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piano isin ees Ll OUUTED eS tex CONV Effects of Porosity on the Fracture Toughness of 5083, 5456, and 6061 Aluminum Alloy Weldments by W. A. McCarthy, Jr., H. Lamba, and R, V. Lawrence, Jr. conrENTs 2 2 a ‘ a riace Toashane ss o 12 RIN Rec a aera 45 Biiney of ASME ler and cee Wear Cole ee mae 44 Walden have iii a 50 70 Acknowledgements Abstract ya Ts en negra sinner otters were pared am adie sti Sy sli io, eae on tnoel Aopen ‘Sets pects betting Pe amp ‘Sy wat mane ety ont acte eneng ‘tomate mete thr es dd Ts ‘cpr ion bees og an nth may posta ieee pee {Gt en th ptr sures Total prea st sof theta an tbe mopar eT ea ar ‘he ear tough a deen aig care snore (Bt eu dna dal ih eng ‘Storia preva fntre tapnet lee ei rented heen nto ‘plc fh welders hich mod the ASMIE Daron Eee Ve cll hate "The pomeiy standard ft urant ASM Cole we pein nod mane sgh oie Heng lnceneine aw fe List of Symbols ‘Ay aration of he adigraph covered by oresiy 2 = Goch ong (notch os ftgue prec B= epecimen tice BM Shaves fb Suneracedtgament io detection at ad point four- pin being tothe crac Kp = dysamic rotary toughest Ky trees inant ator Ke = ext value of yn plane stra 1° length tween seers, Me Sheng mene Ina Pure = pteentt macro-praity Pine” = maimed (olga oad) Pry = percent of mleo-porenity a = total percent pers pest Sy" yild stone Wipe height Yeomanry tor , eis alo Fractare Toughness of Aluminum Weldments 1 £101 NEST CNRS Tw i de pops tt es, pnt, pcan iin ate, nn OTD, Ae $7 desc "Thafistare oughnes of $082 and 691 aluminum sly weldment a easly opie consierle {enti Because of thi se used natural ga GGNG) sankage ooo ios have shown tt ley ‘8 nour tough {nd iscomparabltothatohebasemtal® However, {ny lage reduction in ughnes due wo weld eles ‘cha pros would be sade, 12 Prete St "Thae have been few previous stds of he names ot preity on the rate thes of lin ley areve, reali of hee hae bee ontesltry. ‘Shore nd McCauley pefoed et ing precrck Charpy opelment and enter sled waded panel ‘The Charpy tet resis were ony sl nonce byeen the hight elo poet stulled (288): but apparently nef was nade oar! he ote ware thom concntatine af prety wuld beexpetee ‘Tar antrsotcod ane est i show inf coo port on toghows A tendency ws observed for ha era to deviate toward regions of gb Po resi “iy, Garde, and Pred stuind the fretore toughness of alumna welds oing Charpy a 9 ‘umietonr methods and shoved ths toughness ered i defect love. The date ea ta wa prefered [eemuchootier beans he ger opecimane ofthat {ve more reperentatie an consistant rel than ‘id thosmallr Charpy specimens 13. Maionale and Scope fhe Carre Sad "Thesis the tir na srien of eutiosof the. inoene of prety onthe machi bobs of Sino ale weldnenta i the et sty he Inluene of various levels af porosity upon the ane havior of SOBMSIBN, 081/408) and OOO1SI56 ‘eldmens wos invesigatd, Te tal prety level {hich was de sum of mr porsty (diam < 0.01 in) {nd mecrporaity (lam 2 0.1 in wn fd ton tunes the ele proper and paca th sin alo 0 Figs. 1 and 2 The poet wes fund ‘olnfoenes the tnalestengd 1a ual degree as tent whic could be ence nthe bas of et ‘Sein: aa Fig 3. Using the aes of hn srese-tain Slag ars ears ges ews ound ha he toughness tthe specimens decreased with neresing mounts of pore so Fig Thi stay ugeeted that porn ight hve sinfuarc on he fare tough. "The soond study wo directa at the infloence of ots om the fatige resistance a 5SS/515 wal ‘nent Weldmente mth hi reinfosents inte a ‘rela were lil nloeoed by post ules the ‘eld siafrcernent