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Assessment method-based instructions and guidelines:

Assessment type

• Project - interpret a creative brief and evaluate a range of innovative options to write
persuasive copy.

Instructions provided to the student:

Assessment task description:

• This is the third (3) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed
competent in this unit of competency.
• This assessment task requires you to complete a project.
• You are required to interpret a creative brief and evaluate a range of innovative options to
write persuasive copy in this assessment task.
• You will receive your feedback within 1 week, and you will be notified by your
trainer/assessor when results are available.
• You must attempt all activities of the project for your trainer/assessor to assess your
competency in this assessment task.

Applicable conditions:

• This project is untimed and is conducted as an open book assessment (this means you are
able to refer to your textbook).
• You must read and respond to all the criteria of the project.
• You may handwrite/use computers to answer the criteria of the project.
• You must complete the task independently.
• No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be
Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory.
• As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your practical
skills, techniques and knowledge to your trainer/assessor.
• The trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions on this assessment task to ensure that
this is your own work.

Resubmissions and reattempts:

• Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a
resubmission attempt will be allowed.
• The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing
this task and require reasonable adjustments.
• For more information, please refer to the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.


• This assessment task may be completed in:

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☐ a classroom
☒ learning management system (i.e. Moodle),
☐ workplace,
☐ or an independent learning environment.

• Your trainer/Assessor will provide further student information regarding the location for
completing this assessment task.

Purpose of the assessment

The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the student’s knowledge and skills essential to
write persuasive copy in a range of contexts and industry settings.

• Skills to determine the creative brief’s objectives, timelines, and budget.

• Skills to evaluate and choose writing styles based on the creative brief
• Skills to assess design and copy possibilities in light of the creative brief
• Skills to choose one or more options for presenting required information and visuals within
the constraints of time and price.
• Skills to create persuasive content in accordance with the creative brief.
• Skills to seek feedback from relevant stakeholders.
• Skills to evaluate feedback and create persuasive material towards the end
• Skills to before releasing persuasive content, get approval from relevant personnel.

Task instructions
• The purpose of this assessment task is to interpret a creative brief and evaluate a range of
innovative options to write persuasive copy.
• The student will take on the role of the content writer.
• The student will have the responsibility to communicate messages in a wide range of

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• The student must use the templates provided to document their responses.
• The trainer/assessor must assess the student using the performance checklist

Assessment Task 3 - Project

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This assessment task requires you to interpret a creative brief and evaluate a range of innovative
options to write persuasive copy.

This includes:

● Reviewing the creative brief and understanding the client’s requirements ● Creating an
audio TV advert that:

○ Aligns with the task requirements stipulated in the creative brief.

○ Complies with the organisation’s copywriting policy and procedures.

○ Complies with the ethical and legislative requirements.

To do so, the student will be required to complete the following activities:

● Activity 1: Establish the content purpose

● Activity 2: Prepare persuasive content according to the creative brief

● Activity 3: Finalise persuasive content and seek approval

Workplace/simulated workplace requirements

This assessment task will be completed at your training organisation. The training organisation must
meet the following requirements:


The simulated workplace environment consists of: ●

Your training organisation as your workplace

● Standard operating/workplace procedures.

● Your trainer/assessor to provide you with assistance throughout the assessment activity.
● Workplace

equipment and materials:

○ Computers and internet

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○ Workstation

○ Printer

○ MS PowerPoint

● Legislation, regulations, standards and codes

○ Australian Consumer Law (ACL)



○ Privacy Act (

○ Spam Act (

○ Legal obligations when marketing


The simulated workplace environment must meet the following criteria:

Are there opportunities for students to: Yes/No/NA

Follow standard operating/workplace procedures

Use up-to-date software and equipment

Work within stated timelines to meet deadlines

Gain experience in the challenges and complexities of dealing with multiple


Experience prioritising competing tasks and dealing with contingencies

Workplace environment to work with others in a team

Safety processes relevant to the area of work

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Equipment, materials and business software packages specified in the
simulated workplace requirements

Workplace environment sufficient to work independently and manage workload

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Case study


Creative Digitex is a marketing company specialising in marketing, branding, interactive solutions, and
visual communication across various platforms. Its staff oversees marketing projects from conception
to completion, from ideation to digital strategy through UX, website design, and development.

