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(2S - PD_ MID <0E. 1-201 Republic of the Philippines | DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNME Regional Office V Se Rizal Street, Legazpi City (6%: MEMORANDUM TO : ALL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS DILG Region 5 SUBJECT : GUIDELINES ON THE FORMULATION OF ENHANCED BARANGAY DEVELOPMENT PLAN DATE 1 May 30, 2022 ‘This has reference to the attached Regional Memorandum Circular No. 2022-002 on the Guidelines on the Formulation of Enhanced Barangay Development Plan. Relative to this, kindly cause the widest dissemination of the attached RMC to all local government units under your jurisdiction. Further, all DILG Field Offices shall closely coordinate with Local Chief Executives, Punong Barangay and Barangay Development Council on the formulation of the said plan and ensure the compliance on the said guidelines. For queries, kindly make the necessary coordination to LGOO V Ivy S. Ramirez and/or LGOO H Regine S. Pedro through For information and guidance of all concerned. . ANTHONY @ NUYDA, CESO HIT Regional Dir tors “Matino, Mahusay at Mazasahan” Rizal Street, 4500 Legazoi Cty “Tel Number: (0S2}480.14.82 Fax Number (052) 480.40.23 Email Republic of the Philippines DEPARTMENT OF THEINTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT Regional Office V Rizal Street, Legazpi City Regional Memorandum Circular No. 2022-002 To : ALL PROVINCIAL DIRECTORS, CITY AND MUNICIPAL MAYORS, CITY/ MUNICIPAL LOCAL GOVERNMENT OPERATIONS OFFICERS, PUNONG BARANGAY, CITY/MUNICIPAL/BARANGAY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL MEMBERS AND OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT : GUIDELINES ON THE FORMULATION OF ENHANCED BARANGAY DEVELOPMENT PLAN DATE MAY 18, 2022 SE EEEEERIeeee eee 1. RATIONALE Pursuant to Local Government Code of 1991 Section 106, all Local Government Units shall have a comprehensive multi sectoral development plan spearheaded by its local development council and approved by its Sanggunian. Memorandum Circular No. 2021-087 dated August 12, 2021 re: Guidelines on the Formulation and/or Updating of the Barangay Development Plan provide guidelines on the formulation of BDP in which the barangay, as the basic political unit, serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of government per Section 384 of the same code. The barangays are the main channels for public policies and government interventions at the local level, Hence, the BDP is an important document that spells out the barangay vision and direction for development. The process by which it is formulated is also critical. This task is pivotal in the alignment of plans and attainment of overall barangay development and progress and national goals. With the ever changing policies in the environment and the mainstreaming thematic concerns in development plans that promote the interest and general welfare of the community there is a need to enhance the BDP. Moreover, the implementation of Executive Order 138 entails a significant change in the fiscal administration of LGUs including the barangays. Various development planning considerations must be followed by the barangays to allow them to allocate these additional resources. In addition, the tssuance of EO 70 s. 2018 which institutionalized the whole of nation approach puts the barangay level into the center of strategies to achieve inclusive and sustainable peace. Further, ensuring vertical alignment of barangay development plans with higher level sconpmg/nae veoisfaron “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” ‘ra erect 4500 Legaspi City Tel Number: (052}480.14.82 Fax Number (052) 480.40.23 Email: cesionsdllg@emailcon plans and horizontal linkages across sectors and the Local Development Investment Programs link to responsiveness and relevance of the plan to local needs and complementary to other development plans. Hence, this Regional Memorandum Circular will provide guidelines in the compliance of ‘barangays in the formulation of barangay development plans. Enjoining all barangays to formulate or update their plans with considerations to the changing policy environment. 2, PURPOSE This Circular is hereby issued to provide guidance in the formulation of enhanced Barangay Development Plan and to ensure that the process of formulation takes into consideration the integration of sectoral and thematic concerns, participation of the barangay residents, alignment of development plans and collaboration among the barangays. This circular also ensures compliance of the barangay in the formulation of their development plans, 3. SCOPE This shall cover all Provincial Directors, City/Municipal Mayors, Punong Barangays, Sanggunian Members concerned, DILG Provincial and Field Officers, City /Municipal /Barangay Development Council Members, and others concerned. 4, GUIDELINES ON THE FORMULATION OF BDP All barangays shall formulate a three-year enhanced Barangay Development Plan. The process and content of which shall be comprehensive, multi-sectoral and community-driven. 4.1, ORGANIZATION OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING TEAM per DILG MC 2021-087 4.1.1 Organization/Reconstitution of Barangay Development Council ‘The BDC shall be organized/reconstituted by the Punong Barangay through an Executive Order. The BDC shall be composed of the following: a. Punong Barangay as Chairperson; b, Members of the Sangguniang Barangay; c. Representatives of accredited non-governmental organizations operating in the barangay who shall constitute not less than one-fourth (14) of the members of the fully organized council; d. Arepresentative of the Congressman. Lecoo/npginge “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan™ Rizal Steet, 4500 Legazpi City “Tel Number: (052)480.14.82 Fax Number (052) 480.40.23 Email: regionSdig@emailcom Pursuant to Section 11 of RA 9710 or the Magna Carta of Women, at least forty percent (40%) of membership of all development councils shall be composed of women to ensure the participation of women in all levels of development planning and program implementation, 4.12 Organization of Barangay Executive Committee The BDC Executive Committee shall likewise be constituted to ensure that the decisions of the council are faithfully carried out and implemented. They shall represent and act on behalf of BDC, when the latter is not in session. 