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NAME: __________________________________________________________________________

DATE: ___________________________________________________________________________

INSTRUCTIONS: Develop the following statements by writing what you are asked to write. (8

1. List the Techniques that are used in the Direct Method. (2 points)
2. Choose 5 Techniques of the Audio-Lingual Method and write and example of each one. (2
3. Describe with your own words 3 characteristics of the TPR Method. (2 points)
4. Write the difference between Technique and Strategy. (2 points)

INSTRUCTIONS: Read each statement and choose the correct answer. (8 points)

1. Is a system of practices and procedures that a teacher uses to teach. (2 points)

a. Methodology
b. Technique
c. Strategy
2. Set of skills in order to learn content or accomplish other tasks more effectively and
efficiently. (2 points)
a. Method
b. Technique
c. Strategy
3. Which of the following is not a Silent Way technique. (2 points)
a. Sound-Color Chart.
b. Students test their hypothesis.
c. Self-Correction gestures.
d. Teacher gives structured feedback.
4. Link classroom language learning with language activation outside the classroom is a
characteristic of the Method: (2 points)
a. Grammar-Translation
b. The Communicative Language Teaching Approach
c. The Suggestopedia

INSTRUCTIONS: Choose if the statement is true, select "T". If the statement is false, select "F". (8

1. In the Direct Method the Teacher is not the authority in the classroom. (2 points) T F
2. The Audio-Lingual Method is advocated to the German Charles Berlitz. (2 points) T F
3. The Suggestopedia Method do not uses Pheripheral Learning (posters
and decoration with grammatical information) (2 points) T F
4. Recreating the natural way of learning native language is one Objective
Of the TPR Method. (2 points) T F

INSTRUCTIONS: Solve the following case according to your own criteria, based on the methods
you have seen in class. (6 points)

Mr. Smith has just started teaching a group of 13-year-old students at the Beginner level. In total
there are 15 students. But he has a problem, the students are not motivated to learn English, they
are bored in class and they all say they don't understand English and they only speak to each other
in Spanish. Mr. Smith has tried many methods, among them Grammar-Translation, but there have
been no results. He has asked for your professional support. What method would you advise him
to apply to his students so that they feel motivated and learn English?

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