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Date: 11 March, 2022

Name: Mr. Sogala Naveen Kumar Yadav

Employee ID: CTB-2171
Designation: Software Engineer
Appraisal Letter
Crisium Technologies Pvt. Ltd., has been successful in the past year in terms of business
performance and growth. We were successful in adding clients, substantial manpower and as
always, managing customer delight for all our clients, thus improving bottom lines. In
appreciation, towards your valuable contribution to the growth of the company, measured
through the evaluation process and based on your recommendations of your manager, your total
annual Cost To Company is received to Rs450,000.00/- effective from 01 April, 2022.

Salary Components
Earnings Monthly (INR) Yearly (INR)
Basic 15,000.00 180,000.00
House Rent Allowance 7,500.00 90,000.00
Conveyance Allowance 1,600.00 19,200.00
Management Allowance 1,125.00 13,500.00
Special/Project Allowance 3,750.00 45,000.00
Medical Allowance 1,250.00 15,000.00
Flexible Benefits 1,500.00 18,000.00
Others 5,775.00 69,300.00
Gross Salary 37,500.00 450,000.00

We look forward to your valuable contributions during the coming years and wish you the very
best for successful and rewarding career with the organization.
For Crisium Technologies Pvt. Ltd

Dharma Reddy O

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