4.1.3 Constitution of BDC Secretariat A Barangay Secretariat shall be constituted headed by Brgy Secretary and assisted by the Local Planning and Development Coordinator and will provide technical support to the BDC. 4.14 Creation of BDC- Technical Working Group (TWG) The Barangay Development Council may form a sectoral committee to assist them in the performance of their functions through a resolution composed of sectoral planning groups. BBIs are likewise recommended to be part of the sectoral planning groups to ensure that the projects of these institutions are integrated into the plan. 40 4.2 BARANGAY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROCESS per DILG Memorandum Circular 2021-087 4.2.1 Updating of Barangay Databases The effectiveness and responsiveness of a plan is dependent on the information available within the barangay. In updating the planning databases, utilize the existing systems and/or databases at the local level to avoid duplication of data gathering activities. All planning datahases of the barangay, which include barangay profile, and other pertinent data from internal and external sources, shall be updated at least three years, or when necessary. As one of the major tools in barangay development planning, all barangays shall update their respective registry of barangay inhabitants (RBIs) every 6 months. Also, the Barangay Outcome Planning Information System (BOPIS), should be made accessible to guide the barangays in gathering relevant data to be used all throughout the planning process. The following databases and documents subject to availability shall be utilized in updating the barangay profile: * Community-Based Monitoring System (CBMS) © Climate Disaster Risk Assessment * Latest barangay development plan “Matin, Mahusay at Maaasahan” ial Streot, 4500 Legazpi City ‘Tel Number: (052}480.14.82 fax Number (052) 480.40.23 ‘mail: resionSdilg¢@gmailcom © Comprehensive Development Plan © Comprehensive Land Use Plan ® Local Climate Change Action Plan 4.2.2 Planning and Investment Programming The vision of the barangay shall capture the desired state of the majority, if not all, of the stakeholders in the barangay. The crafting of the Barangay Vision and Mission must be aligned with the Vision and Mission of the City/Municipality to where the barangay belongs. This is a basic strategy to help ensure the implementation of programs and projects and the achievement of desired objectives for residents. ‘The Barangay profile is pivotal to identification and prioritization of PPAs and capacity development requirements that are responsive to development gaps determined through situational analysis. In prioritizing PPAs and Capacity Development, it should focus on delivering basic services and facilities mandated under Section 16 and Section 17 of the Local Government Code of 1991. Identifying sources of revenues and possible expenditure should be projected in order to deliver such PPAs. The Barangay Development Investment Program (BDIP) is the main instrument for implementing the BDP. The BDIP translates the BDP into programs, projects, and activities with its corresponding resource requirements that will be implemented within the timeframe of three (3) years. AIP shall be culled out yearly from the BDIP annually. 4.2.3 Presentation and Consultation of the BDP during Barangay Assembly The Barangay Development Plan shall be presented during the scheduled Barangay Assembly to ensure that the formulation and implementation of the BDP is participatory. Whenever practicable, the barangay assembly may pass a resolution recommending to the Sangguniang Barangay the approval of the plan. 4.2.4 Formulation of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) System The monitoring and evaluation will provide feedback on the progress and result of the implementation of the BDP, particularly the following: Information to validate whether a project is implemented according to plan and make adjustments if necessary 424.2 To determine the project's relevance and make decisions to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the project Lessons learned which shall serve as guide in reviewing and updating the BDP. 4.2.5 Adoption and Approval of the BDP sscoopmmpgrmge "Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan™ Rizal Street, 4500 Legazpi City Tel Number: (052)480.14.82 Fax Number (052) 480.40.23, Email: regionSdile@gmailcom ‘The BDP shall undergo the following process: 42.5.1 Adoption of the BDP by the Barangay Development Council through a resolution Endorsement of the BDP to the Sangguniang Barangay by the BDC Approval of the BDP by the Sangguniang Barangay Those who attended the BDC Meeting that took up and led to the adoption of the BDP should be the signatories to the resolution adopting the BDP. Whether the Congressman or Representative, whoever is present during the meeting, will be the signatories to the resolution. In case both did not participate during the discussion and adoption of the BDP then itis not required for them to sign the resolution. 5. COMPONENTS OF THE BDP The BDP shall have the following components: 5.1 Barangay Profile This contains the brief overview of the barangay, including its creation, barangay history and results of the situational analysis which may be presented by sector. 5.2 Organizational Philosophy This contains the Vision,Mission and Sectoral Goals and Objectives. This should be aligned to the the City/Municipal Vision, Mission and Sectoral Goals and Objectives to ensure that the implementation of programs and projects and the achievement of desired objectives for residents will contribute to the nation’s goal The Vision must be an exciting mental picture of your barangay in the future. The Mission provides the specific commitment of the barangay towards the fulfillment of its vision. It contains broad policy directions in accordance with their mandates and the Sectoral Goals and Objectives refers to the specific outcomes the barangay needs to implement to be able tw achieve its vision and mission. 