Secure64 DNS Manager Datasheet PDF

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Secure64® DNS Manager™


Simple, centralized DNS management

DNS MANAGER Managing a few DNS servers is easily accomplished. Managing
many is another matter. Software versions must be tested and rolled
out in a controlled fashion; configurations must be standardized,
deployed across the network and maintained over time; servers must
be monitored in real time to identify bottlenecks or troubleshoot issues;
and capacity planners must use long term trend data. Performing
these activities manually is both time consuming and error-prone, and
does not provide necessary control and visibility into network changes
KEY BENEFITS and activity.
■ Reduce DNS server total cost of
■ Eliminate configuration errors Secure64 DNS Manager provides centralized management of
that can impact service Secure64 DNS software and configurations, and provides network-
wide monitoring of key performance indicators. With DNS Manager,
■ Support the staged rollout of new
users can reduce the time required to manage and monitor DNS
networks while gaining control and visibility into software and
■ Identify issues before they
impact service availability configuration changes.
■ Simplify troubleshooting and
capacity planning
■ Manage your DNS infrastructure
from anywhere in the world

■ Update and rollback DNS server
software revisions
■ Revise configurations, easily
track and control server updates
■ Monitor critical operating
parameters in real time
■ Generate email alerts when key
performance indicators exceed
■ Report key statistics for capacity
and usage trending
■ Access through simple, browser-
based graphical user interface
Controlled Software Rollout Monitoring and Alerting Activity Reporting
Updates to mission-critical software like the Attacks, network issues, hardware failures DNS Manager tracks key statistics over
DNS need to be rolled out carefully in order and other DNS service-impacting events time and allows the generation of a variety
to minimize risk and maintain strict Service must be identified and rectified as quickly of reports that can simplify capacity
Level Agreements. DNS Manager allows as possible. DNS Manager is able to planning and gain visibility into network-
software upgrades on one, multiple or all monitor key system and DNS performance wide DNS activity. Report data can be
servers. This allows new software to be indicators across the network, including exported to CSV files for detailed analysis,
tested and certified in a lab setting before CPU, disk and memory utilization, packet and frequently needed reports can be set
committing to production. It also enables rate, interface status, connectivity status, up for regularly scheduled email delivery.
a phased rollout of new software, where DNS service status, queries per second
software updates are performed during and cache hit. Email alerts can be
regularly scheduled maintenance windows.
generated whenever one or more of these
Whether internal or legally mandated
KPI’s exceeds a user defined threshold so
blacklists are deployed, or if the Secure64
Powerful Configuration that bottlenecks and pending failures can
DNS Guard service is utilized, DNS
Management be identified before they impact customers.
Manager simplifies the process of
In an environment consisting of many DNS obtaining, whitelisting and distributing
servers, there are likely to be differences Advanced Threat Reporting blacklists across the DNS network.
in configurations. DNS Manager allows Securing your DNS infrastructure against Blacklist policies are highly configurable,
the creation of groups of servers and external threats is vital, and security starts enabling the specification of where
assignment of configurations to a group. with visibility. DNS Manager integrates and how the blacklist is retrieved, how
Groups may be arranged hierarchically, with DNS Guard to offer advanced threat frequently to check for updates, when
to give maximum flexibility to organize the reporting, giving you insight into any bad to update DNS servers, and whether
network. actors interacting with your servers. These queries matching a blacklist item are to be
Once servers are defined and organized, threat reports will notify you of: dropped, failed or redirected.
configurations may be assigned to one,
several, or all servers in the network.
Common configuration parameters may • Malware and Fraudulent Site Events
be assigned to all servers in the network, • DNS Tunnel Events
whereas settings specific to subsets of • Botnet Command and Control Events
servers may be assigned at the group • DDoD Attack Mitigation Events
level, and IP addresses and other server-
• Infected Client History
specific information are assigned to each
specific server.
All configuration file or software version With clear, comprehensive threat reports,
change events are logged. Authorized you have full visibility into when and
users can rollback to previous software how your servers are defending against
versions. external threats.


DNS Manager is available either as a ■ Call Secure64 for specific models and ■ VMware ESXi
hardened physical appliance or as a virtual configurations

Learn more about Secure64 DNS solutions at

Secure64 Software Corporation 303-242-5890

© Secure64 Software Corporation. All rights reserved. Secure64® and SourceT® are trademarks of Secure64 Software Corporation. Other marks are owned by their respective companies.

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