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Surface Learning Deep Learning
Types of Total
Outcomes Topics Percentage
Tests Remembering Understanding Applying Analyzing Evaluating Creating Items

1. Identify
the Figurative
different Language
types of Test I. True Test I. Test I. Test I. Test I.
figurative or False 1, 3, 7 2, 5 6, 9 4, 10, 8 10 20%
and their

2. Describe the
use of
propositional Using
phrases in a prepositional Test II. Test II. Test II. Test II. Test II. Test II. 20 40%
grammar. Multiple 1, 5, 18, 7, 2, 3, 4, 11, 14 16, 12, 13 6, 8, 9, 10, 17 19, 20
Choice 15,

3. Use the
and Comparative
superlative and Test III.
adjectives Venn Test III. 10 20%
adjectives Diagram
correctly in a 1-10
4. Construct a
poetry using Poetry
the different Test IV.
types of Create a Test IV.
figurative 1-5 5 10%

the types of Poetry Test IV.
poetry. 6-10 5 10%

Total 8 7 5 8 12 10 50

Percentage 16% 14% 10% 16% 24% 20% 100%

Name: Reyna Mae Comaling Section: BAEL 3-C Schedule: TTH 4:00-5:30
English Topics:
1. Figurative Language
2. Poetry
3. Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
4. Using prepositional phrases
Intended Learners: Grade 9 students

Intended Learning Objectives:

1. Identify the different types of figurative language and their examples.
2. Describe the use of propositional phrases in a grammar.
3. Use the comparative and superlative adjectives correctly in a sentence
4. 4. Construct a simple poetry using the different types of figurative language.
5. Differentiate the types of poetry.

TEST I. Write your FIRST NAME if the answer is TRUE and write your LAST NAME if the answer is FALSE. Write the answer before
each number.

6. Figurative language is literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional
response through language chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.

7. “He swung a great scimitar, before which Spaniards went down like wheat to the reaper’s sickle.” Is an example of simile.
8. Free verse is a popular style of modern poetry, and as its name suggests there is a fair amount of freedom when it comes
to writing a poem like this.
9. Haiku originated in 13th century Italy where it was perfected by the poet Petrarch.
10. Comparative adjectives end in -er or use the words more or less, while superlative adjectives end in -est or use the words
most and least.
11. My house is bigger than her house. This is an example of comparative adjective.
12. A prepositional phrase is simply a group of words that consists of a preposition and the object of the preposition. It can also
include words that modify the object.

13. Hyperbole is giving human characteristics to nonhuman or abstract things.

14. When you compare cheetahs, lions, and tigers, the cheetahs are clearly the fastest. This is an example of superlative

15. An adverbial or adverb prepositional phrase is a prepositional phrase that modifies a noun.
TEST II. Choose the correct answer. Refer your answer in the box and write your answer before each number.
A. 5 K. Helping students improve their literacy
B. Adjective prepositional phrases L. Hyperbole
C. Comparative Adjective M. Youngest
D. Sonnet N. 9
E. Figurative Language O. poetry that does not rhyme and does not have a regular
F. Poetry P. Simile, Metaphor, Personification, Hyperbole, Allusion
G. Adverb prepositional phrases Q. Metaphor
H. Simile R. Superlative Adjective
I. Do not use the words “like” or “as.” S. helps make writing and speeches more engaging and
J. Haiku T. More young

1. It is a word derived from the Italian word ‘sonnetto’ which means ‘little song’.
2. Common technique in narrative writing, where the author strives to make emotional connections with the reader.

3. Compares two different things, using the words “like” or “as” to draw attention to the comparison.
4. Is literature that evokes a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional response through language
chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.
5. Is a verse that tells a story.
6. “The sun was a toddler insistently refusing to go to bed: It was past eight thirty and still light.”
7. Traditionally, they are made up of 14 lines and usually deal with love.
8. Smaller
9. More jumbled
10. Out of the 50 books I own, this is one is the longest.
11. A prepositional phrase that modifies a noun.
12. The dog jumped up with excitement.
13. The painting on the end is the best.
14. What is free verse?
15. Haikus consist of just three lines (tercet); the first and third lines have ____ syllables.
16. Change young into superlative adjective.
17. Different types of figurative language.
18. Is a great exaggeration, often unrealistic, to add emphasis to a sentiment.
19. What is the purpose of figurative language?
20. What is the difference between simile and metaphor?
TEST III. Using a venn1 diagram, give 5 differences/examples and 2 similarities between simile and metaphor. (1-10)
TEST IV. Create a simple scenario using the 5 comparative and 5 superlative adjectives. Minimum of 5 sentences and maximum of 10 sentences. (1
Name: Reyna Mae Comaling Year & Degree Program: BAEL 3C

Topics: Past and Present Tense

Target Learners: Grade 5

Directions: The teacher will call all his/her students individually and each student will answer according to the teacher’s question.

1. What was the last thing you bought?

2. What did you eat for breakfast?

3. What time did you wake up today?

4. What did you watch on TV yesterday?

5. What did you do last weekend?

6. What time did you go to bed last night?

7. What did you eat for dinner yesterday?

8. What toy did you play last night?

9. Who was your first friend?

10. When was the last time you exercised?

Directions: All students will be given an activity about introducing their selves. They will introduce their selves base in the sentence

· Their full name

· Their age and birthday

· Their favorite color and why is that their favorite color

· Their favorite thing to do in free time

Name: Reyna Mae Comaling Year & Degree Program: BAEL 3C

Topics: Adjectives and adverbs

Target Learners: Grade 5

Directions: List all the sentences that have adjectives and adverbs in the poem.

