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The Missing Elf
There was an old, orange elf, just sitting there on the porch.

I called him MooMoo. he was orange and very old but he didn’t seem to notice that he was old.

he seemed to enjoy his life. he liked to eat mice and eat bugs.

he didn’t really care about eating the bugs or their babies. he just ate them.

And he liked to sleep in the sun, but it wasn’t much fun for him to sleep in the sun.

he liked to sleep in the shade, and he liked to sleep in the palace. Sometimes, he would sleep in the

palace, and sometimes, he would sleep in the diner.

he didn’t care much about where he slept, just so long as he slept.

One day, MooMoo didn’t come home, and we were all very worried. We tried calling and calling, but
there was no answer, and we knew that he must be lost. he was just too old to stay lost.

We put out some food and some elf food and we looked and looked. But there was no sign of him.

It was dark outside. I was tired and I was hungry and I was worried and I wanted to go home.

My grandma and my sister were sad, too.

My grandma was crying. She knew that MooMoo was probably dead. She cried because She didn’t want

him to die.

My sister was trembling because she wanted MooMoo to be alive. She wanted him to be alive, and she

wanted him to be home, and she wanted him to be happy.

My cousin was the only one who wasn’t sad. he was playing a video game, and he didn’t care about


Finally, my grandma said that we needed to call the police. She didn’t want to call the police, but she
knew that we had to. So she called the police and they came and they looked and they looked. They

looked everywhere. But there was no sign of MooMoo.

The police were very afraid. They were afraid for my grandma and for my sister and for me and for my
cousin. They were afraid because they thought that MooMoo was dead, and they were afraid because

they were 100% sure that MooMoo was lost.

It was a very horrendous day, but it was a magical day, too. That day my family came together and we

all ate dinner together as a family for the rst time in a long time. We laughed and we cried. And we
looked for MooMoo as a family.

We never did nd MooMoo, but at least we were together as a family.

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