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1. What are the most important responsibilities of cabin crew when facing a medical
1. Assess situation quickly, give appropriate treatment, remain with the patient
2. Give medicine immediately
3. First fill in report, give medicine, remain with the patient

2. What can you use to reduce the risk to get contact with infectious diseases?

1. a Smoke hood
2. Water
3. Disposable gloves, pocket mask or face mask

3. How should be handled the blood contaminated tissues or napkins after a nose
1. Put them in a seat pocket
2. Handle with plastic gloves and place them in a plastic bag
3. Place them in an airsickness bag and place them in a seat pocket

4. In case of death on board where shall the deceased be placed?

1. In a galley on the floor
2. In the first row
3. Out of the sight of the other passengers if possible in a separated area

5. In case of death on board who shall declare the death?

1. Only the Captain and the first officer can do it
2. If possible a medical doctor on board
3. Any of the cabin crew

6. During childbirth on board how can cabin crew pay attention to hygiene?
1. If possible wear face mask, roll up sleeves, wash hands and wear disposable gloves
2. Washing your hands with soap is enough
3. Only a doctor can touch the mother

7. What are the medical responsibilities of a cabin crew?

1. Tell the pilots to land immediately in case of any injury on board

2. Fill in a report in every medical case
3. Restoring and maintaining the well-being of passengers and crew

8. Who has the right to disembark a passenger who is suffering a serious illness?
1. The captain
2. Only the ramp agent
3. Cabin crew and the ramp agent responsible for that flight

9. What shall cabin crew do to avoid dehydration and compensate the increased loss
of fluid during flight?

1. Drinking coffee and tea is enough

2. Passengers should not eat during the flight
3. At least one cup of water (200 ml) per hour of flight shall be consumed

10. Sleep is necessary to maintain:

4. Alertness
5. Performance
6. Overall health and well - being

a) all

b) 1,2

c) 2,3

11. At which time of the day is the body is programmed to sleep and body performance is

a) 02:00-06:00

b 24:00-06:00

c) 24:00-08:00

12. What factors) can reduce the performance of cabin crew on board?

7. Fatigue
8. Not enough sleep
9. Time zone change

a) None of them

b) 1, 2, 3

c) Only 1. and 3.
13. What kind of work types are more likely to result fatigue and can pose a risk to safety?

1. Day time work and shift work

2. All kind of work schedule.
3. Night work, unpredictable work, irregular work schedule

14. During childbirth on board what will you most probably need?
1. A baby belt
2. Towels or clean textile, absorbent pads, bag for waist
3. Car seat for babies and blanket

15. Can passengers be accepted for travel showing visible signs of disease or
1. No
2. Yes
3. Yes but the Captain must be informed

16. Most recommended place to conduct CPR on board:

1. Aisle
2. Galleys
3. On passenger seats

17. Humidity on board is very low due to:

1. Warm temperature in the cabin
2. Uncontrollable cabin temperature
3. The circulation of cold, dry outside air

18. Is cabin crew allowed to give own medication to passenger?

1. Never
2. Yes, anytime
3. Yes, but Captain must be informed

19. Does cabin crew have authority to administer injections?

1. Yes, because cabin crew received First Aid training
2. No
3. Yes, but only if a doctor is present on board

20. In which cases can CPR be discontinued on board?

1. Anytime
2. When CPR was successful, upon doctor's instruction, exhaustion of helper
3. If there is a defibrillator device is available on board

21. What is the best position of a conscious patient suffering from chest pain
radiating to the arm?

1. Help the patient to lie down and raise the legs

2. Sitting slightly forward and leaning the arms on a table
3. To sit upright to reduce strain on the heart

22. Patients who receive prompt treatment within how many hours after a stroke,
have a better chance of making recovery?
1. Within 5 hours
2. Within 3-4 hours
3. Within 5-6 hours

23. Shock must always be expected in the following situations:

1. Heavy bleeding, widespread burns, allergies

2. After fainting or epileptic seizure
3. After decompression

24. What is the best position for a patient with nose bleed?
1. To lean forward, head lowered
2. Semi-sitting position
3. Recovery position

