Discuss The Importance of Digitalization in Globalization

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Discuss the importance of digitalization in globalization.

The role of digitalization in globalization has been made clear by this event itself. Globalization
would not be much possible if the utilization of computers and the internet was missing. For the
past few years, digitalization has proven its numerous importance to globalization. Due to
digitalization, more effective and affordable communication across nations as well as between
various corporations within a single nation is now possible. Moreover, it is feasible for
companies and people to communicate across national boundaries and seas without relying on
conventional transportation, such as aircraft or trains, which has led to increased productivity.

Discuss the role of Global Corporation in Global economy

Every nation in the world has at least one global corporation, which is mainly responsible for the
economic growth and progress witnessed throughout the globe. Due to their capacity to benefit
from low-cost labor, raise revenues, and shape governmental policy, these corporations
frequently have a significant impact on both local economies as well as the wider global
economy. The production of commodities, transportation of goods and services, and job
opportunities are all the responsibility of global corporations. Additionally, they help to maintain
the expansion of our economy by giving us the goods and services we require at reasonable
prices. Hence, global corporations and their influence are a crucial part of the global economy.

Discuss the pros and cons of Market integration


- The size and scope of your company can be expanded through market integration; it is
also a smart approach to bring together several marketplaces.
- Market integration can be utilized to distinguish your products or services from those of
your peers, giving you a competitive advantage. This is something to keep in mind, as
it's not always just about bringing everything together.
- By using resources that might otherwise go unused, market integration enables you to
benefit from economies of scale in the supply chain.


- Market integration can lead to a loss of control over what is being produced or sold in a
given market, which could lead to decreased quality or safety standards.
- Launching a business in a new market can be difficult since you don't know what type of
demand there will be or how well your competitors will perform there.
- The cons of market integration are many and varied, but one of the most important is
that it can lead to a loss of local culture. When companies move into an area, they often
bring their own traditions, values, and customs with them. This can be good if it helps
bring new ideas and innovation, but it can also cause problems if these traditions conflict
with those of the people living there.

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