The organisation further writes persuasive content in the following forms based on the creative brief

• Digital o Magazine articles o

Website advertisements o Blogs
o Videos o E-books o Brochures

• Audio

The organisation have existing policies and procedures relating to copyright that each content designer,
content writer or copywriter must comply with.

Policies and procedures relating to copyright


Copyright refers to the owner’s exclusive rights to publish, copy, adapt, broadcast, and perform
content found in literary, dramatic, musical, and creative works, as well as computer software, sound
recordings, films, and broadcasts.

According to the Copyright Act, the owner is usually the author or creator of the copyrighted material,
although it can also be another person or legal body. The organisation’s policy on Intellectual Property
addresses copyright ownership issues.

There are some exceptions to the prohibition on using another’s copyright. The owner may permit or
licence another to exercise the copyright, or the law may allow some copyright exercise, either for free
or in exchange for equitable payment to the copyright owner.

This article aims to provide broad guidelines on the types of copying that can be done legally within
the company.


The organisation must comply with the terms of the Copyright Act 1968 and any relevant copyright
agreement(s) currently in effect when copying copyright material.

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Legislative Requirements

The Copyright Act of 1968 governs the organisation’s activities.

Infringement of Copyright

It is explicitly banned to use organisation equipment, facilities, and/or premises for a purpose that
infringes on copyright. Under the Copyright Act, everyone who commits such an infringement is
personally accountable. The organisation may also be found liable.

Use of Copyright without Infringement

Voluntary Licence

The copyright owner may freely or under licence authorise another to use one or more of the
exclusive rights. These licences should be strictly followed; for example, a computing software licence
may be limited to a specific site, person, machine, or purpose.

For copywriters:

• When writing web ad copy, keep in mind any legal or ethical limits.
• Be aware of legislation and legislative instruments that are relevant to the copywriting process,
both directly and indirectly;
• Before beginning the design process, write down these limitations, including their most
important stipulations.
• Demonstrate strong corporate citizenship throughout the copywriting process’ lifespan.

Ethical considerations

Ethical Requirements Explanation

Advocacy Only objective and neutral information should be included in the copy.

Decent content The content is designed to sell a skincare product that people are more
likely to use.

Subliminal promotion There should be no hidden signals in the copy that cause people to
consume things irrationally.

Appropriate language Insulting and abusive language that makes people feel resentful or
embarrassed should not be used in the copy.

Honesty When describing the benefits, the copy should be accurate and truthful.

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Legislative requirements

Legislations/standards Key provisions

- Age discrimination act 2004 Age, disability, race, colour, nation, descent, ethnic origin,
immigration status, religion, beliefs, cultural background, gender,
- Disability discrimination Act sexual orientation, intersex status, marital or relationship status
1992 should not be included in a content writer’s copy.

- Racial discrimination act 1975

- Sex discrimination act 1984

- Australian Human
Commission Act 1986
Copyright Act 1988 Text, artistic work, databases, journals, music, computer
programs, media broadcasts, and other types of creative works
may be referred to as assets in a copy.

Broadcasting Services Act 1992 The following are some of the key objectives of this Act:

• Protecting children from improper online content;

• Broadcasting content that is detrimental to children
through any media channel.

New project

Creative Digitex has received a new project to develop a 30-second audio TV advert. The purpose of
producing an audio TV advert is to help the organisation communicate its brand message effectively.
The creative brief for the writing the persuasive copy is given below:

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Creative brief: Tasty Bites Cookies

Why are we advertising

Tempt consumers to try Tasty Bites Cookies because they are the “best tasting yet -free
guilt pleasure.”