wos shallow aod the tl portalty Tevel ws very igh (approx 209). Weldment tested tee oat ken ad pu 0088.76 (aceite ree npeemess teres og ssi it enrcomont removed gave lange fatigue vee than rlnfercementom except ine esns af ey igh Teel pert. "The conleion drawn fom these two previous stot itn rib port bad ene meserat [nuence onthe nae tengo gv eines sf the weldments. However, its prudent check the sence a ors on face toughness. Should theme fpr on eget rove in “ure elation of rent pentane gh eens “Toaserain the intivenoe of dstbuted poston the face toughness of pores contaning S038) Ste OO61S856, and aS56/6580 weldments, ‘ose uted tera and ietromented dale as {est were performed. Charpy-W tata and center ‘racket panel testo were not ued because of the ‘ubttl maare of the rerls fom sh ato the ‘er tough material and tin sedons te cs = 2 We Battin 2 e204 METS To ie pp ble, Reps pein ie ii LNT Ae St COW Seb SSR stom 20 Expovimontal Procedures Weldmentsof vee wedabeskminum alloys were lavengted 5060-1 (5189 eer) SOU1-78 (308 electrode [HR6-HIIT (6585 electrode) Welded 16. square panels of then atria were fabricated and donated bythe Almas Crp of “America the Kalser Aluminum and Chenel Corpo ‘alin, and the Reynolds Mota Company, Pans of ach materi wore fbeested in two tien ‘el in) singe catenin aod spc died fas total ate melding (GMAW) process to make Fil penetration, doabin- but wade cotaining de ‘wt preity. The deta a the welding prone te litd in Teble The veri meds of prety ‘Production sresummarsed in Table The smn Feta poy? otosiy vate fom esol nane coun wo) to ‘mouots really in exes tat slowed by spc ‘len. The welding procadre were asad fo proe four nominal evel of pores 0 = none (sets ASME BEPY Code, Sect. VIL ‘standard t=low 2 tntemainte a2 hee ‘Te stu amount of porsty ware determined att testing by measuring to port he etre sr (eos esck pes, 22, Specimen Preperation ‘Specimens forfour pt end (itera) and dy amie tear testing DT wore et fem the donated Danes Radiograph supped with each poe! nat ‘ale Welding praraes—QHAW Hs poston aa “_ Ye Proce Tougher of Aluminum Weldmente a eo STC Tm i pri tn ri, Retin, ein on i, ot 4 UND Ae 57d Table 2st prey rottion ‘etn wom ‘thatthe wel port we so unforly ditt thal pelnens could ect from te pane in soci ‘lcs Theft and lat fw cho of the pals ws oe ued "The DT and J opecimens wer cura he panel t {nice in Fge 5 and In saan, he notch ‘ented the center ofthe weld ae he drton of (ack ropegation ves parle athe weld aie The J Specimens were va fall lade thickness (nor 2 in, heres the DT specimens were ava S80 ‘hic For thei. hick panes te DP opel was viene near the outa rae ofthe pene Fa the? In-plates, one DT opine wes akon near the oer Bale surface a othe case ef thet im peel and a ‘ssn was taken soa ta elude te oe portions ok weld "The dmensions of th machined specimens are ven inFiga 1 The otc tbe DT opecinen sane ‘fom the standard O73 .2in onthe sl be atgue po-rckad fo hue propa O47 lent "The des ofthe specimens allowed the work of ‘ayer and Sars The rtf the were li ‘eat a eknen (8) wa kept round to eae flint conseing than te notes were machined ‘tht fer age precrachingO 25m, the unraced ligament toi ati (8) wa aboot Oe Pie {Sand Aspesiman sumberng atm nil ooh ‘ed in previo ster war adopted ae Table 25, Fatigue Preeraking "Avery ll four-point being apperats was bl for both aig presage fo-tapal esting. ‘Testa intensity facta forthe snl a WrtioD Fy Se tai tin rn els specimens sukinted to vee or fut pst bening om ee enn Va o or the deply- noted J speci he