5.3 Sectoral Development Plans The BDP should contain lists of PPAs identified to address the gaps relative to the five (5) development sector: These are: 6.1 Economic Development 62 Social Development 63 EnvironmentDevelopment 64 InfrastructureDevelopment 65 Institutional Development ‘ec00/mma/mge "Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” Rizal Strest, 4500 Legazp! City Tel Number: (0S2}480.14.82._ Fax Number (052) 480.40.23 Emait resionSdilse®gmailcom 5. 4 Barangay Development Investment Program ‘The Rarangay Development Investment Program (BDIP] is the main instrument for implementing the BDP. The BDIP translates the BDP into programs, projects, and activities with its corresponding resource requirements that will be implemented within the timeframe of three (3) years. 5.5 Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy This refers to the strategy of the barangay in tracking the implementation of the PPAs and assessing the results or impacts of said PPAs. 6. MAINSTREAMING OF SECTORAL OR THEMATIC CONCERNS Sectoral or thematic concerns such as disaster risks, climate change impacts, gender responsiveness, conflict sensitivity, and concerns of those who are marginalize, such as women, children, persons with disability, senior citizen, and indigenous people, shall be fully integrated in the planning databases and in every step of the planning process to ensure that BDP is risk sensitive and responsive to the needs of each sectors concerned, Mainstreaming of sectoral or thematic concerns shall be guided by the tools and processes prescribed by the Department and other NGAs through directives and issuances which in case may be, applicable to all barangays and/or depending on the local situation. Data gathering and data analysis may be done by each sector provided that the BDC shall look into the result holistically to ensure harmonization and complementation of identified sectoral issues and goals of BDP. ‘The Cty/Municipal DILG Officers and City/Municipal Planning Development Coordinators may render technical assistance which will be guided by tools and processes prescribed by the Department and other NGAs thats applicable to all barangays. Sectoral or thematic plans shall now be treated as derivative plans to BDP. In the absence of said plans, these can be culled out from BDP. However, should these plans be prepared separately, the same should be incorporated in the BDP. 7. ALIGNMENT OF BDP TO THE CDP Pursuant to Sections 106 and 114 of the Local Government Code and pertinent Provisions of DILG-DBM-NEDA-DOF JMC No. 2016-01, the planning and budgeting activities at the barangay level shall be synchronized and harmonized to the processes being implemented by cities/municipalities. Provided that the provisions are consistent with the updated Synchronized Local Planning and Budgeting Calendar to be issued by oversight agencies. The barangay shall coordinate with the city/municipality to ensure the alignment of its vision, mission and strategic goals and to facilitate convergence or complementation at both levels. t6c00/mepa/mae ronshertep “Matino, Mahusay at Mazasahan” Rizal Street, 4500 Legazpi City Tel Number: (0521480.14.82 Fax Number (052) 480.40.23 Email: The city/ municipality shall develop and undertake a joint program with the barangays to augment the technical and financial capacity of its component barangays. 8. PREPARATION OF BARANGAY CAPACITY DEVELOPMENT AGENDA. The barangay should prepare the barangay capacity development agenda which contains the identified capacity-building needs of the elected and appointed barangay officials, given the requirements of the BDP and development vision of the barangay. 9. PROMOTING CITIZEN PARTICIPATION IN THE BARANGAY DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROCESS The Barangay is highly encouraged to expand collaboration and coordination to the community to ensure participation of citizens in development planning. Information relative to the formulation of the enhanced barangay development plan shall be made available for the access of the community to ensure that they have knowledge on the development of the planning process. Further, barangay should provide avenues in order for the communities to actively participate during the planning process. 10.ROLE OF INSTITUTIONS IN DEVELOPMENT PROCESS 10.1 BARANGAY The Barangay shall ensure compliance to the policy guidelines relative to the formulation of the Barangay Development Plan. Technical assistance of local functionaries from higher LGUs or DILG Officers may be requested by the barangay during their formulation of their respective BDPs. 10.2 BARANGAY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL AND OTHERS CONCERNED With guidelines on the preparation of the said plan, barangay development councils headed by punong barangay are instructed to formulate their enhanced Barangay Development Plans in line with the policies stipulated in the issuances of the Department and other NGAs and with the Supreme Court ruling on Mandanas et al v. Executive Secretary, et al. in relation to the implementation of the Full Devolution Transition Program. 10.3 PROVINCIAL, CITY AND MUNICIPALITIES LOCAL FUNCTIONARIES ‘CONCERNED ‘The Local Functionaries concerned should provide the barangay necessary technical and administrative assistance in the course of development planning and provide a venue for inter-barangay cooperation and collaboration to ensure alignment of barangay development plans with higher level plans. 1.c00/mepamge “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” Rizal Street, 4500 Legazpi City ‘Tel Number: (052}480.14.82._ Fax Number (052) 480.40.23 mail: regionSdils@emailcom 10. 