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arithmetic sequences mms [122


On her first day in a hospital, Kiri receives u1 milligrams (mg) of a therapeutic

drug. The amount of the drug Kiri receives increases by the same amount, d, each
day. On the seventh day, she receives 21 mg of the drug, and on the eleventh day
she receives 29 mg.

1a. Write down an equation, in terms of u1 and d, for the amount of the drug [1 mark]
that she receives on the seventh day.

(amount taken in the 7th day): u1 + 6d = 21 (A1)
Note: Accept u1 + (7 − 1) d = 21. The equations do not need to be simplified.
They should be given in terms of u1 and d for the marks to be awarded.
[1 mark]

1b. Write down an equation, in terms of u1 and d, for the amount of the drug [1 mark]
that she receives on the eleventh day.

(amount taken in the 11th day): u1 + 10d = 29 (A1)
Note: Accept u1 + (11 − 1) d = 29. The equations do not need to be
simplified. They should be given in terms of u1 and d for the marks to be
[1 mark]

1c. Write down the value of d and the value of u1 . [2 marks]

(u1 =) 9 (A1)(ft)
(d =) 2 (A1)(ft)
Note: Follow through from part (a), but only if values are positive and u1 <
[2 marks]

Kiri receives the drug for 30 days.

1d. Calculate the total amount of the drug, in mg, that she receives. [3 marks]

(S30 =) 2 (2 × 9 + (30 − 1) × 2) (M1)(A1)(ft)
Note: Award (M1) for substitution in the sum of an arithmetic sequence
formula; (A1)(ft) for their correct substitution.
1140 (mg) (A1)(ft)(G3)
Note: Follow through from their u1 and d from part (b).
[3 marks]

Ted is also in a hospital and on his first day he receives a 20 mg antibiotic
injection. The amount of the antibiotic Ted receives decreases by 50 % each day.
On the second day, Ted receives a 10 mg antibiotic injection, on the third day he
receives 5 mg, and so on.

1e. Find the amount of antibiotic, in mg, that Ted receives on the fifth day. [3 marks]

20 × (0.5)4 (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for substitution into the geometric sequence formula, (A1)
for correct substitution.
1.25 (mg) (A1)(G3)
[3 marks]
1f. The daily amount of antibiotic Ted receives will first be less than 0.06 mg [3 marks]
on the k th day. Find the value of k.

20 × (0.5)k−1 < 0.06 (M1)(M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into the geometric sequence
formula; (M1) for comparing their expression to 0.06. Accept an equation
instead of inequality.
(k =) 10 (10th day) (A1)(ft)(G3)
Note: Follow through from part (d)(i), if 0 < r < 1. Follow through answers
must be rounded up for final mark.
[3 marks]

1g. Hence find the total amount of antibiotic, in mg, that Ted receives [3 marks]
during the first k days.


Note: Award (M1) for substitution into sum of a geometric sequence formula,
(A1)(ft) for correct substitution.
Follow through from their u1 and r in part (d)(i), if 0 < r < 1. Follow through
from their k in part (d)(ii) but only if k is a positive integer.
40.0 (39.9609…) (mg) (A1)(ft)(G2)
[3 marks]

Sergei is training to be a weightlifter. Each day he trains at the local gym by lifting
a metal bar that has heavy weights attached. He carries out successive lifts. After
each lift, the same amount of weight is added to the bar to increase the weight to
be lifted.
The weights of each of Sergei’s lifts form an arithmetic sequence.
Sergei’s friend, Yuri, records the weight of each lift. Unfortunately, last Monday,
Yuri misplaced all but two of the recordings of Sergei’s lifts.
On that day, Sergei lifted 21 kg on the third lift and 46 kg on the eighth lift.

2a. For that day find how much weight was added after each lift. [2 marks]
5d = 46 − 21 OR u1 + 2d = 21 and u1 + 7d = 46 (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for a correct equation in d or for two correct equations in
u1 and d.
(d =) 5 (kg) (A1) (C2)
[2 marks]

2b. For that day find the weight of Sergei’s first lift. [2 marks]

u1 + 2 × 5 = 21 (M1)
u1 + 7 × 5 = 46 (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for substitution of their d into either of the two equations.
(u1 =) 11 (kg) (A1)(ft) (C2)
Note: Follow through from part (a)(i).
[2 marks]

2c. On that day, Sergei made 12 successive lifts. Find the total combined [2 marks]
weight of these lifts.