I Wandered Lonely as A Cloud

By William Wordsworth

I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o'er vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees,
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine

And twinkle on the milky way,
They stretched in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The waves beside them danced; but they

Out-did the sparkling waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed—and gazed—but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie

In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Directions: Copy or write all the sentences written below and underline the adjectives and adverbs.

1. They live in a beautiful house. _________________________

2. This shop is much nicer. _________________________

3. Linda’s hair is gorgeous. _________________________

4. She wore a beautiful dress. _________________________

5. He writes a meaningless letter. _________________________

6. I go to school every day. _________________________

7. She came home late. _________________________

8. Dina spoke boldly in front of a huge audience. ______________________

9. Jonah often goes to work on his motorcycle. ______________________

10. The lady wore traditional clothes occasionally. ______________________

Name: Comaling, Reyna Mae Year & Degree program: BAEL 3C Date: December 13, 2022
Topics: Different kind of Sounds
Target Learners: Grade 5

Directions: Match the picture of the animals with their corresponding animal sound.

• Oink, oink, oink

• Roar, roar, roar
• Ribbit, ribbit, ribbit

• Woof, woof, woof

• Chirp, chirp, chirp
• Baa, baa, baa

• Neigh, neigh, neigh

• Moo, moo, moo

• Meow, meow, meow
• Cluck, cluck, cluck

Test II. Encircle the letter of your answer.

11. Which of the following produces loud sound?

A. Boat C. Bicycle
B. Train D. Cart

12. Which of the following picture makes soft sound?




13. An ambulance produces _____ sound.

A. Loud
B. Quite

14. What is the vehicle producing sound like "brrrooomm! brrrooomm!brrrooomm!



15. What is the sound of a train?

A. brrrooomm! brrrooomm!brrrooomm C. eengggg! eenggg!eenggg!
B. chug!chug!chug!chug! D. beep!beep!beep!

16. What is the vehicle producing sound like "beep! beep! beep!"
A. Jeepney C. Bus
B. Ambulance D. Bike

17. What is the sound of the rain or raindrops?

A. Splash-splash
B. Pitter-patter

18. What is the sound of the wind?

A. Swoosh-swoosh
B. Rumble-rumble

Test III.
19. – 20. Draw your favorite animal or vehicle and then write their sound.
Name: Comaling, Reyna Mae Year & Degree program: BAEL 3C Date: December 13, 2022
Topics: Nouns and verbs
Target Learners: Grade 5
Directions: Read the story below and answer the following questions. Encircle your answers.

Once upon a time, there a lived a boy and his mother. The boy was called Jack. Jack and his mother were poor, and they
only owned one cow. The name of the cow was Daisy.

Every day at dawn, Jack's mother would wake up and milk Daisy. Jack attended a nearby school. He would often pass
through a forest on his way to school.

One day, his mother sent Jack to sell Daisy at the market. He was sad that his mother was forced to sell the only cow they
had. Jack took Daisy to the market. Daisy was a very impoverished cow. No one at the market was willing to buy her.

After several hours of impatiently waiting for a buyer, Jack had almost given up. He wanted to go back home and take back
Daisy. An old man appeared and approached him. He had grey hair, a long beard and wore tattered clothes. He had a very
disheveled appearance.

Jack was nervous at first, the old man did not look menacing in any way though. The old man offered to buy Daisy; Jack
was relieved that he had finally found a buyer. However, the old man did not have any money, and he offered Jack magic
seeds. He told Jack that the magic seeds would sprout into a huge tree that would reach the sky.

Jack reluctantly accepted his offer and sold him the cow. He headed back home with the pouch of magical seeds.
1. Who is the main character of the story?
A. Miriam C. The buyer
B. Jack D. The old man

2. Jack attended a nearby school. What is the verb in this sentence?

A. Jack C. Nearby
B. School D. Attended
3. He would often pass through a forest on his way to school. What is the noun in this sentence?
A. Way B. Pass C. Would D. Forest
4. What is the name of the cow?
A. Daisy B. Riley C. Cora D. Dazy
5. Why did the mother of Jack decided to sell cow?
A. Because Daisy is a big eater.
B. Because Daisy was a very impoverished cow.
C. Because they just want to have fun.
D. Because they have another cow.
6. What sentence has two verbs and two nouns?
A. Jack took Daisy to the market
B. He headed back home with the pouch of magical seeds.
C. Every day at dawn, Jack's mother would wake up and milk Daisy.
D. He wanted to go back home and take back Daisy.
7. What did the old man offer?
A. magic seeds B. money C. silver coins D. cow
8. What is the characteristic of the old man?
A. He had grey hair, a long beard and wore tattered clothes.
B. Tall and handsome old man.
C. A bad old man who stole the beans.
D. A very generous and fair old man.
9. After several hours of impatiently waiting for a buyer, Jack had almost given up. How many hours did Jack wait?
A. 12 hours B. several hours C. 2 hours D. 1 hour
10. Did Jack accept the offer of the old man?
A. Yes, Jack accepted the offer.
B. No, Jack didn’t accept the offer.

Test II. Identify if it is Noun or Verb. A noun is a person,

1. The dog eats his treats. ________ place or thing. A verb
is an action word.
2. James finished early than Mae. _______
3. Dad climbed the tree quickly. _______
4. The Christmas tree has many lights. _______
5. Fiona wants a new dog. ________

16-20. Underline the nouns and circle the verbs in this sentence.
“James went to the grocery store yesterday evening to buy some ingredients to make a cake for his mother’s birthday. James mixed
eggs, flour and sugar to make a delicious chocolate cake”

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