4 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT ‘The DILG should provide the Barangays technical assistance in the formulation of their Enhanced Barangay Development Plan and monitor their compliance to this circular. Further, to monitor the compliance of barangays to BDP, kindly populate the Barangay Development Plan Inventory through https://bitly/BDPInventory and make the necessary coordination with DILG Officers since access will be given to official provincial emails only. In addition, those barangays who have an existing approved BDP, shall submit a scanned copy of the plan to the DILG Regional Office through hups://bitly/BDPUpload20; All DILG Provincial Offices and Field Offices shall cause widest dissemination of this circular and closely coordinate with the Local Chief Executives, Punong Barangay and Barangey Development Council on the formulation of their enhanced Barangay Development Plans. 11, REFERENCES 41.1 Guideline on the the Formulation and/or Updating of the Barangay Development Plan (DILG Memorandum Circular 2021-087) 11.2 Local Government Code of 1991 11.3 Primer on Barangay Development Planning 11. 4 Full Devolution Of Certain Functions Of The Executive Branch To Local Governments, Creation Of A Committee On Devolution, And For Other Purposes (Executive Order 138) 14.5 Institutionalizing The Whole-Of-Nation Approach In Attaining Inclusive And Sustainable Peace, Creating A National Task Force To End Local Communist Armed Conflict, And Directing The Adoption Of A National Peace Framework (Executive Order No. 70 s. 2018) 11.6 Guidelines on the Implementation of Retool Community Support Program (RCSP) (DILG Memorandum Circular 2019-169) 12. ANNEXES 12.1 Annex 1-Template of Sangguniang Barangay Resolution Organizing the BDC 12, 2 Annex 2- Suggested Sectoral Planning Groups 12, 3 Annex 3- Barangay Development Planning Schedule 12.4 Annex 4 Barangay Outcome Planning Information System (BOPIS) 12.5 Annex 5- Template of Sangguniang Barangay Resolution Approving the BDP 12. 6 Annex 6- Barangay Development Investment Program (BDIP) Template “Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan™ Rizal Street, 4500 Legazpi City Tel Number: (052}480.1482_ Fax Number (052) 480.40.23 Email: For further queries, you may contact DILG Regional Office No. 5 through dilgrSigedé and/or For information and guidance of all concerned. ATTY. ANTHONY d. NUYDA, CESO IIL Regional Director, "Matino, Mahusay at Maaasahan” ‘zal street, 4500 Legazpi City ‘Tel Number: (052)480.14.82 Fax Number (052) 480.40.23. Email: cegionSdile@emailcom INSERT BARANGAY REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Loco PROVINCE OF CITY/MUNICIPALITY OF BARANGAY. OFFICE OF THE PUNONG BARANGAY BARANGAY EXECUTIVE ORDER No. Series of 20 Subject: Constitution of the Barangay Development Council of Barangay Pursuant to Republic Act 7160, otherwise known as the Local Government Code of 1991 and its Implementing Rules and Regulations, the Barangay Development Council (BDC) of Barangay ; : , is hereby constituted as follows: Section 1. Composition of BDC- The BDC shall be composed of the following: » Punong Barangay ~ Chairperson , Sangguniang Barangay Member — Member , Sangguniang Barangay Member — Member ; Sangguniang Barangay Member — Member Sangguniang Barangay Member — Member , Sangguniang Barangay Member — Member , Sangguniang Barangay Member — Member , Sangguniang Barangay Member — Member , Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson — Member 10. , NGO Representative — Member 11. NGO Representative — Member NGO Representative — Member 13, , NGO Representative — Member Representative of Hon. (Name of District Congressman) ~ Member Section 2. Functions of BDC - The BDC shall have the following functions: 1. Mobilize people's participation in local development efforts; 2. Prepare barangay development plans based on local requirements; 3. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of national or local programs and projects: and 4. Perform such other functions as may be provided by law or competent authority. a. Engage the BBIs and sectoral planning group in the process of formulation and implementation of the BOP; b. Coordinate with city/municipal development councils in the process of formulation and implementation of the BDP. ¢. Ensure that the BDP is presented and discussed during barangay assembly days or special assemblies for the purpose; and d. Formulate and implement a monitoring and evaluation system participated by barangay members and other stakeholders. Section 3. BDC Executive Committee - The BDC Executive Committee shall likewise be constituted with the following composition: 1. . Punong Barangay — Chairperson 2 ; Sangguniang Barangay Member - Member 3. Representative of (Name of NGO) - Member Section 4. Functions of the BDC Executive Committee - The BDC Execom shall have the following functions: 1. Ensure that the decision of the council are faithfully carried out and implemented; 2. Act on matters requiring immediate attention or action by the council; 3, Formulate policies, plans, and programs based on the general principles laid down by the council; and . Act on other matters that may be authorized by the council. B Section 5. BDC Secretariat - The BDC Secretariat shall be created, composed by the following: , Barangay Secretary — Chairperson Member , Member , Member , Member FPeN> Section 6. Functions of the BDC Secretariat — The BDC Secretariat shall have the following functions: . Provide technical support to the BDC; . Document the Council's proceedings; Prepare the Council's reports; and Provide other assistance as may be required in the discharge of its functions. Awpe Section 7. BDC Technical Working Groups - The BDC TWGs shall be composed of the following: Social Development Economic Development Environmental Development Infrastructure Development Institutional Development Group Leader: Members: Group Leader: Members: Group Leader: Members: Group Leader: Members: Group Leader: Members: Section 8. Functions of the BDC Technical Working Group — The BDC TWG shall have the following functions: - Provide the BDC with data and information essential to the formulation of