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Job Knowledge Skills Attitude Other

Responsibilities Abilities
/ List of task
1.Ensure that Strong Exceptional Determined Adaptable,
all staff knowledge interpersonal and reliable versatile, and
policies, of the skills, including flourish in a
procedures, and employment active listening high speed,
practices laws, and the ability to evolving
respect all industrial work across climate.
applicable laws relations, and disciplines, with a
and regulations. labor laws in variety of
the area audiences, and in
a variety of
2.Provide Ability to Strategic Integrity People
leadership with handle thinking/leadershi centric
advice sensitive p approach
regarding the matters
strategic design appropriately
of the and keep a
organization high level of
and the confidentialit
requirements of y at all times.
staff, spotting
patterns across
business groups
and proactively
proposing and
programs to
address these
patterns; coach
staff in
cultural, and
issues at all
staff); ensure
that hiring
s and practices
are open and
honest by
with hiring
3.Ensure that Excellent Possess the Problem Experience
the recruitment, negotiating credibility to be a solver and working with
contracting, on- skills in the trusted partner detail equality,
boarding, areas of staff and the ability to oriented diversity, and
development, relations, interact with and inclusion
and conflict collaborate with strategies and
performance resolution, staff at all levels. efforts.
management, and
staff relations, recruitment.
payroll, and
phases of the
staff life cycle
are carried out
accurately and
4. Manage People and Analytical and Positive and A People and
employee Culture problem-solving solutions- Culture
Manager must skills, with the oriented Manager must
relations issues, have an ability to identify mindset, with have strong
including understanding and resolve a willingness communicatio
disciplinary of conflict complex HR issues. to take on new n skills to
actions, resolution challenges and effectively
investigations, techniques to find creative communicate
and conflict effectively solutions to with
resolution. manage and complex employees,
resolve problems. management,
conflicts in the and other
workplace. stakeholders
involved in the
conflict or
process. This
includes the
ability to listen
ideas and
clearly, and
feedback in a

5. Manage the People and People and Culture Job People and
HR budget and Culture Manager should responsibilities; Culture
ensure effective Manager must have the skills to Manage the HR Manager
use of resources. have a good create and manage budget and should possess
understanding a budget for the HR ensure effective strong
of financial department. This use of resources analytical skills
management includes the ability relate to skills of to analyze
principles and to develop a people and financial data
practices to budget, monitor culture manager and make
effectively expenses, and informed
manage the identify areas decisions
HR budget. where savings can about how to
be made. allocate
resources and
manage the
HR budget

These are some of the key responsibilities, knowledge, skills, attitudes, and other
abilities required for a People and Culture Manager position. A competency-based job
description can help ensure that the candidate has the necessary competencies to
effectively perform the job and contribute to the success of the organization.

A competency-based job description (CBJD) for the People and Culture Manager position.
The CBJD included job responsibilities or tasks such as managing employee relations, HR
budget, recruitment, and training and development. We analyzed the related knowledge,
skills, attitude, and other abilities for each task.
The CBJD is a useful tool for both the organization and the employee. It helps the
organization to define the job position's requirements and expectations, ensure that the right
person is selected for the role, and align the employee's performance with the organization's
goals. For the employee, the CBJD provides a clear understanding of the job duties and
required competencies, allowing them to perform their role effectively and plan for their
career development.
Developing a competency-based job description is a critical step in human resources
management, as it helps to create a clear understanding of what the job requires and what
competencies are needed to perform it effectively. By using a CBJD, organizations can
ensure they have the right person in the right job, which can help to increase employee
satisfaction, engagement, and productivity, leading to better overall organizational

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