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I hereby that this report is based on my original work except for quotations and citations, which
have been duly acknowledged. I also declare that it has not been previously or concurrently
submitted for any other degree at University Sultan Zainal Abidin or other institutions.


Name : Nur Iryana Binti Mohd Afzal

Date :


This is to confirm that:

The research conducted and the writing of this report was under my supervision.


Name : DR. Suhailan Bin Safei

Date :


Foremost, I would like to express my appreciation for my beloved family who

continuing support me and provide the necessary resources for me to complete my degree final
year project.

I also wish to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor DR. Suhailan Bin Safei, for
providing supervising and guidance along the way of writing my thesis. Besides, I am feeling
thankful to him for sharing his expertise, valuable knowledge in signal processing and
encouragement extended to me.

Lastly, I would like to take this opportunity to express gratitude to all my friends who
directly or indirectly, have lent their hand for help to develop my project. Thanks to my friend
who assist me by giving idea of coding to develop the system. Thanks to my colleague who
always support me mentally and giving encouragement in the process of developing my final
year project.

Most of all, thanksgiving, praise and glory is all to Allah swt, who gives me grace,
patience, healthy, wisdom and ability to walk through all the problems and obstacles during
the period of my study.


Laundry are one of the favourite premises. With no regard to the actual reasons for
visiting laundry ,customer will make orders and wait for the service. However, it is common if
customers complain for not feeling happy about the services offered. There are many reasons
leading to the feeling of dissatisfaction including being entertained late in terms of order taking
by the staff and service serving. The problem of being late entertained could be solved with
help of the improvement in the technologies of communication. In accordance, this study
initiates an united and networked system, with the focus is on its ability to solve the above
described limitations in order taking. This study terms the system as Laundry Digital Ordering
System(LDOS). In definition, LDOS is an combined system, developed to assist laundry
management groups by enabling customers to immediately make orders on themselves. This
will reduce the number of minutes to wait for the service serving. This topic comprises scope
of the project, project characteristics, operating environments, assumption and dependencies,
design and implementation constraints. Scope of the project includes features that can be
implemented. Design part includes the method and way of designing the product. It also
explains certain constraints ondesigning and implementation. I implementing this system using
web based for PC’s and the technique using speech recognition.











1.1 Introduction 1

1.1 System Background 2

1.2 Problem statement 2

1.3 Objectives 3

1.4 Scopes 3-4

1.5 Limitation of Works 4

1.6 Expected Result 5

1.7 Conclusions 5


2.1 Introductions 6

2.2 Project and Research 6

2.2.1 iLaundry 6

2.2.2 Maurice Dry Cleaners 7

2.2.3 CD One Price Cleaners 8

2.2.4 Google Assistant 9

2.2.5 Google Cloud Speech-to-Text 10

2.3 Technique Speech Recognition 11

2.4 Conclusions 11


3.1 Introductions 12

3.2 Project Methodology 13

3.2.1 Requirement Phase 13

3.2.2 Design Phase 14

3.2.3 Development Phase 14

3.2.4 Testing Phase 14

3.2.5 Deployment Phase 14

3.2.6 Review Phase 15

3.3 Gantt Chart 16

3.4 Project Requirement 17

3.4.1 Hardware Requirement 17

3.4.2 Software Requirement 18

3.5 Process Model 19

3.5.1 Context Diagram 19

3.5.2 Data Flow Diagram Level 0 20

3.5.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 21

3.5.4 Entity Relationship Diagram 22

3.6 Data Dictionary 23

3.7 Conclusion 24


2.2.1 iLaundry 6
2.2.2 Maurice Dry Cleaners 7
2.2.3 CD One Price Cleaners 8
2.2.4 Google Assistant 9
2.2.5 Google Cloud Speech-to-Text 10
3.2 Agile Methodology 11
3.5.1 Context Diagram 19
3.5.2 Data Flow Diagram Level 0 20
3.5.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1 21
3.5.4 Entity Relationship Diagram 22