25. What is proper to use to cool a burned skin?

1. Plenty of ice cube
2. Dry ice
3. Running water

26. What are the possible causes of allergies?

1. Lack of oxygen in the cabin and low humidity
2. Food, medication, insect bites, chemical inhalation
3. Air-conditioning and lack of oxygen in the cabin

27. What is the highest value in all emergency situation?

1. To have enough First Aid Kit on board
2. Time, because the first few minutes can Influence the final outcome
3. To have a doctor on board to help

28. In case of passenger injury during flight, passenger must be always asked about:
1. If there is a company traveling with him/her
2. If he/she wants to take some medicine from the First Aid Kit
3. Whether he/she would like to see a medical doctor at the destination airport

29. If a person is unconscious, not breathing properly, what shall cabin crew do
without further delay?

1. Perform CPR
2. Check for pulse
3. Inform Captain and check for pulse

30. What must cabin do before handling food and beverages?

1. Puton disposable or plastic glover
2. Wash hands with soap properly
3. Wash hands with water is enough

31. On certain destinations the dis-insect-ion of the cabin is necessary, why?

a) People are allergic to insects

b To avoid panic among passengers because of insects

c) It prevents the spread of potentially life-threatening insect-borne disease

32. What is the aim of the „recovery position"?

1. To stabilize the body of the person
2. Prevents the tongue and the soft tissues of the throat from blocking the airways
3. Person will recover earlier if this position is applied

33. Who is an infant passenger concerning First Aid?

1. 0-1 year
2. 0-2 year
3. 0-1,5 year

34. What groups of people are very sensitive to burns?

1. Women
2. Children and elderly people
3. People with very white skin

35. Can alcohol help in case of Hypothermia?

1. Yes, it warms up
2. Yes, but only small amount
3. No

36. What is the most common emergency allergy medication?

1. Epinephrine (EPI-PEN)
2. Nitroglycerin (NITRO-MINT)
3. Aspirin (ASPIRIN C)

37. When applying recovery position on a visibly pregnant women on which side
should she be placed?
1. Right
2. It does not matter
3. Left

38. What is the aim of the CPR?

1. Restart the heart

2. Is to supply the brain with blood, thus with oxygen as quickly as possible
3. What

39. What might be the respiratory rate of an adult at rest?

a) 12 - 20

b) 30 - 50

c) 40 - 60

40. For what purposes can portable oxygen bottles be used?

1. For First Aid purposes only
2. Only in case of post decompression duties
3. For First Aid and as supplemental oxygen after decompression

41. What are the two types of fractures?

1. Closed and open
2. Extemal and intemal
3. Major and minor

42. How can fractures be recognized?

1. Swelling, deformation, bleeding
2. Red skin, blisters form, slough formation
3. „Pin and needles" sensation, white skin

43. How can Hypoglycemia be recognized?

a) Person has red, itchy eyes

b)Casualty has abdominal pain and vomiting

c) Person has excessive hunger

44. In which of the both cases is there an increased risk of dehydration?

1. Sweating, coughing
2. Diarrhea, vomiting
3. Bleeding, fainting

45. What are the types of bleeding?

1. Closed, open
2. 1 degree, 2" degree
3. External, internal

46. What treatment should be used when bleeding is serious and hard to stop?
1. Clean gauze
2. Compression bandage (dressing)
3. Dry, sterile dressing

47. What should be the first step if an adult is chocking and stops coughing
1. Give up to 5 abdominal thrust
2. Encourage the person to bend forward
3. Give up to 5 back slaps

48. What is chocking?

1. When a foreign object is sticking at the back of the throat
2. Fast raise of the body temperature
3. Sudden unconsciousness

49. What can be applied on swollen joints?

1. Dry-ice
2. Running waler
3. Ice

50. What kind of burn is described like: red skin, blister form, superficial slough
1. 2nd degree
2. 1" degree
3. 3' degree