2 (2 × 11 + (12 − 1) × 5) (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into arithmetic series formula.
= 462 (kg) (A1)(ft) (C2)
Note: Follow through from parts (a) and (b).
[2 marks]
A new café opened and during the first week their profit was $60.
The café’s profit increases by $10 every week.

3a. Find the café’s profit during the 11th week. [3 marks]

60 + 10 × 10 (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for substitution into the arithmetic sequence formula, (A1)
for correct substitution.
= ($) 160 (A1)(G3)
[3 marks]

3b. Calculate the café’s total profit for the first 12 weeks. [3 marks]

2 (2 × 60 + 11 × 10) (M1)(A1)(ft)
Note: Award (M1) for substituting the arithmetic series formula, (A1)(ft) for
correct substitution. Follow through from their first term and common
difference in part (a).
= ($) 1380 (A1)(ft)(G2)
[3 marks]

A new tea-shop opened at the same time as the café. During the first week their
profit was also $60.
The tea-shop’s profit increases by 10 % every week.

3c. Find the tea-shop’s profit during the 11th week. [3 marks]
60 × 1.110 (M1)(A1)
Note: Award (M1) for substituting the geometric progression nth term
formula, (A1) for correct substitution.
= ($) 156 (155.624…) (A1)(G3)
Note: Accept the answer if it rounds correctly to 3 sf, as per the accuracy
[3 marks]

3d. Calculate the tea-shop’s total profit for the first 12 weeks. [3 marks]


Note: Award (M1) for substituting the geometric series formula, (A1)(ft) for
correct substitution. Follow through from part (c) for their first term and
common ratio.
= ($)1280 (1283.05…) (A1)(ft)(G2)
[3 marks]

3e. In the m th week the tea-shop’s total profit exceeds the café’s total [4 marks]
profit, for the first time since they both opened.
Find the value of m .
> n (2 ×
2 60 + (n − 1) × 10) (M1)(M1)

Note: Award (M1) for correctly substituted geometric and arithmetic series
formula with n (accept other variable for “n”), (M1) for comparing their
expressions consistent with their part (b) and part (d).


Note: Award (M1) for two curves with approximately correct shape drawn in
the first quadrant, (M1) for one point of intersection with approximate correct
Accept alternative correct sketches, such as

Award (M1) for a curve with approximate correct shape drawn in the 1st (or
4th) quadrant and all above (or below) the x-axis, (M1) for one point of
intersection with the x-axis with approximate correct position.
17 (A2)(ft)(G3)
Note: Follow through from parts (b) and (d).
An answer of 16 is incorrect. Award at most (M1)(M1)(A0)(A0) with working
seen. Award (G0) if final answer is 16 without working seen.
[4 marks]

Rosa joins a club to prepare to run a marathon. During the first training session
Rosa runs a distance of 3000 metres. Each training session she increases the
distance she runs by 400 metres.

4a. Write down the distance Rosa runs in the third training session; [1 mark]
3800 m (A1)
[1 mark]

4b. Write down the distance Rosa runs in the nth training session. [2 marks]

3000 + (n − 1)400 mOR2600 + 400n m (M1)(A1)

Note: Award (M1) for substitution into arithmetic sequence formula, (A1)
for correct substitution.

[2 marks]

A marathon is 42.195 kilometres.

In the kth training session Rosa will run further than a marathon for the first time.

4c. Find the value of k. [2 marks]

3000 + (k − 1)400 > 42195 (M1)

Notes: Award (M1) for their correct inequality. Accept

3 + (k − 1)0.4 > 42.195.
Accept = OR ⩾. Award (M0) for 3000 + (k − 1)400 > 42.195.

(k =) 99 (A1)(ft)(G2)

Note: Follow through from part (a)(ii), but only if k is a positive integer.

[2 marks]
4d. Calculate the total distance, in kilometres, Rosa runs in the first 50 [4 marks]
training sessions.

2 (2 × 3000 + (50 − 1)(400)) (M1)(A1)(ft)

Note: Award (M1) for substitution into sum of an arithmetic series formula,
(A1)(ft) for correct substitution.

640 000 m (A1)

Note: Award (A1) for their 640 000 seen.

= 640 km (A1)(ft)(G3)

Note: Award (A1)(ft) for correctly converting their answer in metres to

km; this can be awarded independently from previous marks.

2 (2 × 3 + (50 − 1)(0.4)) (M1)(A1)(ft)(A1)

Note: Award (M1) for substitution into sum of an arithmetic series formula,
(A1)(ft) for correct substitution, (A1) for correctly converting 3000 m and
400 m into km.