3.3 Gantt Chart 16

3.4.1 List of hardware requirement 17
3.4.2 List of software requirement 18
3.6 Data Dictionary 23-24


1.1 Introduction

Laundry are one of the favourite premises. With no regard for the actual reasons for
visiting laundry, the customer will make an order and wait for the service. However, it is
common if customers complain for not feeling happy about the services offered. There are
many reasons leading to the feeling of dissatisfaction including being entertained late in
terms of order taking by the staff and service serving. The problem of being late entertained
could be solved with the help of the improvement in the technologies of communication.
In accordance, this study initiates a united and networked system, with the focus, is on its
ability to solve the above-described limitations in order taking. This study terms the system
as Laundry Digital Ordering System(LDOS). In definition, LDOS is a combined system,
developed to assist laundry management groups by enabling customers to immediately
make orders on themselves. This will reduce the number of minutes to wait for the service

1.2 System Background

Speech recognition is a topic that very useful in many applications and environments in our
daily life. Generally, speech recognizer is a machine which understand humans and their
spoken word in some way and can act thereafter. In daily usage, the customer will make an
order, pay it and just wait for the service. Applying voice control technology or speech
recognition technology seems will help a lot in enhancing the safety for certain situation. A
different aspect of speech recognition is to facilitate for people with functional disability or
other kinds of handicap. To make their daily routine easier, voice control could be helpful.
With their voice, they could call operator and just make a order.

1.3 Problem Statement

In our daily life, we use many online systems and new technologies in order to improve the
quality of our life but most of them are not user friendly for those users who face difficulties
in typing and also encounter difficulties in expressing their spoken words in text or documents
form. Besides that, some people face difficulties using online systems. This method more users
friendly since user do not need to navigate the computer by using normal keyboard. Finally, if
staff are lacking then customers will have to wait longer to get their order especially during
peak hours. In addition, it is common if customers complain for not feeling happy about the
services offered. There are many reasons leading to the feeling of dissatisfaction including
being entertained late in terms of order taking by the staff and service serving. This indicates
the inefficiency of the system and it will affect the productivity of the laundry shop.

1.4 Obejctive

There are three main objectives for this proposal. These objectives are derived to overcome
problems that stated before.

The objectives are :

i. To analyze the efficiency and reliability of the digital ordering technique use in
speech recognition system.
ii. To design system that can captured ordering customers.
iii. To develop the system using speech recognition system as a sensor feature to
receive customer order.

1.5 Scope

This project scope is divided into four which are knows as the customers, staff, admin and
the system.


i. Customers need to speak their and what services their wants.

ii. Customers can check their status by mention the reference number.


i. Staff will collect and check the data.

ii. Staff also can change the status when done


i. Admin will add, delete, or update services and staff

ii. Admin can view the report

iii. Admin will set the voice in English


i. Detect and recognize the voice

ii. Create a user friendly GUI to perform the voice signal analysis for the speech

1.6 Limitation Of Works

The limitation of works explain what only this system will focus on only. It explain a bit weakness for
this system

i. Does not cover manage or storing audio file

ii. Does not cover to locate costumers address
iii. The customer different dialect might be a problem
iv. Just cover English language
v. Just support Google Chrome only

1.7 Expected result

The expected result after releasing of this system is user should be able to make booking
service by the system through speech recognition. The user also can check the status of process
laundry by using this application. The benefit is this system also can reduce the cost travel,
save time and energy. While on admin site, they can to view, update or delete the data of the
system. The developer also expected that the system could function well and fulfil the user
requirement standard.

1.7 Conclusion

In this chapter 1 focuses on the project background of the system, problem statement,
objective, scope and limitation of work in voice recognition system. For the system background
explain about process of speech recognition. Problem statement is about why speech
recognition important to make order more reliable. For this chapter 1 have objective for this
hold system that mean what the income of this project. The project scope just focus to user and
system and this project have a few limitation of works.