51. What should you do in case of Barotrauma?

1. Chewing a gum or a candy and / or drinking small amounts of water
2. Provide oxygen
3. Hospitalization

52. How do you recognize the Barotrauma?

1. Increase heartbeat
2. Sweating
3. Pressure or pain felt mostly in the ears

53. Which is one of the symptom of Barotrauma?

1. Ear pain
2. Pain in the joints
3. Stomach pain

54. In what case should you seek emergency medical assistance for Barotrauma?
1. In case of weakness
2. If the pressure causes the eardrum to burst, there may be slight bleeding from the
inner part of the ear
3. Passing gas

55. What should you do in case of Decompression Sickness?

1. Ask about recent diving
2. Yawn
3. Use the toilet

56. How do you recognize the Decompression Sickness?

1. Stomach bloating
2. Headache, itchy skin
3. Possible loss of hearing

57. Which are symptoms of Decompression Sickness?

1. Uncomfortable feeling, stomach pain

2. Pain felt mostly in the ears
3. Pain in the joints, progressing throughout the whole body

58. In what case should you seek emergency medical assistance for Decompression
1. If the passenger looses consciousness
2. If the pressure causes the eardrum to burst, there may be slight bleeding from the
inner part of
the ear
3. Euphoria

59. What should you do in case of Hypoxia?

1. Take a breath, pinch the nose and, swallow the air in your mouth (Valsava
2. Provide oxygen if needed and monitor
3. Drink water

60. How do you recognize the Hypoxia?

1. Ear pain
2. Inability to perform simple tasks
3. Passing gas, burping

61. Which one is the symptom of Hypoxia?

1. Pain in the joints
2. Possible loss of hearing
3. Cyanosis (bluish - grey) lips, fingertips

62. In what case should you seek emergency medical assistance for Hypoxia?
1. If the symptoms progressively get worse
2. In case of rapid breathing
3. If yawning

63. What may bring rellef in case of Altitude Meteorism?

1. Providing of oxygen
2. Using the toilet
3. Lowering the altitude to a safe limit

64. How do you recognize the Altitude Meteorism?

1. Passing gas, burping

2. Difficulty speaking
3. Bleeding

65. Which one of the symptoms for Altitude Meteorism?

1. Severe allergic reaction
2. Stomach bloating
3. Rapid breathing

66. In what case should you seek emergency medical assistance for Altitude
1. Severe pain could cause the passenger to feel weak, even faint
2. Dizziness
3. Difficulty in speaking

67. What is responsible for anxiety, nausea, inability to perform simple tasks or even
cyanosis of lips and fingertips?

a)Decompression Sickness

b) Barotrauma

c) Hypoxia

68. What is the cause of severe pain felt in the ears?

1. Barotrauma
2. Hypoxia
3. Altitude Meteorism

69. What is responsible for pain in the joints, progressing through the whole body?
1. Altitude Meteorism
2. Decompression Sickness
3. Barotrauma
70. When applying the RECOVERY POSITION for an unconscious person you
should NOT:
1. Provide protection against loss of temperature
2. Check breathing
3. Shake the casualty in the attempt to check the level of response

71. If an adult is choking, in which case do you start CPR?

1. If he/she looses consciousness
2. If after 3 cycles the obstruction does not clear
3. Coughing in distress

72. In which of the following cases is the chocking considered to be mild?

1. Casualty is unable to speak, cough or breathe
2. Casualty is able to speak, cough and breathe
3. Casually looses consciousness

73. What should NOT be done in case of Hyperventilation?

1. To give oxygen
2. Attempt to relief the casualties anxiety by a coaching conversation
3. Reassure and help the casualty to regain control of their breathing

74. When should you seek emergency medical assistance in case of Asthma?
1. When coughing and difficult breathing
2. When the second dose of inhaler does not help and the casualty's condition gets
3. When signs of anxiety are visible

75. In case of a shock, what should you NOT do?

1. Allow the casualty to drink in case of thirst.
2. Monitor the breathing
3. Keep warm

76. Which is the wrong action in case of a shock?

a)Lay down the casually and support his/her legs

b)Keep him/her standing

C) Loosen tight clothing at the neck, chest and waist

77. Which of the followings are NOT the signs of fainting?

1. Pale, cool, sweaty skin
2. Short loss of consciousness
3. Thirst

78. Which of the followings are the signs of Angina Pectoris / Hear Attack?
1. Pain in the chest
2. Pain in the joints
3. Stomach pain