= 640 km (A1)(G3)
[4 marks]

Carlos joins the club to lose weight. He runs 7500 metres during the first month.
The distance he runs increases by 20% each month.

4e. Find the distance Carlos runs in the fifth month of training. [3 marks]
7500 × 1.25−1 (M1)(A1)

Note: Award (M1) for substitution into geometric series formula, (A1) for
correct substitutions.

= 15 600 m (15 552 m) (A1)(G3)

7.5 × 1.25−1 (M1)(A1)

Note: Award (M1) for substitution into geometric series formula, (A1) for
correct substitutions.

= 15.6 km (A1)(G3)
[3 marks]

4f. Calculate the total distance Carlos runs in the first year. [3 marks]


Notes: Award (M1) for substitution into sum of a geometric series formula,
(A1) for correct substitutions. Follow through from their ratio (r) in part (d). If
r < 1 (distance does not increase) or the final answer is unrealistic (eg r = 20
), do not award the final (A1).

= 297 000 m (296 853 … m, 297 km) (A1)(G2)

[3 marks]
Tomás is playing with sticks and he forms the first three diagrams of a pattern.
These diagrams are shown below.

Tomás continues forming diagrams following this pattern.

5a. Diagram n is formed with 52 sticks. Find the value of n. [3 marks]

4 + 3(n − 1) = 52 (M1)(A1)

Note: Award (M1) for substitution into the formula of the nth term of an
arithmetic sequence, (A1) for correct substitution.

n = 17 (A1) (C3)
[3 marks]

Tomás forms a total of 24 diagrams.

5b. Find the total number of sticks used by Tomás for all 24 diagrams. [3 marks]

2 (2 × 4 + 23 × 3)OR 24
2 (4 + 73) (M1)(A1)(ft)

Notes: Award (M1) for substitution into the sum of the first n terms of an
arithmetic sequence formula, (A1)(ft) for their correct substitution, consistent
with part (a).

924 (A1)(ft) (C3)

Note: Follow through from part (a).

[3 marks]
6a. One of the locations in the 2016 Olympic Games is an amphitheatre. The [2 marks]
number of seats in the first row of the amphitheatre, u1 , is 240. The
number of seats in each subsequent row forms an arithmetic sequence. The
number of seats in the sixth row, u6 , is 270.
Calculate the value of the common difference, d.

270 = 240 + d (6 − 1) (M1)
d= 5
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into the arithmetic sequence
(d =) 6 (A1) (C2)

6b. There are 20 rows in the amphitheatre. [2 marks]

Find the total number of seats in the amphitheatre.

2 [2 × 240 + 19 × their d] (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into sum of an arithmetic sequence.
u20 = 354
S20 = 2 [240 + 354] (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into sum of an arithmetic sequence.
adding20 terms consistent with their d (M1)
= 5940 (A1)(ft) (C2)
Note: Follow through from (a).

6c. Anisha visits the amphitheatre. She estimates that the amphitheatre has [2 marks]
6500 seats.
Calculate the percentage error in Anisha’s estimate.
∣∣ 6500−5940 ∣∣ × 100 (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution into percentage error formula.
= 9.43 (%) (9.42760...) (A1)(ft) (C2)
Note: Follow through from (b).

The sum of the first n terms of an arithmetic sequence is given by Sn = 6n + n2 .

7a. Write down the value of [2 marks]

(i) S1 ;
(ii) S2 .

(i) S1 = 7 (A1)
(ii) S2 = 16 (A1)

nth term of the arithmetic sequence is given by un .

7b. The [1 mark]
Show that u2 = 9.
(u2 =)16 − 7 = 9 (M1)(AG)
Note: Award (M1) for subtracting 7 from 16. The 9 must be seen.
16 − 7 − 7 = 2
(u2 =)7 + (2 − 1)(2) = 9 (M1)(AG)
Note: Award (M1) for subtracting twice 7 from 16 and for correct substitution
in correct arithmetic sequence formula.
The 9 must be seen.
Do not accept: 9 − 7 = 2, u2 = 7 + (2 − 1)(2) = 9.

7c. The nth term of the arithmetic sequence is given by un . [2 marks]

Find the common difference of the sequence.

u1 = 7 (A1)(ft)
d = 2(= 9 − 7) (A1)(ft)(G2)
Notes: Follow through from their S1 in part (a)(i).

7d. Thenth term of the arithmetic sequence is given by un . [2 marks]

Find u10 .

7 + 2 × (10 − 1) (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution in the correct arithmetic sequence
formula. Follow through from their parts (a)(i) and (c).
= 25 (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: Award (A1)(ft) for their correct tenth term.