2.1 Introduction

This section takes critical review of existing system implemented, the success factors,
challenges faced, technologies used and unresolved problems. This forms the basis for
implementing later versions.

2.2 Project and Research

2.2.1 iLaundry

Figure 2.2.1 iLaundry

Refer figure 131 from (,2000), iLaundry puts over 20 years of expert
care, handling and experience behind every garment. Their award winning facility uses green
energy & environmentally friendly processes, providing brighter, fresher and cleaner garments.
iLaundry is one of the largest online laundry service providers in Bangalore. Theres are
dedicated to provide you with the best care for your garments.

2.2.2 Maurice Dry Cleaners

Figure 2.2.2 Maurice Dry Cleaners

Refer figure 2.2.2 above from ( Maurice Dry

Cleaners their pride theirselves on being leaders in garment cleaning technology servicing
throughout the Sydney CBD. Their service to the CBD of Sydney is second to none with their
highest quality cleaning and same day delivery always our priority. This is only achieved by
10 handy locations and fleet of vehicles that allow us to keep our prices competitive and
delivered on time without fuss. From their high end designer wear through to their crisp white
business shirt service, no piece of clothing you wear is left out. At Maurice, with over 30 years
experience we are committed in obtaining the most up to date of machinery with the greatest
of consideration to our environment. Their all new hydrocarbon dry cleaning machines along
with our many state of the art shirt machines allows us to be leaders in the dry cleaning industry
in the Sydney metro area.

2.2.3 CD One Price Cleaners

Figure 2.2.3 CD One Price Cleaners

Refer figure 2.2.3 above from(, CD One Price

Cleaners concept is the result of nearly 30 years of industry experience, applied with
sophisticated business and process knowledge, techniques, and discipline to create unrivaled
quality and customer satisfaction. CD One Price Cleaners centers on volume, efficiency and
customers. Specializing in garments, with all equipment-as well as the operator-on premises,
enables our low price offering and creates a buyer experience you will not find at any other
same day laundry service CD One Price Cleaners process is proven. It's designed to the last
detail to deliver high volume while maintaining the exceptional quality. Our people work hard
every day to operate it flawlessly. That's why it works.

2.2.4 Google Assistant

Figure 2.2.4 Google Assistant

Refer figure 2.2.4 from (,

Google Assistant is Google's voice assistant. When it launched, Google Assistant was an
extension of Google Now, designed to be personal while expanding on Google's existing "OK
Google" voice controls. Originally, Google Now smartly pulled out relevant information for
you. It knew where you worked, your meetings and travel plans, the sports teams you liked,
and what interested you so that it could present you with information that mattered to you.
Google has long killed Google Now, but Assistant lives in the same space, fusing these
personalised elements with a wide-range of voice control. Google Assistant supports both text
or voice entry and it will follow the conversation whichever entry method you're using. Google
Assistant offers voice commands, voice searching, and voice-activated device control, letting
you complete a number of tasks after you've said the "OK Google" or "Hey, Google" wake
words. It is designed to give you conversational interactions. This definition from (Julius Adorf-
May 27, 2013).

2.2.5 Google Cloud Speech-to-Text

Figure 2.2.5 Google Cloud Speech-to-Text

Refer figure 2.2.5 from (, Google Cloud Speech-

to-Text enables developers to convert audio to text by applying powerful neural network
models in an easy-to-use API. The API recognizes 120 languages and variants to support your
global user base. You can enable voice command-and-control, transcribe audio from call
centers, and more. It can process real-time streaming or pre recorded audio, using Google’s
machine learning technology.

