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Class Parent

Public Parent()

System.out.println(“parent constructor”);

Class Child extends Parent

Public Child()

System.out.println(“child constrictor”);

Class Grandchild extends Child

Public Grandchild()

System.out.println(“grand child constructor”);

Class Inheritance

//public static void main(String args[])

Grandchild c=new Grandchild();

Class Parent


System.out.println(“non param of parameters”);

Parent(int x)

System.out.println(“param is”+x);

Class Child extends Parent


System.out.println(“Non Param of child”);

Child (int y)

System.out.println(“param of child”);

Public Child (int x,int y)


System.out.println(“ 2 param of child”+x);

Class Superconstr

Public static void main(String args[])

Child c=new Child();

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