tes in- tent fotos wer enlelated sing Tar the folowing relationship or deopl ated bears oe Ky = @ "The uidelines for Ki esting pvenin ASTM Spe ston B89 (pr 31} wer flowed Temas stress ncnaty Curing fatigue pecacking wes Kept ‘tow a coon ‘The requtement fra vai Ke tet ol no be met Seay ofthe impraciallrge pene ses ne ‘nye 25 Oey) 10a ticks reget "To reduc th nurber of eles veld or pre- cracking ll opecimens ated nthe reo Porton of thio atu were preloaded in tompreio Peco Dts stp taeda teh nc ot Which out reduces Use mbar feces toate ‘ack intton These we heatne ae for fatigue Preceding, expt at he spesinen weet hove ble ‘Theload wes appled manually to alee je blow the nt of paranent deformation he edo toe Ith head edi procompresing was etre Fo. 7 tenes mee nani 4 Wee Butea 261 aE ‘2008 INST ONRS To a de si tel es Rodin pei msl de UTA Ae 8 bt eC by tl and ere, and doped on the yp of stra std on the mult of ort preset De Mas Load ips res 60 ey 4 reloading the specimens in compression had nap {parent deleternor effect on the Taeare toughness ting In fc, De rccre suelce of he speci ich wer prised i compreson generally showed {nore sven sod right fatigue precack than he fn precompresed spears Thea epi te fer the thier @ in) J-integral specimens Prolong Incomprestion probably ekeved mst of th weld ‘ual sence othe och tip, 24 Dynamic Tear Testing (DT) "Tho fatigue pre-erackod DT epecinens wore tt Inq Mari double pesto DT test nace of 200 Feib capaci. ‘har instrament was made by the Southwest Research Insti thd ced by he (Construction Bnaieeting Laboratory of te Corps Bagivarin Chapel nadie othe tana ‘well mesma af meaning feature ener Instrument ws equipped wit leon intumen ‘ato forte meses on the specimen en ‘nergy to ete the specimen. Laas ane ce a tin io 2 et ‘ie 2 Specimen amber son Croncratie al cote [eS nr Socinnne Remit 9S pytime records ofeach ts wer btsned by pho {he lad signal chia the ulations (gg) Dodou in Pig. 10 Thieves ogni fe sne fal tata poformod. In the eater polos ofthe Study te average of th second penn these {quent valley were ten the tnimuin od (Pe), alos of ee than compete sing Pas dad and Tgustion 1. Valin af the onegy Toque for cr of he specimens wae taken dire frm the oo the pend ‘One af the ai ofthe recent portions of hie tay mas to determinel the mount of ringing presen dt Ing ocure alected the aise of Pou Soven DTP ‘hedimets were machined fon thee Hate al were ‘hed othe standard OE In dept Ths pe ens were not tigueprcracted. At n-rgeare ast lead wos taped tot teen ip ofthe pend a ‘lamp the rngng. The specie were sted and Pg Ethan antemarne mt encanta Procure Tougnesé of Aluminum Weldments 5 was, determined ftom the osllexcope tse. The ‘hikes of oad ued an varied (00625 through (OFt6in with the felling rv ‘TeaceNa PH Thiskoem. Pag ‘: oma sie 5 ‘065 804 . aus bie a et cot . oan ae : oa 595 From the tac shawn in Fg 11 cun be san that ‘ere ke inging preset even wih 0375 in of ld ‘shiening the apt ofthe pondlin with the spec lien. The agg igre ete, hough and ‘he value of Pg std above, iti er that Pay ‘easonaiy indopendent ef the amount of ringing ‘Therefore the method wed both previuay ad ut rently, of average rend poate follwing ‘alley ofthe silscope tact ta determine Pye thought tobe vad Furthermore, sin the DT ery ‘ea clelued from the motion ofthe pendlust the ‘nging hao lfc on he DT energy vue, 24 Papel Tete ‘The J-ntgral test wer cndactd in four pot odin sing the same sat up or ee precach Ing A take rate of 0.0 min, sed che ous portios of hisstady. Atak ate 0.2n in