2.3 Techniques for Speech Recognition

Speech recognition can capture the word you say and type it on a computer. It can be
helpful to the people who are physically disabled and for those who cannot work on the
computer. Speech recognition is the ability of a machine or program to identify words and
phrases in spoken language and convert them to a machine readable format and known as
automatic speech recognition. In other words, rather than using a keyboard to communicate
with the computer, the user speaks commands into a microphone that is connected to a
computer. The technique use is Web Speech API to designed for speech analysis and speech
synthesis. It allows web users to send speech input to web applications. The web applications
use the Web Speech API to transform the speech into text. While mobile phone users have
become used to a speech as a new input method, it is currently uncommon to see voice-
controlled web applications. Altogether, the speech recognizer has difficulties with many of
the sentences. The sentences are difficult, at least when judged by a human listener. They sound
uncommon and are sometimes difficult to understand for non-native English speakers. How
this relates to the difficulty level for machine understanding is out of scope of this work. This
definition from (Julius Adorf- May 27, 2013).

2.4 Conclusion

In conclusion, literature review gave details understanding or assumption on the

developer documentation. It involves some of research and studies that are done by other
people which are related to the project. Based on the research, the flow to develop this project
can be seen clearly throughput the system development process.



3.1 Introduction

Suitable project methodology play an important role to ensure the research can be done
well. This chapter will focus on project methodology used to run this project. Research on this
topic is made understand how Laundry Digital Ordering System using Speech Recognition
works using Agile Model. The type of research methodology used in this project will be
described. Futhermore, this methodology is used to ensure that the project can fulfil the
objective of this project and to make sure the system can be accomplished completely.

3.2 Project Methodology

Methodology is method used in develop a system and defined as a set of procedures.

This chapter will cover on methodology that used based in research that have been done. Project
system of Laundry Digital Ordering System is using Agile methodology. This chapter will fully
explain to achieve the project’s objectives that have been mention earlier in this research report.
Methodology is important part to make sure the system can be accomplished successfully.

Figure 3.2 Agile Methodology

3.2.1 Requirement Phase

In this phase, the project title had been selected. The project title for the system was
Laundry Digital Ordering System. This project starting with brainstorming ideas with
supervisor and proposed the title of the project. An abstract and description of the project
module has also been done and attached. Besides, the Gantt chart also needed as a guideline
and references for the project. The phase is to analyse the existing system and the article of
technique or method that are needed to design and develop to the new system. Based on the
collection of information through article, method and technique that is suitable been decided.

3.2.2 Design Phase

In the design phase, all the data or requirement obtained during planning and analysis
phase transformed into the design . Diagrams to show the flow of the system will be develop
in this chapter such as Context Diagram (CD), Data Flow Diagram (DFD) Level 0 and 1, Entity
Relationship Diagram (ERD). These diagram are designed as a guideline to developing the
system. After that, will be design the database and system interface.

3.2.3 Development Phase

This phase is where the design will implement into the coding. This system will develop
regarding the user and system requirement. In this project, to develop the system will be use
Xampp server for the database and Laravel as a framework. This is a critical phase because
user part needed to be fulfils and to make sure the objective accomplish.

3.2.4 Testing Phase

When all the module has to be done as full system, the system testing has been carried
out. This testing phase will test the system to check the error and ensure the function run well
as a whole system. Any error or bugs will be fixed and repeated testing the system until all the
function can be use.

3.2.5 Deployment Phase

This phase is when the system has successfully done and fulfil all the objective. The
system can be deployed and finally the system will be publish to the user for use as their need.

3.2.6 Review Phase

This phase also get feedback and review from user for the maintenance. In this phase
will follow-up with user tp upgrade the system to another version in the future.

3.3 Gantt Chart
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
1 Topic
Discussion and
2 Project Title
3 Proposal
Writing –
4 Proposal
Writing –
5 Proposal
6 Proposal
Presentation and
7 Methodology
8 Proposal
Writing -
9 Final Year
Project Format
10 Drafting Report
of Proposal
11 Submit Draft of
Report to
12 Preparation for
13 Final
Presentation and
14 Final Report
3.3 Table of Gantt Chart

3.4 Project Requirement

In this project the requirement includes two parts which are software requirement and
hardware requirement. The project requirements to make sure the completion process well and
every aspect requirement that need to be use for implementation phase. This also to ensure the
correct usage of the application.

