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Grade 9 Geography - Mid Term 1 - Exam

Question 1 - Interior of the earth

a) How is the interior of the Earth classified? [3]

b) Why is the term ‘SIAL’ used to refer to the crust and lithosphere? [3]

c) Why is the core also known as the “nife” layer? [2]

d) Circle the correct answer. [7]

The mantle occupies _____ of the Earth.

a. 15%
b. 1%
c. 84%
d. 48%

The outermost solid part of the Earth is known as ______.

a. Core
b. Mantle
c. Crust
d. None of the options

State true or false: The asthenosphere is the lower portion of the mantle.


Which among the following is made of solid rocks?

a. Core
b. None of the options
c. Mantle
d. Crust

In which state is the core of the Earth?

a. Solid
b. Liquid
c. Gas
d. Both solid and liquid

The uppermost part of the mantle and crust are called the _______.
a. Hydrosphere
b. Atmosphere
c. Lithosphere
d. Exosphere

Mantle has a density ______ the crust portion.

a. Lower than
b. Higher than

Question 2 - Earthquakes.

a) Explain what is an earthquake. [3]

b) What are the main causes an earthquake? [3]

c) State and explain the effects of an earthquake. [5]

d) What is meant by the term induced quake? [2]

e) What do we use to measure an earthquake? [2]

Question 3 - Volcanoes

a) What is a volcano? [3]

b) What is the study of volcanoes called? [2]

c) What are the three types of volcanic eruptions? [3]

d) What are the dangerous consequences of volcanic eruptions? [3]

e) What are the three main categories of volcanoes? [3]

f) List down the types of volcanoes. [3]

Question 4 - Plate Tectonics

a. Circle the correct answer in the questions below. [8]

1. The relative movement of the plates ranges from _______ annually.

a. 0 to 10 mm
b. 0 to 1 mm
c. 0 to 100 mm
d. 10 to 1000 mm

2. Plate tectonics results in ______

a. Mountain-building
b. Earthquake
c. Volcanism
d. All the above options

3. Eruption of magma onto the surface is referred to as ______

a. Earthquake
b. Thunder
c. Lightning
d. Volcanism

4. The Earth’s mantle zone lying beneath the lithosphere is known as ______

a. Atmosphere
b. Asthenosphere
c. Biosphere
d. Hydrosphere

5. State true or false: There are no dynamic tectonic plates found in earth’s crust.


6. Where does the oceanic trench formation take place?

a. Sea
b. Plate boundary
c. Mountain
d. Lithosphere
7. ______ happens when both plates move apart from one other.

a. Transform boundaries
b. Divergent boundaries
c. Convergent boundaries
d. Transform boundaries

8. The primary mechanism by which mountains are formed on continents is known as _______

a. Earthquake
b. Thunder
c. Orogeny
d. Volcanism
c. What are the two types of lithosphere? [2]

d. What are the types of plate boundaries? [5]

Question 5 - Diagrams

a) Draw and label the structure of the earth. [5]

b) Draw and label the structure of a volcano. [5]

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