Our cherished consumer

Our target

“Proactive Preventers,” suburban working moms,35 -40, who are willing to do whatever it takes to stay
healthy. For many, food can be a stress
-reliever and escape even for people who watch what they eat.

Consumer’s enemy

Temptation and guilt when they cheat.

Consumer’s Insights

Once consumers cheat on their diet, it puts their whole willpower at risk. “Once I give in to a cookie, I
can’t stop myself. They taste too good. It puts my diet at risk of collapsing. I feel so guilty.”

What do our consumers think now?

While Tasty Bites Cookies have achieved a small growing base of brand fans, most consumers remain
unfamiliar with the brand and have yet to try Tasty Bites. Those few who love Tasty Bites, describe it
as “equally good on health and taste.”

What do we want consumers to do?

TRY Tasty Bites, and we know once they do, the great taste will win them over.

The tone we take with our customers

A safe choice, honest and down-to-earth.

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Our brand message

Main message

With Tasty Bites Cookies, you can do what you want and stop feeling guilty over eating an adman

Support points

Tasty Bites Cookies matched the market leaders on taste but only has 100 calories and 2g of carbs.
In a 12-week study, consumers using Tasty Bites once a night in a desert were able to lose 5 lbs.
About our brand

Brand Idea

Tasty Bites are the best tasting yet guilt-free pleasure so you can stay in control of your health and

Brand Assets

Story of our New England family recipe, our signature stack of beautiful cookies, and tagline “More
Cookie Less Guilt.”

Our ask

Media Choices to explore

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The main creative will be 30 sec audio TV ad, supported by event signage and in-store display. Carry
idea into digital, social media and built a microsite.

Brand Communication Plan

Communications Strategy:

• Advertise Tasty Bites “stay in control” positioning to new “proactive preventers” to move
consumers from consideration to trial and steal competitive users.

Target Market:

• “Proactive Preventers “. Suburban working women, 35-40, who want to stay healthy.

Min Benefit:

• The guilt-free cookie that tastes so good that you can stay in control of your health.

Support Points:

• Tasty Bites matched leaders on taste, only 100 calories and 3g of net carbs.
• 12- week study, consumers using Tasty Bites as a daily desert lost 5-10 pounds.

What do we want consumers to think, do or feel? Desired response:

Try Tasty Bites to see if you like the great taste.

Media Options:

The main creative will be a TV 15- the second spot, with especially health magazines, event signage
and in-store sampling. Carry the idea into digital, social media and a website.

Brand Positioning Statement

1. To (Target) • Healthy proactive preventers who want to do more
for their health, working moms, 35-40 years old.

2. Tasty Bites Is (Category) • The Healthy cookie option.

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3. That is the (Benefit) • Guilt-free cookie to help you stay in control of
your health.
4. That’s because (Support • In blind taste tests, Tasty Bites matched the
Points) leaders on taste but has only 100 calories and
3g of net carbs.
• In a12- week study, consumers using Tasty
Bites once a night as a dessert was able to use
5-10 lbs.

Budget and timelines

• Task: Copywriting process

• Hourly Rate: 50/hour
• Estimated Duration: One month
• Estimated cost: $1000

Your role and responsibilities

You are working as a content writer in Creative Digitex. As part of your job role, you are required to
interpret a creative brief and evaluate a range of innovative options to write persuasive copy. This

• Determine the creative brief’s objectives, timelines, and budget.

• Evaluate and choose writing styles based on the creative brief

• Assess design and copy possibilities in light of the creative brief

• Choose one or more options for presenting required information and visuals within the constraints
of time and price.

• Create persuasive content in accordance with the creative brief.

• Seek feedback from relevant stakeholders.

• Evaluate feedback and create persuasive material towards the end

• Before releasing persuasive content, get approval from relevant personnel.