79. Which is the wrong way to treat chest pain?

1. Allow the casualty to use his / her own their medication
2. Semi-sitting position for the casualty, lean the chair slightly back and check for a
doctor on board
3. Not allowing the casualty to use his / her own their medication

80. Which are symptoms of an Epileptic seizure?

1. Sweating and clenched jaw, hand and feet and convulsions
2. Pressure or pain felt mostly in the ears
3. Stomach bloating

81. How do recognize a Major Epileptic Fit-seizure?

1. Sudden unconsciousness and convulsions
2. Euphoria
3. Cyanosis

82. How do you recognize a recovery after a Major Epileptic Fir-seizure?

1. Pain in the joints
2. Stomach pain
3. Muscle relax and breathing becomes normal

83. In which case should you seek emergency medical assistance for a Major
Epileptic Fir-seizure?
1. If the casualty regains consciousness before 10 minutes
2. If the casualty has repetitive seizures
3. If the casualty starts breathing normally

84. What should you NOT do in the event of stroke?

1. Give the casualty something to eat or drink
2. Call for a doctor on board
3. Open air vent and consider administering oxygen

85. Which one of the following symptoms is a sign of stroke?

86. What is the reason of the Altitude Meteorism?

1. Lack of oxygen
2. Low temperature
3. Volumetric change of gases

87. Where does Barotrauma NOT develop in the human body?

1. Nose and side-cavity
2. Stomach and Intestine system
3. Middle ear

88. Which one is NOT the symptom of Hypoxia?

1. Stomach distention
2. Weariness, sleepiness
3. Failure of the sense organ system (for example: the sight)

89. Which one of the followings reduces the Hypoxia resistance?

1. Nitrogen dissolved in the blood
2. Smoking
3. Hyperventilation

90. Why passengers have to careful when consuming alcohol during flight?

a)Even the slight Hypoxia increases the effect of alcohol

b)The danger of Barotraumas increases

c) The danger of Airsickness increases

91. What is the cause of the Altitude Meteorism?

1. Expansion of the gases in stomach and intestine system
2. Expansive force of gases in the middle ear
3. The release of dissolved gases in the joints

92. What is responsible for hand and leg cramp during Hyperventilation?
1. Loss of carbon dioxide
2. Overload of oxygen in the blood
3. Increase of carbon monoxide

93. How is the Hypoxia resistance is effected during night-flights?

1. The hypoxia resistance rises
2. The hypoxia resistance sinks
3. The hypoxia resistance is not affected

94. Which gas is responsible for the development of Decompression Sickness?

1. Nitrogen
2. Carbon dioxide
3. Oxygen

95. What should be done in case of Hyperventilation?

1. Lay down passenger in lateral/ recovery position
2. Calm down passenger through a coaching conversation
3. Give painkiller
96. Which sense of organ's hypersensitivity is responsible for Motion Disease
1. Organ of vision
2. Inner ear curves
3. Organ of touch

97. How many hours before flying in a compressed cabin is it not advisable to dive up
to 10 meters?
1. 24 hours
2. 96 hours
3. 48 hours

98. What kind of bleeding is described as the following: vivid red, pulsing and heavy
1. Arterial
2. Venous
3. Capillary

99. What determinate the survival chance in case of burn injury?

1. Percentage of the burned body parts
2. Age + the percentage of the burned body parts
3. Rate of burn injury

100. What is the most common cause for Hypoglycemia?

1. Lack of oxygen
2. Not enough insulin
3. Too much insulin

101. How many % of the whole body makes an upper limb (whole arm) burn injury?

a) 9%

b) 18%

c) 36%

102. In case of spine injury why must the injured be laid down and not to be moved?
1. Avoid headache
2. Avoid vomiting
3. Avoid spine cord injury

