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How to create a new locations

setup and maintence
setup : financials
functional area : Enterprise profile
search tasks : manage locations
+ create location
postal code and time zone are optional to put
then submit
and create another one

How to create your own business unit

setup and maintence
setup : financials
functional area :organization structure
Manage business unit
Put the name of the Bu
then assoicated to the location you have created in the last step and in the
default set choose "Common"
then save and close

*Assign business unit business function

setup and maintence
setup : financials
functional area :organization structure
Assign business unit business function
in the bu field put "select and add"
then Apply and go to task
in the search search with your bu and click "search "
then after you select with out click any button
we will choose the primary ledger "us primary ledger"
and checked the "below legal entity "
check all execpt "Project accounting "
save and close then ok

* Facility schedules

setup and maintence
setup : financials
functional area :organization structure
Manage facility shedule
search with "gulf" in the name and then "Edit"
and in the "Effective to date " we change the time to "2024"
and choose the "first day of work" as you want
and then save and close

* Create item organization

setup and maintence
Setup : Prodcut mangement
Functional area : Item organization
Mange item organization
and then press "add"
Name : Sh-master organization
orgnaization means the code "Sh-mst"
usage "item mangement"
and then choose your location
and the fields of the bleow are optional
management businesss unit
primary ledger
legal entity
internal or external "internal"
does not have financial effect all the finacial effects are related
to the *inventory org* which associated to the "ITEM ORGANIZATION"
then press "Next"
*Itme master organization choose your org "sh-mst"
*starting revision chooose "BLACK" must Upper Case letter
then save and save and close then Done

* create inventory org

(Path) another (Path)
navigitor navigator
others others
setup and maintence setup and maintence
Setup : Prodcut mangement setup : manufacturing ans supply
chaning material management
Functional area :inventory organization functional area : facilites
Manage inventory organization manage inventory organization

please press "add"

Name : "sh inventory 3"
Orge means Code : "sh3"
*Management Business unit : we search with our bu then ok after you choose it the
default location will automatically apper in this case "Sh bu location" because
this location are assoicated to this business unit but you can change to another
*legal entity : "Us1" the profit center bu " will automatically appear"
and then press "Next"

"all setup in the Genral tap"

*Itme master org : "Sh master org"
*Item grouping behavior : two options
1--- Definiton organization if you want her attributes to be seprate of others
2---- Reference organization wnich meaning if you edit or modify automatically
appear in "sh3" according to the refrenced org

*Starting revision : "Black" with the same condition we mentioned above

*shedule : "Gulf"
*locator control: "locator contorl determinged at subinventory level
and * rleased the checked from "Allow negative blance"

and checked the "organization is a manufacturing plant"

the go to the tab of the "lot and serial number and purchasing "

Uinqueness: "no uniqueness"

Allow Default lot status: " with exception"
Generation : At item level

(drop down)
"serial number generation"
Uniqiness : "Unique within org"
Generation : "At item level"

(Then go to the Item suorcing details )

picking rule : "Seded Default pick rule "

and checked the following only
1---- pick confirmation required and this tap related to the order mangemnt
2---- automatically populate picked quantity during pick confirm from this tab
we can see the quantities in the picking operation
3----- capture picking exceptions

then save then save and close

*Assoicate the location to the inventory org

setup and maintence
setup : financials
functional area : Enterprise profile
search tasks : manage locations
we search with our location in this case "sh maadi"
Then we press the {pen sympol} and choose "correct"
*inventory organization: "Sh Inventory 3 "
???? ????? ?? ?? procurment
when your choose the (dilver to location : "sh maadi"
that means the inventory org will be "sh inventory3"
then save then review then submit then yes then done

* How to create a new user as a person

setup and maintence
setup :Manufacturing and supply chain Material Management
functional area:users and security
Manage user
fill the follwing data according to your information

*last name
first name
midlle name
*the Hiring date : 1/1/2000

then fill the

*user name : a.elsayeb in this case
*person type : Employee
*legal employer: us1 legal entity
*Business unit : Sh Bu
location (optional) : sh maadi
Then save and close and there another setupe in security conosle you
need to reset password and create your new password
and give him the roles you need and the role which releated to create item is
(Product data stewart)
and you must set the preferences put the country and the currency and the time
format and time zone
*triority: Egypt
currency : us dollar because we wrok with us legal entity

* Manage Item classes

setup and maintence
Setup : Prodcut mangement
Functional area: Items
Manage item classes
hold on the (root Itme class ) and then "edit"
and checked the following