Task requirements

In the simulated environment set by your training organisation, you will complete a set of activities to
create a persuasive digital copy for the Creative brief considering the requirements given in the creative
Task requirements

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• Reviewing the creative brief and understanding the client’s requirements

• Creating a audio TV advert that:

o Aligns with the task requirements stipulated in the creative brief. o

Complies with the organisation’s copywriting policy and procedures.

o Complies with the ethical and legislative requirements.

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assessment task requires you to interpret a creative brief and evaluate a range of innovative options to
write persuasive copy.

This includes:

● Reviewing the creative brief and understanding the client’s requirements ●

Creating an audio TV advert that:

○ Aligns with the task requirements stipulated in the creative brief.

○ Complies with the organisation’s copywriting policy and procedures.

○ Complies with the ethical and legislative requirements.

To do so, the student will be required to complete the following activities:

● Activity 1: Establish the content purpose

● Activity 2: Prepare persuasive content according to the creative brief ●

Activity 3: Finalise persuasive content and seek approval


• The trainer/assessor will take on the role of Supervisor or assign a staff member in the role of
Marketing Manager.

• Each student will be assessed individually for all assessment activities.

Roles and responsibilities: Supervisor: The Supervisor will:

• Assist you in understanding the task requirements

• Provide you information about job roles and responsibilities

• Supervise you completing the assessment task and requirements

Timeframe to complete the project:

Two weeks (You have two weeks to complete the project): Changes to be made by the training

Task requirements
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• You will be assessed on your technical knowledge and skills to complete this project.

• You will be assessed on working in a team environment and meeting your job role and

• You must follow the instructions provided by the trainer/assessor.

• The task must be completed in the specified timeframe.

Your trainer/assessor will

supervise and
observe you completing the above activities.

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Table of Contents
Activity 1: Establish the content purpose........................................................................................18
Template 1: Objectives, timelines, ............................................and budget of the persuasive content
Template 2: : Evaluate audio TV advert styles based on the creative brief............................20
Activity 2: Prepare persuasive content according to the creative brief........................................22
Template 1: Content options in light of the creative brief..............................................................24
Template 2: Options for presenting required information and visuals within time and price constraints.. 27
Template 3: Develop persuasive content (audio TV advert) according to the creative brief................29
Activity 3: Finalise persuasive content and seek approval.................................................................33
Evaluate feedback and produce final persuasive content................................................................36

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Activity 1: Establish the content purpose
This activity requires you to establish the content purpose for creating an audio TV advert for Tasty

To do so, you are required to:

• Follow the steps given below.

• Complete the template/s associated with each step.

• Submit the completed templates to the trainer/assessor.

Step 1: Identify the objectives, timelines, and budget of the persuasive content to be prepared in digital
format, i.e., audio TV advert considering the creative brief provided.

• Analyse the information given in the case study.

• Determine the objectives, timelines, and budget considering the creative brief provided and
document the following using Template 1.

o Date: The day the task to be executed o Task: Activity to be

undertaken throughout the content writing process o Task objectives:

Objectives for preparation of the persuasive content o Hourly Rate:

Hourly rate agreed o Estimated Duration: Time estimated to complete

a task

o Estimated Cost: Cost estimated to complete a task

Step 2: Evaluate audio TV advert styles based on the creative brief and document using Template 1.

• Evaluate the information given in the case study.

• Determine the following creative brief requirements and document using Template 2.

o Information requirements o Format o Language

o Level of details

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Template 1: Objectives, timelines, and budget of the persuasive content
Objectives, timelines, and budget of the persuasive content
Date: The day the task to be executed 26/02/2022

Task: Activity to be undertaken throughout the Advertise Tasty Bites “stay in control”
content writing process positioning to new “proactive preventers” to
move consumers from consideration to trial and
steal competitive users.

Task objectives: Objectives for preparation of

the persuasive content Proactive Preventers “. Suburban working
women, 35-40, who want to stay healthy.

