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Annex B (informative) Recommendations for Design and Construction of Foundations for Aboveground Oil Storage Tanks. B.1 Scope B.1.1 This Annex provides important considerations for the design and construction of oases for aboveground tic steel oll storage tanks with flat bottoms, Recommendations are offered to outline good pract point out some precautions that should be considered in the design and construction of storage tank fout BA1.2. Since there is a wide variety of surface, subsurface, and climatic conditig Nt practical to establish design data to cover all situations. The allowable soil loading and the exact type of st e construction to be used must be decided for each individual case after careful consideration. The same rules and precautions shall be used in selecting foundation sites as would be applicable in designing and constru undations for other structures of ‘comparable magnitude. oS B.2 Subsurface Investigation and Construction B.2.1 At any tank site, the subsurface conditions must be knowio estimate the soil bearing capacity and settlement that will be experienced. This information is ger obtained from soil borings, load tests, sampling, laboratory testing, and analysis by an experienced geotec! jeer familiar wth the history of similar structures in the vicinity, The subgrade must be capable of supportifg,ie load ofthe tank and its contents, The total settlement rust not strain connecting piping or produce gaug ae is, and te stement shoud not continue to a pont at which the tank bottom is below the surrounding surface. The estimated setlement shall be within the aoceplabe tolerances forthe tank shel and bo B.2.2_ When actual experience with simlatfaits and foundations ata particular sit is not avaliable, the following ranges for factors of safety should be eonskiered for use inthe foundation design crea for determining the dllowable sol bearing pressures, (The;Swqeror geotechnical engineer responsible forthe project may use factors of safety ouside these anges.) a) From2.0103.0 women faire fornormal operating conditons. b) From 1.5 to 2.25 againeMbilinte bearing failure during hydrostatic testing, ©) From 1.5 to 2. st ultimate bearing failure for operating conditions plus the maximum effect of wind or seismic log B.2.3 Some\éf the many conditions that require special engineering consideration are as follows: 4) sites on hillsides, where part of a tank may be on undisturbed ground or rock and part may be on fil or another construction or where the depth of required fils variable, b) sites on swampy or filed ground, where layers of muck or compressible vegetation are at or below the surface or Where unstable or corrosive materials may have been deposited as fil ©) sites underlain by soils, such as layers of plastic clay or organic clays, that may support heavy loads temporarily but settle excessively over long periods of time. 4d) sites adjacent to water courses or deep excavations, where the lateral stability of the ground is questionable. 4 82 [API Sranparo 650 ) sites immediately adjacent to heavy structures that distribute some of their load to the subsoil under the tank sites, thereby reducing the subsoils capacity to carry additional loads without excessive settlement. 1) sites where tanks may be exposed to flood waters, possibly resulting in uplif, displacement, or scour. 49) sites in regions of high seismicity that may be susceptible to liquefaction. h) sites with thin layers of soft clay solls that are directly beneath the tank bottom and that can cause lateral ground stabilty problems, a) Removing the objectionable material and replacing it wth suitable, compacted mal b) Compacting the soft material with short piles. ‘c) Compacting the soft material by preloading the area with an overbu Gaxy Strip or sand drains may be used in conjunction with this method 4) Stabilizing the soft material by chemical methods or injection of cemaReGrout. the load intensity will be within allowable limi ‘cessive settlement will not occur. bottom, * ~» {Constructing a slab foundation that wil mee fd over a sufficiently large area of the soft material so that 4g) Improving soil properties by vibro-comy ibro-replacement, or deep dynamic-compaction. h) Slow and controlled filing of the ta may be compromised by excessive saitlements of the shell or bottom, For this reason, the settlements of the tank shall be closely monitores stopped and the tank rele\ B25. The fil material whe 0 replace muck or other objectionable material orto build up the grade to a sultable height shall be adeayAl@Yob the support of the tank and product after