AnalogMotorControl Report

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Experiment No. 4

Analog Motor Control


Nitish Bishnoi (2022EEA2005) Dr. Shubhendu Bhasin
Sabyasachi Kundu (2022EEA2698)
Raghav Garg (2022EEA2002)

Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi


SL Topic Page No.

01 3
02 3
03 8
04 10
05 11


Objective: To study speed and position control of DC motor by using PID controller and
studying the effects of:
1.Integral speed control
2.Proportional + Integral speed control
3.Proportional + Integral + Derivative Position Control

1. To study the effects of integral Speed Control

Here, we apply a command input signal and observe both the command voltage and effect
of change in Ki on the tachogenerator’s feedback voltage representing output.

Input: 2V Peak to Peak at 0.1Hz

We set Proportional- OUT

Derivative- OUT

Integral Ki=6

Figure 1 Connection diagram for Integral speed control

Observations: Varying the value of Ki

Figure 2 Ki=6

Figure 3 Ki=12

Figure 4 Ki=1

Critical Analysis:

S.No. Integral Gain Constant (Ki) Peak overshoot Time (tp),ms Peak Overshoot (Mp)
1 12 490 2.80
2 10 580 2.76
3 8 660 2.64
4 6 790 2.48
5 5 940 2.36
6 3 1310 2.28
7 1 Overdamped System Response

As the value of Ki is decreases from 12, we can see that the maximum overshoot decreases but the
time taken to reach the max overshoot value increases and on reaching K i=1 the system response is

The system response predominantly has second order characteristics controlled by the value of K i
and the behaviour of response can be underdamped, critically damped or Overdamped, depending
on the value of Ki.

Observation: By sudden application of brakes

Here, the frequency is set to zero and input amplitude is adjusted such that the output speed was

Figure 5 Application of Brakes during Integral Control, Ki=6

Figure 6 Application of Brakes during Integral Control, Ki=10

Critical Analysis: Input frequency id reduced to zero and drive is running at constant speed

When brakes are suddenly applied, we observe a transient disturbance error can be
seen in output signal but the error is removed.

As Ki value is increased the transient behaviour of error increases but the error is
removed nonetheless.

Observation: Ramp Input

Figure 7 Ramp input integral control, Ki=10

Critical Analysis: When Ramp input signal is applied the error is approximately zero or tends to zero.

2. To study effects of Proportional + Integral Control
Input: 4V peak to peak at 0.1Hz

Integral, Ki=12

Derivative - OUT

Proportional – Value is varied starting from 0.1


Figure 8 P+I control Kp=0.1,Ki=12

Figure 9 P+I control Kp=0.5, Ki=12

Figure 10 P+I Control Kp=1, Ki=12

Figure 11 P+I Control Kp=2, Ki=12

Figure 12 P+I Control Kp=3, Ki=12

Critical Analysis: we can easily observe that as we increase the value of proportional gain constant
the overshoot decreases, the overshoot also decreases when we decrease the value of ki as we saw
in integral control but in that case the time response deteriorates, that is it very long for the system
to settle as the system become overdamped. But in this case, we preserve the time and also decease
the overshoot.

Hence, we can say that proportional control provides damping action to pure integral control.

Now, we test the effect of disturbance by applying sudden braking.

Input: The motor is run at 75rev/min and the frequency of input signal is essentially 0Hz.


Figure 13: Response of PI control to sudden braking

10 | P a g e
When we apply brake, we can observe a sudden transient but as can be seen from the above figure
the effect is very small and that to is corrected itself, similar effect can be seen when we remove the

Overall, we can say adding proportional control to pure integral control improves the system


In this experiment the change in stability is observed during position control with different
setup. First the use of PI control and its response is observed towards the system then the
PID system is considered and change in stability and response is observed. 
Set Proportional IN Kp=2
Integral IN Ki=1
Derivative OUT
Filter OUT
Apply a 1V peak to peak square wave at 0.2Hz

It can be observed that during this experiment the response is underdamped without much
oscillations in Figure 

11 | P a g e
Figure 14: Kp=2 & Ki=1

Now to study further the gain Ki is increased.

Figure 15: Kp=2 & Ki=2

Figure 16: Kp=2 & Ki=3

12 | P a g e
Figure 17: Kp=2 & Ki=4

Figure 18: Kp=2 & Ki=6

Figure 19: Kp=2 & Ki=7

13 | P a g e
Figure 20: Kp=2 & Ki=8

As the value of Ki is increased it can be observed that the oscillations are increasing and
they are becoming fairly small.
Now to study further the input frequency is decreased to 0.1Hz and again the Ki is

Figure 21: Kp=2 & Ki=9

Figure 22: Kp=1 & Ki=6

14 | P a g e
Figure 23: Kp=1 & Ki=6

In the above figure virtually constant oscillation with constant amplitude can be observed.
This system is oscillating even after the input is removed. 

Figure 24: Kp=2 & Ki=10

By further increasing the value of Ki the system becomes unstable as shown in figure.

Now to further study the position control the gain of proportional is increased to 11 gradually
and gain of integral is increased to 10 also gradually.

15 | P a g e
Figure 25: Kp=3 & Ki=10

Figure 26: Kp=7 & Ki=10

16 | P a g e
Figure 27: Kp=9 & Ki=10

Figure 28: Kp=11 & Ki=10

Figure 29: Kp=11 & Ki=10

17 | P a g e
At this input value of gain the system is stable but very oscillatory. To increase its stability an
external load is applied but it is observed that there is a requirement of further damping of
the system. To achieve this Derivative block is inserted in this system.
Firstly, the filters are connected.
Introduction of filters to the system does not create a significant difference in the response of
the system.
Now inserting DERIVATIVE block with gain Kd= 0.01

Figure 30: Kp=2, Ki=10 & Kd=0.01

Figure 31: : Kp=2, Ki=10 & Kd=0.06

18 | P a g e
Figure 32: : Kp=2, Ki=10 & Kd=0.08

Figure 33: : Kp=2, Ki=10 & Kd=0.1

Figure 34: : Kp=2, Ki=10 & Kd=0.12

19 | P a g e
As the gain Kd is increased the increase in stability and reduction in oscillations can be

20 | P a g e

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