7e. Thenth term of the arithmetic sequence is given by un . [3 marks]
Find the lowest value of n for which un is greater than 1000.

7 + 2 × (n − 1) > 1000 (A1)(ft)(M1)
Note: Award (A1)(ft) for their correct expression for the nth term, (M1) for
comparing their expression to 1000. Accept an equation. Follow through from
their parts (a)(i) and (c).
n = 498 (A1)(ft)(G2)
Notes: Answer must be a natural number.

7f. Thenth term of the arithmetic sequence is given by un . [2 marks]

There is a value of n for which
u1 + u2 + … + un = 1512.
Find the value of n.

6n + n2 = 1512 OR n (14 +
2 2(n − 1)) = 1512 OR
Sn = 1512 OR 7 + 9 + … + un = 1512 (M1)
Notes: Award (M1) for equating the sum of the first n terms to 1512. Accept
a sum of at least the first 7 correct terms.
n = 36 (A1)(G2)
Note: If n = 36 is seen without working, award (G2). Award a maximum of
(M1)(A0) if −42 is also given as a solution.
In a game, n small pumpkins are placed 1 metre apart in a straight line. Players
start 3 metres before the first pumpkin.

Each player collects a single pumpkin by picking it up and bringing it back to the
start. The nearest pumpkin is collected first. The player then collects the next
nearest pumpkin and the game continues in this way until the signal is given for
the end.
Sirma runs to get each pumpkin and brings it back to the start.

8a. Write down the distance, a 1 , in metres that she has to run in order to [1 mark]
collect the first pumpkin.

6(m) (A1)(G1)

8b. The distances she runs to collect each pumpkin form a sequence [2 marks]
a1 , a2 , a3 , … .
(i) Find a2 .
(ii) Find a 3 .

(i) 8 (A1)(ft)
(ii) 10 (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: Follow through from part (a).

8c. Write down the common difference, d, of the sequence. [1 mark]

2(m) (A1)(ft)
Note: Follow through from parts (a) and (b).
8d. The final pumpkin Sirma collected was 24 metres from the start. [5 marks]
(i) Find the total number of pumpkins that Sirma collected.
(ii) Find the total distance that Sirma ran to collect these pumpkins.

(i) 2 × 24 = 6 + 2(n − 1) OR 24 = 3 + (n − 1) (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correct substitution in arithmetic sequence formula.
n = 22 (A1)(ft)(G1)
Note: Follow through from parts (a) and (c).
(ii) 2 × 22 (M1)(A1)(ft)
Note: Award (M1) for substitution in arithmetic series formula, (A1)(ft) for
correct substitution.
= 594 (A1)(ft)(G2)
Note: Follow through from parts (a) and (d)(i).

8e. Peter also plays the game. When the signal is given for the end of the [3 marks]
game he has run 940 metres.
Calculate the total number of pumpkins that Peter collected.

2 = 940 (M1)(A1)(ft)
Notes: Award (M1) for substitution in arithmetic series formula, (A1) for their
correct substituted formula equated to 940. Follow through from parts (a) and
n2 + 5n − 940 = 0
n = 28.2611 …
n = 28 (A1)(ft)(G2)

8f. Peter also plays the game. When the signal is given for the end of the [2 marks]
game he has run 940 metres.
Calculate Peter’s distance from the start when the signal is given.
2 (M1)
Notes: Award (M1) for substituting their 28 into the arithmetic series
= 16(m) (A1)(ft)(G2)

The first term, u1, of an arithmetic sequence is 145. The fifth term, u5, of the sequence is 113.

9a. Find the common difference of the sequence. [2 marks]

145 + (5 − 1)d = 113 (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correctly substituted AP formula.
= −8 (A1) (C2)
[2 marks]

9b. Thenth term, un , of the sequence is – 7. [2 marks]

Find the value of n.

145 + (n − 1) × −8 = −7 (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for their correctly substituted AP formula.
If a list is used award (M1) for their correct values down to −7.
n = 20 (A1)(ft) (C2)
Note: Follow through from their part (a).
[2 marks]

9c. Thenth term, un , of the sequence is – 7. [2 marks]
Find S20 , the sum of the first twenty terms of the sequence.