the material has been compacted. The fil malerial shall bp“ree\al yegetation, organic matter, cinders, and any material that wil cause corrosion ofthe tank bottom. The gfadefénd fype of fil material shall be capable of being compacted with standard industry compaction techniques to a dengiy suficient to provide appropriate bearing capacity and acceptable settlements. The placement ofthe fil material shal be in accordance wit the project specifications prepared by a qualifed geotechnical engineer. B.3. Tank Grades B.3.1 The grade or surface on which a tank bottom will rest should be constructed at least 0.3 m (1 fl) above the ‘surrounding ground surface. This will provide suitable drainage, help keep the tank bottom dry, and compensate for ‘some small settlement that is likely to occur. If a large settlement is expected, the tank bottom elevation shall be raised so that the final elevation above grade will be a minimum of 160 mm (6 in.) after settlement. B.3.2_ There are several different materials that can be used for the grade or surface on which the tank bottom will rest. To minimize future corrosion problems and maximize the effect of corrosion prevention systems such as WeLpeD TANKS FoR OIL SroRAGE Bs cathodic protection, the material in contact with the tank bottom should be fine and uniform. Gravel or large particles shall be avoided. Clean washed sand 75 mm to 100 mm (3 in. 4 in.) deep is recommended as a final layer because itcan be readily shaped to the bottom contour of the tank to provide maximum contact area and wil protect the tank bottom from coming into contact with large particles and debris. Large foreign objects or point contact by gravel or rocks could cause corrosion cells that wil cause piting and premature tank bottom failure During construction, the movement of equipment and materials across the grade will mar the graded surface. These irregularties should be corrected before bottom plates are placed for welding. Adaqt roe, sch a raking sega nutayr progatssvalaremgotetNo sot bo raise phe rt nactgscm rage aah agi! eater Me ia el mit ons eld NOTE For more information on tank bottom corrosion and corrosion prevention that, API 651 B.3.3_Uniess otherwise specified by the Purchaser, the fnished tank grade spatpbe crowned from its outer periphery to its center at a slope of 1 in. in 10 ft. The crown will parly compensate fohgfight settlement, which is likely to be ‘greater at the center. It will also facilitate cleaning and the removal of watt and Sludge through openings in the shell ‘or from sumps situated near the shell. Because crowning will affe ths of roof-supporting colurmns, it is ‘essential thatthe tank Manufacturer be fully informed of this fe nly in advance. (For an allemative to this paragraph, see B3.4) undation of @ tank, see B.4 Typical Foundation Types wy B.4.1 Earth Foundations Without a B.4.1.1_ When an engineering evaluat work has shown that the subgrad satisfactory foundations may b foundations are identical to thase the following, bsurface conditions that is based on experience and/or exploratory ‘adequate bearing capacity and that settlements will be acceptable, ieted from earth materials. The performance requirements for earth re extensive foundations. Specifically, an earth foundation should accomplish 4) provide a stable <" ‘support of the tank; b) limit overall se connecting Pipi ©) provide adeQyate drainage; ‘of the tank grade to values compatible with the allowances used in the design of the 4) not settle excessively at the perimeter due to the weight of the shell wall B.4.1.2. Many satisfactory designs are possible when sound engineering judgment is used in their development, ‘Three designs are referred to in this Annex on the basis of their satisfactory long-term performance. For smaller tanks, foundations can consist of compacted crushed stone, screenings, fine gravel, clean sand, or similar material placed directly on virgin soil, Any unstable material must be removed, and any replacement material must be thoroughly compacted. Two recommended designs that include ringwalls are illustrated in Figure B.1 and Figure B.2 and described in B.4.2 and B.4.3. es AP smoano 680 Catering ot nga . j NY Tine flere / som ks i// ayer Gin) | @iny {If eae { NUFF AL {Sp ~ \ \\\ ~ \\\ ’ f | ~ \ 4 ~ soe \\ i me \ H i 2 a a ewan 75.nm (in) min of cect, dean sara NX - eng fal foie wi sable hen — suraipgeg : ‘thoroughly compact il “ 300 mm (12 in.) min mao NOTE 1 Se08.423forrequtemens oe hen NOTE 2 The top of the concrete, be smooth and level. The concrete strength shall be at least 20 MPa (3000 tofiin.2) Meat days Recemaat sa Sib cso nd hah So tupre cs