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Lesson 3: Annuities

• Annuity – a sum of money that is paid in regular equal payments.

Installment payments, monthly rentals, and life insurance premiums are annuities.

• Payment Interval – the period of time between consecutive payments.

Ged buys a new smartphone and agrees to pay it via installment. He will pay ₱1 500 every month for 2 years.
In this case, the payment interval of the annuity is monthly.

• Term – the time from the beginning of the first payment interval to the end of the last payment interval.
Ged buys a new smartphone and agrees to pay it via installment. He will pay ₱1 500 every month for 2 years.
In this case, the term of the annuity is 2 years.

Types of Annuity Based on Payment Duration

1. Annuity Certain
- It is an annuity payable for a definite duration. It means that this annuity begins and ends on a definite date.
Arya buys a new laptop and agrees to pay through installment. She will pay ₱2 500 every month for 2 years.

2. Perpetuity
- It is an annuity payable over a term that has a definite start date but no definite end date.
Payment of housing rent is a perpetuity.

3. Contingent Annuity
- It is an annuity payable for an indefinite duration. It means that the beginning or the termination is dependent
on some certain event.
Insurance and pension payments are contingent annuities.

Kinds of Annuity Certain

1. Simple Annuity
- It is an annuity certain whose compounding period is the same as the payment interval.
Leonard buys a brand-new TV with installment payment at the end of each month with interest compounded

2. General Annuity
- It is an annuity certain whose compounding period is not the same as the payment interval.
Sheldon buys a brand-new TV with installment payment at the end of each quarter with interest compounded

Types of Annuity Based on Time of Periodic Payment

1. Ordinary Annuity
- It is an annuity in which the periodic payment is made at the end of each payment interval.
Example: Sam buys a washing machine with an installment payment at the end of every month for one year.

2. Annuity Due
- It is an annuity in which the periodic payment is made at the beginning of each payment interval.
Example: Gilly buys a washing machine with an installment payment at the beginning of every month for one year.
• Fair Market Value (FMV) – the price that two parties are willing to pay for an asset or liability, given the
following conditions:
- Both parties are well-informed about the condition of the asset or liability.
- Neither party is under undue pressure to buy or sell the item.
- There is no time pressure to complete the deal.
Suppose you want to sell a car for ₱500 000. A buyer offers to purchase the car at a lower price of ₱420 000.
If you and the buyer agreed on ₱450 000 after negotiating the price, then the fair market value of the car is ₱450 000.

• Deferred Annuity – an annuity in which the first payment interval is delayed or deferred for a period of time.
- In a deferred annuity, the time interval to the beginning of the first payment interval is called the period of
‘A loan with an interest rate of 7% and a quarterly payment of ₱5 000 for 3 years starting at the end of 1
year’ is an example of a deferred annuity since the phrase starting at the end of 1 year indicates that the payment
started on a later date.
At the end of 1 year will be at time 4, if one quarter is considered as one period. Hence, the period of deferral
is from time 0 to time 3 which is equivalent to 3 quarters.

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