plans, programs, and activities; Define sectoral or functional objectives, set targets, and identify programs, projects, and activities for the particular sector or function; Collate and analyze information and statistics and conduct related studies; . Conduct public hearings on vital issues affecting the sector or function; . Coordinate planning, programming, and implementation of programs, projects, and activities, each sector; . Monitor and evaluate programs and projects; and . Perform such other functions as may be assigned by the BDC. x nae ng Section 9. Effectivity — This Order shall take effect immediately. Done this day of » 20 at Barangay j ; Philippines. Punong Barangay ANNEX 2 SUGGESTED SECTORAL PLANNING GROUPS SECTORAL COMMITTEE SUGGESTED COMPOSITION Social Development Group Leader: SB Member (Chairperson on Committee on Health and Social Welfare) Members: ‘SB Member (Chairperson Women and Family) SB Member (Chairperson on Education and Culture) SB Member (Chairperson on Peace and Order) SK Chairperson SK Members (counterparts) IP Representative BHW Day Care Worker BNS Chief Tanod BHRAO School Principal or representative BCPC Rep (CSO) BPOC Rep (CSO) BADAC Rep (CSO) Representatives of CSOs/NGOs (women’s, children’s, youth organization) Economic Development Group Leader: SB Member (Chairperson on Appropriations Committee) Members: ‘SB Member (Chairperson on Cooperatives) SB Member (Chairperson on Agriculture) SB Member (Chairperson on Livelihood) Barangay Treasurer SK Members (counterpart) Business owner establishment representative President of Cooperative BFAMRGC Rep (CSO) Representatives of CSOs/NGOs (women’s, farmer's, fisherfolk, labor groups, BMBEs, SMEs, TODA, JODA) Environmental Development Group Leader: SB Member (Chairperson on — Environmental Management Committee) Members: ‘SK Member (counterparts) Barangay Environmental Officer Team leader of disaster volunteer groups Bantay Dagat Barangay Tanod BDRRMC Rep (CSO) BESWMC Rep (CSO) Representatives of CSOs/NGOs (Advocates) Infrastructure Development Group Leader: SB Member (Chairperson on Public Works and Infrastructure Development) Members: SK Member (counterparts) Engineer (resident in the barangay) HOA President or any neighborhood organizations Representatives of CSOs/NGOs Institutional Development Group Leader. Punong Barangay Members: SB Member (Chairperson on Committee on Rules) Barangay Administrator Barangay Secretary Barangay Treasurer Lupong Tagapamayapa SK Chairperson Representatives of CSOs/NGOs (good governance advocates) Representatives from other sectoral committees TyredoiunUyAyS oop widy foUUOsIOd apnjour Aeur sdnou6 Bujuueld jesoj99g Buyeaio 1apio enynoex3 OML Oda eu ez]UeBI0 pue sdnou6 Buluueld jesoj08 Wo “2'| juouidojarog AeBueveg 8 ez1UeBIC “}'s KLITVdIOINNIN/ALIO HLIM JOVANSLNI SLNdLNO G3193dxF_ UBB “| wee, Suluuelg AeBuereg 10 ut Sde6 Ayjeos—uoisin jouoneuuuaeg | “Wdv- HONVW OWA SAiredinunyy/AyD um peuBe OWA uMo uBye 0 Aebuereg -Z “(QWA) 1805 pue uOIssIA. 9 AeBueseg ay} 0} ‘uoisi, AeGueweg Buysinoy/Gujeinuuoy '¢ HOM OWA 24) uasaud 0} AwjediounyyAND “1 shebuereg oo) cousttsee “TU le eS SOLAS le2tuyoe) epinroud 0} Atrediorunini9 Uo paseq susaouod pue senssi Aljuep|"y'Z @[YOld [ed1BojOoy UM : Sonar AyediorunyyAg ayy epiroid 0} AeGuereg ‘eloud AeBueveg eu eyeinuos "EZ sKeBueseq eu) 0} souejsisse elyold AeBueweg Jeo1uyoe} epinoid 0} AijediounwyAii “Zz “pasoyjes eqep ey eyepyen'zz | HOUVIN - AYYNNVE (saidve/siay) Shebueieg OU ch 8) “Blep yuen|ai 1eyyeD “|Z SIGEIIEAE eplnoud o} AYJEdIOUNYY/AYD “| T wOHeoyHUSp] we|go1g pue sishjeuy jeucnenyis ‘Z, SoHARDY UORE|NUOy “dag Sujepdnuoperederd dd 40 UeId HOM uy} 104 Ueyd 410M ey) Bxede1d "S| sequen Ogg es Sujuien ueneiee oh pue s@jou sey) uo dno oan eu} ul AeBueleq ey) 0} eouejsisse . peouoer opiaoud Kau S0aveo sii Teo1uyoe} yy JO Siequieul 24) 1UBUO “b'L : “F9p10 ‘Og St PUE OC OR eanjnoex3 eu) enss| pue ovedeid’e'} Auynnye sd31s | exanny | FINGIHIS ONINNV 1d LNAWdOTAIG AVDNVUYa “awooUT Papeloid ay} uo pased sea Jed Yeld SzZiOUd “Z'L “siean 22119 40) ewodU) payvefoud AsuapI “LZ (aida) weiBorg juaUysenul juEUIdojeKeG AeBueieg ey) Jo uojepuuog “L NNTP - AV UOREIaplsuoo $y 40) AyjediwunpyAia 0} S¥dq JO SI] WwINS O} A@BuEIEG 8Vdd $0181 "SVdd JO J81] 24) e1edaig"¢'9 "SVdd POUNUOP! 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TedW — HOUVW ~ Aiigewunoooy yeBpneee |. uaaNSOI sUonnoexs yBPNG "17 = AMVONWE sel @UBUIPIO ; suoyeudaddy ‘eBueseq , ‘uy Jo idle ‘81g Jo aoueUIPIO Suo}eudoidde MINDY 18BPNG “OZ | Woda skep 06 uly) ‘9u) MBIA |JeYys UBJUNBBUeg SCUVMNO = YIGNSAON sy(B0UBUIPIO suoqeudaddy ,uekeg/posBunluey BueunBBueg Jo uowyjoeus 84) 0} aoUEUIPI UoHeLIdouddy ywugng 6, | uodn skep ¢ UIA) 6 NaSWSAON ‘i = = Y5SOLIO iquessy Aebueieg eu) 0} JeBpng lenuuy eu) jueseld “aL suseO18 @0uRUIDIO ,velun6Bueg j2007 7 (UOqUIEIOG jnUN.J voneudouddy perosddy | _eup qye8png KeBueleg ety 40 enouddy'y) | _ SCHWMNO jebpng Aebueleg jenuuy ‘Jebpng eBuereg jenuue a1edaig “9b | ..9) NAGWS1daS: ALIIVdISINAW/ALIS HLM, SOY ANSANI SINdLNO G3L93dxa SdaLs © X3NNV FINGIHDS ONINNV 1d LNIWdOWAIC AVDNVUVa BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) DCF FORM 4 [Population Size (by Sex) [SECTORISUBSECTOR: DEMORAPHY POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: Rogisiry of Barangay Inhabitants, Municipality Registrar, PSA |nomter of ncvitsas i the barangays Jesngatned boced on soy and nage bracket Taal No.of Femaba| Under 5 To.14 15.19] 720-24 70.14 75:30| ara over| ‘Foual No. of Males ‘under 5 50] To.14 15:19] 20-24 25.20 30:34 3539] ad 45:9] 354] 55.50 60-64] 6569] 70-74! 