covobp fl svongn bbe Wsaggeang ape © fot posable, se ACI 318 for ad lopment requirements NOTES Ringwals that excogs 300 F912 in.) in widh shall have rears cistriouted on both faces, NOTE4 See B4.2.2forthélfgstion of the tank shel on the rngwall jure B.1—Example of Found: B.4.2_ Earth Foundations With a Concrete Ringwall BAA.2.1 Large tanks and tanks with heavy or tall shells and/or self-supported roofs impose a substantial load on the foundation under the shell. This is particularly important with regard to shell distortion in floating-roof tanks. When there is some doubt whether a foundation will be able to carry the shell load directly, a concrete ringwall foundation should be used. As an altemative to the concrete ringwall noted in this section, a crushed stone ringwall (see B.4.3) ion with Concrete Ringwall may be used, A foundation with a concrete ringwall has the following advantages. 4) It provides better distribution of the concentrated load of the shell to produce a more nearly uniform soil loading under the tank, b) It provides a level, solid starting plane for construction of the shell WeLpeD TANKS FoR OIL SroRAGE Bs tien —itewmn ‘Slope to9 of ringwal ‘way rom tank paved lA 1 \ As 1 Thoroughly compacted fof Crushed stone or gravel {fine gravel coarse sand. rote stable materia 75mm (in) min compacted eur so 4. NOTE _Any unsuitable materal shall be removed ard replaced with ‘Sutable fi the fl shal then be thoroughly compacted, ©) It provides a better means of leveling the tank grade, and it is capatilp of preserving its contour during construction, 4) It retains the fill under the tank bottom and prevents loss of| > of erosion ) It minimizes moisture under the tank. A disadvantage of concrete ringwalls is that they may CRaoooy conform to differential settlements. This disadvantage may lead to high bending stresses inthe Oj 3s adjacent tothe ringwall B.A22_ When a concrete ringwal is designedy ning ‘proportioned so that the allowable sol bearing fs not exceeded. The ringwall shall not be less than Pa 12 in.) thick. The centerline diameter of the ringwall should quel tre nominel dameter ofthe tank: Row¥epethe ringwal certeine may vary fequted to flats the placeront of archot bls oto satst sl aging ts for seismic loads or excesive pli forces The dept of te Weal wil depend on local contre, bu must be suffcentfo place the bom of fe ringwal below the Srticpated Fost penevaton and witmdhewsecfed bearing seta, As 2 rinimum, te bottom of te Fingal founded on Sl, sha be located Or (@ % below the lowest adjacent fish grade Tank foundations must be Corsi win te tolerances flees in 755, Recess shal be paved ite wal for fush-ype deanouts, drawoff sumps, and any otk PT lances that require recesses. B423 A ringwall shoul forced against temperature changes and shrinkage and reinforced to resist the lateral pressure of the gonfined fill wth its surcharge from product loads. ACI 318 is recommended for design stress. values, material spegifiCations, and rebar development and cover. The following items conceming a ringwall shall be considered. 1a) The ringwaifShall be reinforced to resist the direct hoop tension resulting from the lateral earth pressure on the ringwal's inside face. Unless substantiated by proper geotechnical analysis, the lateral earth pressure shall be assumed to be at least 50 % of the vertical pressure due to fluid and soil weight. Ifa granular backfil is used, a lateral earth pressure coefficient of 30 % may be used. b) The ringwall shall be reinforced to resist the bending moment resulting from the uniform moment load. The uniform moment load shall account for the eccentricities of the applied shell and pressure loads relative to the centroid of the resulting soil pressure. The pressure load is due to the fluid pressure on the horizontal projection of the ringwall inside the shell 6). The ringwall shall be reinforced to resist the bending and torsion moments resulting from lateral, wind, or seismic loads applied eccentrically to it, A rational analysis, which includes the effect of the foundation stiffness, shall be used to determine these moments and soil pressure distributions, Bs [API Sranparo 650 4d) The total hoop steel area required to resist the loads noted above shall not be less than the area required for temperature changes and shrinkage. The hoop steel area required for temperature changes and shrinkage is 0.0026 times the vertical cross-sectional area of the ringwall or the minimum reinforcement for walls called for in ACI 318, Chapter 14, ) For ringwalls, the vertical steel! area required for temperature changes and shrinkage is 0.0015 times the horizontal cross-sectional area of the ringwall or the minimum reinforcement for walls called for in ACI 318, Chapter 14. Additional vertical steel may be required for uplift or torsional resistance. If the ring foundation is wider than its depth, the design shall consider its behavior as an annular slab with flexure in the sadial direction ‘Temperature and shrinkage reinforcement shall meet the AC! 318 provisions for slabs. (See ACI 348, Chapter 7.) 