Hourly Rate: Hourly rate agreed 50/hour

Estimated Duration: Time estimated to One month

complete a task

Estimated Cost: Cost estimated to complete a

Estimated cost: $1000

Template 2: : Evaluate audio TV advert styles based on the creative brief

Evaluate audio TV advert styles based on the creative brief (150 -200 )words
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Information requirements

The organisation further writes persuasive content in the following forms based on the creative
brief provided.

• Digital o Magazine articles

o Website advertisements

o Blogs

o Videos

o E-books

o Brochures

• Audio


The main creative will be a TV 15- the second spot, with especially health magazines, event signage
and in-store sampling. Carry the idea into digital, social media and a website.


• When writing web ad copy, keep in mind any legal or ethical limits.

• Be aware of legislation and legislative instruments that are relevant to the copywriting process,
both directly and indirectly;

• Before beginning the design process, write down these limitations, including their most
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important stipulations.

• Demonstrate strong corporate citizenship throughout the copywriting process’ lifespan.

Level of details

In blind taste tests, Tasty Bites matched the leaders on taste but has only 100 calories and 3g of net

• In a12- week study, consumers using Tasty Bites once a night as a dessert was able to use 5-10

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Activity 2: Prepare persuasive content according to the creative brief
This activity is a continuation of Activity 1.

This activity requires you to prepare persuasive content (audio TV advert) according to the creative brief
for Tasty bites.

To do so, you are required to:

• Follow the steps given below.

• Complete the template/s associated with each step.

• Submit the completed templates to the trainer/assessor.

Step 1: Assess content options in light of the creative brief.

• Analyse the information given in the creative brief.

• Determine the design options for the image for the TV advert.

o Conduct online research and determine two (2) designs that you can use to prepare the
audio TV advert.

o Submit the designs to the trainer/assessor and request approval before preparing the
audio TV advert.

• Determine the content copy options from the creative brief that you would use to
prepare the audio TV advert and document using Template 2.

Step 2: Choose one or more options for presenting required information and visuals within time and
price constraints.

• Analyse the information given in the creative brief and style guide.

• Determine two (2) options for communicating required information and images within
time and budgetary requirements.

• Select the most suitable option for the final implementation considering the time and
budgetary requirements.

• Document the following using Template 3.

o How the selected option for the final implementation help to communicate the required
information to the target audiences?
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o How the selected option for the final implementation meet the time and budgetary

Step 3: Develop persuasive content (audio TV advert) according to the creative brief.
• Follow the

guidelines provided to prepare the content brief.

o The audio TV advert should be prepared using online software such as Canva.

o The audio TV advert must communicate the following:

▪ Main message

▪ Support points o The audio TV advert must communicate must meet the following


▪ Aligns with the task requirements stipulated in the creative brief.

▪ Complies with the organisation’s copywriting policy and procedures.

▪ Complies with the ethical and legislative requirements.

• Submit the persuasive content (audio TV advert) to the trainer/assessor.

• Further, document the following using Template 4.

o How the persuasive content (audio TV advert) prepared complies with the following

▪ Legal and ethical considerations

▪ Creative brief

Template 1: Content options in light of the creative brief

Content options in light of the creative brief 100 – 200 ) words
content copy options from the creative brief that you would use to prepare the audio TV advert

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Describe the company Copyright refers to the owner’s exclusive rights to
publish, copy, adapt, broadcast, and perform
content found in literary, dramatic, musical, and
creative works, as well as computer software,
sound recordings, films, and broadcasts.
According to the Copyright Act, the owner is
usually the author or creator of the copyrighted
material, although it can also be another person
or legal body. The organisation’s policy on
Intellectual Property addresses copyright
ownership issues.
There are some exceptions to the prohibition on
using another’s copyright. The owner may permit
or licence another to exercise the copyright, or
the law may allow some copyright exercise, either
for free or in exchange for equitable payment to
the copyright owner.
This article aims to provide broad guidelines
on the types of copying that can be done
legally within the company.

