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Lord Jesus Christ, here they are: your beloved children, your sons and daughters who responded
to your call for service. Lord Jesus, they are here, standing in your Holy Presence, sinful but
repentant and willing to be used by you. We thank you for having chosen them from the
thousands of believers in this place. Thank you for calling them by name.
Lord Jesus, they now stand before you, asking you to remove their weaknesses, strengthen
further their strengths and heal them of all their hurts and woundedness. Only you, Lord, can do
all of these. Only you can heal them completely from head to foot because you are the Divine


And now, Heavenly Father, I am asking you for the grace to forgive by an act of the will, the
one person in my life who has hurt me the most. Today, that one person in my life who is the
hardest to forgive, I now choose to forgive, even though I may still feel angry and hurt.
I also make peace with the one family member of mine, one friend that I have and the one
community leader who has hurt me most in my life. Thank you, Heavenly Father for setting me
free…. Thank you, Father, for the gift of forgiveness.

Lord God, I also thank you for the gift of life. I ask for your forgiveness for the times that I
have not valued it as a precious gift from You. I now repent for trying to manage my life on my
own. Teach me your ways, Lord. Please send me your Spirit of Love deep down inside my heart
and transform me into the person You created me to be. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for
sending Your Only Son, Jesus Christ, to give me life, to give me forgiveness, to give me a place
in Your family. Thank you for sending the Holy Spirit to guide me and empower me in my
daily life.
I now place myself under the cross of Jesus Christ and cover myself with His Most Precious
Blood. I now surround myself with the Light of Christ and say that: “ IN THE NAME OF
I now put on God’s armor so as to be able to resist the devil’s tactics. I now stand my ground
with truth buckled around my waist, and integrity and righteousness for a breastplate. I now
carry the shield of faith to put out the burning arrows of the evil one. I now accept the helmet of
salvation from God and receive the Word of God from the Holy Spirit to use as a sword.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I now bind all spirits of the air, water, ground,
underground and the netherworld. I now bind any and all emissaries of the satanic headquarters
and claim the Blood of Jesus on the air, the atmosphere, the water, the ground and their fruits
around me, the underground and the netherworld below. In the Mighty Name of Jesus I now
forbid every adversary mentioned from communicating with me or receive help from any
source. In the Mighty Name of Jesus, I now seal this place, all the members of the Workers of
Christ Community, all the members of my families, my relatives, associates and all sources of
supply, in the Blood of Jesus Christ.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I now forbid every evil spirit from any source from
harming me or taking revenge on me in any way. In the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, I now
break and dissolve every curse, spell, snare, trap, lie, obstacle, deception, diversion, harassment,
distraction, spiritual influence and every dysfunction and disease from any source whatsoever,
including my own mistakes and sins. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I now break the
transmission of all satanic works passed on through my bloodline. I now break all curses, spells,
evil wishes, evil desires, hexes and hereditary seals, known and unknown.
I come against all satanic vows, pacts, spiritual bonding and soul ties with satanic forces and
sever the transmission of those links through my ancestry. I now break and dissolve all links
and effects of all links with psychics, clairvoyants, astrologers, mediums, occult seers, satanic
cults and fortune tellers. I now dissolve, in Jesus’ Mighty Name, all effects of my participation
in séances and divinations and all activities with tarot cards, spirit of the glass, ouija boards,
astrology, horoscopes and occult games of all kinds. I break and dissolve all links with all
powers apart from God. And I now break and dissolve every form of worship that does not offer
true honor to my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I now rebuke you: spirit of pride, anger, lust, greed,
gluttony, envy and laziness. In the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ, I now command you to depart
from us now, quietly, without harm to anyone of us here in this place, and without harm to any
and all members of my family and go back to the eternal fires of hell where you belong and
never to return to us again forever. In Jesus’ Name… In Jesus’ Mighty Name! Amen!
Heavenly Father, let the cleansing, healing waters of my baptism now flow back through the
generations to purify my family line of satan and sin. Lord Jesus, fill me with Your love to
replace the fear in my heart. Fill me with strength to replace my weaknesses. Touch my
woundedness and make me whole again.

Heavenly Father, thank you for setting us free. We praise You, we bless You, we worship You.
We give You thanks for the wisdom of the Holy Spirit. We now open ourselves totally to all the
gifts and ask Your Holy Spirit to flow through us in a whole new way, so that our LSS
Participants may experience the Living Water coming out of our spirit….

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