tras sed into oven experinente Tos diene io ‘ivoke rates ad tue efet ont Jn van, Load hetcton (3) cre rareroorded ca XY platter ‘seFip 10, Thovlueof hed negra at maxing od (i) ws detersned using the ltoshis developed bio and aver cane amc tnt eine ‘teas ra hoa gary omforsaronstser "This expreson canbe writen intern BS pte Sina one inset onlin the wok expended a the {rack the pons fhe P- curve atebneable to tho las determatin af the serine ante loing apparatus were sate. oe ig. 12 The vaoae at maar lad (J) so abtaod woe comered fo Sales of Reus the reatonship By a5) Fracture Surface Parsi Determination “The tachnigas developed inte previous sade” ‘wero sed ts determing he evel fmt ane. ‘Porosity appearing onto facture surface oc et ce. Te loved of eltber macro: or ise ore Kee « WRe Baten 265 exprated at. percentage af he ota (pee) fae Uuresurface an Macro-prosis defied eal pores ‘sgn te laner han O01 in, ameter, That ‘oh eines wih the de pores vatble on oral ncidenes endngaphs, Mize port Is ‘etn as all pores es than 1 in damon Mico port gescraly note on adage le rete ores, but only darkening ofthe regions Partcatrl highconeentaton Tae lvl of macro otoity were tained by pet enuting peso {405 negative ofthe rate sree, Miter tes determined by pent sounting pore iy selected ‘ea ofl taken from each acre surace hie ‘eed ata magneton 10x in asasingdcton ‘microscope: Pores les than 0.1 i diets were. {Inde fom measurement inthe tse prc de 'exmination, el poes equal oor aretha 04h sre excluded from the tlc port determine ten 2 Radogrape rating supped Panels ‘The supplied panels were rated secieding to the ‘srett ASME Boor and Prsure Ves! Oe Section ‘ill iveion (1077). The panel tig. leer ae sotable (A) or jetabe (2) ited Tables 7, ‘Genre evel sound and level panel cone capable levels port: whetaythe Band tel ‘anes ereraly contained rea lave, Bact for ne pel previous rating ung he 171 cade gate ential seat Spee 4 luseeensenee! fe” aida Fracture Taughness of Aluminum Weldments 7 ane ‘096 SCN, Tu dt de ei ints ts Raed, nin ia rn Ll fo AMID. Abn ST ARCO Ae pone agp etn R= i raghiinpton x= a metal ech i ad ‘Tale Rane Vn. Jal pecinene Sie See a A= mec eget a nihil: 1 lapse at 5 WRC Bln 262 eee ble Reais 2. eter sess OO Pagm Page Paps ain Rg sm mm ee a a 7A pescagnnpcn 2 Gn no a 0 ResuuTs 2 Rt Petre Tou ee A “yea et code of and og tae sas soo veninPi Dard 12 Tce autis acy 29 Feri) meson an corp ae 2 geeimun Smoatinlin Tate tf Tespemefemtet 2 Sessa an tern thes haven Seed le ¢ Svea ‘specimen number, ¢.g,, DTS2, JSt. ™. ase tiny 8 ‘eftueiirarnistoreDTewnce gh 9 Sersuatin) [ sit tactare OT) sey a te vl aN ‘lela using the electronically earl ae ot Pus Bqin 1 The nt tughnare reat r hiner ests consist of he eat ten load rand the vale of Ke elelted ung gus tion 6. The porosity date include the lec of mts (aon 0 (Pr a taal Paya) pei ex prised asa perenags ofthe al rare sa ares ‘The raigrophie rating [acceptable (A) or jecale 8) te for oc pane! rom whic toe speci wo akon ‘Te rel of he este toughness ets to been ote aa fncion af total pont mesma ‘onthe rastare surface) in ign 14-17 2020 Tet ‘for bas moll nave Bsn plied tthe sae po ‘oat level nthe Sure “The dashed lines in Figu, 1-17, 2,2 have beon rae tobaud the dataand have asap corroding {othe expected edutiour which wl eu om the ‘tec criterion, tht ithe eperted distin ‘of toughness (DT ence, oe) rv othe bien of materia du to the presence of tal font. In gene the energy mesures of tougness 20 (Denny decreed re peyote ‘oroiy than would be anita ante asa the eT