3.4.1 Hardware Requirement

No. Hardware Description

2. Processor Intel (R) Core (TM) i5-7200u CPU
2.50Ghc 2.70Ghz
3. Memory 4GB RAM
4. Operating System Windows 10
5. System Type 64-bit Operating Sytem
6. Pen Drive Kingston 16GB
7. Mobile Phone IPHONE 7PLUS

Table 3.4.1 List of hardware requirement

3.4.2 Software Requirement

No. Software Description

1. Notepadd++ Used to code the program, especially
connection application to database
2. Java,XML,PHP Programming language
3. MYSQL Database for system
4. Microsoft Word 2016 Used to do documentation of
5. Google Chrome A browser to run the localhost and
searching information

Table 3.4.2 List of software requirement


3.5.1 Context Diagram

Figure 3.5.1 Context Diagram

The figure 3.5.1 show the context diagram (CD) of the system. This CD describe about
overview of the system work. There are three entities involved that are customer, staff and
admin. The customer can make an order to the system. Then the customer must register to the
system when they proceed to use the service.

While the staff site, they can see the order details from customer then update the process
order in the system. Admin can manage the data about the system. With this data, admin can
update and delete information user.

3.5.2 Data Flow Diagram

Figure 3.5.2 Data Flow Diagram

The figure 3.5.2 shows the Data Flow Diagram (DFD)of the system in more detail. The
system carried out four processes. The core of this system in fourth process. The fourth process
includes three entities which are customer, staff and admin. The ability of customer only can
know the status while staff and admin can update the data beside know the process.

3.5.3 Data Flow Diagram Level 1

Figure 3.5.3 Manage Booking Process Level1

Figure 3.5.3 below show DFD Level 1 for customer manage order which is customer can add,

update and delete order from the system.

Figure Manage Conversation Process Level 1

Figure below show DFD Level 1 for admin can manage conversation which

is admin also can add and delete the conversation.

3.5.4 Entity Relationship Diagram

Figure 3.5.4 Entity Relationship Diagram

The figure 3.5.4 shows the Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) for this system. ERD is
a data modelling technique that can help define business processes and can be utilized as the
basis a relational database. In this system, the developer need to create six of entities
represented six tables into database. Each entity has their own attributes shown in figure 3.5.4
The relationship between entities explain the process that will carry out by every entity. This
entity relationship diagram also explains the data that needed to run application successfully.
The figure also shown the different role between customer, staff and admin in more detail.

3.6 Data Dictionary

Entity Attribute Description Data Size Remark

Admin adminId Identification of int 11 PK
password Password admin varchar 10
to login
adminName Name of admin varchar 255
Customer custId Identification of int 11 PK
Order orderId Identification of int 11 PK
voiceid Identification of int 11 FK
custId Identification of int 11 FK
staffId Identification of int 11 FK
serviceId Identification of int 11 FK
status Status of order varchar 255
quantity Quantity of order varchar 255
date Date of order Datetime
Staff staffId Identification of int 11 PK
staffName Name of staff varchar 255
password Password to staff varchar 10
orderId Identification of int 11 FK
Service serviceId Identification of int 11 PK
serviceName Name of service varchar 255
Conversation voiceId Identification of int 11 PK
sequence Name of process varchar 11
adminId Identification of int 11 FK

Table 3.6 of Data Dictionary

3.6 Conclusion

This chapter dicussed the model methodology approach to be use in the development
system. Methodology that been used for this project is Agile Methodology that explain about
six phase. This chapter so include Context Diagram CD Data Flow Diagram DFD and Entity
Relationship Diagram ERD. The diagram explains about process or step A to Z to develop


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[2] Abdul Latif Bin Alias, “ One Click Laundry Mobile Application”, University of Sultan
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[3] Nurul Amirah Syuhada Binyti Yaacob , “ Speech To Text To Voice Using Authentication
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[6] Mozilla Developer, “ How to Use Web Speech API ”, Web Technology Developer,
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[7] Julius Adorf, “ Wep Speech Api”, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, (2013).


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