Sep 2020

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Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT aS Soni usn [ TEES Fourth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, Aug/Sept. 2020 Operational Amplifiers and Linear ICs ‘Time: 3 hrs. Max. Magis: 100, @ ” Note: Answer any FIVE full questions, choosing ONE full question from eae E 21 a. Draw the block diagram of an op: compat el explain dU Marks) 5 Sketch the 3-input non-inverting summing amplifier circuit, Expldif the ope ion of the i cireuit and derive an equation forthe output volage. Also ex et ito an adder and averaging amy (lo Mtarks) a: Bing: OR 2 a. List the ideal characteristics of an op-amp (any si), (06 Maris) Mention the advantages of using negative feedback i (04 Mais) What is an instrumentation amplifier? Obtain an expres iput voliage Vi, in terms ‘of change in resistance AR ofan instrumentat % insducer bridge, (ao aris) Module-2 3. a, With & neat circuit diagram, explain ygPWor ‘order low pass filter and draw its typical frequeney response curve. domtarks) bb. Design a set adjustable positive vot atogBing IC LM317 for the output voltage of 5V. oa tarks) ‘e. Mention the advantages of se Maas passive filters. (any six) (6Maris -gulatorand explain its operation, ontarss) filter for 2 cut-off frequency of 1 kHz. Also draw the civenit pi values. (oo Marks) 3F the following specifications, centre frequency 1.5 kHz, (oadtarks) Module-3 3, explain the working of triangular / rectangular wave generator Gotan sit diagram and waveform explain the working of inverting Zero Cross ovet otarks, oR sk ages cect any tne for load current, explain voltage (0 itednverter with grounded load, do Marks) a RC-phase shift oscillator using op-amp for a frequency of $00 Hz, Also draw’ the curalt diagram and name the component values take C= 0.1 uF 6 Marks) ine the working principle of voltage to frequency (V/F) converter and mention its plications (any 4). 4M) Lof? BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative Save trees use e-Question Paper Go green DOWNLOAD THIS FREE AT TERS Moduite=t 7 a, With a neat cieut diagram and waveforn explain the working of pression Full Wave; rectfi. asta) b. With neat circuit diagram, explain the workin of succesive approximation ype ADC. cioMiany oR e fin eonmicotnantiesgaromicscmnesinnt, aug Dib gnorsung pein nner oped? V pee gage) PMtie avs ctin a3 Vette Une aoa wi of #15V, ) Module-5, With a neat bloc diagram, explain phe loeked lop in detail Marts) Daa the pin diagram of SSSIC timer nd mention its pin functio (08 Marks) Design a monostable mulivbrator using IC $55 timer to obt th of 10 msec. (os Mark oR On iaaroe (ceases (Faas esi watts GAY onan 20f2 BRANCHES | ALL SEMESTERS | NOTES | QUESTON PAPERS | LAB MANUALS A Vturesource Go Green initiative

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