Itme creation allowed

Default Item class
our setup with (Security tab)

+ create
*principal : (means which will you give him the privilage person or group )
*name: a. elshayeb
*organization: Sh-Mst because we define items on the master item organization

go down to actions

*select and add with out any data in the search

and must scroll down to get all the actions and then
*aplly then ok
then * save

sh in the *organizaion tab

(minute 22.26)

then go to (*templets and formats tab)

org : Sh_MST
Name: purchased
(Sh_mst in this case )
and Checked *set as default then ok

drop down
*item status : active
*lifecycle phases : production
*user item type : purchased item

* setup releated to the overview tab

*primary unit of measure : Ea
then go to the
* setup rleate to the specification tab
do what you want put in the
*pruchasing he did it
prucahsing price : 10 as a defaulat
then save then save and close

*How to create Item

Product management
product information management
Task from the side
create Item
*organization : Sh-mst
*number of items : 1
*item class : root item class
automatically he give me the deafualt Templates in this case (Sh-purchased item)
then press ok
In the *Item name : Sh-0003
Description: sh-0003
save then (go to the Association tab)
*select and add
search with your orgs and select all of them
then Apply then done
then save then save and close

* How to create a sub inventory

setup and maintence
setup :Manufacturing and supply chain Material Management
functional area:Inventory manageement
manage subinventories and locators
we will choose the inventory that will add the subinventory to it
in this case we choose :"sh3"then ok
(+add )
*subinventory : (Sh3 Raw ) the raw material warehouse
*locations : sh maadi in this case
then save and close create another subinventory related to the finished goods

*give date access to users

setup and maintence
setup :Manufacturing and supply chain Material Management
functional area:users and security
show all tasks then manage data acceses for users
(+create )
*user name : a. elshayeb
*role : Warehouse operator
*security context :Inventory organization
*security context value : Sh 3

we repeat this action but in the

*role we give him : opreator manger
and save and close

* How to create a Miscellaneous transaction

Supply chain excuation
inventory management
tasks from the side
*create miscellaneous transaction
*type : Miscellaneous receipt
*use current item cost : no
*Account : 60540
drop down to the Transaction lines
and from ("view coulmn view the "search on hand quantity" and the "Unit cost" )
*subinventory : Sh raw
*quantity : 100
*Uom name : Ea
*use current item cost : no
*Account : automatically appear
*UNIT COST : in the (cost component code : "item price " ) and in the (Unit cost:
we will repeat the operation but we will receive in the (sh-fg) with (unit cost :
item price 11 and non recoverable tax 1.1) with quantity 225

then submit
and this is all the rquriements setup for the inventory and the fast setup

else activity in the inventory moduel

*create subinventory transfer
inventory management
tasks from side
create subinventory transfer
*Date: your current date
*type : subinventory transfer
*source: Sh first
*item: put the item you determined
and this data about the source subinventory locator
the following will be related to the destnation subinventory locator
after filling the data then submit

*Reviw compeleted transaction

inventory management
tasks from side
Review completed transaction
and search with your "organization"
and from the veiw tab choose "show all"
to see all the records you want
and then "done"

*manage movement request

inventory management
tasks from side
manage movement request
*movement request : Sh-0001 in this secnario
*Description :
*Required date :
*transaction type: movement request issue
afte that we will fill the lines
*transaction type:
*required date :
*uom :
*status :
*source subinventory:


*what the meaning between "base uint of measure"

and "primary unit of measure"
if we have cement factory the base unit of measure
to the factory of cement is "TON" the error rate is part of ton
to the factory of gold is "gram" the error rate is part of gram
if we have a vegatables factory and the factory work with
(unit of measure "plate")
you can set the base unit of measure is kilo
but when you define the item you can define the item with
the ton or kilo as you like.

*How to manage item and how its work

this task we use to association item to your inventory orgs
but you must choose item by item and associated the item
to the orgs one by one and this hard to do

*manage operational attribute group

from this we can control the attributes of the item and
to see what we wil change on the inventory org level and
what will change on the master item level according to
your need

the case scenarion that we will work with is "change the

description on the level of inventory org and make it on
the master level organization

setup and maintence
setup: product management
functional area : items
manage operational attribute group
press to felter and he ask me
*Atribute group: choose "main"
scrol down to change the
*Item description attribute:to be
contorl at master level "
and the
*user item type attribute : to be
chanage on the organization level

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