which we depend
on. The resource may not necessarily be in terms of survival such as to supply human race
with food, water and shelter. Without denial, this assignment has also given me the
satisfaction that I have taken my first step to secure the better future of my kids based on
difference in climate I noticed since the past thirty years.

I am also glad that I managed to conduct this assignment in the form of video. It
possesses such a great advantage despite some disadvantages as well. Videos can be viewed
repetitively to understand a speech better unlike presented live in a classroom. Besides that,
with numerous media platforms for videos such as Youtube, Dailymotion and TikTok, it is
understood that people are much aligned towards learning the world through videos instead
of many other forms of online media. Therefore, the video could also allow repetitive
reference if such type of platforms is used, which enables learners to grasp the content better.

By presenting through videos, a speaker is also capable of enhancing the potential of a

perfect speech by conducting several recording repetitions till satisfied. Henceforth, it has
enabled me to optimise the video duration without exploiting much of the audience time for
optimum attention with a satisfied speech. Video also enables me to retain the focus of the
audience since the camera angle is always fixed on the speaker unlike in a live classroom,
where there are chances for distraction. Last but not least, I am also able to store my speech
with visual documented evidence for future usage.

There are several disadvantages to present a speech via video as well. Unlike in a live
classroom, the speaker will not be able to engage physically with audience where kinaesthetic
is also a method of learning. Kinaesthetic does not only include touching sample objects
related to the speech, but also sharing the same environment during the session. Being in
various environments, the learners may perceive the speech with a wide range of impact.
Finally, being a speaker I would be keen to conduct feedback session such as the question-
and-answer session with my audience. Alas, conveying a speech via video recording does not
provide such privilege.

Other alternatives which could be used instead of video recordings include blog
writing, articles, awareness campaigns and environmental-friendly activities which shall suit
the theme “nature” where amidst the activities such speeches may be conducted.
Nevertheless, every method comes with its respective advantages and disadvantages. Being
able to identify those advantages and disadvantages is the foremost method to producing a
quality speech or content.
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In the end, as we enjoy the pleasure which promotes air pollution, the impact is not
far from disrupting our economic comfort in return. As shared by my neighbour Mrs.Uma
Malaysia is already under threat, blamed to air pollution by deforestation for agricultural
purposes. Along with guidance for government, audit bodies and non-governmental
organisations, it is to be realised that curbing air pollution is individual responsibility and can
be started today by be mindful of energy consumption.

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