The organisation further writes persuasive

content in the following forms based on the
creative brief provided.
• Digital
o Magazine articles
o Website advertisements
o Blogs
o Videos
o E-books
o Brochures

• Audio

Summarize the project Creative Digitex has received a new project

to develop a 30-second audio TV advert. The
purpose of producing an audio TV advert is to
help the organisation communicate its brand
message effectively. The creative brief for the
writing the persuasive copy is given below:


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“Proactive Preventers,” suburban working
moms,35-40, who are willing to do whatever it
takes to stay healthy. For many, food can be a
stress-reliever and escape even for people who
watch what they eat.

Target audience .

• “Proactive Preventers “. Suburban working

women, 35-40, who want to stay healthy.

the deliverables you need

The Healthy cookie option.

• Tasty Bites matched leaders on taste, only
100 calories and 3g of net carbs.
• 12- week study, consumers using Tasty
Bites as a daily desert lost 5-10 pounds.
• Guilt-free cookie to help you stay in
control of your health.

details on the tone, message, and style the main creative will be 30 sec audio TV ad,
supported by event signage and in-store display.
Carry idea into digital, social media and built a

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Template 2: Options for presenting required information and visuals within time
and price constraints.
options for presenting required information and visuals within time and price
constraints.(200-300) words

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How the selected option for the final implementation help to communicate the required information to
the target audiences?

Stakeholder Communication Needs Frequency Communication Format

Project Management Monthly Project Status meetings Emails

Report Meetings—
Conducted monthly,
these meetings bring
together all members of
the project team along
with all control
documents aggregated
to form a detailed
report covering all
project activities during
the period. Recommend
a comprehensive status
report for the sates
review and approval
prior to the end of the
first reporting period.

Marketing team o Aligns each Workgroup

implementation plan Meetings, Emails
with overall goals o Monthly, and as
Validates that needed in the
recommendations and interim
accompanying activities
do not create
duplicative processes
unnecessarily o Verifies
adherence to
procedures across the
project team

Management team Develop a detailed plan Weekly report Meetings, Emails

and timeline for the
establishment of crisis
walk in centers.

Designer,IT identify client need Weekly report Work group email

Conduct data analysis,

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How the selected option for the final implementation meet the time and budgetary requirements?

Implement Timeline Budget Responsibilities

A new campaign 1 month $2000 Project management

Magazines 1 month $4000 Project management


social network 1 month $5000 Project management


Template 3: Develop persuasive content (audio TV advert) according to the creative brief
Develop persuasive content (audio TV advert) according to the creative brief (200 – 300 )
How the persuasive content (audio TV advert) prepared complies with the following requirements?

• Legal and ethical considerations

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Ethical considerations

Ethical Requirements Explanation

Advocacy Only objective and neutral information should be included in the copy.

Decent content The content is designed to sell a skincare product that people are more
likely to use.

Subliminal promotion There should be no hidden signals in the copy that cause people to
consume things irrationally.

Appropriate language Insulting and abusive language that makes people feel resentful or
embarrassed should not be used in the copy.

Honesty When describing the benefits, the copy should be accurate and truthful.

Legislative requirements

Legislations/standards Key provisions

- Age discrimination act 2004 Age, disability, race, colour, nation, descent, ethnic origin,
immigration status, religion, beliefs, cultural background, gender,
- Disability discrimination Act sexual orientation, intersex status, marital or relationship status
1992 should not be included in a content writer’s copy.

- Racial discrimination act


- Sex discrimination act 1984

- Australian Human
Commission Act 1986
Copyright Act 1988 Text, artistic work, databases, journals, music, computer
programs, media broadcasts, and other types of creative works
may be referred to as assets in a copy.

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Broadcasting Services Act 1992 The following are some of the key objectives of this Act:

• Protecting children from improper online content;

• Broadcasting content that is detrimental to children
through any media channel.