103. Against what does the pressurized cabin protect?

1. Against lack of oxygen
2. Against airsickness
3. Against decompression sickness

104. What is "Economy Class Syndrome"?

1. When sitting in a narrow seat Altitude Meteorism occurs
2. During long-distance flight a lower-limb thrombosis occurs
3. Exhaustion due to time zone change

105 What is forbidden in case of sunburn?

1. Relive fever
2. Put cold compress on forehead
3. To give alcohol to stimulate blood-circulation

106. In case of 2 people giving CPR what is the air-blow/heart massage rate?

a) 30:2

b) 1:4

c) 2:8

107. Where do you check the pulse of a patient to detect heart function?
1. On the wrist artery
2. On the neck main artery
3. Cabin crew is not required to examine the pulse

108. What is the right order when giving CPR?

1. Clear respiratory tracks, check pulse, give heart massage
2. Clear respiratory tracks, secure blood circulation, remove strange objects form mouth
3. Open airways, chest compression, rescue breaths

109. What is forbidden in case of concussion of the brain (head injury)?

1. To give sedative medication
2. To lie down the injured until professional medical help arrives
3. To put injured into stable lateral/recovery position

110. Which are NOT the symptoms of Angina Pectoris/ Heart attack?
1. Chest pain effecting left shoulder and back
2. Headache, light-sensitivity
3. Pressing chest pain

111. When is it NOT recommended to give oxygen?

a) In case of asthma attack

b) In case of Angina Pectoris

c) In case of Hyperventilation

112. What do we have to do if Decompression Sickness occurs in the cabin?

1. Lower the flying altitude, give oxygen
2. Give oxygen but continue to fly
3. Give pain relief; provide professional medical help as soon as possible

113. What is Hypoglycemia?

1. Blood-sugar level increase by a diabetic
2. Unconsciousness by a diabetic
3. Serious dropping of blood-sugar level by a diabetic

114. When do you think of possible Heart Attack?

1. Pain behind breast bone
2. Pressing chest pain lasting more that 20-30 minutes
3. All chests related pain should be suspicious

115. Which disease results the following characteristics: confused, unbalanced

condition after the seizure?
1. Heart Attack
2. Alcohol addiction
3. Epilepsy

116. Which statement is not true in case of burn injury?

1. Cool burned skin with water (running water if possible)
2. Take off clothes that have stuck to the skin
3. Apply sterile dressing to isolate and protect damaged tissues

117. Which organ is the most sensitive to lack of oxygen?

1. Brain and peripheral nerves
2. Muscles and bones
3. Heart and vascular system

118. Which does NOT influence the development of Decompression Sickness?

1. Pressure decrease rate
2. Pressure increase rate
3. Duration of the pressure decrease

119. Why is the brain sensitive to lack of oxygen?

1. Oxygen need is high
2. Not able to reserve oxygen
3. Not able to store oxygen and the oxygen need is high

120. Which of the following is not sign of Epilepsy?

1. Euphoria
2. Shaking
3. Clenched jaw

121. Why is the quick and efficient pain relief important?

1. It is easier to provide First Aid if the pain is relieved
2. The pain makes the patient's condition even worse, and it can cause
3. Pain killer should be given if the patient is not allergic to it

122. In which case is not allowed to give drinks, food or medicine throughout the
1. In case of serious Heart Attack
2. In case of Hypoxia
3. In case of Stroke

123. What is forbidden to do in case of shoulder dislocation?

1. To make an attempt to fix the dislocation
2. Relief of pain and stabilize shoulder
3. Stabilize and secure rest position

124. Which sense of organ is the most sensitive to Hypoxia?

1. Organ of hearing
2. Eye
3. Organ of balance

125. Why is not advisable to consume alcohol to "help" falling asleep?

1. Causes long deep sleep
2. Falling asleep will be slow and difficult
3. Causes restless, superficial sleep

126. Which statement is not true when applying the recovery position?
1. Place visible pregnant women on her right side
2. Before moving the patient, remove obstacles and any object from his pocket
3. Always place the patient on the non-injured side, except chest and lung injury