S20 = 2 (2 × 145 + (20 − 1) × −8) (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for their correctly substituted sum of an AP formula.
If a list is used award (M1) for their correct terms up to 1380
= 1380 (A1)(ft)
Note: Follow through from their part (a).
S20 = 2 (145 + (−7)) (M1)
Note: Award (M1) for correctly substituted sum of an AP formula.
= 1380 (A1) (C2)
Note: If candidates have listed the terms correctly and given the common
difference as 8, award (M1)(A0) for part (a), (M1)(A0) for an answer of −18
or 18 for part (b) and (M1)(A1)(ft) for an answer of 4420 in part (c) with
working seen.
[2 marks]

In an arithmetic sequence, the fifth term, u5, is greater than the first term, u1. The difference between
these terms is 36.

10a. Find the common difference, d. [2 marks]

u1 + 4d − u1 = 36 (M1)

Note: Accept equivalent forms including the use of a instead of u1 .

(d =)9 (A1) (C2)

10b. The tenth term of the sequence is double the seventh term. [4 marks]
(i) Write down an equation in u1 and d to show this information.
(ii) Find u1.
(i) u10 = 2u7 (M1)

Note: Award (M1) for correct use of 2 (may be implied).

u1 + 9d = 2[u1 + 6d] (A1)

Notes: Accept equivalent forms. Award (M1)(A0) for a + 9d = 2[a + 6d].

+ 81 = 2u1 + 108 (M1)

(ii) u1
(u1 =) − 27 (A1)(ft) (C4)

Notes: Follow through from their d found in part (a) and equation in (b)(i). Do
not penalize further use of a instead of u1 .

On Monday Paco goes to a running track to train. He runs the first lap of the track in 120 seconds.
Each lap Paco runs takes him 10 seconds longer than his previous lap.

11a. Find the time, in seconds, Paco takes to run his fifth lap. [3 marks]

120 + 10 × 4 (M1)(A1)

Notes: Award (M1) for substituted AP formula, (A1) for correct substitutions.
Accept a list of 4 correct terms.

= 160 (A1)(G3)

11b. Paco runs his last lap in 260 seconds. [3 marks]

Find how many laps he has run on Monday.
120 + (n − 1) × 10 = 260 (M1)(M1)

Notes: Award (M1) for correctly substituted AP formula, (M1) for equating to
260. Accept a list of correct terms showing at least the 14 th and 15th terms.

= 15 (A1)(G2)

11c. Find the total time, in minutes, run by Paco on Monday. [4 marks]

15 15
2 (120 + 260) or 2 (2 × 120 + (15 − 1) × 10) (M1)(A1)(ft)

Notes: Award (M1) for substituted AP sum formula, (A1)(ft) for correct
substitutions. Accept a sum of a list of 15 correct terms. Follow through from
their answer to part (b).

2850 seconds (A1)(ft)(G2)

Note: Award (G2) for 2850 seen with no working shown.

47.5 minutes (A1)(ft)(G3)

Notes: A final (A1)(ft) can be awarded for correct conversion from seconds
into minutes of their incorrect answer. Follow through from their answer to
part (b).

11d. On Wednesday Paco takes Lola to train. They both run the first lap of [3 marks]
the track in 120 seconds. Each lap Lola runs takes 1.06 times as long
as her previous lap.
Find the time, in seconds, Lola takes to run her third lap.
120 × 1.063−1 (M1)(A1)

Notes: Award (M1) for substituted GP formula, (A1) for correct substitutions.
Accept a list of 3 correct terms.

= 135 (134.832) (A1)(G2)

11e. Find the total time, in seconds, Lola takes to run her first four laps. [3 marks]

S4 = (1.06−1)

Notes: Award (M1) for substituted GP sum formula, (A1) for correct
substitutions. Accept a sum of a list of 4 correct terms.

= 525 (524.953...) (A1)(G2)

11f. Each lap Paco runs again takes him 10 seconds longer than his previous [3 marks]
lap. After a certain number of laps Paco takes less time per lap than
Find the number of the lap when this happens.
120 + (n − 1) × 10 < 120 × 1.06n−1 (M1)(M1)

Notes: Award (M1) for correct left hand side, (M1) for correct right hand
side. Accept an equation. Follow through from their expressions given in parts
(a) and (d).

List of at least 2 terms for both sequences (120, 130, … and 120, 127.2, …)
List of correct 12th and 13th terms for both sequences (..., 230, 240 and …,
227.8, 241.5) (M1)
A sketch with a line and an exponential curve, (M1)
An indication of the correct intersection point (M1)
13th lap (A1)(ft)(G2)

Note: Do not award the final (A1)(ft) if final answer is not a positive integer.

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International Baccalaureate® - Baccalauréat International® - Bachillerato Internacional®


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