• Creative brief

Company background Creative Digitex is a marketing company

specialising in marketing, branding, interactive
solutions, and visual communication across
various platforms. Its staff oversees marketing
projects from conception to completion, from
ideation to digital strategy through UX, website
design, and development.


Copywriting process

target . Advertise Tasty Bites “stay in control”

positioning to new “proactive preventers” to
move consumers from consideration to trial and
steal competitive users.


The main creative will be a TV 15- the second

spot, with especially health magazines, event
signage and in-store sampling. Carry the idea
into digital, social media and a website.

budget requirement

• Estimated cost: $1000

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Activity 3: Finalise persuasive content and seek approval
This activity is a continuation of Activity 2.

This activity requires you to finalise persuasive content prepared in Activity 2 and obtain required

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To do so, you are required to:

• Follow the steps given below.

• Complete the template/s associated with each step.

• Submit the completed templates to the trainer/assessor.

Instructions for trainer/assessor:

• The trainer/assessor will take on the role of the Supervisor.

• The trainer/assessor will allocate the role of the client to a staff member.

• The trainer/assessor must provide the college e-mail address of the staff member to
the student.

• The trainer/assessor must review the persuasive content e-mailed by the student and
provide feedback and suggest revisions to the audio TV advert.

Step 1: Consult with the following stakeholders for feedback.

• Supervisor

• Client

Follow the guidelines provided below:

• E-mail the audio TV advert (prepared in Activity 2) to the stakeholders. Follow the e-
mail guidelines provided.

o E-mail must include an appropriate subject.

o The body of the e-mail must:

▪ Provide a summary of the audio TV advert and its key features.

▪ Request feedback on the audio TV advert.

o The e-mail text must be formal and must be grammatically correct. o The e-mail must

include the audio TV advert as an attachment.

Step 2: Evaluate feedback and produce final persuasive content.

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• Evaluate

feedback received from stakeholders in Step 1.

• Make revisions to the audio TV advert prepared in Activity 2.

• Submit the revised persuasive content (audio TV advert) to the trainer/assessor.

Step 3: Before releasing persuasive content, get approval from Supervisor (trainer/assessor)

• Discuss the changes you have incorporated based on the feedback received.

• Request approval for releasing the persuasive content (audio TV advert).


Hi everyone

I am written an email to make the advertisement about the audio TV to promote Tasty Bites Cookies,
on timeline 1 month

By follow the information

BSBMKG555 Assessment 3 V1 Page 33 of 35
-Tasty Bites are the best tasting yet guilt-free pleasure so you can stay in control of your health and

- The guilt-free cookie that tastes so good that you can stay in control of your health

Customer Target is working women, age on 35-40,

I need everyone to barnstorming to consider about our objective ,budge and Create persuasive
content including the organisation’s copywriting policy and procedures.

Anyway,I will review plan with you by follow up and college feedback from you.

If you have other question please contact me .

You sincerely

Project manager

Evaluate feedback and produce final persuasive content

5 4 3 2 1
Clarity: Spoken language is clear and is easily understood Comment:

5 4 3 2 1

Vocal Variety:Uses tone, speed, and volume as tools Comment:

5 4 3 2 1

Eye Contact: Effectively uses eye contact to engage audience Comment:

5 4 3 2 1

Gestures: Uses physical gestures effectively Comment:

5 4 3 2 1

Audience Awareness: Demonstrates awareness of audience engagement Comment:

and needs

5 Assessment4 3 V1
BSBMKG555 3 2 Page 34 of 35 1

Comfort Level: Appears comfortable with the audience Comment:

5 4 3 2 1

Interest: Engages audience with interesting, well-constructed content Comment:

5 4 3 2 1

Persuade: Delivers a speech that is clearly intended to persuade the Comment:

5 4 3 2 1
 7 Examples of Persuasive Content That Inspired Us | D
 Interactive TV Ads: Real-Life
 Copywriting & Creative

BSBMKG555 Assessment 3 V1 Page 35 of 35

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