75:00] Bard over] [cit Status stots of annul ritio fo Jseage cusatod 3s ows 2) Single -A pation who Yas never Soon B)Mared A cup ung together ae unband and wat, egal o consensual, =) Omced A person whose band of mata tae ban cscled gal anc lwo threfore can remamy. a) Seperatad- A person sean kay Jorn fom hsher space decasso af |mark dincord or micndertondnes and >) Widowed A porson whose bord of Jmacimony tas boon cscted by doa of hor spouse “Total No.of Single| ‘No. of Motes No.of Feros] Tota No.of Married ‘No. of Moles No.of Females| “Teta No. f Widow ‘No. of Males ‘No.of Female “Total Ne. of Separated] No.of Mates No.of Females Total No.of Others ‘No. oF Males DCF FORM 4 BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) &S [SECTORISUBSECTOR: DEMORAPHY POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: Rogistry of Borangoy Inhabiants, MunicipelGity Register, PSA ‘No, of Famaies raat how Tal 0 Span |Poputation Growth Rate | wean oni maton antes phon | Average Anna Population Growth Rates noration Femones, Te sum ot rmigrants and out migrants | | geoxrapnca! yemea! area (ager, tly ie (ete cee ert peor eoucten. eragaore anni tho barangay ching 2 paiapedl ete bpreaesgta ‘Number of Immigrants) [econo sock pot acuta. [rests wno et ore county or tray lotateup uaetrstione acter ering» eons prod a obs or ‘Number of Emigrants Jeonan sh m sree, pee, oe cake Death Statsticn 4 “Rimber of Bess ha the previous yea Bin Sextet amber of Bits th previous yea Population Densliy eters tothe number of parsons net un | Jord ore (uate nets) Se Population _ ‘Number of Housoho “Average Housonou Size ‘Number of person per square kilometer Housing Type ‘Own House ‘Rented House “Ror Feo (wth awner consort) Rent free (without consent) ousehod per Nother Tounge Tagalog ‘Genuano Wer ‘Bigaynen J tose acl unt cons fa Bia fro wp item hg an lela op ne sae ae o cmon srengemar he ‘Kapampangen| [>eerton sod const od snore Tousual ‘aguindanaoan Maroneo Cavacero| hes Household par Religious Afliation ‘Roman Cathole| BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) [SECTORISUBSECTOR: DEMORAPHY [POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: Registry of Barangay Inhabitants, Municipality Registiar, PSA ‘SECTORISUBSECTOR: SOCIAL BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: CityMunicipal Health Office, Data of BHW andor BNS ithe: DcF FORM 2. eve Bich sw caplet exputin or exact rm ks mecter a pease concept, repecive of the craton of te premaney, whch aor uch “Total Noof Live Bith| sparen tees rw’ ye etance JMumwer crive tarts |rtcafoatorantue momento wis [aca cat arth piscorai thot each predct [Nutrivonal Stu | petnateiclatt gore speci sung com iste orteous decry o eres ‘Total Nurber of Malnourched Chiron INumter of Meinourished | 01 o on or mora eens nates whch Aeslrazd |noy be manesedclcaly deta 5y Mate |preal ctemeal ane anc cine. Ther lve several ome of malar inderetmen. [sects nae detec, overtone INoraity and Morbrcity “Total No.of Formas Ter 5 To) 1579) 25270 3034 7074 75-80 Bd and over [Numer of Deaths by Age|"tarser maser as cory ae Tata Nod Maes ‘der 5 70.14 15:10 2520 9034 4540 DCF FORM 2-A BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (OPIS) SECTORISUBSECTOR: SOCIAL POSSIGLE SOURCES OF DATA: CiyAunicipal Heath Office, Data of BHW andlor BNS er of Deaths ty Cause} aie ont eth and yang fart macy be death a en aris lor hr at btn. and Matemal Morty isremat Mrtsty a heuer of women who |r th ess a raga, chat, od DCF FORM 2A BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOFIS) SECTORISUBSECTOR: SOCIAL POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: CityMinicipal Health Office, Data of BHW andlor BNS Feasanatisnmaneot geting an ag art Petoble water supply (pub water ‘Aces 0 Sale Wale oy water exreaceax sparcatage of he fuze ft poi ofa wal Supply (veer Paucar ‘naive household) (ezess 0 Sanitary Talal Nurbeaf WH with cons 0 aniay Tle [Rumtor of HH without ances fo sanitary tat DCF FORM 2-8 BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) ‘SECTOR/SUBSECTOR: SOCIAL POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: Rocords from DepEd, Private Schoo's, Day Care Center [Number of chiiren and youth attendk ‘Bolow € yoors old] Maio Female ‘Hale |Number of Chiron and yourh School age participation |participatinglanending formel and noa- Te years old and above oat education ae Female choot ‘Male lumber of cwiaren in S66 Male Femaie Male Femi jumber of children aged 6-14 who never ded school Mk Female iumber of chidren aged 6-14 who re rot in Schook Joutot.soal han dtd the |FLEANS ae pereoneaped St0 94 yoore who lao not etondig shad whe ou techod of school chiliren/yoults)roun vspersons aged 151024 Joos who jae ot tonding school have nt fished lan cole a post second course. and larenat worn DCF FORN 2-8 BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (80PIS) ‘SECTOR/SUBSECTOR: SOCIAL POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: Records fom i Private Schods, sa Care Genter the extstng formal maracton. When ane Male | formative Leaning System oon noone kesconatonster forale subsite. ALS include bth te nonfat ana misma soiree of krowiedge cd okt bar cfrostianis potato college Educational Atairment| ernie omens who omptdtetiny Mae Female DCF FORM 2.¢ BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION 8YSTEM [BOPis) ‘SECTORSUBSECTOR: SOCIAL Possible Data Sources: Records from LSWDO, C/MHO, Mote Female umber of NOs wan Gralbetea Fame ‘Nambar of PDs wih Paria Fen ribo af PDs wit eral Fi Rant of Pos wre are Gunarpeg Me Fenske Rarsber of PWDs wih Hard ot Mate Fonele Rune of WES wan Omer [terto tm mrbor of aol parte ‘Solo Parents te commonty 35 ortnes 4 Retest the number est ‘Soctal Security Programs ered varios soca sacl) tere toe moore parc 220 Senior Ciizena| SH! ‘Number of senir eters covered ecial Bersion DCF FORM 2.