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A pleasant morning, ladies and

gentlemen. We are grateful for

your presence in our
General Assembly for the S.Y.
2021 - 2022!
We will be starting in a few
minutes, so stay tuned and get
ready. We would also like to
everyone to please turn off your
cameras and put your microphones
on mute.
Thank you!
A pleasant morning, ladies and
gentlemen. We are grateful for
your presence in our
General Assembly for the S.Y.
2021 - 2022!
We will be starting in a few
minutes, so stay tuned and get
ready. We would also like to
everyone to please turn off your
cameras and put your microphones
on mute.
Thank you!
A pleasant morning, ladies and
gentlemen. We are grateful for
your presence in our
General Assembly for the S.Y.
2021 - 2022!
We will be starting in a few
minutes, so stay tuned and get
ready. We would also like to
everyone to please turn off your
cameras and put your microphones
on mute.
Thank you!
A Pleasant Morning ParEnts,teachers ,non teaching staff students and visitors. We are grateful for your
presence in our SPTA Assembly for S. y 2022-2023 -e appreciate you, our dear parents ta+ing timeo.
your busy schedules to /oin us today

We will be starting in a few minutes . We would like to request everyone to pls settle down.

Thank you

 Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love. -Mother

, Good Afternoon! My name’s Janiene Patalinghug and I’ll be your emcee for this afternoons assembly,
and it is my pleasure to welcome you all to this SPTA Assembly MEETING TODAY oct 7,2022

May I recognize the dignitaries from the head table headed by:

North butuan DISTRICT Supervisor Mrs Marilou Recososa

Principal IV of Riverside Integrated School DR. esterlita C. Dadios

Honorable Yuliza Uy Corvera Brgy captain of Bann Riverside Butuan City

Now to formally commence the first part of this afternoon’s program, may I ask everybody to please rise
for the singing of the national anthem by Mrs. Riza Layasan Grade 3 Ruby adviser conducting

pls remain standing for the prayer by Mrs . merla Maquiling grade 3 pearl adviser

thnk you so much ,.Please be seated.

To recognize the attendance of teachers, HRPTA Officers and presidential table may I call on Mrs.
Loremate D. Otaza Grade 3 Saphire adviser

Proceeding to our program proper we are delighted to welcome our beloved dr. Esterlita dadios
Principal IV of RIVERSIDE integrated School

Thank you mam for your wonderful Welcome address

Moving forward, I know you would all AGREE THAT a whole year is something to cherish ,as each day
we learn a lot of new things and gain wisdom from our educators .

Speaking of educators, since there are a few teachers, including yourstruly, who are new to this school,
let us now get to know our teachers let us have the personal appearance of our teachers from
kindergarten to grade six. in Riverside Integrated School,

By Mrs Goldie Romero Administrative Officer 2 (north butuan district ) of Riverside Integrated School


Thank you so MUCH maam now that we are already introduced to our teachers of our school we will
now proceed to the 2nd part of our program the meeting Proper
May I call on the SPTA President Mrs. Chorlyn A. Villamor as the presiding officer

Thank you mam

At this juncture let us have Mrs Jenita A. Dela torre our faculty presedent to discuss au about school

Thnk u mam Now we are well informed and guided about our school policies and other matters about
our school.

At this time let us have an open forum so parents if you have questions you may raise your hand or pls
come here in front

Thnk you so much for addressing our agendas for today now if anyone have questions we would be
pleased to answer them
After the questions ( thnk u so much sir and mam)

I think we are almost done with our program, but before we end May I encourage everyone to pls stand
for our community dance by our very dancerouse and enthusiastic teacher

Thank you so much sir I feel so enegized and active

Now for the closing remark I would like to invite Mr. Rolando Otaza Academic head of Riverside
Integradted School for his closing remarks

Thank you sir

Now let us have Our SPTA vice President Mrs/Miss Coleen C. Langheras for the closing prayer

To our dear parents. May I thnk u very much for your active participation in our SPTA assembly

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