1) When the ringwall width exceeds 460 mm (18 in.), using a footing beneath the wall bd) considered. Footings may also be useful for resistance to uplift forces. undergo minimal settlement. h) Ifthe tank is designed and constructed for elevated temperature Seyvice pee B.6. B.4.2.4 Options under the shell. Considerations shall be given toe trapping of moisture under the tank bottom that ‘can lead to underside corrosion. Refer to E.7.1 for additional sei§gifc fonsiderations. we a) Place steel directly on concrete. b) 13 mm ('/2 in.) asphalt impregnated fiber board, B.4.3. Earth Foundations Wit hed Stone and Gravel Ringwall BA43.1_ A crushed stone of{gravelringwall will provide adequate support for high loads imposed by a shell. A foundation with a crushed stor ravel ringwall has the following advantages. 2) It provides beter ros ofthe concentrated lod ofthe shel to produce @ more neal uniform soil loading ur tela ¢) Hretains theft une the anicbotom and prevents loss of mater a a elo erosion 6) lean more smoot acconmadate diferent! etlement because os exit Adisadvantage of the crushed stone or gravel ringwall is that itis more difficult to construct it to close tolerances and achieve a flat, level plane for construction of the tank shell WeLpeD TANKS FoR OIL SroRAGE e7 4.3.2. For crushed stone or gravel ringwalls, careful selection of design details is necessary to ensure satisfactory performance. The type of foundation suggested is shown in Figure B.2. Significant details include the following a) The 0.9 m (3 ft) shoulder and berm shall be protected from erosion by being constructed of crushed stone or covered with a permanent paving material ) Care shall be taken during construction to prepare and maintain a smooth, level surface for the tank bottom plates. c) The tank grade shall be constructed to provide adequate drainage away from the tank foundation. ) The tank foundation must be true to the specified plane within the tolerances specified in B.4.4 Slab Foundations & BA4.4.1 When the soil bearing loads must be distributed aver an area larger tank area or when it is specified by the owner, a reinforced concrete slab shall be used. Piles beneath the Slat may be required for proper tank support BA.4.2 The structural design of the slab, whether on grade or on piles, Feperly account forall loads imposed Upon the slab by the tank. The reinforcement requirements and # In details of construction shall be in accordance with ACI 318. BA.4.3. Refer to B.4.2.4 for options under the shell @ B.5 Tank Foundations for Leak Detection ‘Annex | provides recommendations on the conan ‘Yank and foundation systems for the detection of leaks through the bottoms of storage tanks, B.6 Tank Foundations for Elevat perature Service ‘The design and construction of foundations Yer tanks operating at elevated temperatures [> 93 °C (200 °F)] should address the following considerations. a) When subjected to ele ing temperatures, a self-anchored tank may tend to move in one or more directions over time. THis movement must be accommodated in the design of the tank fitings and attachments. b) Elevated temperatuye service may evaporate moisture in the soil supporting the tank and lead to increased, and possibly non-unifor settlement. Such settlement may include differential settlement between the ringwall and soil under the fom immediately adjacent to the ringwall resulting from non-uniform shrinkage of the soll with respéét ne oF concrete ringwall ) In cases wh8te there is high groundwater table, elevated temperatures may vaporize groundwater and generate undesirable steam. 4d) Attachments between the tank and the foundation must accommodate the thermal expansion and contraction of the tank without resulting in unacceptable stress levels. 2) The elevated temperature must be accounted for in the design of concrete ringwall foundations. The ringwall is subject to a moment due to the higher temperature at the top of the ringwall with respect to the temperature at the bottom of the ringwall, If not adequately accounted for in the design of the ringwall, this moment can lead to cracking of the concrete foundation and loss of tank support.

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