¢ ossible Data Sources: Records from LSWDO, cme, | pete oe ara Pantawid Pamiya touschatsvomice evated unsr fe Pandas Poeinrg Papo Pragrem Number ol Housshd enoted in APs Dew | RR he art OF Te leaangey ‘Number of CEWS| Hate Fema indigenous Communities ibe of digo Wes nde boreng| ‘Numinr of househox| goo Cuero Carman Pos a aap poco aaene nen py | a ignore peo al [eestor an exept by a Janene wc hove crtrucc fed Female curd or detned orsay, ond” | Rumer oP airen wie we atendhg echoa| In Rove der ims of fae erence ie mame ae occupied possessed wnt ta ou on: [trons arg coninon tones |tsmacope cusame. rostered | Fras PY Sieawoal [ater dstncvo ctu rat, oho = cs [awe raigh rxctore fo a pais sol ed cut rod of Female esos mr — |neirestyatoreviiea rome fbr I faites wa eacous wo Peal sorvcee Imainy 2 Pipes. ICP aha Mate Female tic nha coma te ‘Nunber af Presents wheal tte rt rages Empyed Fonai| I if il Representation and Participation eerste maar ot women wth [sre enenonnen psc co “Sungigunisng Bar ‘Sangguniang Rabeloan DC] BOC, BADAG| BDRRMC, ‘BCPC, Namber of women wha are Saflmpioyes| Barangay Tanods “BAWe| Topong Tagapamayapa| Liber aT warren who are head of haneePoTde ‘Nunbar of women who own business ‘Access to resources and ‘services jot tote mambo of women ws lat vara sree a cin [Avallabliy of the Tatowing Services in GHS: ‘Natemal Care Family Plaming Gounseting Services| Disease Contrating Program| PAP Smear] ‘Breast Cancer Examinstion| Tnimurizaton (Cervical Cancer) [Availablity ofthe folowing feces in the barangay. “Tying - i Tacies| Seperate pubic talets Tor men and women VAW Desk Streetighing [Barangey= conducted the folowing Walninge Gender Senstiviy Trahning/Orentation ‘Orientaton on Women Related Laws! ‘Gender Responsive Planning| THumnber of fveitiood progam for women | ‘Rammbar olwovien member of toaparalives| Rete to women asserting or have >xcononcea ary acto gosdorsar0d Iolonce ta reat nt 0 [Vislence Agsins! Women ‘Nunbor of complaint related to VAW| ‘Number of complain! acted upon [Vitation of RA S262 ‘Number of VAWG Vietms| DCF FORM 2.0 ‘SECTORISUBSECTOR: SOCIAL POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: Local PNP Unit, Records Irom BPOC/BADAC, Barangay Blattor Book crime Statietice [ncex comes rotor to cies agans! person land cra agar property uch a2 |muéer, het, aed epe, feoraoempterocing. and cone rusting. |Nor-naex crm are ations ef special lows such as ego gpg or al lordnancas BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) Incidence of Index Crimes: DCF FORM 2-£ Tneldence of Nar-Index Grimes. ttegal Drugs etc dat rete te oy dy actos porsonaties snd actos, [ncining aernogal ang prorans ofthe loersnaave ‘Status of rg affectation: Namber of Megat drag personales ‘Drag Lore ‘Drug Codlters: ‘Drug Pushers: Drug Usors: Others: [Number or megal orug tactibes ‘arisana culation: drug laboratory. warehouse: ug den: engge’ ‘Others ‘Number of drag-clearing oparations ‘conducted by law enforcemenr agencies: ‘Number of rehabiltiaon fectoss| ‘Number of communiiy-based ‘ehabiliation programs: Inet tonumbor of ncdenses rato ‘Numbar of incidents related to armed groups: ‘Number of incidents of confics invohing IPS: ‘Humber of householis deplaced by confit: [Number of women experiencing genderhosed lnsagency, husetols cones, gander [viclence intimes of conflict Sexual Violence: Traticking Displacement. ‘Others: ‘Naniber of Chiideen-i-Confct with the Low: unber of Lupang Tagapamayapa! ‘Wale Female adae related tthe Conte Resolution Jenene rg Katarangang Pambarangay [Pambsrongay Law ‘Number of cases Mod ‘Number of cases amicably settied: ‘Number of cases provide with CTA: ‘SECTORISUBSECTOR: SOCIAL POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: Local PNP Uni, Rocords from BPOC/BADAG, Barangay Blotter Book BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) DCF FORM 2-£ Public Safety |otrs to dats rete nctonts |corceming or encangering ple satty [such ar rod acaitnts and fe hits ‘Number of road trafic incidents: ‘Number of road signages installed: ‘Number offre incidents DCF FORM 3 BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) SECTORISUBSECTOR:Environment Management POSSIBLE DATA SOURCES: BDRRMP Profe, Data fom BESWNC, C/MENRO, Barangay Profie, Commurity Risk Assessment pected he Frequency of garage entector [sotd waste ranagement [implementa anit was . |eansgerent sym te barangay Nianber of materials recovery fey fof hazards ocouing inte commit D Food Eatiquare' Taurame Volcanic Eruption" ‘Siomn S: [Cozation cihazard prone areas [Number ofpopilain affected Typhoon: Food Earthquake: Teuramt Voreane ‘Som Si eo DRAM Related Facies Barangay Operatian Genter Evacuation Center Flood and Facies Rain Water cE DRRN: Related Exuipmant ‘Spine Board] ‘Axe! Fue Ennarpancy Kal Handlheld radio ters sma on tr Disaster Risk Reduction |DO"BY tt ies nd ‘and Management |covoctine ote tangy fo manage ‘sh, ao Cis OE) canon curcouertanmenroranonveren gore SECTORISUBSECTOR: Environment Management POSSIBLE DATA SOURCES: BORRUP Profie, Data tom BESWNIC, C/MENRO, Barangay Profi, Communlly Risk Assessment DCF FORM 3 Gig VOY) —ssxeroavourcousouammenronaronsveren eons ‘SECTORISUBSECTOR: Environment Management POSSIBLE DATA SOURCES: BORRUP Profie, Data om BESWNIC, C/MENRO, Barangay Profie, Communly Risk Assessment Forest] Aricutura ‘Urban Coasial Marine Tversty Freshwater cles (any DCF FORM 4 BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) SECTORISUBSECTOR:Infrastracture POSSIBLE SOURCE OF DATA: Sane ea Sgr Number of heath facies Frospial lait Centers ‘Heath Siations ‘Lying Birthing Facies Private Cinies Hospi [Humber of eaacational faimies Day care centers [acters to tosttie deat to Prary Schoo ‘Social lates coo somes ere ee ee Tertary Schools {=a Caer | Tanibar of sociated Rousing wie Waribar of police communly proche ‘Namib of barangay fanod ouposte: Numer of Sormmercl eaanichwace ‘Sasa slore/RoiaE Grocery Stores Wholesale Publ Marke economic lmemacr snc ans — solehmets newer ne tay, ‘Buying Staion ‘Busha eslablehments: Fetal Shere ‘Number of oads and soot Rimbor of bridge: Nodes of rerepotaion ad fies ‘Apo Porte : vies ntsaracesateaies Terma Mabity and Crcition |e raps besnny Parting lis [Number of ragistared Trev eomney | Peakeabs: Others tre to taster itn: Humber of communication and] Communications frsteto connaniotnn sera i the Telbcommunvcation facies Toeation of water sources: later and Power Supoly alts to water and ety serves [nt borangay [Number of households wih Type | Water Syston] Type ll Water Syetors ‘Other sources of water| "Number of housohotds with olecticty | ‘Number of power utes Ingsttional lesvangoyswsust to Secton 17 of Be rats tame laventony of basic facies Barangay Fal Barangay Heath Sition Day care centers: Tnfermation, Leaming ard Reading Canter ‘Mut purpose Hal Paz 2 Flea or Satelite Marke Panting Matenals Disiroution