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Turn Over Checklist

Suggested checklist subject to turn over.

1. Operations
a. Computers
b. Cell Phones
c. Passwords
d. Bank Accounts
e. GCash Accounts
f. Projectors and multimedia
g. Sound systems
h. Office and operating supplies
i. Office equipment
j. Etc.
2. Files and Administrative Documents
a. Pertinent Documents and templates
b. Attendance sheets
c. Members List/Data Base
d. Data Storage Devices (Hard Disc, Thumb Drives, etc.)
e. Minutes of Meetings (MOM)
f. Memorandum orders/instructions (MO/MI)
g. Resolutions and Memorandum Agreement (MA)
h. Manpower List
i. Manuals, Policies and Procedures
j. Etc.
3. Files, Accounting and Legal Documents:
a. Tax Receipts
b. Permits
c. SEC Registrations
d. LGU registration
e. BIR Registration
f. SSS Registration
g. Licenses
h. Property Titles
i. Tax Declarations
j. Deed of Sales
k. Official Receipts
l. Accounting Books
m. Financial Statements
n. Vouchers; receipts and invoices
o. Contracts and Obligations
p. Etc.
4. Religious Services Materials and Documents:
a. Vigil Prayers Guides
b. Holy Hour Guides
c. ME Materials
d. Mass Guide
e. Mass Kits (Paten, Chalice, etc.)
f. Prayer and Novena guides
g. Etc.
5. Project List Closed and Ongoing
6. Accomplishment reports
7. Plans, activity calendars and directions

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