127. Which statement is true?

1. The most important outmaneuver when positioning an unconscious person is the
correct positioning of the head
2. The most important manourver when positioning an unconscious person is the
correct positioning of the legs
3. The most important maneuver when positioning an unconscious person is the correct
positioning of the arms

128. What does CPR stand for?

1. Cardiopulmonary Reanimation
2. Cardiopulmonary Recreation
3. Compression

129. Which might be the symptoms of Hyperventilation?

10. Panic
11. Dizziness
12. Tingling in the hands
13. Chest pain

a)1, 2, 3

b)2, 4


130. What might be the symptoms of Asthma?

14. Wheezing
15. Coughing
16. Grey-blue color of the lips
17. Double vision
18. Difficult breathing

a) 1, 2, 3, 5

b) 1, 2, 3, 4

c) all

131. What is shock?

1. Disorders of the circulation

2. Disorders of airways
3. Disorders of breathing

132. What the proper shock position?

1. Help the patient to lle down and raise the legs
2. Semi-sitting position
3. Sitting slightly forward and supporting the upper body

133. What is proper position for patient having Asthma?

a) Sitting slightly forward and supporting the upper body by leaning the arm on a

b) Semi-sitting position

c) Help the patient to lie down and raise the legs

134. Which statement is not true in case of Epileptic seizure?
1. Do not loosen tight clothing
2. Do not move the patient during the seizure
3. Do not put anything in his mouth

135. How can you recognize head injury?

19. Dizziness
20. Muscles relax
21. Coughing
22. Nausea, vomiting
23. Confusion

a. 1,4, 5
b. all
c. 1, 2, 4, 5

136. How do you recognize fainting?

1.Short loss of consciousness

2. Pale, cool, sweaty skin

3. Patient may fall to the ground

4.Red skin color

a. 1.2, 3
b. 1.3,4
c. all

137. What is proper position for a patient after fainting?

a. Help the patient to the ground and raise his legs

b. Semi-sitting position
c. Sitting forward and supporting the upper body

138. What is the most common Asthma medication?

1. Reliever inhaler
2. Aspirin
3. Epinephrine

139. What are the most common heart medications?

24. Epinephrine
25. Aspirin
26. Nitroglycerin
27. Paracetamol

a. 2, 3

140. What is airsickness?

1. It Is a medical situation of psychological origin when traveling by plane

2. Is is a medical situation caused by lack of oxygen
3. It is the disorder of the circulation

141. What is the to offer for a patient to drink after fainting?

1. Offer something cool and sweet to drink
2. Hot coffee can help without sugar
3. Offer hot tea with lemon

142. What can lead to shock condition?

28. Very low sugar level
29. Severe bleeding
30. Severe allergic reaction
31. Severe bum

a. all
b. 2.3, 4
c. 1, 2, 3

143. In case of which medical condition is it forbidden to give anything to eat or drink?
a) Stroke
b) Fainting
c) Vomiting

144. If any particle goes in the eye, what can you do to remove?
a) Rinse the eye with lukewarm water
b) Tell the patient to rub the eye
c) Try to remove the particle with a sterile gauze

145. How do you recognize Hypothermia?

32. Shivering
33. Cold, pale, dry skin
34. Central chest pain
35. Euphoria

a. 1, 2
b. all
c. 1,2,4

146. In which medical condition can you recognize sudden "switch of"?
a) Epilepsy
b) Asthma
c) Hyperventilation

147. How do you recognize Decompression Sickness?

36. Pain in the joints

37. Headache
38. Weakness, dizziness

a. 1, 2, 3
b. 1,2
c. 1

148. What does Hypoxia mean?

a. Means reduced level of oxygen in the blood

b. Means serious drop of body temperature
c. It is a subconscious condition caused by a psychological stress

149. What is the breathing rhythm for children at rest?

a. 20-30 breaths/minute
b. 12-20 breaths/minute
c. 40-50 breaths/minute

150. A person can survive without oxygen:

a)Approximately 3 minutes

b) Approximately 10 minutes

c) Approximately 15 minules

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