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Assignment no.

Social and Ethical Aspects in Engineering
Submitted By:
Noor Fatima

Submitted To:
Sir Abdullah Jamil.

Biomedical Engineering Centre

University of Engineering and Technology Lahore,
New Campus.
Human beings possess unique intellectual, cultural, and communicative abilities. Humans are
thinkers, uniquely capable of abstract reasoning, and able to apply the foundational logical principle
of no contradiction (A cannot equal A and equal non-A). Human minds alone develop propositions,
formulate arguments, draw inferences, recognize universal principles, and value logical validity,
coherence, and truth.
Some animal species can become extinct as they are dependent only on nature. The biggest
difference between humans and animals is that humans are driven by reason and logic. They can
engage in intellectual activities. Animals, on the other hand, are completely driven by instincts.
Human language is symbolic, using a set number of sounds (phonemes) and characters (alphabet),
which allows ideas to be recorded and preserved. Animal communication is not symbolic, so it
cannot preserve ideas of the past.
Yet another distinctive feature is creativity. Human beings use their linguistic resources to produce
new expressions and sentences.
Animal instinct is powerful. Man has manipulative dexterity. He uses his hands essentially to
formulate and fabricate whatever he imagines. His vocal cords and the written word give him the
capacity to communicate knowledge, exchange ideas, interact on a social level within his
institutions (such as families and communities), and transmit his know-how to future generations.
Human beings are conscious of time, reality, and truth. They study the past, recognize the present,
and anticipate the future. People live their entire lives aware of the constraints of time.

Today, there are studies showing that animal intelligence is close to man’s intelligence. Well, the
fact that animals have intelligence and emotions is undeniable, but it is not realistic to think that it
is anything equivalent to a man’s intelligence when coupled with his hands to flesh out his ideas.
The magnitude of this combination of man’s brain and body is unimaginable. Who would have
ever thought a 3-D printer was possible? Yet man invented it. In this area, man surpasses animals.

Some primates are able to count and do very simple math exercises. This is often after long periods
of painstaking training and many morsels of sugar. But the list of discoveries made by people who
thought “outside the box” is unending: antibiotics, the polio vaccine, and the fact that light is both
a wave and a particle, the theory of relativity, Fermat’s Last Theorem, and so on.

Human exceptionalism can be understood in different ways. The most common way of
understanding it is to suggest that there are distinctly human capacities and it is on the basis of
these capacities that humans have moral status and other animals do not.

Humans with their advanced mental ability and curiosity can turn any environment in their favor.
Humans have various ways of survival and sustenance. Animals are different from humans in the
sense that they either adapt to their existing environment or die. Also, they consume only for their
survival. Humans have invented science and made several ways so that they live on the planet for

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