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With all due respect and reverence to the Almighty God who has gathered us here today, as well

as to the beloved
pillars of the institution joining us physically and virtually, guests, visitors and friends, a remarkable evening to all.
It is with immense honor and humility to be steeping up on this platform heard by such esteemed individuals
conveying my triumph’s journey which I proudly share with the people who nurtured and honed my abilities that
hailed me as a distinguished passer of the GELE last March.
On my way to my dream’s realization, innumerable prayers, petitions, tears, breakdowns, and varied emotions
were offered and dealt with. Looking back, I realize I did not have an absolute dream growing up, yet I was so full
of enthusiasm to soar and explore however, no fundamental plan of which road will I follow. Perhaps, I was scared
to dream high and eventually have broken dreams. How coward was I? From a non-well off family, I was aware it
would be difficult to send 2 children to college at once especially if the institutions on our island did not provide
the degree I wanted to earn. Hence, with incessant prayers for guidance and intervention, I was so blessed to be
one of the awardees of the scholarship from DOST which provided not only finances but also the motivation to
perform at my best to deliver. In a new setting, I tried not to falter from the dreads that other people claim about
engineering as a tough course, which only a few made it, so instead of giving into my doubts and fears, I inscribed
in my thoughts that “I can and I will with my unshakeable perseverance, no challenges will be unsurpassed”. The
five years of my quest to earn my degree were filled with endurance, courage and countless prayers.

At the almost end of my pursuit, the first quarter of the year 2020 revealed that it would be an arduous ride for
everyone. I was aware that I would not be able to go through what many others who came before us did, including
the final days spent at the university, to march down the aisle together with the other graduates as our names were
read aloud during our graduation ceremony as well as the crucial face to face preparation for the board exam. It
seemed that our fates dictate otherwise. And to name a few, more than a year before the board examination, we
faced several dilemmas which we all shared. As we had to go through the uncertain term of our lives during the
community lockdowns, increasing COVID-19 cases with high fatality rates leading with the engagement to virtual
review classes which was a big challenge as living in rural area meant that a stable internet connection was not
guaranteed yet it would not hinder my desire to be equipped with further knowledge in fact, an effort to attend the
synchronous class, I rented a room near a network tower during the first month of our review and this pandemic
also resulted to a two-time postponement of our exam and other than that we had to deal with the aftermath of
Typhoon Odette, which compelled for the postponement of our exam for the third time. I remembered how
disheartening and discouraging it was, to prepare for something that would eventually be cancelled due to reasons
beyond our control. To always start from scratch, thinking of what if, things would happen again like a rerun of a
TV series that was played numerous times- a draining experience. It brought various hurdles from staying healthy
holistically in order to undergo those pricey multiple antigen or RT PCR tests to travel, to file for an application and
to take the exam.

To give you a glimpse of our journey in taking the board exam, October of last year, despite the travel restrictions
we went to Cebu and were disappointed to learn that we would not be able to sit for the exam. To further damage
our battered hopes, two of our fellow aspirants, who are now proud engineers, tested positive of the virus,
necessitating quarantine before they could return home. Then, after more than a month of delay, we hoped for the
best for the December board exam. However, a typhoon swept the city. As risk takers, my tenacious fellow
aspirants went ahead to Cebu and were welcomed by the remnants of the typhoon and they had to personally
confirm the PRC Cebu the postponement of our exam as lines of communication were down, while my other fellow
aspirant and I tried to confirm here in PRC Dumaguete its postponement. That is how determined and persistent
we were to achieve the elusive license. That against all odds, we were courageous enough to survive all the

Thus, these 4 words aspire me to live by and helped me to overcome anxiety in the most awaited days: “Don’t fear.
Only believe.” For more than a year of anticipation for the board exam, those random questions, unpredictable
scenarios and expected difficulties, I knew I would never be confident with all my learnings. Nevertheless, it gave
me peace to remain still amidst the tribulations by surrendering to Him all the worries, and believing that He
delivered us this far and He would carry us through.
From the day when the result was released, it felt so surreal to be a distinguished examinee for I only asked to pass
the exam but I was blessed beyond measure to be granted more than what I have prayed for. Indeed, this VICTORY
belongs to Him. I can't do it by myself, but with Him and through Him, I can accomplish anything for Him!
He armored me with inspirations from my always encouraging and diligent parents for all of their sacrifices that
became my driving force to never surrender and to never retreat. He enlightened me through the outstanding and
exceptional educators from various institutions esp. the College of Engineering and Architecture headed by Engr.
Josef Vill Villanueva and Department of Geodetic Engineering leaded by Engr. Michael A. Saga, Engr. Stanley
Orillana, Engr. Dianne Lea Damian, Engr. Jerry Baliola and Engr. Niel Tinaytinay. Moreover, He knew of our
financial constraints and my pursuit of education and with that He blessed me with the DOST scholarship. To all
the people who are part of the journey and become the instrument of God's mercy, receive my heartfelt gratitude.
This experience humbled me to strive hard to live for His honor and those challenges tested my patience and
resilience that fueled my drive to become a licensed Geodetic Engineer who is ready to conquer the field with the
instilled ideals and values and to deliver high quality service and carry out the mission with integrity that God and
the nation bestowed upon. To all the board passers, cheers for the fulfillment of our dreams to pass those
qualifying exams despite the challenges. To Our Pride, Our Hope, Our Future Negros Oriental State University,
Happy 18th Chapter Day. THANK YOU for widely opening your pylons to all the aspirants, like me who are happy to
celebrate your founding anniversary. To our University President, Dr. Joel Limson and to all the faculty and staff,
thank you for your appreciation. All for HIS Glory. Thank you.

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