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Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) is a category of software that provides a development environment for programming teams.

Computer aided software engineering can be as simple as a single tool that supports a specific software engineering activity or as complex as a complete "environment" that encompasses tools, a database, people, hardware, a network, operating systems, standards, and myriad other components. CASE technology has resulted in significant improvements in quality and productivity. It emphasizes structured methods, with defined and standardized procedures. Project managers and software engineers use CASE technology to automate project management activities, manage all work products produced throughout the process, and assist engineers in their analysis, design, codingand test work. Software engineering is difficult. Tools that reduce the amount of effort required to produce a work product or accomplish some project milestone have substantial benefit. But theres something that is even more important. Tools can provide new ways of looking at software engineering information, ways that improve the insight of the engineer doing the work. This leads to better decisions and higher software quality. CASE tools assist a software engineer in producing high-quality work products. In addition, the availability of automation allows the CASE user to produce additionalcustomized work products that could not be easily or practically producedwithout tool support. CASE systems offer tools to automate, manage and simplify the development process. The CASE tools therefore assist software engineering managers and practitioners in every activity associated with the software process. A CASE tool is however a computer-based product aimed at supporting one or more software engineering activities within a software development process.These tools can also be integrated within a sophisticated environment. They dont just output codes but can be used to generate SE documents like, database schema, data flow diagrams, entity relationship diagrams, program specifications and user documentation. They are used to complement solid software engineering practices, not to replace them. Before tools can be used effectively, a software process framework must be established, software engineering concepts and methods must be learned, and software quality must be emphasized. Only then will CASE provide benefit. Strengths of Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE): y CASE yields a reduction in effort required to perform activities such as software configuration arrangement, quality assurance, and document production. It improves coordination among staff members who are working on a large software project and also results in an increase in project control that is achieved through better planning, monitoring and communication. It produces a system with a longer effective operational life that closely meet user needs and requirements hence making CASE tools more important than hardware for achieving good quality and productivity.

Weaknesses facing Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE): y It puts a burden on an organizations resource since it requires extra cost on training of maintenance staff and the cost of CASE tools itself are very high.

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Software development can be termed as an occupation that requires skilled artistry but CASE tools however can stifle creativity on the part of the developer. Since CASE is still new, not all CASE tools are integrated with each other or the software development process itself.

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