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By: Zamantha Icot

“In today’s world if you don’t have a partner it’s means you’re not a likeable” It comes from the vlog that she’s watching.
“Yujin Valesca” is her favorite vlogger. She always watched her vlog if she had free time. She is always on her couch, lying
down if she doesn’t have any class or work, watching random content from YouTube. And she is Zoe Kim Riego, 5’6, 21
years old, single, the only child, and a working student. She never had a boyfriend before, which is also called NBSB, or “no
boyfriend since birth.” But someone had courted her before, but she rejected it. I actually don’t know what this girl’s plan is.
“You’re studying again, huh? Take a break and want to hang out, Zoe?” Chae said. It’s Zoe’s best friend who always stops
her if the girl are studying too much. She needs a break. Zoe answered and said, “No, thanks.” I need to work later,
remember? “Fine, enjoy your life, girl. That’s why there’s no progress on your love life, tsk,” Chae said. As usual, Zoe just
rolled her eyes because Chae always said it. Zoe is tired of it. It’s not like you won’t be happy without a partner.

Monday morning, Chae asked if Zoe wanted to go on a blind date since she didn’t have any plans for today. But Zoe said no,
but Chae doesn’t listen and makes a cute face just to convince Zoe to go on a blind date. “Fine, I’m a strong, independent
woman, Chae. “I don’t need a man; man needs me,” Zoe jokingly said. At the end, Chae won.
The blind date is at the restaurant Name, Gallery VASK
Where the food is so expensive. “Damn, it’s so pretty here, but I think the food is also expensive?” Who’s gonna pay??”  She
just entered, but that’s the first sentence she said. “I know this is expensive; omgg, my wallet can’t afford this,” Zoe added. At
first, Zoe is still unsure if she is going or not. Because she needs money for her upcoming semester. After five minutes of
thinking, she came in. “It’s up to you, my guardian angel,” she said.
When she entered, she saw a familiar face. The girl is so shocked. When their faces met, the man just smiled, so she assumed
that he never recognized or remembered her. “Hi, I’m Alexis,” Alexis Jung said. Then reach his hand out to Zoe. Alexis Jung
is a childhood best friend of Zoe and also her first love, but Alexis doesn’t know that. “Hello, I’m Zoe,” she said, hoping to
recognize him. They chit-chatted so long because they had so many similarities; that’s why it took hours. When they are done,
Alexis pays for the bill. “It’s on me, no worries,” he said. When both of them said goodbye, Zoe was still shocked. She’s been
searching for him before. And as she remembers, they had a child fight, but it’s not resolved.

After that blind date, Alexis has been courting Zoe for almost 3 months. Zoe wanted to be friends with him first, so Alexis
said, “Okay, I’ll wait.” And on the other hand, Chae has been shipping them so much. She’s not stopping saying, “I’m your
savior girl,” because she knows Alexis is her first love and a friend.
Zoe has been thinking answering Alexis. Zoe is a 4th years college, she’s always say she doesn’t have any time to date but one
thing for sure she has a feeling for Alexis. “I have a work, dating??” Zoe said. But Zoe also asked her self “should I take a
Zoe and Alexis have been lovers for almost a year. “Time flies so fast,” Zoe said. Their relationship is so cute and healthy at
the same time. They made sure if there was a misunderstanding, they always talked about it. The key to their relationship is
communication and understanding. But unexpected happens to Zoe life
Her parents involved to car accident.  Her father didn’t survive, and her mother needs to be operated on. Zoe doesn’t know
what to do. She’s been praying so hard, crying, and asking the Lord what to do. Her money is not enough for both of her
parents. Her relative helped him, but it's still not enough. So Zoe needs to give up her school and go to multiple part-time
jobs. Chae and Alexis never leave her side. The two of them work part-time jobs just to help her, but Zoe doesn’t want that. 
Her father has been buried, and her mother has been operated on. But they still have a dept so Zoe has been working so hard.
And the relationship between Zoe and Alexis has not been good. Zoe has been pushing Alexis away lately; she believes it’s
not good for both of them if they are still together. “He’s just going down with me if we stay together.” “I don’t want that,
Chae.” Zoe said to Chae. They both crying.   “You’ve been through a lot, love. “I love you,” Chae said to Zoe.
Zoe and Alexis met up. “Let’s break up,” Zoe said. You can see the shock on Alex’s face, but he stays calm. “Why?  Is there
something wrong? “If it’s about the part-time job, I’ll quit, promise,” Alexis said while his voice was shaking. But Zoe shook
her head and walked out, leaving Alexis hanging.
Zoe and her mother moved to the province; it’s much better for both of them to move because their relatives are there. Zoe
moved and left Alexis. Alexis has been searching for her. He’s not giving up. “I already saw you, but you disappeared again..”
Alexis said.
Alexis’ POV (blind date)
He’s going to bathroom when he saw Zoe at the entrance.
“I know her. “What’s she doing there?” He’s going to approach her when Zoe starts mumbling something: “I know this is
expensive; omgg, my wallet can’t afford this,” Zoe says. When Alexis heard it, he was giggling and said, “Still cute.”
When she saw Zoe approaching his table, he froze, and he was like, “Noo way.”
After 5 years
Zoe finally became a nurse while her mother fully recovered. She came back to Batangas for work. Zoe and Chae still hang
out after all these years. “I miss you. “How are you?” Chae said.  “I’m fine,” Zoe replied. Zoe has so many regrets about her
past, but she knows it’s a good thing for both of them. “I never heard of him, but I hope he’s happy,” Chae said. Zoe just
smiled. Zoe never had a partner after that. She’s so scared what if it will happen again. 
While Zoe is driving, someone just crossed the road.
The boy was in a hurry, so he almost hit it. “Oops, slow down.” “Are you okay?” Zoe said.   When the boy looked up, it was
so familiar. Familiar again.   Both of them were stunned. But Alexis recovered first. “Yes ma’am.   I’m sorry.”  Then go on
like nothing happened. Zoe is frozen and shocked. “After many years…”
“After many years, she’s finally back!,” Alexis said to Ricky, who’s a friend and also a co-worker. “Yeah, so what’s your
After weeks, they accidentally met up. They are here again, where they first sewed with each other. Where the blind date was
“It’s been a long time,” Zoe said. “And I’m so sorry,” she added. “It’s okay, I understand.” Alexis smiles, but he knows in his
heart that he still loves her. After they greet each other, Alexis asks, “Can we go back?” But Zoe shook her head. “You are my
first love, actually.” I love you very much, and it hurts to see us like this. I’m so happy when I’m with you. I feel safe. But
you know. I can’t handle a relationship. I will only hurt you. I’m so sorry. Alexis kept her calm. She didn’t know how to
reply, so Zoe asked him, “I know it’s awkward, but can we friend again?” when he heard it, some came to his mind..       We
have been friends since we were children, teenagers, and now adults. He smiled when he realized this. “Friends?”     “Fine,
just don’t leave me again.” That day, he is supposed to tell her that he recognized and remembered her from the start, but he
keeps it to himself.
After that closure, the girl is lying down on her couch while watching her favorite vlogger. “Relationships must not be for me,
huh, right, Yujin?” Zoe said asking the TV like it will answer. “Sometimes being alone is better, hmm?” than hurting
someone’s feelings. I don’t why people viewed a lonely person if they are single?      If loving someone can hurt people, I
don’t want to do it, and we didn’t even get to marriage, but at least we discovered a new restaurant.

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