heteection terion Convers, mast lond b+ ‘ears ¢ toughness (Kp) dd oot dete apy Te Poa, 4 would bs praised on thn bai of te neti ‘Sitio: ee Figs 4-17 90,21, Fe 0. nao ei pety Practure Toughneesof Aluminum Weldnente ° iE 28 INIST CARS, Tou i de prope isisesaes, Rewodision, apes isin wr Li PHONE, Ans $67 BY 40 Discussion {Attest Porosity on Festa Toughness "This study employed two measires of fectre tough: thos ete tthe egy tens acre (DT ners, Jean fc dered rom J) and Ure Felted to the foro or tee whieh eee Fle ‘aed fom Pa) ‘As ace in ig 16, end 1, dstelbaed porosity airs the enery inate of acre ougies (OT ‘hry fe and Ket decease Th are mont ‘prs tao akout 398) ened about 0 percent ‘edueton in aughnees Thu, the effect of poroaity frstr than would be pede tho bass of ae ‘ton in nt seen. "The lnllueee of teal porosity on tousess man- surements ranted ta nema lad (Kp) eeown ig 1. Messurd ins of ip mer only ty ‘lished by pool and he measured salts wore eoealy Nghe than would be peice othe bss tf reduction nn sertion ‘There proved be itl diference in bebavior be tone the tee be reali meal combinations 2 Sona/Stes em) 2 Gon Sas ied ESS 4. \ “tel vy 9 ‘Shoat Nteteches seu can rmmeton we osu/S386 (aa) tn erin i. Neh eg aes nately ovaideras, There may bea age tandancy forthe her yd strength S656 weld metal outperform thcthnateqiaat inept be el ter allure andl in these ter aed ‘Sina, tare some fo ones of pn Teles: o the test result when competed a gual Tol ef pores. 42 Ratan Amante o Mero snd Miro-oraty "The relatinshipbeben the sme of ac: nd _mlteporesty 9¢ messurot on the specimen acute ‘faces con be eo nF 18 Aad bon cere in {he previous stan the ameant of mir porty Ste to ten ine th na of ocr porosity Ty, ‘he aut of pony ibe on eraiograph a lr ‘hate pores only aaa actin of that preset. oeplaathe DT enemy Staaf ig an afin ofthe mero-porsity oly, wold eppear that a few ean mer) post ould ave avery large ecs. pon the etre ought se Pig 1. OF course sk ‘ments meet the very lage meant of ico porosity nema presene » WRC ttn 261 3 ae) £ 2 fe ~ we Tectattnethcamedeonne natn spas 45 tiaey of ASME Presrore Ves Ce "Thoda of Figs 1,1, and I9 have een peta ga 20-21 with the data pelts for thane spec ing the porsity standards ofthe ASME oer an Presure Vesel Cod plotted a soi point Spt ‘mens fom rejected panel ually ha meth 1 ‘macr-poraty on th facta suraems one adopts maximum loed measure of ough, thon the carent seandardeditnguichbntmeen ae ‘aptable and unacoplable evel porosity. cul ‘ren esd chat tho standards are yr elective sae Fin nthe other band, one adopts ney nate meni of facture ous, (Teer dy tl, thn ‘trent pcre: oe Fig 0 ad eae ‘aography can! quay and enn oly bly dct ‘slr: poray els pang mich tan shave linge amounts af eo) porosity, and camequea, ave ator sianbleedcion in ugha one Pig. Doan 2 Tn thi ih, tbe arent cade asl i, Je—eaitenp ater te ace ty ate mastaet anne, cts Tne Athi interpretation ofthe dat i peril. Hone ‘completely enore the existence of micro preity ‘ho freed to do spre) Fig 22 represent he tltet ofthe current ode Spatimens apparently con {sining low prety (a determined by ‘Toul uppeat to haves ater variable toughness The fede des, however innate tho very lower ought Specimen 44 Weldment Behavior lane ta Base Metal ‘As dseosed in Seton 41, ma large diferencss a ‘havo: belwesn the thes ements oniered at ued However, tare ar diferetse btn the ‘hee base meals (whee oughnes value are plated ‘gov prey lela in Pig 14-17 ‘ing ney ete bn ater toughens (OT enersydne a8 Hi dived fiom Yq), Se BIB base ‘eal ough th the 8S bse atl nd th O61 ‘ice metal ia the overt woughnes of ec. Th Dati evident ini 14, and sl oaleerdegee ‘figs land 7 ‘Comparing th pertrmence of cach aso otal wth the average for erespoig wears pang ‘edlographie inspections fcan basee hat Ue O58 ‘tld metal ne sight opr toughen than th 68 Tes Meal the 159 weld metal ar about the same Proctre Toughness of Aluninu Weldents 4 wii ‘©2008 INST CNRS. Tos diss eit inlet rts. oped, mito iii intl La OUTS Aric 5,647 CY 5 beree z th Aa Fo 0 Tee meet loughness as to 088 ae mata, nd the 5256 weld sot ba hig Soghows than th E081 bse BP Bary fe) ee aoe? a a BM/WM (cose) ‘aM BMW Wat soenisss(a) akg sre 6398 (8) sks ay une Suse tC) isto 16218 Considering the load related mesures of taeture toughness Up, eee Fg 18) thee puters ar elt stident One averag, the S80 bac meal phat the highest toughness bo he GOH and he SO base ‘metal re now qual in toughness: Katka i east ove. Tot M/W (code) EBM WA WM iom/sis(a) 988 wae aso a eD01/5550(B) baad Al a8 SMIGISSSOC) S879 8 4 “The oxtreme value of toh are approximately he sme or the base ta and for the wal tal hc \ TEES y= aS Ena Weve) po Tost Poronty, 8 Caton obngarte specimens containing the hight oracupabe slo ‘sta pont (=) are ll below the owest {ugha valves ofthe base metal pete. Apart {rom thee vo specimens though the ang of ough ‘reldments are almost the same Tesh booted hat al bo etal pecimens were teed th thence paral tthe raling dition ‘nd perpendiclr to the pat race, Hence, ll the ‘how comparison ae ria to the vals sf aos etal tougnen dered by sting spaces With che anced inthe TL tanaer (ASTM BS), Incoelsion, although therein decreaemenergy raat monster of oughnas Cay DT af) with ‘easing porosy, the ASME Cole suns ete in ‘Siminating thon spelen ith the very lowest “ocghons tlie Furkarmor, the ween wich ‘nad the ASME Code mare nthe average bout at {ough ab the aserag fo the hase metal specimens 2 WRC Butlin Le NST “O70 INEST CNRS, Tom dtd ori inlet crs Repo ec cl ies. La du OTS. Aik $e? xO ‘Sonase3 oh) 3 z ge Bt kone Ky IW) Sh Open es te ae 50 Conclusions 1 Rorthematvals stad the epetare taughnest values determined using etre energy (DT egy, ‘Lintegrad decreased ith ineesing total pose ‘omer for (ota porosity levels permitind by he ASME Cote the toghness of welds compart to ‘hat of its hee meta eo Fig 20. Frat toughness “alin dstarina ren mare lod Re) wee only slg reduced by een mera urnausto pel fe Fig 2 2, ‘Generaty, cero was five to tn tts more miro pareaity than mare porosity present onthe Fractar surfaces Both the macro sb irony (Gores equi tor large than ad smaller han OO, ‘aapctvely) tected the mecha! popetnthe relma 3. The pray standards ofthe ASME Baier ond Presure Vesel Cae [1 may be ens fens pally even consertv, one ses mania lod tirasres of toughness a basso dgment. The ‘aardeser lor enserontie If ne sas cre ‘eye easure a oogness, ci lof we ‘es ea 4. From thersults ofthe study, appears that ‘plea th daerasein etre oneey thinning ory, oldments vhs paved the ASME Barend ‘resut Vanl Code Li were a lt stongh es oe Ise metal pene ned inthe PL ntenaton Sooners PEED cancers Hecate Practare Pegs of Aluminum Weldmente Fy ‘This sty bas been sponsored by the Welding Re {Gharman iv Chvstonsen and the Subsommitiee a2 ‘Weld Dect for dlr ented intr and itance Enonleige the elp of Mr BrP. Con Metaurt nd "he operation ofthe Consricts Bagneting Re ‘earch Laoralary a Champaign or the are ‘hes mami oar appacneef perform many othe wae Bulan 261

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