Canter [fi Produce Collection and Buying Statione VAWIVAWC Dest “Kasambahay Desk BADAC Referral Desk DCF FORMS BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) ‘SECTORISUBSECTOR: Institutional a caine iChart, COMELEC [Names of the barangey offcist [Punong Barangay: ‘SB Wonbart: ‘SE Merbor2 ‘SE Member = ‘SB Member 4 ‘SB Mombor 5: ‘SB Member ‘SB Member 7: Barangay Treesurer: ‘Sk Trossurer Number of Day Gare Workers: Borengey, | Rotors to daa rated othe otaeripety Organization and Management |oranizaten and hunan resource lovauoie ‘Number of Barangay Heath Workers: Morrbor of Barangay Nutiion Scholar Nurrber of oher barangay stat ‘Barangay Vaw Desk Officr| ‘BADAC Duty Officer “Kasembahay Desk Officer ‘BHRAO| Taber of Barangay Tarot ‘Nunber of Lupong Tagapamayapa [Rrescence of tie (lowing BO BOE! ADAG, POC, ‘BCPC ESWC ‘BORRMG “BFARMC| ‘BPFOG| ‘Number of accredied C505 DCF FORN [BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) ‘SECTORSUBSECTOR: Institutional POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: ae ae umber of CSOs with membership in lve BBs: BoC | peter to dt lta commacity ADAG Puble Participation esrtcston naroarsersten tne ‘BPOC| Jevtne one tarengey acre BESWMC. ‘BORRMC ‘BEARNC| BPFDC. [inventory of Training Needs Training on the Formulation of Borengsy| Development Pan| Trang on the Use of Patiipatory Teols h Problem Analysis ‘Orientation on RA 10721 (Philippine | Disaster Risk Recucton an Management At) ‘Trahing on Barangay Disaster Risk| Reduction and Management Penna Training en Basic Mortaring and] Eraluation Stotegies ‘Oriantation on he Enhanood Barangoy| Disaster Risk Reduction and| Management Plan Template (wih | rsinctreomed indeators on publ ‘ealth emergencies) “Training on First Aid and Basic Life ‘Suppor Training 00 Contingency Planning| ‘Barangay Tarod Skills Enhanesmert| ‘A trainings needed by BRERTS| DCF FORN 5 BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) SECTORISUBSECTOR: hstitutional POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: Barangay Profle, Baran: rizational Chart, COMELEC. Protocols in Handling Caso of] Tracking n Persons and Volence| ‘Against Women (VAM) ini Training on Puc Sorc ‘Continuty Penning! Trang on the Fomulation of BADAC | Plen of Action “Training an the implementation of| Various Laws conceming the barangays| Training an the Formulation of Sokd| Waste Management Programs| Basic Self-Defense Training] Training on the implementation of| Barangay brug Geanng Program| Training on Search, Rescue ord] Retrievel Operations GAD Poin and Bagong] Barangay Bug! Cyeerrocess "rata T sig ov Cando Caray Dil for Prt Hazards Traning on Code of nis of Putte tia nd Empoyens ato o Pre Dhastr Rsk ‘Assesomert| Crating oraatan of admire dlocimente(Ordnarco, Heaton.) nd projet proposal Trang on Provo of Frat hid ond ost ie Supa ‘Drenalin on Minimum He] Profocals| tent renin neon, | Tigo Warns Aeatie Oapt Capacty Develonment | vaknar!terenfonsatersed | Resolutions for Mediation, Concilaton se poco oy to aaron tine andes one firaton! ‘Orientation on Sate Spaces Act and Protocols jn Handling Casas af Gancer- ‘Based Serual Harassment (GESH in ‘Spats and Pubic Spaces| Teaining on the Impterrentation of| Community Drag Rehabilitation Program ‘Gapaciy-Bunang for Barangays in| Handing of Chitiren at Risk (CAR) and] Chiron in Contict with the Law (CICl),| ‘and Formulation of Gomprenenswe Local Juvente Intervention Program (CLIP) ee ‘Orioniation on TrcHiont Command] system| DcF FORM 5 BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) ‘SECTORISUBSECTOR:institutional POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: Barangay Profile, Adtressing Trafficking in Persone (TP) ‘and Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Training onthe Formulation of BPOPS Pan Training on Genaer Sensitivity Psycho-sociel Traniegs /Health and] Welhoss Sominare/Traininge| ‘Oiaration on Contac! Tacha and] ‘Reverting Froioais i Manding of Charen at Rsk (CAR) and Chielen in Cantict with ta Law (CICL) ‘Traning onthe OPLAN Sagip- Reteral | Sesiem on Voluntary Daa Surrenderers Trang on Basi: Ineligence Gathering Training on Reproductive Heath and| Responsible Parenthood | Protocols in Hending of Ontine Sexwal| Abuse Explotation on Chkiren (OSAEC) Basie ICT Lioracy Trang (Grteniation on Psychological Fst Aid Taning on Local Service Delveryof| Heath Services| ‘Orientation on Rapid Damage Assessment and Needs Analysis] (RDANA) Orientation on Camp Management ‘Mainstreaming Chit Rights in te| Ratonatzed Pranning System Orientation on RA 9003] Training on Mentel Heath and] Payetrosocial Support (MMPS) asic Traning on Gonfte! Management| (Orientation on Basic Disease| Surveitence and Reporting ‘Formulation of Comprehensive Local Joven Irtervention Trainings needs are fo identified by NYC | ursuant to RA 10742 ‘Oilenlation on Mental Head ard] Psycho-social Suppert Der FORM 5 BARANGAY OUTCOME PLANNING INFORMATION SYSTEM (BOPIS) ‘SECTORISUBSECTOR: hstitutlonal POSSIBLE SOURCES OF DATA: Barangay Profle, Barangay Organizational Chart, COMELEC (Orientation on the Protoco! for Mensgement ofthe Dead end Missing bwventory of Barangay Legisiaions ‘Appropriatons Ordnance Garargay Tax Ordnance Conte earaay Rood Ceara Goer Carte Fors aig a aoe cgartos wa aisha bevongee sas rohn f al nds oats ty inpuble oes egg ie ws of woke ‘arsote matinee and oer sa red sco sound vn — Bararpay Lepstotone (SST srey | rroieny mstones font bari Fa eons naledf phe ace Desiaton of Smoking Ares aabiting of Barangay VAVTE Dost implanting Sate Spas At Tiplerering RA 9003 or Ecabal "Sot Waste Morogument At Tiplemeriang te Ropatanor ‘Seomay hasten Support agaist commerce expoteten setae Inolomaning RA TOT ortho Papa ‘Disaster Rk Rodoston Managemen "a Fahy Essar Wo her febuesea Suoung samnseou,Aebusieg Ajtoes Aebusseg ‘Aq paisony ‘Aq posedarey {o9) (a00W) ‘aed “San 7 ion | Aamo | senuetie Buteiodo pe] ouduased ssi pu 2oveuueN eine) aoe wao | fom | 2009, (sosed puesnow uj) puteaBoig e2us1mey qunowiy: aly 40 Ayediounyy/Ano, 40 BOUIAOJd AeBueseg

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