Week 5

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Nice sentences/ phrases in Unit 1

ü Amanda mentions buying a new TV. ü Ron has been interested in helping people lead healthier
ü Her suggestions are based on evidence.
ü She mentions three things at the start of her podcast. ü What contributes most to people’s well-being?
ü From your perspective, what skills or qualities make a
ü Its operating system needs a major upgrade.
person appear competent?
ü Honesty is a fundamental principle in building good
relationships. ü His powers include super strength and the ability tto fly.

ü His main consideration is cost of such a trip. ü He delivers a presentation.

ü The speaker is about to make a new and important point.
ü Josie made a firm commitment to spend more time with
friends and family. ü What do you find most effective about….?
ü Her attention span was limited. ü What aspect of your…..are you most satisfied with?
ü These are daily steps to better health.
ü Are you motivated to walk every day?
ü You can pronounce it with emphasis.
ü Pause slightly before and after you mention a key detail.
ü Speakers oftern worry about having too much silence
when they give a talk.
Faculty of English Linguistics and Literature
Advanced Listening and Speaking C1
Unit 2. The Right to know

Coach: Lê Tấn Cường

Master in Teaching English
University of Southern Queensland, Australia

PhD student in Education Management

University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Cellphone: 096.331.8588
Email: cuonglt@hcmussh.edu.vn
1. What is the problem here?

2. What might be the primary


3. What could be some workable

New words:
• Controversial (B2): causing a lot of
angry public discussion and disagreement
• Transparent /trænsˈpærənt/ (C1):
allowing you to see through it
• Disclose /dɪsˈkləʊz/ (C1): to give
somebody information about something,
especially something that was previously
• Revelation /ˌrevəˈleɪʃn/(C1): a fact that
people are made aware of, especially one
that has been secret and is surprising
• Initiative /ɪˈnɪʃətɪv/(B2): a new plan for
dealing with a particular problem or for
achieving a particular purpose
• Mistrust /ˌmɪsˈtrʌst/:to have no
confidence in somebody/something
because you think they may be harmful;
to not trust somebody/something

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